Tuesday, March 29, 2016

He Likes Coffee But He Doesn't Like Tea

He likes my poems, not my
short treatises and rants.
They're too tepid, too tame,
hardly crazy enough for him.

My mind machinery may be
broken...a harrow that inks
a page no much in evidence in my
self imposed dry spell...a spell
of a muse never looking over my
crazy shoulder and egging me on.

Nothing to write about except
causes and conditions...no
visions, dreams, unusual morphs,
ironic scenes. Just turned into
a straight man, a foil for banality.

He likes coffee, but,
he doesn't like tea.

Orwellian Addiction

The term "brainwashing" was in vogue 
in the USA around the time of the Korean
War. It referred to the implementation of
various psychological techniques on 
captured American troops. The movie;
"The Manchurian Candidate" was a 
distillation of that concept. But the term
brainwashing is anachronistic in popular
usage. The fact of the syndrome, however, 
is everywhere apparent in the world, and 
particularly in the USA, so, I decided it 
would be good to update the term as 
"Orwellian addiction".

Addiction, as a concept and a fact, is 
everywhere apparent in American society
and culture. It usually is used in reference
to the chemical or substance variety of
addiction, but I propose that addiction in
the broader sense is valid to describe the
forces shaping American culture as a whole.
The political foment that is occurring during
these elections is a direct example of this 
point. You have two candidates, Clinton and
Trump, at the opposite ends of the spectrum.

Hillary Clinton stands for the status quo. 
Many Americans think their country is the
same great nation it seemed to be in the 
Fifties, particularly the elder generation. 
Any person with their eyes open has already
been disabused of that notion. Whatever it 
is now is nothing like it was then. Yet, there
is comfort and seeming security in having 
life go on as usual. 

Trump is for real change, not the platitude
change of Obama, but real, somewhat 
painful change of institutions and attitudes.
He has so many supporters because the
middle and lower classes are waking to the
fact that government is not working, that 
media is a manipulative mechanism to
maintain the status quo; that, perhaps, only
Bernie and Donald are willing to say what
they feel is the truth, painful though it may

And there are those that believe what they've
been fed and told by a power intent on 
distraction: Orwellian addiction to a lying media,
entertainment that stresses the appropriate 
ways to regard what's happening, appropriate
language that obfuscates communication, ideas
that please and sooth, such as "We're Number 
One!" as a glaring example. Many Americans 
are addicted to the junk of nice sounding words,
pleasant, smiling, reassuring faces, the feeling
of being "us", not "them". 

So, of course, when a red faced, independent
billionaire stands up and says "I'm mad as hell,
and I'm not going to take this anymore!" the 
Orwellian addicts react with vicious anger that
their comfort is being threatened and challenged,
even in the face of the truth. They don't want to 
wake up. They don't want to have the lessening
boundaries of their comfort challenged, just as
an addict feels threatened by an intervention. 
The power in America, the corporations, the
pharmaceutical companies and others, have gone
to great pains to maintain their profits at the
expense of the health and welfare of the ordinary
American citizen. This truth is being exposed,
and the addicts are starting to freak out. It is one
reason why, no matter what the media slings at 
Trump, his followers appear steadfast. It is why
many people that have given up on the electoral
process will vote this time. People are getting 
tired of the crap, both material and psychological,
they've been forced to consume. Some sheep
are taking notice and looking around and 
beginning to understand the feeding pens they
have to live in. Yes, this is revolution. The 
outcome is highly in doubt, the time is extremely

Monday, March 28, 2016

The Jihadist Handbook Of Rules

(Because you gotta be clear why
you're blowing yourself up)

1. How many virgins

The number of virgins you get in heaven
depends on the effectiveness you achieve
upon blowing yourself up.

If you are a devout jihadist with an intense
hatred of infidels that makes you so blinded
you accidentally run into a tree with your car,
or, when walking, fall down a manhole and
die, you go to heaven, but, no virgins.

If you are prepared with your dynamite
clothing, but it accidentally goes off before
you reach your target and no one else is 
hurt, you get one virgin...a fifty year old 
spinster, whose father was a plumber and 
she still lives with her parents.

If you were born into the faith, and blow
yourself up, with at least one death and
several injured, you get the standard 
issue of sixteen pretty good virgins.

There is a bonus of virgins after five killed 
or wounded...one virgin for every five more
killed or wounded.

If you convert to the faith from a Christian
or Hindu sect, or, if you convert from atheism,
become a jihadist and kill or wound the requisite
number of infidels, the number of vigins is
doubled. If the infidels are members of your 
own family, that number is quadrupled. If you
are a successful jihadist that has converted 
from Buddhism, the number of virgins 
increases tenfold.

Obviously, these standards point to a requisite
of efficiency if you expect to receive your 
just rewards in heaven. He is watching!

2. Planning And Preparation

Load yourself up with dynamite and walk 
towards the infidels. Make sure your finger
is on the detonator. Make sure you don't
press it before you are in range...you want
your virgins, don't you?!!

3.  Prayers

Say your prayers before you proceed towards
the infidels. You won't have a chance to later.
And you can think of all the virgins you'll be
getting as a motivational factor.

3. Group Actions

Group actions are beyond the scope of this
handbook. Please refer to the Advanced
Handbook of Jihadism if required by your 

Sunday, March 27, 2016

Jesus Is Dead

"There was only one Christian, 
and they killed him."  Nietzsche.

Jesus was talking to a crowd:
"I don't know....I walk on water, heal 
the sick, raise the dead. All I ask is 
that you practise a little love and
compassion...is that too much to ask?
But, no all you want to hear about is
eternal life...what's that all about?"

A hand raises at the back of the crowd.
Impatiently, Jesus says: "What is it?"

The man stands and says, sheepishly,
"Can I have a car?"

Jesus looks down, shakes his head, 
and sighs. He looks up and says:

"I'm sorry...Only God can make a tree,
but, only Ford can make a car."

Friday, March 25, 2016

My Writing Sucks Lately

I enjoy doing it, sure,
like gluing model airplanes.
It's lacking something....
fire, passion, probably drugs
and alcohol.
So, now I'm tamed, now
all I have is a hobby.
Is that why artists need 
to suffer? Another cliche
to add to my resume.
Going gently nowhere,
can't fall in love...
outrage becomes a joke...
meaning is a good sleep.

I'd be better off writing haiku;
a line or two is all I have to say.

Compassion is ok; not the same
as sweaty, gritty love. Only a
scorpion to sweep out the front door.

What is there to inspire me now?
Only so much to say about beauty...
pointing it out feels stupid.

Rimbeaud quit writing when he was
young...maybe that's happening to me.
Even my enlightened teacher wondered
how many times he would have to say
the same things over and over.

There is nothing new under the sun...
it just seems new to each generation.
Each time humanity has to be taught
how to live. Even that is being lost.

Oh, Ikkyu! Seventy five falls in love
with a blind girl, writes erotic poems!
I'm not trapped! Anything could happen!
Maybe I should plan an accident!
Maybe my muse ran away 
with the milkman!

Wednesday, March 23, 2016


Free from the complications
of discursive mind.
Enough money to live
and not be a slave, or,
starving in a ditch.
Free to write whatever
I wish, not burdened by
deadlines or the possibility 
of fame.
I crossed the finish line,
yet, I find myself still alive,
a joy to bask in non action.
i followed the unwritten map,
seeing signposts in my beans 
and coffee...avoiding potholes
of trapped minds...nodding and
smiling to the policemen of
control, obviously not worth
their bother.
Humor is my atomic bomb,
assuring mutual destruction
of pretense and fakery.
I write because it's what I do,
without effort or reason, failing
to impress, no other purpose
but that I love words and am
curious as to how they will
come out, the way some 
people dance.

Tuesday, March 22, 2016

Virgo Moon

I woke up and my phone/internet didn't work 
and I found out soon after a line was down. 
The store where I buy cigarettes opened an
hour later than usual. I'm not that much into 
astrology, but I once met a guy who pulled out
his ephemeris and nailed me without ever 
having met me before. And an astrologer
predicted Buddha would be either a great king,
or, a great spiritual leader. I don't know how
that affects the statistics, but at least one
astrologer got it right big time for once.
Astrology has been around as long as

After all, we're just intelligent bags of water,
so why not think that large masses hurling
around our solar system might have some
small effect on our mental tides?  If mystics
can walk through walls, fly, and read your 
mind, which some can, why not see that the
mechanistic version of the universe and 
human consciousness has a few major blind
spots?  Seems obvious. 

I'm a Pisces and the general description of
that sign seems to fit me to a tee. Look it up
if you're interested. My Buddhist teacher made
a number of predictions of my life of minor and
major qualities all of which have come true. 
And, they were very specific. Got any 
explanations? I thought not. The difference
between some of the things I've mentioned 
and superstition is that the latter is based on
folklore, not even folk wisdom. Even poetry has
a slight aspect of mystery in its very existence.
Eliot was looking for the "objective correlative",
the Holy Grail touchstone of poetry, how words
could not just represent experience, but could
actually be experience. Like a scientist trying to
find the original state of matter, he didn't even
get close.

So, whether it's UFOs, ghosts, paranormal 
phenomena, how the I Ching works, or other
examples, the ultimate always shys away
from the tool of knowledge to the profound
mental state of not knowing, square one, where,
if you contemplate it, we all reside eternally.
An open mind, which most bags of water think
is a good thing, is our greatest treasure.

Monday, March 21, 2016

Two Spring Poems

Spring, first thing
stink of mud as ground thaws
residual rottenness not fully

The flowers will come
like new skin, new hope
of renewal, as they
cyclically do.

The world will relive the same 
process as it always does or
seems to do; always just
a gap of memory.


Empty cafe, Rolling Stones echo
memory of time long gone...the
chatter that filled the air no
longer lingers.

We've grown old, what we never
thought would happen in eternal 
youth...it was all so exciting and
important, our loves and tears,
hopes and fears, gone: an ashtray
full of butts, the smell of stale beer.

The barkeep in his apron sweeps
the floor, readying the venue for
the next group of tourists.

"Here's where Thomas fell drunk
and died...here the spot Ginsberg
blew a sailor...Burroughs shot up
in this hall...Kerouack was against
this wall."

The landfill filled with the trash of
those lives...a mountain of refuse
all that's left of the Utopia we once

Just then, a bubbly San Francisco 
mother aerates through the dull,
empty space, a quick complain of
her task to clean her house, a burst
of life, sweet joy, and gone.

Sunday, March 20, 2016

Imperium Of Time

Reaching the end of this life maze,
(unity of time and space),
on the balcony, Sunday,
in Mexico, I find myself again
having negotiated that continuum
in flesh body for this phase
of fulfilling my vow.

Survived the exegesis of 
growing up a man, 
in spite of admonitions
not to be the way I am.

Had to get around the detours,
sidetracks, the mass of
stupidity all around me,
the numbed dumb graspers
of invisible brass rings on the
carousel circling constantly
going nowhere.

I knew what I was looking for
only when I found it, then there
was no alternative, no turning 
back, no other course of action,
like smelling food and knowing
it is good and healthy.

So, now I wait in repose, not 
knowing exactly the end to this
charade, but confident of applause
when the curtain comes down, if
only my own dead hands.

And the next life, the next portion
of the maze?

That time, that dimension is already
made, constructed by this life. It only 
remains to be seen what body takes 
place, and how it all shakes out.

I know this because I was given a
secret message by the master of the
Imperium of time, who told me:
"We will make time." which no one
but myself could understand.

There will be more lives, more careers,
more plot arcs, more tears and joys, How
could there not be? Otherwise, this life is
just a one-off miracle, such an absurd 
notion, as are the ideas of Eternal Heaven,
Eternal Hell: "Better get it right, folks, 
'cause you only get one chance at life!"

I would gladly make them martyrs.
If God is love, why do you kill each other?
Is there need for arguement about this 
point? If karma isn't true, why do people
get born where they do? Is it random?
Does that mean that God, the creator,
is, really, chaos?

I have time for silly reflections such as
these. having finally, for this life, escaped
from the Truth, simply sipping coffee,
feeling my body age to inevitable conclusion,
knowing, not that I am right and have all the 
answers, oh no! Knowing, rather, that I am
simply here for now.

Saturday, March 19, 2016

No Poem (for Roger)

No mental elaborations,
no poem...but, didn't you just say....?
Hot dog, a thing of beauty.

Tune the instrument, and even if they 
aren't always the right notes, it's still
beautiful music.

Report: Ordinary Day In Paradise

Usual cafe, usual chatter. The lady from Australia's
interest in me is fading because I don't pay her the
right attention. Lee is not here, angry because he
didn't get the joke, and his tender ego was bruised. 
My grocer was drunk yesterday, first time I'd seen 
him that way. He's a wonderful man, but perhaps
his wife still finds a reason to hate him sometimes.
He  smiled and was friendly, but was not all there.
Later I'll go to Mango's. I hear they have a nice
hot dog for sixty pesos. Saturday, and the streets
are full of  people. My neighbors, tattooists, are
still moving in. It's still paradise...the jacarandas
are in bloom, warm with cloudy skies, last night the
arial bombs were plentiful, today I hear saws cutting
wood. Not much to ask for, and all I want and need,
except the tienda is out of V8. It might be days or
weeks before they have more. If this all sounds
boring, you should be so lucky.

Friday, March 18, 2016

Three Poems...One Day...All Crap

There's nothing much to say
about nothing.
Shall I draw you a bridge?
Feigning interest
in the stock market.
Current events
short circuiting.
Tattoo artist neighbor
stuck in his own pattern.
The plant medicinoids
came to a head...
unable to come to consensus
for obvious reasons...
trying to save the world
from itself.
Artists have painted 
themselves out of the picture.
The Pope infanta-sized.
Humanity reached its 
predestination, still more
still born into futureless present.
The greatest challenge is
to remain human.

Stay Away From My Foreskin (For Lee)

Stay away from my foreskin,
you got no business there.
I may be a Jew, but they
cut it off before I knew.
Foreskin, lost chosen 
piece of me, they should have kept
you and thrown away the man.


My output failed
due to lack of input.
I couldn't put one foot
in front of the other.
I had nothing to utter,
couldn't even stutter, 
stammer, lost the hammer,
the train of thought,
bought out no doubt.
Just words of nothing to say,
automation stuck with no luck.

Some would call this a poem.
I hope I never know 'em,
frog walk 'em to the ocean,
their bubbles the end of our 
troubles...could go on like this
all day...why not? No salary,
all the words are free, so,
sue me.

Thursday, March 17, 2016

Poems Happen

Rainbows happen
but you can't touch them.

Invisible beings are 
everywhere but you
can't see them. 

You know the other side
of the world exists but
you're not there.

Many astounding things
happen that you can't 

Why did you decide to get
up earlier than usual, so
you accidentally met your
future wife?

It may sound silly, but it's
absolutely true.

Forty five years ago, my
teacher handed me a picture
painted in Mexico. I've been
here ten years so far. I will
probably die here.

How did he know?

Wednesday, March 16, 2016

Japan: True Nation Of Barbarians

Japan only became a unified country
a few hundred years ago at the time 
of the Shoguns, dictators that ruled the 
land with an iron thumb. The highest 
caste was, and is, the Samurai, warriors
that never hesitated to take life, for their
masters, for their tradition, for their honor,
even to the extent of taking their own to
preserve that honor, even if it was really
because their leader felt they were in 
the way. 

Japanese culture is not Japanese in origin.
A great leader sent his most brilliant subjects
to China and Korea in order to obtain their 
arts and ways in order to uplift the nation.

Similarly, during the Meiji period, Japan went 
from a feudal society to a modern industrial 
one when the leaders, realizing they could no
longer remain isolated, and couldn't compete 
militarily with the West, sent their best young 
minds to Europe to learn business, education,
manufacturing, and science. The complete
transformation of society (at least outwardly),
took place in less than a hundred years.

But the Japanese never got beyond their killing
ways. Their treatment of the Chinese during the 
war of the thirties, (and other people later), 
speaks of a nation not merely racist, but 
xenophobic towards the rest of the world to the
greatest degree. No other modern nation on earth
has suicide embedded in their culture as Japan.
The industry they created, the arts they embodied
are surface embellishments on their warrior, 
barbaric true nature. It's as if they were Nouveau
Riche, claiming more sophistication than was 
actually warranted.

The West should have left Japan alone. Once they
had the weaponry, imperialism was the next logical
step on their path. Because of their inflated sense 
of themselves as a people, they had no problem
with treating their conquered with inhuman
barbarity. Like Germany, they didn't have the
experience of hundreds of years of subjugating
others as did  England, and, by example, it's
child the USA. But  Japan knew once the United
States stopped  providing them with raw materials,
that they would  have to confront them, sooner or
later. The United States might well have stayed
out of World War Two for more years, allowing their
rivals to weaken further, until they actually had the
atomic bomb, except for Pearl Harbor.

Japan was doomed because its resources, (oil from
Indonesia a prime example) were so far flung. The
USA had all the resources it needed at home, with 
two oceans giving them breathing room to develop 
them. The greatest fear of American power was 
German technology, which is why the Manhattan 
Project became so urgent.

Japans loss of the war, not only defeated them 
militarily and destroyed much of the country, but it
also killed their spirit. Japan, as a nation, is in
suicide mode. The denial of Fukushima is
embedded in the society itself. even before the
tragedy that took place. The government knew
for years that precautions  against a tsunami were
inadequate. Stone stele in the mountains hundreds
of years old warned of building there.

Perhaps Japan today is a replay of the story of the
forty seven ronin, Samurai loyal to their master who
avenged his death at the certainty of their own. The
disaster of Fukushima, the lack of asking for 
assistance from the rest of the world to solve the 
problem, the continuous streaming of death into
the ocean, the laws prohibiting the media from
reporting on the problem all point to a suicidal/
homicidal attitude.....a barbaric tendency of the
Japanese mind that has been the case throughout
its history, culminating in its own demise and
its revenge on the planet.

Steven Wright-ish Joke

I tried to get credit at my school
for life experience,
but they gave me an incomplete.

Tuesday, March 15, 2016

American Nazism

The history of civilizations, since Rome
and before, has been grounded in 
imperialism. Germany, a newly unified 
country in the latter part of the Nineteen 
century, thought it was strong enough 
to beat England and the West, even 
though England had hundreds of years 
of imperialism under it's belt and a 
commonwealth (at that time colonies),
that supported it. How wrong they were.
Between the world wars, (and here the 
parallel with the United States begins)
Germany was a defeated country with
many enemies that bled her dry with
sanctions and reparations. And Germany's
people were also beaten, diminished.
No wonder Hitler could arise when 
Germany had so many to blame for its
misfortune! The path for the USA to power
was very different. Many US citizens were 
convinced that their country's involvement
in the world wars was to save the world
from evil repression. Little did they see that
the USA waited in the wings, in both wars,
until their rivals had beaten each other to 
bloody pulps before they entered the battle
and took credit for the victory. Most Americans
didn't recognize USA imperialism until the 
Vietnam war. Then, the public galvanized and
contributed greatly to that war's end. The true
power in America, (and before it in Europe, the
banksters and the great businesses) realized
they couldn't count on the submission of its
populace, because it hadn't faced the hardship 
of war on it's own soil. So, instead of aggression 
towards and in the name of it's people, it took
the "wisdom" of Goebbels and created a 
brainwashed society, enacted by control of 
media, entertainment, and, more and more,

So, now you don't have brown shirts disrupting 
communist rallies. Now you have organized,
"politically correct" college students starting to 
do the same thing!  American power doesn't 
want or need a dictator as a frontman. But its
problem is still that it's not in control of its own
people, because its people have never been 
defeated!  They've tried to defeat Trump by
destroying him in the media, but it has failed.
All they have left is violence, which we saw a 
glimpse of in Chicago, but that seems to be 
just a taste of what's in store. Don't forget the
FEMA camps and the coffins stored in forests
in the South are already in place. If the 
American people won't go willingly to their 
demise, power will do whatever is necessary 
to maintain itself, as it always does. If Trump
is the only real standard bearer for the American
people, heaven help him. They'll get rid of him,
when it comes to that, just like slapping a 

Monday, March 14, 2016

Paper Sun

Holding hands 
on the beach.
The moment when
she closes the door
behind her.
"I forgot my mantra!"
The report card
you threw in the trash
and told your parents
you lost it.
There was no chicken
in the chicken fettuccini
alfredo from Trader Joe's,
but it was still delicious.
The paper dosa that falls
apart when you eat it.
All your plans
for the future.

Beautiful Poem Without Words

I have the poem you requested, 
without words.
I left it outside your house.
Step outside your front door
and look for it.

Saturday, March 12, 2016

Politically Correct

Let's straightjacket speech
so we have to walk on eggs
about the words we use.

Let's never offend anyone
in any way, because doing so
violates their rights to be idiots.

No dodge ball anymore in school,
because putting someone in the
center makes them feel picked on.

No competition anymore, because
people will feel hurt if you call them
a loser.

No more performance evaluations
because it would mean calling
them incompetent.

No more malpractice suits for 
doctors, because we all trust
doctors never make mistakes.

No more parent teacher meetings,
because we know every child is 

No more absolving of sinners,
because who has a right to cast
the first stone?

No more karma, because no one
deserves anything bad. No more
prisons, because criminals are
basically misunderstood.

Fuck the PC niggas. (Even Chris
Rock said there was a difference
between "black people" and that
dirty word.) Fuck the youth that 
subscribe to free-less speech. 
They can all frog walk themselves
into the ocean. They all need a good
ass-kicking talking to.