Thursday, February 17, 2011

Meditation Is Evolution

Something is missing. This is the common denominator
of our experience as humans, why there are religions and
belief, why there is philosophy. We are born with a gap,
a hole in our experience we cannot fill, and that we hardly
recognize. Humans will do anything to make their world
solid, real, and eternal, yet always fail….looking for completeness,
union, connection, using whatever we can get our hands on
or wrap our minds around, yet always fall short.

The Buddha was the first human being to try a different approach.
After exhausting the various methodologies of his time, yoga and
ascetic practices of all kinds, Buddha decided to do something
quite radical….he decided he would use his own resources, his
own experience: his mind, his sense perceptions, his body, as the
means, as the method, as the path to discover the nature of reality.
He sat down under a tree and simply watched his experience. By
so doing, he became the first human being to discover the purpose
of human life. He discovered that human life was the proper
tool to be used for the evolution of mind.

He discovered that the mind had to be anchored, grounded to the
body and sense perceptions in order to evolve. He discovered that
this evolution happened naturally, on it’s own, if the mind is
grounded in simple awareness. By simply sitting, Buddha discovered
that the human mind evolves by itself, as long as it is not distracted
into believing in it’s own confusion, which is simply something
adapted from other confused minds in the confused relative
struggle to survive.

Saturday, February 12, 2011

This Is Where I Come To Be Alone

The page that receives my rants, vomits and dribbles…
my most intimate moments captured on the run and
on the fly…..most primordial of times when I put my
mind down where I can see and reflect on it…a different
kind of mirror…all mirrors are the same...they reflect
the truth what’s there without adding or subtracting…
that’s why I like mirrors…that’s why I aspire to be
one of them…that’s why I come to this mirror…this
blank page that says so nothing yet means so much to me.

Monday, February 7, 2011

All Clear

A Clear came to the meditation center I was
living at in the early 70’s. A Clear is an individual
that has achieved a certain “level” in Scientology.
It is a mark of spiritual achievement.

Any sort of designation of humans as one thing or another…..
Doctor, Professor, Imam, Clear, Enlightened One…
carries with it no intrinsic meaning or power….
yet the titles themselves suggest both how one should
be seen, as well as how one might or should see oneself.

Imagine Scientology and Mac Donalds getting together…..
you wold have a chain of MacClears
around the country quickly….Scientology technicians
battling each other in the streets with stilettos over potential
converts…brothels as front psy-ops for Scientology recruitment…
celebrities, their plastic surgery splitting as they try to
out grin each other …

With title comes responsibility…it’s supposed to mean something
good or noteworthy…even“town drunk” has a certain cache….
not Fat Asshole, which may be more true, but the reason for so
designating is vastly different…

So, this “Clear” checks us out, which is fine because we’re
all curious about the Clear…kind of a spiritual dog sniffing party……
he was direct and intense, but I don’t recall the conversation going
anywhere…he didn’t seem natural, attractive, real or interesting…
he seemed like a human gadget. He seemed like a kitchen appliance
disguised as a human being….not a blender…more like an egg beater.
I watched him for about ten minutes, then went to bed. Others grilled him.