Saturday, July 31, 2021

Just Grooving


So many days like this, now,

minimal responsibility,

good food, beautiful weather,

having accomplished something,

appreciating my temporary 


I get caught up in the world-wind

like everyone else.

Can’t avoid my friends, 

even as they flounder.

More and more I feel distance from

the tamasha…more and more it’s

someone else’s movie.

I need a third stanza here to finish,

not that I have that much to say.

Let’s just say: “and so it goes…”

Life goes on, as usual.

Friday, July 30, 2021



Hitler had them, and they made history.

I hate public displays, but don’t mind

hashing things out in small groups.

As an actor, I know you can sway

peoples’ minds through expression.

I only do it when someone is trying

to kill me, or at a boring party.

Folks, we’re all made up characters,

even if we only sit on the couch all day.

Might as well have a bit of fun.

Wednesday, July 28, 2021

How To Activate Quantum Karma


The key is increasing awareness.

Evolution is merely awareness 

waking up more and more.

Fully awakened awareness

can see the past, present and future 

like reading a newspaper, 

among myriad miracles.

Don’t believe me.

It’s all documented

in the lives of the great yogins,

in thousands of witnesses to

the rainbow body.

No one can give you this.

You have to do the work for yourself.

Karma is a bitch.

Tuesday, July 27, 2021



I’m like everybody else.

The whole thing has got me down.

Having a life is hard enough without

masks, stabs, social distancing,

being banned on the internet.

On the other hand, I’m in Mexico,

not in the middle of it like y’all.

Hearing about it is bad enough.

If I was there, 

I’d want to move to Mexico, lol!

I’m not a coward. I’d go back to the

USA and fight for freedom if there

was a way. 

All I can do is shake my fists in anger

and laugh at the same time!

And maybe someone will read this

and not get the vaccination.

Monday, July 26, 2021

Genetic Bar Code


Dominating imprint

fancy blended dynamite 

explodes forth into everything 

we see all life

adorable flower implications 

myth is only a perfume that oils

the machine

we swam to the surface of the

aquatic void seeking light like

everything living…land was only

a stepping stone to the stars

insects wanting to be astronauts

that’s why there are comedians

but seriously, folks, do we have 

any free will at all? 

yes, because we can change our 

karma which is like changing your 

quantum genes which transcends

time and space…you just have to 

learn how to do that.

Friday, July 23, 2021

A Nice Day


A shady spot for blunch with slow jazz

and spacious clarity; a Casablanca far 

from the maddened world, refuge from 

los gringos locos, including some family

and friends unfortunately caught up in

the world drama currently occurring.

Oh! For a time between wars that would

never end! You need enlightened 

leadership for that, which could be 

Trump, but the jury’s still out on that one.

Meanwhile, while we’re waiting for the

other shoe to land, I marvel at my good

fortune to be in surreal Mexico right now.

“When the great sadness comes, 

Tepoztlan will be protected.” (sixty year

old folk prophesy).

Free of concepts for a moment, a 

momentary free man basking in transient

beauty and joy, while the world whirls

in uncertain confusion, and the certainty

of a foregone conclusion.

Thursday, July 22, 2021

In The Blahblahderia


Hanging with some local wags 

whose tales aren’t worth wagging,

each one’s lives pretty much a disaster.

A miracle they’re still alive and speaking.

They’re Mexican: they don’t complain.

Unlike the gringo on the comby bus the

other day. He was from San Francisco, 

worked for Bill Gates as an engineer, so

burned out that now he didn’t even own

a computer. 

We’d had words on the bus before about 

masks. Again, I wasn’t wearing one, and 

when he got on the bus he shouted: 


I tried to say Morelos was green, but he 

interrupted: “IT’S THE LAW!”

The Mexicans on the comby acted as if 

they didn’t exist. Mexicans don’t get 

angry about nothing like that….usually

somebody slept with a wife or stole a 

horse…some real offense. It was a perfect

example of America the way it is now, out 

of context.

Thursday, July 8, 2021

"If it's all energy, what's the matter?"


The problem seems to be…

we think we’re matter, not energy.

We think energy’s just what keeps

us going, not why we’re here at all.

Ego, energy’s manifestation of flame,

has many colors depending on the

elements involved in the burning.

The fire inside; elan, spirit, soul, 

authentic presence, is display of the

rainbow, flair of the volcano trapped

inside the earth of our body.

The play of phenomena is a conflagration

burning in our minds.

There is only one poem all poets write:

the play of words in which truth is revealed

by the fire in our hearts.

Wednesday, July 7, 2021

Painting Yourself Into A Vaccine


The death agenda of the Deep State

is in full swing…they’re going door to

door trying to get everyone vaccinated.

The unbrainwashed aren’t buying it.

The result is the only people they’re

depopulating are those that don’t 

think for themselves, aren’t aware, i.e.

Democrats and sheeple that can’t wake

up, destroying their support and leaving

only Trump supporters that don’t get the 

vaccine. Doh! Keystone criminals! Lol!

Monday, July 5, 2021


“If you want to see the past,

look at the present.

If you want to see the future,

look at the present.”  Tibetan proverb

Space is infinite.

Time is infinite.

Mind is space.

Conditioned experience 

has limited duration.

Paradox of mind in body;

now you see me,

now you don’t.

We long for eternal life

because the mind doesn’t die,

and was only confused into

believing it was really born,

like an actor that believes 

he is that character…

…that’s ego

survival mode

artifact of evolution

that we need to evolve beyond

to experience eternity

in every moment.