Thursday, May 28, 2009

Ars Poetica 2009

 Creating a theatre

of the mind through words

and phrases  with theatrical  

cultural cache…short hand,

sound-bite brevity and sharp

to stir the neurons previously

susceptible in the audience to

tell a tale to their subconscious,

the current  mind we all share.

It May Be Your Party And You Can Cry If You Want To, But, You're Not A Kid Anymore


Just dance….that’s it.

If you like dancing,

learn to meditate……

it’s like dancing except

without movement and music….

the point of doing it is to diminish

the thoughts that keep you from truly dancing.


Have a party…have your life….

soon it will be over.

Don’t waste it crying.

If You Can't Be Happy, Don't Worry

Worry is just an emotion….

a thought that got all tangled up in itself,

and thought it was important,

like a dog chasing it’s own tail.


Happy is just happy,  pure dumb luck….

…like finding another good one

on your plate… you don’t really care

where it came from.


Poor worry tries to figure itself out….

find a solution…

call in the troops…

make a big stink…

hide in the corner…

drown itself in whatever….

spend lots of energy…take itself seriously

when we’re  all doomed anyway.


Did you start to worry when I wrote  “doomed”?


Think of “doomed” as something happy….like

“we’re doomed to be happy…”


Actually, we are, because if we  weren’t  “doomed

to be happy” sometimes…  it never would have happened.


That’s how my daughter learned her sense of humor….

she felt doomed and I made her laugh when she was crying…

it pissed her off after a while of years, but by that time she had

a sense of humor. My father did the same to me.


It’s not just a positive attitude,  Dude!

It’s realizing that if you hold on to anything

it’s futile

a waste of time

a useless drainy stinky bad thing….got me?


Be happy….

it’s so much more so.... very .....very... 

so simple.

Wednesday, May 27, 2009




Great, black, impenetrable

space encompassing everything…

without which nothing would be


the other side of the coin some

worship as God because so

unknowable,,  yet knowable  as what

we are born from, die into….it’s just

we  take such pride in what we think

we know:  these grains of sand

we  call ourselves….

….can’t even see the mountain.

Monday, May 25, 2009



No job….

sitting at a table, outside,

in perfect weather, a drink,

a smoke, music, the wisdom

of the world at my computer

fingertips,  verdant green and

bougainvillea rainbow, no mind

chatter.       Stillness...


absolutely still…

absolutely possible



a crowded street in Chicago,

a slaughter house in Timbuktu,

at the Superbowl….


If you can’t get past survival

in all it’s forms,  you’ll never

make the Pros.

Sunday, May 24, 2009

The Same

Wherever you go
it's always the same
after a

Does it become the same
or, does the sameness
that we possess possess us?

My opinion is, if you feel 
"the same", it's time
to jump off a cliff.

Friday, May 22, 2009


The tea was cold,
her dress was white,
everything was said.

The whole room leaned forward...

(fragment of an erotic poem)

Madam Morphosis


Nice to meet….to meet you

each moment so changing, terrifying

Republicans and Democrats alike.


Her cycle is every few minutes, so

it’s hard to talk about any one thing,

life in the fast mind game.


She is space itself, filling a gown,

body not language, more, poetry,  music

of form, totally distracting so your

message slips through Mati Hari mind

quick, like a living bunny oops! it’s gone!

…and so is your wallet…

but she left her  number.

Wednesday, May 20, 2009

A Nice Ring To It


I just joined the announce list, expecting it to be an announce list
for the ( ), and I've been inundated with regional notifications,
not the (Organization)-wide ones I was expecting. Is this normal?
Is there an announce list for real announcements vs regional?
Or, would you recommend I just unsubscribe and just rely on the


“What you do, Honey, is get a bottle of gin, a fast car,
and drive quickly into the night with the music blasting and a good feeling
in your body, so’s you can become free from all this useless,
petty, bullshit involvement with conceptual trash.”

Thursday, May 7, 2009



It’s all so….so…

Not so-so

Not so what?

So ephemeral.

Monday, May 4, 2009



Dynamite cook

lost soul

saved only

by the sauces.


I loved this man when

I finally met his mind

doomed, like an orchid.

Sunday, May 3, 2009

"Can you thank God for reality?"

Can you thank God for reality?

Think about it….if God created everything,

isn’t that the same as reality?

If that’s true, who else is there to thank? 

Reality’s not all that great, let’s face it…

we all know the details….of course there 

are many things to enjoy, else we’d

all have killed ourselves by now….honto, ne?

But, reality is a pain in the ass….

one is always tripping over, stepping into, getting

run over by, intruding on, ect., reality…

it’s a no-man’s land…is reality God’s

version of Utube?

Virus as Fad

News of the virus traveled faster than 
the virus itself, like an evil imaginary
 hoola-hoop in danger of destroying the world….
exactly what you didn’t want to have or hear about…
meanwhile, the virus is highly overrated…
of course the germs start 
down here…..are you kidding?
One could possibly cull a variety of 
antidotes from Mexican saliva that would
save the world…but, like baseball players, 
even countries go into a slump
of survival. What to do? “Ke garne?” 
in Hindi….it’s a Dark Age….
what do you think is happening?