Friday, September 20, 2019

Falling Into Place

I love it when a plan comes together
by itself 

Well, that’s the poem….now what?

The spontaneous
naturally occurring mandala
is never arranged, but always complete…
it all depends on how you look at it,
if you can see it that way.

Imagine Buster Keaton…
sight gags with trains…
that’s what’s always happening.

When it’s pointed out, 
it’s funny and amazing.

When you consider it,
resistance is futile.

It’s got a good beat
you can dance to it.

Tuesday, September 17, 2019

“the dust blows forward and the dust blows back”

Doomsday in reverse….birthday…it happens,
it all does.

Glad all over
letting go
into the music
into the action
into the shape of things to come.

The point is the nonexistence 
we’re trying to get back to
confused by seeming solidity
into believing in ourselves.

What do you mean “what could be”?
What if I told you it already is, 
was, will be?

Shape shifting reality,
who needs sci-fi?

Sunday, September 15, 2019

Desperate Man Blues

Alone at the crossroads, in plain view...
whatever direction, nothing to lose...
had my Baby, thought I had a life,
who knew
the aliens would take her
she'd run away with the milkman
she'd join Greenpeace
cancer would take her
the marines would take her
she'd join the circus and become a clown
she'd learn to walk through walls
talk to dolls
troll the malls
like a hurricane?

I knew!  I knew all along!
At least, I was right as I sing this song!

Now, I'll just  type this while I stand on this chair,
put this rope around my neck,
and do a little dan

Plumber's Koan

Apprentice:  "Why do you do it that way?"

Journeyman:  "Because it works."

The Engine Of The Buddhist Path

The engine of the Buddhist path is letting go.
The engine of samsara is holding on.

let go of thoughts,
come back to the breath.
Second, let go of emotions, desires, plans,
back to a sense of being.
Rest in non-doing.
let go of life itself,
the thought of it, 
that something needs to be maintained.

Attain the state of:
"even my sadness perhaps has changed,
as if I were not my own....forgotten,
even by me."   (Quasimodo)

Saturday, September 14, 2019

Composite Blond

Silky sissy creepy sneaky perfumed
barnyard gossip flirty flutter mutter
bottled framed poured into a dress
cheap inchoate charisma stamped 
“made in USA”.

Friday, September 13, 2019

Waiting For Godotzilla

A bit more than existential angst,
you’re not alone in your aloneness…
monsters from the Id.

Thursday, September 5, 2019

Ladies Home Guillotine

Morning glory debauchery
afternoon delights
compelling colors crawling
crawling like a fraudulent drunk
drunk with Fauvism
our latest issue spews forth
the truth, or, close enough,
like horseshoes, 
to attract a reader.

You won’t catch us 
making the mistake
of mistaking what we write
for the truth.
Our only interest is to convey what
we wish you to believe is true so you
can become what we want you to be.

Our lies fit your profile,
which is what you believe 
about yourself, so, you believe 
them too. 

A little mind trap,
a little mind meld…
you’re so gullible.


Esoterrorist, aesthetic assassin, 
intellectualaerealist, machosurrealist,
automagician, psycoconoclast,
third man, mythtery, open secret,
third mind, chiaroscuro bete noir,
manifest determinism likely story
gain the world and lose your soul
win the game and lose your marbles
surfing the crest of marvelous view
always danger of wipe out
never a dull moment just dull people
“life is like getting on a boat 
you know will sink.”  (Suzuki Roshi)
"'Why then, I'll fit you.'
Heronimo's mad again" (Thomas Kydd)

Tuesday, September 3, 2019

Mystery Meat

gems absently crunch out of habit
no wonder off hand gesture radiates
infinitely outward plasma in all directions
decadence ideal culture to grow boredom
you can only rollercoaster
so many times in row…
so many bloody periods in history
proving the feminine principle…

lazy enforcer witless with wilted guns
leans out the tenement window a cigarette
dripping from his lips
in dank skankness 
defiant in general principle
ready for the rent to come due

gleam of a raindrop or a nickel plated .45
off balance at the train station
needing to take the trip
but not willing to get onboard

but then, what isn’t a mystery?
what do you think you know?
how did you manage to get here?
is there really a punchline?

Morphia (for Gilbert)

Open secret enchanted realm co-existing
with laws regulating the speed of change
mirror within a mirror you see before you
no wonder everything feels out of phase
deja vu-double take-trompe l’oeil-mirage
waking dream surreal in extreme montage
endgame…last tape…coda…memoir
Proteus proletarian protoanarcoaerialists
a policeman unholsters a banana
a Coke machine releases a stick of dynamite
a wolf bursts into flame.

Composing On The Way Down

Ah, the wind in my sails,
as if it was the wind and not 
the rush of air as the earth 
draws closer…

preciousness of the moment
heightened by the knowledge
of its brevity…

“Good morning, Dear.“
“Read the letter in front of you.”
“Can I have coffee first?
I think I’ll have that Chesterfield now.”