Wednesday, January 25, 2012

For The Broken Record

Play it again
the joy the pain,
oh, you will….
because you can’t
help yourself, Sam.


did I say something wrong?
did I say nothing?
did I say nothing wrong?

Thursday, January 19, 2012

Pick Up Styx

Moving along at the speed of
lethargy. Picking up coupons
for the next life…speeding at
the pace of oblivion,.. the lotus
leaves of material wealth tearing
voraciously at the flesh of our minds.

You There

You there...
who reads this…
What’s the connection?
Are you bored
looking for something?

Is the truth in front of you not enough?

Or, is it possible you don’t see
the truth, and you’re looking for it?

It’s possible…
It’s likely
It’s true.

It's Official: The U.S.A. is a Fascist State

On March 3, the day before my birthday, the
Defense Authorization Act takes effect, meaning
that after that date, the United States Government
is authorized to detain American Citizens indefinitely,
for no reason, without trial. At that time, the transition
from Democracy to Fascist State will be complete.
What an irony that the first black President would be
the person to eliminate the freedoms of all American
citizens. What the world must think of the U.S.A..
As for me, I never intend to go back there. The biggest
problem with this Fascist State, is that it is not a
dictatorship of a few: the whole society is corrupt
from the top down….from the corporate shills that rob
the country, to the stupid, obese, brainwashed masses
that allow them to do so. As Richard Dreyfuss said
decades ago: “The reason why there are no
revolutionaries in the U.S.A., is that they would be like
spoil sports at an orgy.” Well, the party’s over, the jig is up,
and it’s possible that all hell might break loose very soon.*


This article appeared  May 6, 2012

Tuesday, January 17, 2012


Words do a thing to me
dance, ping-pong off each
other in my head.

Power of word
Power of mantra
Power of art…

“See no future, pay no rent,
all the money’s gone,
no where to go,” Beatles


(3 stanzas of a poem written
an understanding of where
I"m phase...
drunk and stoned as fire
It all becomes clearer
the clearer it becomes....
but don't take my words for it...
I'm a moron....
(more on that later)....
and so it goes.....
Kurt Vonnegut's favorite phrase)

Oh yes, whatever…I’ve been there
STRONG before by now.
So words continue, you see, like the sea,
do they mean anything…does the water
mean anything as it burbles down the stream?

Words mean anything
you just have to put them
together right like a spaghetti
dinner, a pound of flesh,
a proclamation of freedom.

Wednesday, January 11, 2012

Plumbing Story

I was a plumbing apprentice in Boston, circa 1972,
I worked for a company that was going down,
because the smart partner died. They were reduced
to selling pornography and stolen goods from the shop.
One morning, one of the plumbers came into work
soaking wet. He had driven his car into the Charles
river early that morning. I was assigned to work
with him that day. We went to the building he
had been installing a new heating system in. He went
into a room and said: “I’m going to sleep…make sure
no one bothers me.” I waited there for however long.
When he came out, he got a call for a stopped up toilet
in the building. We went to the apartment, and he
started working on the toilet. The plunger and toilet auger
didn’t work. He pulled the toilet, and snaked it
from the outlet, which yielded no results. In desperation,
he got a hose and stuck it in the toilet. The bathroom was
tiled halfway up the wall, with a floor drain, so he wasn’t
worried about water. He wrestled with that toilet and hose
for a good twenty minutes. Suddenly, a gigantic turd slithered
out like a snake. We looked at each other in a primordial
state of mind, because seeing the turd we were so shocked
that anyone could have produced it. It was a true moment
of awakening.

Thursday, January 5, 2012

Going Along As If Nothing Had Happened

Going along as if nothing had happened..
Going along as if you never were born.
Going along as if life has always been this way.
Going along as if your assistant had never
fucked that boy in the shower.

Going along…only seeing what you need to
right in front of you…plowing ahead
regardless of the consequences…

Sleepwalking in your favorite dream
till the accident….ravishing America
with greed till what you’ve gained
becomes worthless.

“Don't ask me about it…
I know nothing about it...
Nobody else knew either…
So, I went on in a fog, thinking
That nothing had happened.”

Pablo Neruda: "Don't Ask"

Monday, January 2, 2012

Perfect Timing

Too late...shouda been
as they used to say till
now became suburb of

Here I am again…
every time.
I think I’m late…
lately the synchronicity
is catching up to me.

Sometimes I think I see:
“Capture that light in a
prism, Spock, before it
turns to ash!”

The only perfect time
is now.
The only time is now.