Friday, May 20, 2011

Question Mark

Question mark…
mark of Cain…
born of the fruit
of the tree of knowledge…
trying to fill in the blank,
that existential hole,
with a certainty that
never seems to be enough…
…the question that marks
the loss of Eden…
the loss of union…
the loss of confidence…
the beginning of conflict…
the stain of separation…
the birth of ego.

Monday, May 16, 2011

A Step Into Zoo

The Great One stepped onto the balcony greeted
by a cacophony of primordial “oooos” and “aaaaaaaaahs”,
the balcony itself manifestooned
with balloons in a ruse of hues down
impossible avenues of color….

…all in good time say the Maya,
grinning a feral dog into the camera,
into the minds of millions…
“that ought to do something…” the shaman,
premedicated into a parallel dimension,
smiled to himself…

…these were precise moments captured and mined,
coaxed and teased and packaged and marketed in
consumable form as zen-like instant epiphanies
for the go-go spiritual activist, accessible in 3-D…

Sunday, May 15, 2011

Death Haiku

I can avoid death
my whole life until that time…


Those of you that don’t believe in reincarnation,
look in a mirror….
this is either your first birth,
or your trillionth,
and you have no idea which is true.

Monday, May 2, 2011

Bin Laden's Death

The puppet’s strings are cut,
it falls upon the stage…
the hand that gave it life
glides silently away.