Saturday, August 31, 2013

Life Like It Or Not

I will be one of those
that finds his way to death alone.
There will be no one to help me..
Sorry, I know this…because I know life now….
it took a while.
This is not a complaint or an apology.
Please, it just happens to be true.
I hope that you can find the truth for you.

Friday, August 30, 2013

Streak Of Blood

on my leg…from what wound
I know not….maybe I fell….maybe
I crashed into something….
this is what happens
to the drunks of the world
all of them people
not dead in Syria
not yet dead
crashing around for
 whatever reason:
joy, despair…who cares?
Who's counting?


I wish i could tell you
how funny life is, but,
I'm not sure of that myself yet…
which obviously adds to it…
which is good…..
like a wave that doesn't kill you
and happens to happen over 
and over. It's late, it's early
it's more than we bargained for….
god….I loved the diners and their
 hash and eggs early in the morning.
I wish I could be with all of you there

Thursday, August 29, 2013


First you have to find yourself
then, you can be there for others.
Got me?

Life, Go Figure

damned if you do, damned if you don't…
but some of it is pretty beautiful….
it's like a movie that lasts a little too long….
and an ending nobody's happy with.
This could not have been anyone's idea….
it's too complex, chaotic, diverse for that.
Man invented God because he needed to feel order….
he couldn't handle the complexity…
.it's as simple as that.
That's what our minds do….filter experience
for what we believe we can understand.
We can do better, but, it just doesn't occure
to us to do so.  Go figure.

Wednesday, August 28, 2013


You whippersnapper….The Kid
walks into town with a holster full
of poems…why not? Who tells us
when we should start life and how?
In fact, who tells us anything ever?
Well…maybe if we're really lucky...

Tuesday, August 27, 2013


so awesome
the teacher, the student….
one knows one learns
so awesome
we can hand off the baton
of wisdom.

Sunday, August 25, 2013

Life Right Now

I never parted my hair
and I do dare to eat a peach...
I am old...nothing left
to keep up appearances....
recognizing the fiction is supreme.

"even my  sadness has changed...
as if I were not my own"*....
even as the evening sleeps so tenderly...

"I am no Price Hamlet, nor was meant to be..."
but I still can see...
we all can see.

The tender flowers outside my window...
The four foot tall wrinkled Donias that walk
the streets on their lives' errands.....
the confused gringos on vacation, not knowing
why they are anywhere...
the ex-pats with their very good reasons....
the Tepoztecos guarding their homeland.....

these people lost in a fiction not of their own making.

* Salvador Quasimodo

Saturday, August 24, 2013

Multiplication Of The Arcs

You're not going to believe this 
migration of the species domination of the arcs
we think we are smart
we think we are smart
like amphibians that first
walked on land....

you gotta wait for it expectantly like a birth...
funny thing now is we can see it coming.

Friday, August 23, 2013

"Freedom" by Chogyam Trungpa

Freedom is not exactly the same as happiness. 
Happiness is a state Of mind, as I once read on 
a bottle of gin. It says, "Gin is a state of mind."
(Laughter.) Even supreme happiness is a state 
of mind. But freedom is independent of a state 
of mind, a mind that actually minds "yes's" 
and "no's.•" It is total experience. When freedom 
occurs, there is no reference point and there is no 
celebration. You have freedom already, so there's 
no point in beating a dead horse. Sometimes 
celebrating breakthroughs is a hang-up. There is 
still something very sad about that. Celebrating.
victory means that you are still in imprisonment, 
you're still struggling a lot. You haven't quite 
reached beyond this celebration of victory. So 
freedom, from the ultimate point of view, doesn't 
need celebration; it is a direct-and simple experience, 
all-pervasive. It is not a state of mind according to the 
emotionality or feeling level--the level of "for or against,"
 in other words. 

Thursday, August 22, 2013

On The Beach

Lots of fireworks tonight
they don't need a reason
to celebrate…I hear the thunder
coming in…almost time to lie
cozy in bed and hear the rain
hear the rain.

Tuesday, August 20, 2013


is natural communication
a disciple smiled when Buddha
held up a flower, thus became
a lineage holder.

we have disconnect from the
natural world, which is ourselves,
so, of course we feel alienated..,
separated, isolated…..cultivating 
awareness through meditation 
is the reconnect.

Monday, August 19, 2013

John....Not A Comedian...No Car...No Coffee


it's very strange to realize we live in a time when evolutionary 
intelligence on this planet is expanding rapidly, as is the nuclear 
disaster at Fukishima, which will inevitably render this planet 
uninhabitable in at most, I guess, an hundred years.
I'm in good health, in a manner of speaking, and I could live 
quite a number of years, but that doesn't concern me. It's 
incredible, if you think about it, to be an observer at this time...
this gigantic change which all the world's cultures have predicted 
for right now. And the changes that are happening now, 
that we are experiencing in real time,

well...let's just say there won't be anyone to write the history of it. 
But that's not important. We are not hide bound....we are in the 
temporary shelters of our bodies. We can't help but identify with 
ourselves, unless our minds are trained to see clearly.

The mind is a universe, you know. That's because the microcosm 
is the macrocosm...chaos, and the order that comes out of chaos 
is scaleable....thus, you have human mind and you have universe.....
is there a connection?

the Corvette is the American car in longest continuous production.

what just happened?

Sunday, August 18, 2013

Sure, There Will Be A Future

Come on, you have no idea

how you got here in the first place….

You just have to think bigger….
which is hard now.
What, you thought someday you would 
retire and just ….fade out or something?
No, you were always destined to die.

Look, it took us billions of years to get
to his amazing coincidence of intelligence
and stupidity…'s quite possible that the
universe does this for no reason…..

…which makes Monty Python 
seem like prophets.

Just A Thought

There are plenty of relative entities
you could relate to….now...suddenly…
why not? It's all going down….
don't forget
the moment has power, in fact,
that's a lll we have now.

Wednesday, August 14, 2013


I'm having an awesome time....

I don't know why...

when your mind is free

the time goes bye....

Burma Shave

Time: An Update's like the second before you realize 
you have to put on the breaks....and it's too late....
like that Spanish train driver. Only this second could 
last a few years.

I'm so glad I don't have to do anything....just watch....
I feel I've got my own little NORAD station, looking at 
the pulse of events. In a way, this whole time is starting to 
have a tinge of Cuban-missile-crisis feeling....
the uncertainty is building....
like in European cities just prior to WW1.

Monday, August 12, 2013

A Frayed Knott (For Bill)

Who knows what time has done to the poet?
how long can a life form sparkle awash in a sea
of coelacanths?
Time isn't telling anymore…
because time is out to lunch.
Gotta love him….in fact,
I think that would be the best now of all…
'cause, let's face it kids, Clarabelle has spoken,
and the Kachinas have removed their masks .
As Bly said, it's the
"Teeth Mother, Naked At Last".

Poem for Venerable Chogyam Trungpa, Rinpoche

After You Left Us  (For VCTR)

It didn't seem possible
that we had to wake up
 in the Matrix  world
without you…you warned
us, gave us instructions,
and you were right.
And you left us with every
bit as much chaos and
uncertainty as when 
you were alive…how kind!
You got into our bones,
branded our minds in adhisthana...
you opened our third eye, 
and it hurt…but…how kind!
Your life was solid rocket fuel,
and, once you were lit,
there was no stopping you.
Yes, you are gone…
but, what would we 
have done without you?

Saturday, August 10, 2013

Do The Days Grow Thin? A Koan

a series of pretty ponies
trotting gracefully down a flower
strewn path leading to total
destruction….like Hitler, but, serious….
Sounds nice…

Yes It Is

Thursday, August 8, 2013

Supra-rational Information

OK, well, you got the glance across a crowded room
when you fall in love…that's pheromones probably….
but what about when you recognize someone when 
you first meet them? And all the other "coincidences" 
you can't explain, oh yeah….well…plenty of information 
and music     out there.

Note To Various Entities

Note To The TSA, NSA, CIA, FBI and Homeland Security:

Dudes, I hate what you're doing….basically, I think you're animals
looking for other animals to eat….  you should definitely be put down…
but I'm a Buddhist and know that karma is inevitable….like gravity….so..
wake up…please…'s your ass, not mine

...and, as Pee Wee Herman said:  "Everybody's got a Big 'But'."

Wednesday, August 7, 2013

Any Day Now

Dearie, you've gotta
go beyond your pet theories
and get smashed 
beyond tea cups
because you already know.

It's happening so fast
that you already lost it.

And the universe amazingly
puts forth its reality.

Jesus, brothers, humans don't
stand a chance.

and yet, the honk of a car horn,
is pleasantly soothing.

Tuesday, August 6, 2013

Note To The Children

I like being old and drunk at 64 in the AM
in Mexico, August, 2013, hearing the church
bell ring, the neighborhood snoring soundly.
I like being at the end of time when you can
read the news about a baseball player, then
see your neighbor gun down a few people or
drive his tractor into a bank lobby why not..
so, my being here now, seeing the world through
my computer I intoxicate because it's all I can take,
as most of you others are right now experiencing.

it's six, and the bells and bombs are going off...
it's Tuesday, so, must be a saint or something...
nothing else is as irrational. they know?
Is this the way they divide their time so they know
when they are drunk?  That must be a yes.

I like being drunk at 6 AM...listening to Alligator....
you can't touch this.  You could join me
would be easy....just touch my electrons, Baby.

The sun's not up....I'll go to bed before it does.
If you remember the trips, this was....still
in a car driving....on your ass's still
a trip.  I think we're all on the road now...because

none of us anymore....increasingly.....knows where
we are...

"This is the way the world ends...
not with a bang, but with a whimper."  T.S. Eliot

Monday, August 5, 2013

Warf Rat

Old man down
"Old man down!"
the cry came
over the ship
in any corner of 
the world…

"I remember when
you could talk to people
that's all I remember."

"I know that the life I'm
living's no good…where
can I live the life I should?

I'll get up and fly away."
He didn't get up… not
in this life anyway…
did we?

Saturday, August 3, 2013

Words Between Old Friends

yes...we are like the Greek poets, Basho, 
any noticeably sane person that ever was...
ever was...and was ever probably drunk or 
stoned on something, because, fuck the liver,
you got all those perceptions stored as seeds 
in your....whatever....and the truth of that
is in the bare fact that somehow we connected 
stronger than ever after all these years.

Editorial Quandry

A lot of what I do is scratch my head these days. 
I mean, in the thirties you could see what was happening 
in Germany and maybe move to somewhere
else… but 2 things now are different: 1. the spying 
and deception has been going on for decades, and,
 just now it’s all coming to light. 2. where are you going to go? 
I think I should leave it at that.

The Mandelbrot Set

the ones that live in their jets
and fly around in infinitely
intricate swirls of trivial pursuits
going nowhere but continuously
unfolding like hopeless flowers.

Friday, August 2, 2013

You Don't Have To Think

When do you not think?
When do you just see?
Do you know the difference?

You don't have to think…
it's just the mind run wild 
with the process of itself.
That can be tamed and 
understood…seen and 

Perception...the rule
not the exception.

Just a thought….
(that Buddha had
2500+ years ago!  

Thursday, August 1, 2013

Dzogchen for Keith Dowman

Now you see it, 
now you don't
now you think 
you saw it…now
you think you 
lost it.

It's tough for that
little weasel in there...
that little reifying

…and then, one day, 
he's gone. 

Lizard People

Yes, I'm starting to believe most 
of the world ruling class are lizard
people, not like David Icke believes,
but, rather, their behavior and view
of the world is so retrograde that it
warrants an intervention from the
Darwin police, because, hey guys,
evolution is supposed to move 
forward. "Only human" is not 
enough of an excuse anymore.

Now, every religion that's been 
in the world points to this time
….right now…as a dark age. 
In other words it's the perfect 
storm….time wise. 

Most humans haven't gotten out 
of the cellar of instinct…(even the
"smart ones")….it appears to be not
looking like any amount of whitewash
(or brainwash)
you could ladle onto the picture is
going to be able to hide what's 
happening…anymore….right now.

The guns of August are heard again.

(the Krupp heir died yesterday...he was 99)

Reverse Think (for the NSA)

(Re: Snowden)

Sen. John McCain, R-Ariz., condemned Russia's actions as
 "a slap in the face of all Americans" and "a deliberate effort 
to embarrass the United States."

It's not a slap in the face of all Americans.
The American government does that quite
nicely every day....
from the IRS to the TSA...
it's a slap in the face of
the criminal United States Government.

Criminal.....United States....government.

coming soon:  the Ignited States