Wednesday, October 29, 2014

I Saw A Man Playing Spoons

I saw a man playing spoons
on a street in Columbia, South 
Carolina, on a corner. I don’t
remember why I was there at
that exact moment, not far from 
my house. A magician of a minor
chord…it wasn’t just the spoons…
it was him he was playing…that’s
why the Blues are real.  Anyway,
he played those spoons like bones.
His music was as real as the tears 
on my momma’s face….it happened
on the street, in my heart, in his voice, 
in this world. That's what the old world
was like.

Monday, October 27, 2014

Toothless In Tepoztlan

A bull that cannot charge
a cobra with no venom
a carnivore with no hunger.

Have I lost the will to live?
I think I’ve lost the will
not to die.

Let’s face it, like all the
toothless lions, supported
on each side by lionesses.

They know. Why don’t we?
Send old folks to processing
homes so someone doesn’t
have to see? That may not
be bad…more productive life
without the burden of knowing,
seeing one’s own fate.

I think sending me out onto the
ice, when I can’t chew the blubber
is really the best way.

Don’t put me in a home.
Let’s have a party in the
middle of winter. I’ll go out
then, into the cold with a
bottle of the best. That’s the
way a poet or an Eskimo
should go.

Whirl World Of Fun

Even amidst the apocalypse.
That’s why the darkness doesn’t
destroy the light, nor the light 
obliterate the darkness…nothing
gained, nothing lost. A sense of
humor is your Baedeker to every
strange world…even the one 
you’re in.

Fragments Of A Bone Mirror (For Captain Beefheart)

I just love that (deleted) title.

Yeah, I need the challenge
of putting the puzzle together
from a few pizza crusts….

I just thought I had to do
something, then, I realized
It was already done.

When you are in the playpen,
things happen very quickly.

But, still, you have to change
your diapers…we think we’re
free between young and old…
dear me.

I’d rather explode, go out bold,
not wrinkled, withering, the way
I entered the stage, which is also
part of the question of “to be or not
to be.”  Well, at least, I don’t need
to look for a fight to fight for…if
I decide to go out that way.

Checking In With The NSA

Are you checking in with me?
Does your demographic define
me as a terrorist yet?  Well,
let me help you here..make it clear,
so you don't have to waste more
of my money trying to figure me out.

To you, yes, I am a terrorist, because,
a terrorist to you is just a gook that
doesn't fit into the parameters you've
been told are real.....ok? It goes back
so long...Vietnam is what I'm familiar
with...the dehumanizing there....

But, so, now, that Posse Comitatus and
Habeas Corpus no longer apply,  even
ordinary American Citizens are also gooks.
Aren't we?

This an editorial from a poet, of whom we
could say  has already given his life to his

Black Kraken Shoes

My C.P.A., before he
dropped dead in King 
Soopers during tax season,
looked at my baby, and said,
“Ragnarok!” He wasn’t from
Iceland, but, he might as well
could have been. When I used
to see him about taxes (he used
to be an auditor for the Canadian
Government) we would just look
at each other, laugh a lot, I’d sign
some paper, give him a hug, 
and leave.

White Noise (for Jack Bruce)

The T.V.’s on, and
nobody’s looking…
at least, it drowns
out the thoughts
cheaper than prozac.

Pizza is part of it too…
putting those adverts 
into action is so satisfying….
the fat on a four hundred
pounder is comprised of
white noise and sugar…
a different meaning to:
“and the word became flesh….” 
d’ya think?

Heavy Blue Poem

My ball bag’s been dragging
ever since my voice changed.
Ever since my mother asked 
me if we were in trouble, I 
knew I was.

How Long? goes the title of the
Blues song…not how long ‘till 
something, just, how long?

The sky is also blue, the color
we see through the clouds of
our sadness.

Blood red…heart blue…
funny, not code red, not
code blue…it is a code,
isn’t it? It’s where the 
sun splits in two.  

Saturday, October 25, 2014

When The Bullet Goes Through Your Head

What were you thinking?
This could be a koan…but, no
I got more to go on.

What’ya got?
Unless it’s unbearable
physical pain, you got
nothing…, really.

The last thing a bug sees
is it’s ass as it hits a windshield.

There are many things going through
your head already…you only fixate
because of attraction.

What is that?
Ever wonder about that?
That’s rhetorical….
the bullet isn’t.

Friday, October 24, 2014


Don’t wake me from my coma
I’ve got it where I want it to be.
I’ve lived your so called life, tinsel, 
fireworks, chupacabres, romances, 
trances. There’s nothing left except
life itself that captivates me.

To be or not to be is the question.
What did Romeo chose? Innate tragedy
(if you have an emotional P.O.V)
never has an happy ending. 

No, I am awake. The coma is 
what surrounds me.

Thursday, October 23, 2014

Soul Traveler

I go from soul to soul
traveling where I got to go.
Nobody knows me…I show
up when when I have to.

I went down to the station
to leave myself behind.
I took the train…
lost my name…
made one up in Kansas City.

I’m the person you meet in
the street that dispels the 
clouds in front of you.

I’m the person you meet 
in the street that slaps you 
in the face for no reason.

I’m the person you see in
the street that steals you blind.
Everything is a tell.

Wednesday, October 22, 2014

All My Friends Are Going Down

G., T., A., J., H., me, my friends and I are 
going down and what a blessing to be
being going down together, seeing the
end game, waiting for Godot, in a way,
but with each of us as loving  mirrors
to the process of seeing that no matter
what you take away, what’s left is life
and love.

Occupational Hazards

Discovered `I lost my visa today…
a car crashed in front of me while
I was sitting on the steps of the
coffee house…no driver…one
wheel on the side walk….
I destroyed a computer
by spilling a drink. That’s three.
Maybe I’m at the end of a rope…
I don’t envision much more slack.

It’s been a good run…nine years
in Tepoztlan without major trauma,
lots of writing done to the point I
could consider myself a writer…
just taking stock before the next
glitch in the Matrix.

Maybe the agents are after me…
agents of old age, agents of
decrepitude. My body was a corvette,
and, I drove it hard…I’m hard on 
machines. ’S’bout time for things
to start falling off.

I try to be more careful, watch every
step.  For good or ill, I can’t stem my
slapstick nature, even when it’s no joke.
I’ve been so lucky…fell out of trees like
ripe fruit when I was a kid…only once 
a concussion. Maybe now the joke’s 
on me. Not sure how to end this poem…
maybe circumstances will do it for me.

Monday, October 20, 2014

Yes, It Is Better (for Karl Dorinson)

Woke up woozy after
a night with my Polish
friend  fiend…..had a hit
of hair of the dog, and
yes it is better, my head
is not hanging over me
like a basilisk in a
hurricane….it’s ok to talk 
about this because I’m not
In AA, and I have no where
to turn…for what? (he asked,
quizzically) except back to
square one.

Friday, October 17, 2014

Odessa The Nth Moment

As you watch it comes to you
washing all away…
Yesterday, in the kiosk, the
pipe burning with reason, 
coffee black as the night of day.

The old men didn’t move then.
Smoke occasionally puffed up.
As they watched the flame 
approach from the West, one 
man said…”Ah, here they are 
again, to take us over and 
capture nothing,”

Reality Is A Tell

Sometimes people listen…
a few times, maybe,
in their lives.

Thousands look at
a Van Gogh, sometimes
someone sees it.

This is the magic that
the world is full of.

Sometimes someone
doesn’t take the plane
and avoids disaster.

Sometimes you open to
a stranger, and, you don’t
know why…you end up
marrying them.

It happens everywhere all the
time..the road less traveled
always in front of you.

It’s all in the clues….the play is
the thing in which the truth is revealed…
reality is a tell.

Tuesday, October 14, 2014

Just A Storm (for Dave)

A cumulonimbus
growing in gigantic whiteness
emanates a few grey stratus
as messengers announcing
it’s forthcoming. The wind blows,
I close some windows.
I love the storm, el tormenta.
Still see some blue behind the
accumulating clouds…I put the
hot water on for my shower….
listening to lounge jazz…
“and we’ll banish the pain 
and the sorrow…”
The clouds are playing
light and dark. I doubt they
know the mood I’m in.
A gap of blue, as if the storm
can’t make up it’s mind.
I don’t know which way 
the storm is coming…from
behind me, but, there’s blue
in front of me….sneaky storm.
Nice wind. Maybe we could
party together sometime. 

Rat Race

Death is the finish line,
time to reboot the P.C..
All that glitters is not the goal.
It’s a case of sera sera.

Sunday, October 12, 2014

All Time And Space (For Robin Williams)

That’s what you have
to look at it…you need 
look at it that way.

Take time….look at just
the Twentieth Century….
all the changes…we know
now what mistakes were
made and are still being
made. It doesn’t take a 
brain surgeon.

Take all time, all space…
because why limit yourself?

It doesn’t take a brain surgeon
to show you your life…it’s
your mind, after all.

I don’t see any problem 
being stuck on a tractor
in an Iowa cornfield.

Shooting smak in a N.Y.
cold water flat.

Geting a P.H.D. at Harvard
and running some kind of

Your choice, Baby,
Your choice…..

Just…..don’t let it
bog you down.

Friday, October 10, 2014

Jurrassic Compartment

There’s this place in my brain
that remembers all the stuff
that went before, but, mainly
the feelings that make me 
want to eat. 

Everything was eating everything
back then…they were just
constantly shaking their heads
getting over the pre-Cambrian
hangover….trying to differentiate
their otherwise simple impulses.

When your digestive tract thinks
more than your brain….you might
be a Redneck. Git ‘er done!


I just felt like saying that.
You understand.
I've yelled it in the night
at the meditation center
'till the director asked me
"What for?" so, I stopped 
for a while...'til I figured out
why, which only took a year.
I liked being drunk.


Yeah, still feels good while
I can still feel...I can be bad 
now because the spirit is willing
but the salsa is weak.

I'm enjoying the fuck out of
this...haven't a clue about you.

OK, you're my muse now,
booze brother, we have been 
branded so much a Brand it
looks toward heaven for me.
(Or, was that a


One word. How does it feel?
How do any other of the words
feel? Have you noticed anything
in your mother fucking life?

Sorry to give away a clue.
Why would I bother to try to
tell you?
Monster Truck drivers,
The repetition of examples
boggles even the imagination.

Drunk is not the only way out anymore.
We only have a few examples
of ways to slow down that work.

If you're going down a hill in
a semi....someone knows what
to do when the brakes go out.

Shakespeare Reference

Shakespeare is the one that said

"The clothes make the man"

Sure, in his, I would say...

"Whose clothes do you think you are wearing?"


Timing waits for no one.

The `Greatest Poem Ever Written

…would be like that Monty Python
skit of the funniest joke that caused
everyone that heard it to die laughing.
So, what effect would the greatest 
poem have?  It would stop bullshit
in its tracks,…whomever heard it 
would quit the army, drop out of 
politics, business, start enjoying
life, start helping others, slow down
and relax, open the eyes and start
to look at the world for real, find 
something to do that brings joy....
unfortunately, it hasn’t been written.

Tuesday, October 7, 2014

Early Spontaneous Out Of The Night

Off the cuff in the coffee house
bar home brew contentment in
the middle of the night, or, what
seems to be that, I find myself
once again at the key board that
splays it's provocative potential
at me so familiar, as if it was my
family. So, why not do this now?
What? The particular is not the's the course it takes...just
ask Wallace Stevens. So, of course,
a course is a course, of
course, and nobody can talk to a
course of course, unless that course
is the famous course, known as Mr.
Head.  So,  since there are only two
things, i.e. what's next and what's left,
I'm left with a particular course of
course. She left me a note...
"Mandelbrot"...that's all she wrote.
"Anyone for Dada?"
You can't get here from anywhere,
but, now that you got here, relax,
and take in the exposure. No, this is
not the end of this....even if it was,
it would just start over somewhere
else. Maybe I'm experiencing true
Mexican surrealism right now...I
think that because it seems to be true,
(sorry for the paltry explanation)
But, only in media res of the night
does the light go on in the toilet
window, as eecummings wrote.
I'm beginning to think of writing as
work, because I seem to do it a lot,
and...I's all I got...there
was something more there, but, it's
gone.  No...not a good enough
punchline. I have to continue as if
I'm talking to myself everyone.
That comes with a drink.

Civilization is a yoyo...up and down.
If you have a human mind you can
figure out what and where you are.

(No...that was too clear)


How many documents have we signed
that made us feel that something was
finally real?

At this moment, no matter where I am,
I feel like I'm in an empty cafeteria.

You want a piece of me?


Chicago has a particular flavor which
could be either burnt almonds or's all because of the El.

I saw a sawdust bar blind black blues
man beneath the El, up on a Northern
part of the line. I remember the music
like a scar.

This is all happening in the middle of
a night of an old man now....

Don't wait for your life to flash before
your eyes.

The truth hurts because it's necessary
like the sun.

Monday, October 6, 2014

Elderberry Wine

The trees turn now
the vines get long
we’ve taken the grapes 
nature takes its turn.
We take what we got 
and make something
out of it…wine this time.
OMG…how good this
natural thing we found
that plays within our mind!
What do you want to sing for?
What do you hope to find?

Friday, October 3, 2014

No More

I’m listening to music
looking out the window
It’s beautiful out there,
green, flowers, clouds.

No more in here…
no more putting my nose
to the rutstone
going nowhere fast.

Now, I go everywhere slow,
or, not at all. It may happen,
but, no longer is it up to me.
It’s up to serendipity.

Imagine an old yogi, sitting
on the bank of a river in India,
eating fish guts. That’s not me.
But, it might as well could be.