Saturday, December 27, 2008

Endings of a Rock Skipping

It started and ended at T's house in Denver, skipping back or rewinding
three years to when I lived there. Oddly, O!  "T." of the precarious life had
lived in the same place for years while I was moving six times. He was made 
out of strange stuff to be considered stable, but we always communicated on
 a level esthetically, poetically, intuitively, madly, philosophically that can
only be described metaphorically like Ren and Stimpy on DMT and absinthe
talking in an open field on a moonlit night about the makings of everything.
He had two Brians and an Amy in orbit...I should say all were inter-orbiting
in different intersecting sets of mandalas, but I don't want to confuse you.
We had our usual greeting night when I arrived...full of hysterical laughter...
He outlaid me with "supplies" for my trip to Boulder.

I stayed at Slim's house in Niwot. The whole basement was a studio  for his
software business and DJ work. He alternated between puttering around the
house and bursting into a blaze of activity in full wack, working with clients 
and his aide and creating playlists for the upcoming gigs at the same time...
interesting to watch but impossible to follow. I made dinners, watched cable,
(a treat for me). We would do a radio show in a few days which was  my excuse
for being there. One afternoon Slim turned me on to the spirit molecule, so
now I have my McKenna street cred. That brief moment was quite a 
punctuation mark for the visit.....!!! x 100.  Nothing was ever the same before
or since.

We did the show. Live radio is always fun for me, after all the theatre I've done,
but the quality varies considerably. Mountain Trance played bluegrass electronic
live in the studio...nice people I would see again in a couple of nights.

I did a little plumbing at Slim's house...had a plumbing flashback
nightmare...interesting. Slim heard my screams, but allowed me to rest in the 
plumbing space without comment. In spite of what happened in the house, 
there was an internal spaciousness there... vast, and hard to explain. 

A dance two nights after the show...2 bands, 2 DJ's...opened with Serena,,,
still cute after all the years. I was hanging out in front,  unofficial greeter,
pointing to the door,  stoned, sipping Comfort...people coming in smiling,
costumed, lubricated in many directions....good hearted friendly real folks...
that felt nice. This big guy fiddler came out for pre-gig lubrication and became
the Second Unofficial Greeter...told me his story openly and sweetly and we
connected naturally without any fuss.

Then it changed and I was inside digging the sounds and an occasional,
verbal or non, connection. I did tell a 51 year old I thought she was hot 
and she smiled and  said that she was offended, which shocked me.
Slim played his set and I danced as well as I could with abandon.

That night and the next I spent in a motel recovering my strength 
and watching football....then to T's house where the environment 
was like a ripe zit... spontaneous fun happy time in the middle of
their lives brimming with potential and explosion of 
good lucky fun. Twelve portraits of T's friends on his wall (he painted)
shining forth like living icons, living art beings. Two Brians and an Amy
hanging with mad T. and mean task. We got into our cups and pipes
and made merry... it was so fun white people all clazy.

Now I'm back in laid back paradise....Whew!

Friday, December 26, 2008

My Generation

Space in front of us
and money in our pockets
knowing that our Fathers'
perfect world was but
a steppingstone, so
we tried to stop the madness
the march of morons, but
a coke machine released
a stick of dynamite
a wolf burst into flame...

albeit much was lost,
the heart remained.

OMG!!! A Bumpersticker!!!

There’s a story about one of Trungpa, Rinpoche’s students bursting into his bedroom
all freaked out, saying: “Rinpoche! Rinpoche! What should I do?”

He said: “Do what you do.”

I do poetry.

(OMG!!!! A Bumpersticker!!!)

Saturday, December 6, 2008

Four Friends

Jack's two stepping over the line...
Larry thinks he's doing fine...
Slim's walking a tightrope...
Starling somewhere between yes and no...
And I got no place to go.

Jack crashed but not quite splat...
Larry thinks he knows where it's at...
Slim tip toeing tipsily...
Starling trippy on solipsism...
And I got no place to go.

Jack crying, family doesn't care...
Larry's loyal friends right there...
Starling loves kindness from strangers...
Slim doesn't know if they're friend or foe...
And I got no place to go,

Thursday, December 4, 2008

Piano Bar in Xanadu

Five o'clock
shadows from buildings lengthen
down the greying thoroughfare
seen through panoramic plate glass
like in the painting "Night Hawks".
Dots of customers at isolated tables...
this is their heaven...quiet sound
of Steinway, ash tray on top, 
in front of the Player...
pencil thin mustache memorial..
grooves in the face sagging
like pickup lines over uttered.
He's reached his nirvana
in the echo off the walls
of sentimental songs that
never will go retro...
show tunes whose ancient joys
dribble away in tinkles,
perfected like aged beef,
alcohol the fixer on a cracked masterpiece.
This is not a dive found in a tour book.
It's a landfill of broken spirit done up real neat;
hospice for tuxedoed corpse pretenders,
a perfect denouement deliciously wondering
in precious gift of moment before
invisible curtain falls like a shade.
This moment; "What happened?"
seasoned with sweet pangs
amped up by hazy interior expanse
of pregnant and aborted silences,
eight bar phrases pull the trigger
of mind clicking on empty dream
chambers, ghosts of memory...
a one time glimpse of paradise.

Tuesday, December 2, 2008


Three years in Mexico
on the edge of a cliff.
My era is over...maybe
some seeds for the future
were planted.

I saw a flim
about the last Zapatistas...
old man exhorting the young
to not give up the struggle for
freedom...he said 
his turn was over.

A new generation
tilling the field of bodhi,
which is not about
success or failure.

Zapata was an honest man,
walked into his own ambush
with eyes open, said:
"My death is necessary so that
my ideals will be remembered."

The only thing that survives 
is the truth.