Saturday, September 27, 2014

I Watched The Vodka Flow From The Bottle

Into the glass and wondered
oh, yes, that now, 
what would come together
in my mind of vodka, raga, 
storm outside.

The vodka went down
in the bottle, up
in the glass…and,
it was only me to 
determine  the universe.

I did, like endless times before…
finding my place evident wherever
I was. That’s the only reason I’ve
lived this long….not a complaint, 
or, a wail. I’ve watched my life flow
from bottles and everything else 
enough, so, I go along with it to prevail.

Getting All Excited About A Very Limited Venue

You could say the Twentieth Century,

Or, your life right now….
it’s scalable…..unless,
you’re into the cosmic….
the overwhelming question.

But, let’s not talk about that now…..

Getting all excited….
about what?

If you actually sat down
and had a cup of tea and
looked at your life….you 
might think “what for?”

What do you imagine you 
will encounter at the end 
of your swimming upstream?

Where did you acquire the idea
you are going on? 
You can always start over……
easier when you’re younger.

Start over many times!
Don’t think you’ve found yourself
until you recognize what you are!

There's not much time left,
whatever that is.

Love Poem


When I first met you, with B. ,
in Boston, you were so beautiful
you frightened me.

You don't scare me now, but,
I still love you for all the same 

Friday, September 26, 2014

Guest post Daniel Dragomirescu "Cosmic"


Our journey is cosmic-
you know – not about us really -
that’s silly.
beyond about what we think of -
know of -

We connect – share in the most 
beautiful intimate relationships 
& experiences – colors – 
emotions as dramatic and 
spectacular as any beyond 
the envelope carnival ride –

& then disconnect - & float – 
fly – fade – or die –
and all those tethers that held us –
loved us – cared or neglected us –


songs half sung
lines unwritten
remain so.

What song was that?
Doesn’t matter.
Whose life was that?
What life?
What love?
What wife?

Is it Tuesday?

Oh: and we’re almost out of time.
Whatever that is.

Thursday, September 25, 2014

A Woman Is A Symphony, A Man Is A Stick Of Dynamite

It’s all about sex.
Light a man’s fuse, and he explodes.
A woman needs several movements
to get into the mood for the crescendo, and,
then, there’s the denouement…the man 
already asleep in his ashes by that point.
It’s all about fire, combustion… you need
the right heat for life to cook itself up.

Guest post Thomas Liphard "Family"

How come no matter how long since you have seen
the family, or how much distance you put between ya,
they can always push your buttons.
Answer: because they installed 'em.

Wednesday, September 24, 2014


of the murders in the movie theater in Colorado.....

an hundred years ago, a Dadaist poet in Paris

as his performance, fired his revolver into the audience

randomly..  This is how we see the tendrils of the Mandelbrot,

and, where we are as an audience.

Tuesday, September 23, 2014


You can't tell people the truth.
You have to hold up a mirror.


It’s a War World.
Like Buddha said
“The world is on fire.”
..and the implants are
coming. Getting shot
in a movie theatre is 
horrible…but, not 
without irony. 

Is there a “lone gunman”
school that all these loonies
are graduating from?
Or, are they just doing their
internships? They’re really
good at it…there must, at 
least, be a book out there,
“Lone Gunmanship for Loonies.”,
I mean, they only get to do it 
once…. how’s come they’re 
all so  successful? And, nobody
helped them so, they must have
figured it all out for themselves,
these hallucinating psychopaths…
sure…that makes sense…AHEM!

But I’m a PATRIOT!  So!  One man!
One gun! One magic bullet! All for One!
And One for None! Anybody feeling 
stoopid yet?

Friday, September 19, 2014

The Ship

The one that will take me
(sure, this is a fantasy)
bound for out there
with a great cabin and
an oak bar lounge I can
hang out in while the world
swirls by in it’s oceans of 
grandeur….writing missives
on the open ocean as the
centers of communication…
the satellites, the towers,
wink out, one by one, `I
afloat, not looking for land
anymore…a pirouette
of what was once before.

Thursday, September 18, 2014

Hello (for Bill Knott)

If you are still alive 
when you read this,
move over.

Tuesday, September 16, 2014

Beef Heartedness (for Captain Beefheart)

Dwelling in that man’s mind
is as if your heart was an 
open sore. Life in situ, before
corrupted by education. It dug
itself out of everydaddy life…
his parents left him to discover.

Beefheart flourished in Mojave.
The desert was his just desert.
He knew he started from bone
and that the flesh just came along.


Wondering about what you should do with your life is  
ignoring that you are already doing something with it.


It’s all going down the drain…
you can hear it in the music,
the swirling repeating idioms….
elevator music for the apocalypse…
whenever there is a lull 
in the bombing. 

“The faster we go, the rounder we get.”

That was a Grateful Dead trip slogan,
but now it’s even more than true…..
moving so fast the only time we have
is for our devices, which round us off
to the nearest demographic 
or what have you.

Sunday, September 14, 2014

Blues Poan

No, you have to explain to me,
I don’t have an answer. I have
to see that you don’t have one 

Drunken Heart

My heart is drunk
with sadness and joy.

Obama is the white elephant
(escaped from the zoo)
in the room.

Joy when I see the gorgeous
world….sad, because…well…
you know.

My heart gets me drunk
makes me dance
holds the memory
of romance.

It’s taken a beating
but, as long as I live,
so does it….and, it’s
never taken any shit.

Friday, September 12, 2014


How’s your life, your freedom?
Still looking for it, waiting for it,
planning for it, preoccupied
with it? 

Can you project how much time
in your life you will remain a slave?
Do you think you really have a plan?
Your bars and guards are self made….
that’s always the case, no matter what
dictatorship you find yourself in.

Eden's just another word for something
you can’t lose…misplace, yes…it’s
just a matter of misplacement, as 
Whitehead said..the fallacy of misplaced
concreteness…which about covers it.

You imagine freedom….it’s part of the
mask, part of the concreteness…what 
leads you on. You actually experience
freedom many times for brief moments
that usually piss you off, because you’re
not ready for freedom….if you could be 
set free, you’d probably sue whomever
gave it to you, claiming you were deprived
of your right to be a slave….yes, that’s 
where most of us are now….most of you.

The only one that can give you freedom
is you. That’s why there was an underground 
railroad. That’s why jazz happened. That’s
why I don’t sweat the drones….

…if you care to see where the illusion is, just
watch T.V. and tend the public opinion polls….
what most people think is the source of the
obfuscation…find out where it comes from, if
you want, ’till your sick of it, then let it go.

That’s what I did….but, I’ve been  seeing 
the same (expletive) my whole life…grew up
with it…never believed…deprogrammed
by whatever means…now, I’m back from 
the dead…I have come to tell you all…
I shall tell you all, like a soapbox fanatic
in Washington Square.

The Biggest Criminal Enterprise Of History

The United States Of America…
criminals, that’s all they are,
have taken over the country,
robbing the world and their
own citizens alike.

Worried about a terrorist
with a dirty bomb? You’re
more likely to be shot or
tased by a policeman 
for no reason…much more…
or killed in a false flag
operation…to preserve
what? Moron that later.

Monday, September 8, 2014

Trailer Park Country Western Song Of The Five `Hundred Pound Couch Potato Or Tomato

...lost one getting a drink....

...shorthand for here we are...

..they say it all the time in Vegas...

...listening to Trout Mask Replica adds to the mix...

....I can still be creative as long as I don't try....

...Pakistan is the new Katmandu....'s a melting plot....

...the West used to be the best...., it's just the rest......

....Connecticut is a state of mind,

New Jersey is a state of insanity.

It all comes out in the whitewash

that you'll never see blanked by T.V.

It's a white man's wash....still thinking

it's no color superior in some way besides

fucking everything up.  You don't even 

have to brand them. They are the outer 

and inner Brand. Everybody in the world

knows this, for sure, for shame.

Sunday, September 7, 2014

My Father Had A Tie

My father had one of those wide ties they wore in the Forties.

It was red, with what looked like filagree in white down it.

When you held it up sideways, it was cursive writing

with a mirror image.

It said  "go piss up a rope.`'

Thursday, September 4, 2014

Not Going Down Without A Laugh

I got a few of them already, and,
I am going down. How good is that?
My last words?

No more money!

Ah, the finish line!

Your turn to cry!

I did it!

I did all those bad things
you never could prove!

I was high the whole time!

I made up my whole resume!

I never was a brain surgeon!

I paid for merit badges in 
Boy Scouts!

I saw my mother naked in the
bathtub and thought…”God,
she’s really drunk.”

Ode To Robin Williams

Comedy can be fateful
in large dosages.

Short Story

I was watching a vid
of Dick Cavett with
Woody Allen, them
talking about child 
(oddly enough),
and I tried to think
back on my own
experience. All I can
remember is being in
a Catholic kindergarden,
and pulling up a nun’s 
habit  to see what was 
under there…she hit
me in the head with
a bottle of chocolate
milk. It wasn’t really 
sexual…I was just

Wednesday, September 3, 2014

Koan For The Masses

No one is capable
to do an impression of
Robin Williams

Teleporting To Odessa

I’ve never been there,
but, I am there now, in
my mind.  I don’t know why
that place, that name, has
such a hold on me.

Maybe that there was such
a place in the middle of 
civilizations that rose and fell,
like the Big Game from the 
sidelines…smoking hashish
all the way.

That must have been good
for a few laughs, aside from
the tears.

“My shop has been open
for a thousand years…when
things got bad, my family hid…
brought the shop back out once
the conquerers went back to their

I have four hundred year old wine…
I have actual soma from India…
where is history? It’s here!”

I sat on the cushion next to a 
low table…listened to sounds
of the world outside. I felt I
hadn’t wasted my life.

Tuesday, September 2, 2014

Rain's Coming In

I can see it on the radar on
the computer coming west 
from Veracruz… time enough 
to go out, get a sandwich 
and come back.

I was talking to my friend, L., outside the 
coffee shop this morning, smoking cigarettes. 
L. is a Scot, been around  the world, busted in 
France for selling dope, spent 3 years in  prison 
there, two more in California for making fake 
I.D.s. He said, aside from County, after about 
three months in prison (at least where he was), 
it was just normal life. The punishment was, in 
fact, over. In France, he said, the only thing 
that got talked  away was your liberty. Prisoners 
were treated like human beings. He had a list, 
once a week, where he would check off items he 
wanted, like, tobacco, cheese, cold cuts….
and each person got  a six pack of beer each 
week. I asked him what it was like when
he would be released after he had served his 
sentence. He said  for the first few weeks, it 
was shocking, like Christmas, and delightful
and exciting. Then it became just normal.

I have four rooms, a small 
enclosed yard, a refrigerator 
and a stove. The rain isn’t here
yet…I think I’ll walk outside
and have a cigarette before
the rain comes, then, go inside
and enjoy the thunder…clean
sheets and rain like music.