Saturday, February 28, 2015

Are We There Yet?

The most difficult poem
I could ever write…because,
I’m looking back, from the front
seat, at all sentient beings, my
children, and, what do I say?

“No, we are not close to being 
there, not in a million Kalpas, so,
hold it, because we’re not stopping soon.”

Friday, February 27, 2015

Directions An Embelishment.

We say we give latitude to a situation,
meaning, we give it some space.
We never say we give longitude to
a situation…we should…it’s about time…
giving time to a situation. The norm seems
to be we’ve already run out of time.
Fruition is a nanosecond away from
planting the seed, at least, that’s the cart
we put before the horse that it runs after.
Those that know space know how to
take time. It’s not like we’re going to get
anywhere anyway.

Thursday, February 26, 2015

For R. A. B.

You’re not a mystery to me because we’ve 
known each other all our lives…a bit of an
enigma, like a marriage that worked because
we didn’t spend too much time together, and
provided space for re-creation.

When and the way our minds click is unique 
in my life. It’s rare to find someone you can
do yourself with. I’d better say this now, before
another one of us dies.

Wednesday, February 25, 2015

The Angina Monologue

I know my heart is going to give out
at any moment, which is why this piece,
if you will , has so much poignance…death
is not a subject we, as humans, are likely to
embrace. I know the fear, but, I’ve learned
not to fear it…the consequence is, I’m ready.

Which transposes to life while I’m still here….
 I’m already ready for what’s left in store for me.

Am I looking forward? You wanna talk about it?
Do I know what’s going to happen?
Yes, death…which my whole life has been in
preperation for.

Someone Else's Life

A gang member in a prison in Oakland,
The guard that is watching them.
A nature photographer in Australia.
A politican, everyone with their eyes upon  them.
A child monk, smiling, asleep against a pillar.
A twelve year old in an Indonisian prison.
Your friend who just died.
The jaded public servant you have to deal with.
All the bosses you always hated.
All the people you always loved.
We think we are separate from them,
except for the part we cannot help but share.

Monday, February 23, 2015


I’m going over there….
I already knew that.

Blade Runner

All my life I’ve been on the edge,
a bit on edge, afraid to slip into the 
mainstream. I mainlined Buddhism,
which is like allowing space to seep
into your veins….no tools required.
My teacher had this analogy of
licking honey from a razor blade,
reminds me of Colonel Kurtz in
“Apocalypse Now” describing 
watching a snail crawl across a 
straight razor. My grandpa was
a barber in Chicago….had a few 
straight razor jokes…he told me
one. It wasn’t funny.

Friday, February 20, 2015

Blessed With Health

That I constantly abuse
because, I have to.
You wouldn’t understand
because you don’t have to…
you can just read and see
what health is there or not.
If I’m kidding myself,
why do some say they like
reading me? Are they kidding 

Actually, i wouldn’t continue 
this function if I didn’t get
something out of it…which
is, obviously, not based on
what others think.

In fact, the only hope I have,
is that my writing, somehow,
stops your mind in it’s tracks.

It’s the only reason why I enjoy 
it, for myself.

Tuesday, February 17, 2015


Ask not what your country can do for you…
ask what your country can do to you.

Monday, February 16, 2015


I wouldn’t be a poet 
if I never wrote an ode
to Beethoven.

Yesterday, waiting for a friend,
I heard a Mexican orchestra
rehearsing the last movement
of the fifth symphony…the flute
part and the horn part. I so wanted
them, with all my heart, to get it right.

Lead poisoned. mad and deaf,
he didn’t seem to mind…bulled
his music into creation with
extraordinary passion and love.

Beethoven is one of the few that
automatically breaks my heart.
Here is non verbal communication
that rings clear hundreds of years.

Maybe Nietsche could hold a candle
to his mind….maybe Whitehead….
maybe Buddha, when he was on
a drunk.

Sunday, February 15, 2015

Bliss Emptiness (for Keith Dowman)

Bliss emptiness, drunk, stoned,
what difference does it make?
Hungover, waiting for the mail,
what difference does it make?

Waking constantly into the light,
into the discrepancy of foregone
conclusions that we should have
abandoned long ago.

Waking ino the awareness of
what we don’t know we wll know
once we get over the hangover.

Saturday, February 14, 2015

“Will The Real Anybody Please Stand Up”

I do everythiing by the book, anymore…
of the book and for the book…even though
I’m off the books…invisible bookwise…
I have a certain look which is off the books…
halfway between Robby The Robot and
Malcom X, or something…I mean, if I’m not 
being too vague, while meaning the opposite.

“anyone lived in a pretty how town, with up so
floating many bells down”   (eecummings)

This is so fun, because I have no idea where
I’m going, and, it’s my mind. “If I had not made
myself perfectly clear, it would always, 
everywhere have been not my fault”  

BUT, NO! THERE’S MORE….(and the Moors 
that took over part of Spain for a 
time…but, we don’t have to get involved with 
that discussion now)

Will the real anybody stand up? Not a bad 
question really….happens a trillion 
times a day if you add up everybodys’ lives. 
It’s not the overwhelming question,
but…….(I think I just wrote myself into a corner 
here…having to come up with the final trope..and 
you are the only human that could understand that)

I just did.

Friday, February 13, 2015


"The universe is creative uncertainty"

Robert Arnold  Burghardt

Tuesday, February 10, 2015

Timely Death

Because his death helps us see who we are...

Because his death comes at the time when

we are thinking about the same thing....

at the time when we wonder about our lives, the choices we

made....what we did, are doing about the whole thing.

Let's think about the blessing he gave and me.

Let's think about the question he left us and me.

It's the overwhelming question, to be, or, not to be.

None of us, you, John, me measured out our lives

with coffee, no, John's death is not

a tragedy.....not a there anything in between?


We only realize John is dead because he lived.

We only even realize we're alive once in a's sad

Thank you, John, for living 'till now, 'till you made me 

realize I was still alive..

Monday, February 9, 2015

For John #2

This is the last Dear John letter I’ll 
ever write you. It may take a while to 
get to you, It’s already gotten to
me, but maybe, no, surely, you’re
so raw in the now  now that you are
hearing me, Dear John. You’re dead.
We all go this way. All that know
you will not forget you, so, we don’t
have to deal in past tense. Just because
we didn’t spend a lot of time together
didn’t mean that I forgot you were there.
Just because you are gone now doesn’t
mean that I feel you not there. 

I’m not sure why I loved you. I think it
might be the same for all of us, ever
in our lives, we love because we can’t 
help ourselves. That’s the best…always
a surprise. We know why we hate…
because we have a good reason.
We are not sure why we love….
why? What the heck is that?

No, John, we love because that is,
was, shall be the only
reason for our lives.

Sunday, February 8, 2015

Mirage (For John Zielinski ((a Carl))

You were never there even when you were
in the instance of my life when I needed
just you…I don’t think you even knew
how right you were just then.  

I don’t think you ever knew how right
you were are ever always.

Sunday, February 1, 2015

“My first orgasm came as a surprise….”

My first orgasm came as a surprise…
like when I graduated from college
and realized I wasn’t prepared for life…
like when I met my teacher, asked him if
there was an easier way, and, he just
smiled and shook his head….like when
I told my father he was dying…
like when mom put the brakes on
the Rambler and they didn’t work, and
we smashed into the back of a car…
like when I heard Kennedy was shot…
like when my wife told me she was
pregnant, but wasn’t sure who the 
father was…like when I accidentally
walked in on my father and his second
wife having sex…like when I realized
I had no more problems.