Tuesday, August 28, 2018

Live Streaming Burning Man

Listening to 60’s acid rock…there’s
a 747, a pyramid, a stupa…I can
see a jeep pulling the jet, a line 
of people in procession…a gigantic 
onion comes into view, dwarfing 
the plane…the Progress moves 
behind a rainbow arch into a sparely
populated area with no sign of 

…in the foreground, a line of port-o-
potties, a van festooned with a 
second floor, people moving in lines
across the sand like code on a screen…

…now it looks like de Chirico, tight line
of horizon. distinct yet abstract forms;
giant “Ha Ha” stark white letters in the
foreground as the jet comes to a stop.

Saturday, August 25, 2018

In Other News

It’s a toss-up between enraged denial
and realizing that everything 
you thought you knew is wrong.

It’s not easy giving up something 
you’ve clung to your whole life,
but people die every day.

Holding on is understood. 
We don’t know what letting go is for.

Forget survival, 
‘cause it ain’t gonna happen…
then what?

Death, rebirth, 
in this existence or the next.
Pay me now or pay me later.
Let go of the rope.


For all I know, I got here yesterday,
with memories of a life I thought I once had.
Logically, it doesn’t make sense that I would 
have quit drinking, let alone move to Mexico.
Am I the star of my own Truman show?
Like Eliot’s music from a father room
it’s impossible to say just what I mean;
but imagine that the magic lantern is everything…
that we are in the magic lantern, the hologram,
played by some million year old alien genius.
I must say, the church bells at night 
are a nice touch.

Thursday, August 23, 2018

“Kind of outsmarted you, eh, Little Chum?” *

gangland gang-bang chain gang gangrene
you never know what’s coming out of there…
over acted, unredacted, a little hard to swallow.
But why should you get to make the rules?

Narrative, scenario, point of view…
what you see depends on what 
you’re looking at and how it affects your mind.
But why should you get to chose the material?

Trash talk, Newspeak, logical fallacy…
lying to create a false perspective, then, 
turning up the heat to make it seem more true.
But why should you get to fabricate the news?

I prefer cartoons to newscasters’ earnest appeal.
To my mind, none of them ever seemed that real.
Line ‘em up all against a wall, 
and have ‘em write their last editorial. 

Tuesday, August 21, 2018

Accountability In The Kali Yuga

“What we have here is a failure to communicate.”
—Cool Hand Luke

The Pope just apologized for the latest reveal
of Catholic pedophilia wrongdoing….

a different wrongdoing than the United States 
Government the last fifty years….

a different wrongdoing than Shambhala 
Organization the last twenty years….

but, nonetheless, wrongdoing that was immoral,
illegal, and ruined peoples’ lives.
It’s as if natural morality has been supplanted
worldwide, and replaced with the basest of 
human instincts.

A revolution is taking place, beginning in the USA 
but worldwide, to get humanity back on an 
ethical track. If Trump succeeds, this will happen.
He and others are, literally, trying to reverse the 
Kali Yuga.

I wonder if they’ll succeed?

Friday, August 17, 2018

A Secret Life Of Squirrels

"It's not all about storing nuts.
It's keeping track of the world
on a rodent level."

This seemed to make sense to him
at the time. It did explain the closet
full of acorns.

He successfully masqueraded as a
school bus driver, with an impeccable
driving record.

His neighbors remembered him as a 
quiet man who kept to himself. All the
people in that neighborhood were quiet
people that kept to themselves, until
some glitch unhinged one or the other.
Then, it would be interesting for a couple
of hours or days until normality subsumed.
The broken individuals were seldom seen 
or heard of again. 

Thursday, August 16, 2018

Born On Another Planet

It was/is called “earth"
just another planet,
chunk of matter,
moving through infinity,
a big deal for specks of life
scurrying around on its surface,
continuously devolving kaleidoscope
of existence the only show in town.

Born again? New born? First born?
Bairn for no apparent reason…child
of illusion…why earth?    why me?

Foreign/alien used to mean the same 
things….still do….but some aliens are
out of this world!! From another planet!

I’m not happy with my world today,
which is why I say:
“It’s not my goddamned planet, Monkey Boy!”

Ode To Joy

Fancy free.
Fantasy free.
Free of torment,
of the tormenta of
discursive mind.
The calm before the storm.
The calm after the storm.
Jiggling your knee 
open eyed in the rain.
It’s always there, 
and you just missed it!

Wednesday, August 15, 2018

Sudden Glimpse #1

another afternoon at the cosmic cabaret
gargoyle busybodies infest the lattices
fishnet slattern dakinis pose languidly
beware the mild mannered looking guy
hookah smoke and expresso dregs…
the floor show is whomever is passed 
out at the moment…anthem of stale
beer aroma reminder of what happened
last night (you’d rather not know)…in this
arena of uncertainty, purview of 
questionable delight…if you haven’t been
there, you might be square.

Tuesday, August 14, 2018

Marble Blowtorch

Michelangelo’s David sears beauty into the mind
to scar a memory
as all art leaves a mark
from wondermind that is far more lasting
than words 
a code a wink a nudge of infinity you can’t unsee
you carry through your lives
for just that moment
when you can understand.

Thursday, August 9, 2018

A Carrot On A Shtick

That’s what all the song and dance is about
with the false shamans, the gurus in over 
their heads, lying leaders, you name it, they’re
all men and women behind their sociopathic
curtains trying  to sell you certainty. They 
“prepare a face to fleece the faces that they 
meet.”  which you can see on the stick they 
give to hold in front of you,  but you just 
numbly don’t get there…. so,  beware  
and use your head.

Tuesday, August 7, 2018

Shambhala In Shambles

because of a sham/scam
(they always seem to go
hand in hand) another
“man behind the curtain”
moment/reveal that never
should have had to have
happened (we believed 
so hard) another promise

Monday, August 6, 2018

Five (for Ludwig)

human nature breaks free
crazy maybe looks that way

put it into a form and get Beethoven
Klee, Keaton, Elvis, John…

…even they can’t tell you where
they came from.

In that human joy groove manifesting
moment to moment spontaneous
dance what could go wrong it doesn’t
no time for that so it comes out perfect
in ever time like the sun or a bird song…
that’s how you can tell you’re still alive.

Friday, August 3, 2018

One Size Fits All

“God is on your side…
never a dull moment…
you get what you pay for…
ask the man who owns one.”

Slipping on dog shit...falling on my back in it.
Do I care enough to go home and change 
clothes, or, do I get coffee, accept the stares? 
I go home, change, not ready yet for that 
notoriety, though,
I notice I’m getting close.

“At the end of the day, 
that’s what it’s all about…
you know what I mean?”