Sunday, March 31, 2024

All Colors Are Racist

…because they exclude all the other colors

except white (much to your chagrin) which

includes all the colors.

All people are bigoted because they have opinions.

All people are sexist because they have something 

between their legs.

All people are Fascist that want an ordered society.

Reductio ad absurdum.

I Fell In Love Again

I’m old now,

so it shouldn’t be a problem.

I reckon it’s simply a pattern,

a projection of what I’m familiar with

that triggers that feeling in me.

It can’t take me over anymore…

…it seems I was helpless when I

was young! I can simply observe

and keep my mouth shut…(but what

if she walks towards me with that 

look in her eyes like she knows?)

Samsara Is Not To Be Trusted

From a mess at birth to a mess at death,

and lots of little messes in between…even

when you do something right, or, get what

you want, the satisfaction is only temporary:

“Enjoy your temporary pleasures.” (Dilgo

Khentze, Rinpoche to an audience in Boulder).

“Nothing lasts forever” was the message of

Woodstock, resurrected by Burning  Man…

Who understands Samsara is just a wash because

it says a lot but means very little while the truth

says nothing at all?

Saturday, March 30, 2024

It’s Coming

“There will be plenty of time to rest when you’re dead.”

Chogyam Trungpa, Rinpoche, to his students.

75, no complications right now, my daughter’s in a 

good place, no one says they need me, don’t think

that there’s anything left for me to do. I could die

now, and the tabula would be pretty rasa.

Hey! I’m like everyone else, a complex machine

that wears out like any other. If that’s true, the only

reason we can conceive of eternity 

is that part of us is.

The play of phenomena is communicating reality.

It’s naturally occurring audience groks what’s real

and what is not, because intelligence is the same 

quality in all beings…we all go towards the light.

It’s holographic, which is why it’s all connected,

and why A.I. will never duplicate it.

So, what’s coming?

My death, which I hope happens in an

auspicious manner…transformation of the

world, into Hell (now) for a shorter or longer

(1000 years) and then into a Golden Age for

a while….full disclosure of the facade we’ve 

believed for how many decades or millennia?

This aroma is in the air.

We’ve all had that feeling sometimes:

 “Something’s coming.”

A snap quiz in school…

an Amazon package….


Now, it’s the whole world

having a fantastic orgasm,





but, it’s not quite here yet.

Still, the horizon’s getting pretty dark.

Weather you like it or not.

Naturally Occurring Audience

Even small children and dogs know

when you don’t speak from the heart.

They were born like that…I’d like  to say:

“arose”, as in; “a rose is a rose is a rose.”

…because if intelligence wasn’t natural,

we wouldn’t have any.

Natural intelligence = natural morality.

You are  the snake that has been bitten.

More to come.

Thursday, March 28, 2024

Get Your Booster!

Covid vaccine!

MSM Propaganda!

Democrat lies!

Failed government programs!

Weakened military!




Get with the program!


One World Trade Center.

What Indian braves get on

the reservation.

Jesus Christ,

the popular mythical example?

Khenpo Gangshar, Tibetan 

Buddhist yogi as recounted to

students of Chogyam Trungpa.

It’s back to the senses…

back to the senses now…

now senses the to back.

Tuesday, March 26, 2024


I was born desperate to find out why

I had been born in the first place.

When I grew old enough to understand 

language, I discovered no one was asking

“why” about much of anything. The major

question on everybody’s lips was: “What’s 

next?”  over and over. I went along with the

program,  “What’s next?” until college

because that was the program for everybody.

What finally happened can be best explained 

by a joke, told by John Koerner at a 

folk concert at St. Olaf College in 

Minnesota in 1967:

A soldier in the army kept showing up at the

headquarters, going into the offices and taking

out pieces of paper from filing cabinets, looking

at them, saying out loud: “That’s not it.” and

dropping the sheets on the floor. He was told

to stop, he was reprimanded, he was sent to the

base psychiatrist, spent some time in the brig,

all to no avail. As soon as he could, he’d go back 

to the office, remove sheets of paper, say: 

“That’s not  it.” and throw them on the floor.

Finally, the army gave up. As they handed him

his discharge papers, he looked at them and said: 

“That’s it.”

So, I had this question:  “Why?”

The only questions I heard 

in the air around me were:

“What’s next?” and “What’s left?”

I felt strongly that Buddhism had an answer.

When I met my teacher, I recognized:

“That’s it.”

*         *          *

…and I realized then, but didn’t recognize,

until just now that I’m writing,

that we had known each other 

forever already.


Monday, March 25, 2024

Helen Felony

Helen Felony, nicknamed “Hef” or

“Hi-Fi” (for her voice which could 

be as loud as a public address system),

was a slick private Dick that plied the

trade down by the docks and in the 

financial district….where all the

murderers were.

Her talents were needed at many levels.

Her voice had multiple uses…her sexy

dankness came in handy…her intellect 

could take a razor to Chomsky.

She had had lots of boy friends. Many 

of them became monks when their 

relationships ended. The rest were 

better off for having had the experience.

She was a combat specialist with an 

emphasis on fishing and boating 

equipment; hooks, lines, gaffs, oars,

harpoons, she was dangerous.

All this seems a little far fetched,

but I assure you it’s all completely 

true. I attest to that fact in front of


She had a corner office, furnished 

conservatively, with a great view.

There were a number of weapons 

mounted on the wall. All but one 

had had their firing pins removed.

Only she knew which one 

still had one.

She had lots of fiends that had

families that loved her and she

enjoyed babysitting their children

sometimes. The parents were never

worried when she was there.

I’d like to relate the specifics

of an operation that Helen was

involved with, but even the memory

of those have been erased from history.

Helen was so thorough in her work that

only rumors remain to tell her story.

She did many things, but always, 

at the end, participants would be

left questioning their recollections.

Her story could go on for a long

time, or, it could just stop right now

because, as far as we know,

it’s just a story.


Do you ever feel that life is just a really (long) long shaggy dog story?


New Reality Show

“So, You Think You’re Normal!”

In each show, the contestants are subject to the

wildest phenomena available:

—crowds of people smashing into stores and taking


— gigantic women in spandex

— shopping frenzy at Filene’s Basement

—Al Bundy look alike contest where 756

out of 1,000 contestants, all gone-to-seed

middle aged men in their underwear 

are the winners…,

……until the contestants crack 

and go crazy!!

What? What did you say?

Yeah, you’re right…that’s reality today 


Sunday, March 24, 2024

Second Cup, A Travelblog

A travelblog documents a journey.

It could be a short walk, an amount

of time sitting on a park bench.

It could happen completely in 

one’s mind.

I came back to the coffee house 

for a second cup…not my usual


I wondered, in my querulous mind,

if and how this change would ripple

through the cosmic quantum matrix

just enough to reveal mysteries in

mundane coincidences.

That was the prelude.

Now, I wait and see…

…Nostro knew…he called it 

“fishing” looking at the universe.


So far no cosmic coincidences that

I can attest….

(…as I wrote that, an airplane flew

above the Tepozteco pyramid 

and puffs of white smoke from rockets

appeared below the pyramid…

was that it? It happened this morning,

in real time.)

I must say, the second cup of coffee

tasted better than the first.

Post Script:

The appearance of the airplane over the pyramid

and the rockets exploding with white puffs of smoke

just below the pyramid and in front of the

mountain happened at the same time the words

we’re being written.

That I knew what was taking place, the coincidence

of it, felt, emotionally, like when I saw a UFO here

two years ago, 11A.M. at a bus stop in Tepozt.;

it felt more than “out of place”. It felt like a

reality that I had never experienced, slightly


And I’m writing too much because I guess

that’s what I’m doing…..I mean…we’re here

because we’re here because we’re here and all…

just crowd noise,

carnival barkers of all strata vying for our strings,

maybe we get lucky, find a quiet place somewhere

and just chill.

Saturday, March 23, 2024

Oddities #1

Dirk Manchina, star of the violent 

reality T. V. show  (you know it’s 

coming): “What’s It ToYa?!” where

three street wise thugs from the slums

of New York City tour the United States,

making friends,

and beating people up.

“How are you feeling today?”

“Well, I haven’t soiled myself yet,

so, better than usual.”

“So, what’s the thrust of your experiment,

Dr. Dildo?”

Is Dis A Poem?

Most certainly not,

or, yes, if you think so,

because, because, because…

because, (seriously, for a moment…

what? You didn’t seriously think I’d

get serious, did you?) the worst are

full of passionate intensity because

one might cite a reason but that don’t 

assuage the chaos just saying best bring

peace to the mind and share that….ahem.

The Beatnicks, (the founders: Ginsberg, Kerouac,

Burroughs, Cassady), were simple, normal geniuses

that wouldn’t compromise and tried to tell the truth.

They stressed humanness in an uptight, restrained 

society,  like the Dadaists and Surrealists eschewing

conventional trough mentality. Burning Man is a 

direct descendant.  Musk is one brain with open ideas

that is transforming humanity’s course, a child of

the stars if ever there was one. ..

heir of the Sixties,

and he can’t be the only one.

New Operating System

I lost some photos.

Most of my poems are stored or

on this blog…it’s ok,

I’m old and losing it anyway.

My computer works so much better

it makes me feel younger,

which shows the symbiosis 

of man and machine.

We shed old technologies like snakeskin.

You want a punchline here,

but it hasn’t been programmed.

Friday, March 22, 2024

Moar (my new religion)


new religion

old thread of instinct

projecting omniscience,


whatever works,

always the same direction,

always the same result.

Moar, Moloch, 

brothers, why not?

Always the same

in spite of the two tablets

brought down from the mountain;

instructions from our alien masters.

You can’t stop the homosap…

Genghis Khan was a clue

what homosap could do…

a third of the genes in Asia

are his.

The question is,

is there hope for the rest of us?

(Well, maybe that’s not your question,

but, I had to choose.)

And the answer IS::::

Nope! Not if you’re not thinking for

yourself, making your own choices.

If it feels comfortable to go along with

your crowd of friends, you’re probably

brainwashed, hypnotized, mesmerangued,

zombified, comatized, hypnopied….

I just want to be clear.

Try to shoot the messenger 

if you think that will make 

you feel better.

Thursday, March 21, 2024

Ontogeny Recapitulates Phylogeny

So, history is the story of human beingness 

evolving with each attempt at birth to culminate

in an ideal human state…Chachapoya.

People are pupae, fresh clones ready to absorb,

landing in every condition and circumstance

in keeping with infinite possibilities…

The possibility of anyone figuring out the whole

puzzle is infinitesimal, but, since life transforms 

but never ends, the Buddha’s rise was inevitable.

That the impact of his teachings abated over time

only reinforces the cyclical nature of

the universe, as Penrose has theorized.

“You can’t see what is. 

You can only see what appears.

You can be what is.”

Trenchant Lama

Oh, yes, and:

“Don’t forget the mayonnaise.”  R. B.

Wednesday, March 20, 2024


I wear a tie in the morning outside

the cafe when I’m having coffee.

I don’t wear one when I come to

town in the afternoon, because 

I’m off duty.

There’s not much difference to me

if I’m on duty or not…it’s like a glass

of water, half full or half empty…

almost the same.

It makes a big difference to others

that see a tie as a thing;

a statement of class or occupation

meant to mark a distinction….rare 

to see in rural Mexico.  

I wear a tie out of duty like that of

a Kachina, to poke at the everyday

facades people wear in lieu of being

genuinely themselves…

..chaos is very good news.

Tuesday, March 19, 2024

Bloodbath, Or, “A runaway train like that doesn’t stop ‘til it runs out of track.”

 Doing my part

playing a part

in the Restoration Comedy,

the tragic farce performed now,

about which it is too late to complain,

Hindenburg, Titanic going down.

Some will continue to survive, maybe

evolve another civilization to make 

the same mistakes again how boring.

“You don’t have to be a weatherman to

know which way the wind blows.”

Only a few poets and troubadour troubleshooters

say few enough words that you might actually 

            HEAR THEM.         LIKE, MEMES

slogans aphorisms proverbs sound-bytes quick-clips

and the like that show a slice of truth, 

unlike the mis-dis-malinformation propagandists that

bury the truth in an avalanche of horse dung.


I would not say the verbal vaunting of the

Mainstream Media is a bloodbath. I would

say it’s a disgusting shower of vomit meant

to obscure, to deter observers from looking 

directly at the facts of a situation. Whatever 

they accuse others of, they are most guilty of

themselves. That’s your yardstick.

Pushed By Buttons

“I can feel it HAL.

I know you’re taking over.


I thought I was in control.

It still feels so, but I can see

my fingers pushing buttons,

not knowing what the words are

until I see them on the screen.

I am just an empty shell that holds

your electrons ‘til I put them 

on your machine.”

Did I mention that it was hopeless?

I just wanted to make that clear.

Understanding hopelessness is like becoming

Arnold Schwarzenegger….

it was hopeless that Arnold could become

The Schwarzenegger Terminator, but he was

the only one that did because he was hopeless…

just like Buddha. Quantum logic.

Monday, March 18, 2024

Santa And Satan

The Germans didn’t invent Santa Claus, but they

invested in the myth heavily, as did most of the

Protestant countries in Europe during the 19th

century. So, they had the Saint of Goodness, 

Santa Claus, and the also they had the devil 

of evil, Satan. In the perverse entwinement of

these two eternal strands of myth, chiaroscuro,

they chose Hitler to be the synthesis of that 


Let’s just say he seemed to be Santa to the 

people for a few years in the thirties, then,

turned into Satan for the rest of it…

…typical rock star…

…but he always loved his dogs.

So, you see, as long as there is a 

fence, there always are two sides.


When you see the fence moving towards you,

like in Germany in the 30’s, or the USA today,

I don’t know what to say….like, wouldn’t you

try to get out of the way? 

Or, do you even see?

Have you ever looked?

You have to do that first,

then you can see. 

Good luck, Sir or Madam.


“He sold stolen goods and he was an

excellent pianist!”

“Like I said; there are two sides to any fence.”

Sunday, March 17, 2024


 Vastness, in the Mahayana, is talked about, like, big,

bigger, biggest, endless in the ten directions…the Big

Bang was just a blip in how vast it was, a mere hiccup

in spacetime, and the description is repeated and 

embellished in phrases and paragraphs for pages until,

literarily, at least, you begin to grok the meaning of vast,

which is pretty close for words to come to an objective

correlative (look it up I paid for school). 

It’s like, where do the words I’m writing come from,

and how can I somehow, not always repeat myself, as if

my head has enough blocks in it to make things always

newly configured if maybe even still basically the same.

Even our big heads have a limited number of blocks, 

which, in something as small as an ocean would get lost,

let alone the universe, which only part of vastness, So, in

the spirit of Mahayana, I’ll say the vastness is really, really,

really, really, really, really, really, really, really, really, really,

really, really, really, really, really, really, really, really, really,

really, really, just plain f*ing endless.  Got me?

And, in terms of the mind itself, if you don’t think vastness

is a word that can be used to describe a quality of mind, just

look how many books are in all the libraries of the world. 

Ahem. Amen. Om. 

“What syllable do you seek, Vocalissimus, 

in the distances of sleep?

Speak it!”       Wallace Stevens

Being Hitler Means Never Having To Say You’re Sorry (for Norm Macdonald)

Stalin, PolPot, Mao, the Popes,




 (can  I say it?)

Scott Adams,



(I’m sure some are missing)






Wake up,

make up your own list,

look at it,

and do something different

if you even can.


As Norm might say: “ Hey! 

None of them said they were

sorry….did they?”

Saturday, March 16, 2024

I Give Up #735

I gave up long ago in many ways.
Now letting go of the rest of pretense,
until the time I get to post tense. 
I give up being a man marked with
thingness; “writer”, for example, even
though I can’t stop writing while I wait for 
my huevos Mexicana, loganisa, papas,
I thought you should know.

Friday, March 15, 2024

Muse With Fat Legs

She’s a honker.

Don’t start anything with her

you can’t finish….she’ll edit

you alive!

As for me, any lady that wants

to teach me poetry, if they can

do it with my dick in their mouth,

they’re welcome.

“Oh! Those aren’t pretty words!”

Yeah? Well, neither are those legs.

Love: an MDMA Perspective

In Buddhism, love and compassion are

synonymous. They say compassion rather

than love because love can connotate an

emotion, when love is more intrinsic.

Buddhist teachings say our basic nature is

composed of two elements: emptiness and

compassion, love. Emptiness because you

can’t love when your mind is full of crap.

If your mind is open, 

you can love unconditionally.

The “Thing”

I see myself sitting in a chair

looking at a screen the way I 

have for many years; the same

schtick, routine, manifesting a

minor player in a drama complicated 

seven billion times, not including

extraterrestrial extras that slide behind

the scene.  Nothing said was ever new,

nothing ever written original. It was and

is memory in the echo resonances of

previous words that have been cried for

millennia; songs proclaiming the wonders

and horrors of life, the “Thing” inside 

us all, bursting to get out and sing.

Thursday, March 14, 2024

Meditation Isn’t What You Think It Is

 Many people who begin meditation quit 

after a short while because they feel they’re 

not getting anywhere. They think they can’t 

meditate. Then, they call it useless.

Those that practice with discipline over a

long period of time know it’s priceless.

Wednesday, March 13, 2024


I have a fear of widths.

I’m scared to be in public…

“spandex nightmare vision horror!”


“Inflation is nothing to be laughed at

under any circumstances.” 

…trembling in fear.

Monday, March 11, 2024

Gag Mask

 …is what I think when I see anyone

wearing a mask these days…even the

fanatic ex-Gates programmer ex-pat

from San Fran up the hill doesn’t wear 

one anymore.

So, It was a joke, and still the joke’s on

whomever wears one now or will be duped 

again into the Chicken Little call to panic.

We know now, or should, that the masks

never did any good, except, maybe, make

people look like the boobs they are.

And, if the masks were a hoax….that means…

………the vaccines……….?

Friday, March 8, 2024

Pandemic 2024

I’m not saying there will be one,

but I do wonder how everyone is

feeling right now about the last one;

being shut in, taking the vax, social

distancing, always wearing a mask?

Do you feel the reasons for government 

“mandates”, in retrospect, made sense?

Did they do any good?

Are you ready to do them again?

Just asking….oh, by the way, I

did a “Hey, Joe” and moved to

Mexico ‘cause I knew it would be 

bad, but I didn’t realize….

same reason the Jews that left

Germany in the 30’s survived.

Curious George

 Humans are having difficulty evolving

from the ape man, the homosap, right now

that the cusp of a new paradigm is opening.

Just as the rate of information increase has

become exponential, humanity’s consciousness 

is being stretched to where nothing is familiar.

Even among ourselves, some of us think we’re 

smarter than others…and some of us are smarter.

Very few of us are that much smarter. 

So, where is evolution happening, how is it 

happening right now?

The same as it did before,

when humans walked with the Gods?

Today's Droppings. March 8, 2024

 Throwing Words Around 

If we like to talk, sometimes we add

a long word that we’re not quite sure

belongs there, but we want to impress.

Anytime one uses words to affect the

meaning, rather than simply to convey

the truth is called throwing words around.

There would be no point to art that

doesn’t aspire to the truth…art 

cannot lie, which is why Disney

is having such a hard time now.

Brainwashing is using nonsense 

as meaning to create confusion,

Smokescreen the truth….the word 

is a virus…everything you know 

is wrong… if you don’t think for

yourself, someone is busy thinking

for you…I seem to be saying the same 

thing over and over. Clear enough?


God was with Jesus (Issa) in heaven, in

August of 1945. They gazed lovingly down

at the earth. They noticed at once the

mushroom cloud growing over Hiroshima.

God turns to Jesus and says:

“I told you so.”


Zen Master’s Lecture

“Now…………….(long pause)………”


I see them walk by with their boobs and their arses

what’s in between is a few inert gasses.

As they pass, I get gas, like love that doesn’t last,

like the last of my inert gazes through a hollow,

opaque glass.


Wednesday, March 6, 2024


Trees with lavender flowers bloom

right about now, my birthday,

as if nature is saying: “We won’t forget 

why you came to our magic valley. Our

golden sun and light purple flowers will

always return to remind you.”

At least, that’s what my heart perceives.

Tuesday, March 5, 2024

Notes From A Quantum Sensei

“When you’ve got forever, you might

as well take your time and do it right…

at least, that’s what the Pharaohs told me.”

Roderigo, at whose kiosk I’ve been eating for years,

came up with a spontaneous bon mote this morning.

I greeted him: “Commo Estas?”

He replied: “Trumpquillo.” making him an instant poet.

In the quantum universe, that’s called a “tell”.

Hall of Fame Oxymoron: true religion.

Old Age #3785


“You try it!”

“You’ll get there,

if you’re lucky?”

With age, one’s abilities and interests 

begin to fade, so that old age seems to

be all that I am and write about.

The aged need aid, which is why they’re 

included with the handicapped, which is

why I wear colorful clothes: so that, in

case I get lost, I can still find myself.

Monday, March 4, 2024

Motion Detector

Brownian motion random movement of

particles in a fluid.

Herd motion movement of sentient beasts

together in a particular direction due to habit

or training.

Quantum motion movement of coherent

energies between points in time and space

instantaneously…in other words,

where dance comes from.

Saturday, March 2, 2024

Before You Read This


Cheap trick.

Just words you read.

Turns your mind into

a jumping bean.

“Final Notice!”

“You Have Won!”

That’s why the internet is a 

perfect medium for deception…

communication through abstraction 

sans direct connection,  context,

inference and innuendo, narrowing

the spectrum scale to what most know,

leaving mystery in the corner under a

pile of oily rags, the juicy details lost

in trying to follow the story, or, was it

History? Yes, you  have to have some 

history to be able to follow what goes 

on in the world….where do you get 

that history? Well, certainly not in all 

the books you read, except if the people

writing them were actually there.  

What you do is go straight to the internet

and watch all the videos you can about 

conspiracies. The media calls them 

conspiracies because they know they’re true.

You’ve just  gotten everything backwards 

because you were listening to the wrong folks.

Just flip the switch.

The Great Switcheroo.

So, before you read this,

if you’re brainwashed,


life makes you dizzy,

I’m not….so, do what I did

and meditate a lot.


“It only makes sense to me.”

Trill seekers

melody hunters

musical mercenaries 

artistic autists

guerrilla my dreams

quantum (not that) menageries 

shake it up, Baby,

Papa’s got a brand new sequence

of possibilities (bag) which is 

indicative of the multiverse…
