Monday, August 29, 2016

Parfait For The Course

What were you expecting?
The Spanish Inquisition?
(that always stops my mind)

What was so special about
their Inquisition? 
What was so bad about the
Bali inquisitions?

i know, it was because of
Monty Python.

Because the British, after
two hundred years of treating
the world like it's bitch,
started to have a sense 
of humor...because Hitler
didn't defeat them... it was
the Americans.

So, now it's time for the
Spanish Inquisition
once again.

It better be funny
this time.

Saturday, August 27, 2016

"Tepoztlan, No Se Vende!"

Friday, August 26, 2016

Will To Beast

We're all animals,
bags of water,
we should know better
than to take ourselves 
so seriously.


I could be writing in a
smoke filled jazz club
for all you know.

A young blond woman
helped an older Mexican
woman up some steps with 
a wheelchair...I said: "Nice girl",
she turned her head and smiled.

She didn't call me a misogynist
racist Nazi white 1%er who
should be beaten.....

I gave a nun a ride in a taxi
down the hill.

She didn't say
they were going to come for me.
She didn't say I might miss the
rapture or the second coming,
the one Mary always wanted.
She was a nice lady!

These common things happened
and they were extraordinary
if you've ever noticed precision
in these moments of your life...
meat work....survival..."getting
things done."

"Not Everybody Is An Asshole"

Not everybody is an asshole...
look on the bright side...
I still care about people...
a hangover from the Mahayana...

But the Orwellian Twist, to 
mark Trump as a hater,
so that people could hate him,
taking five minutes for a "1984" 
Orwellian Hate Break...
is a victory of marketing
and Goebbels wanna business,
triumph of the Id,  classic 
distraction, mind control 
repetition of words like 
"conspiracy", testimony from
spoiled millionaire celebrities,
on and on, but there's still 
a nice guy in Iowa. 

Tuesday, August 23, 2016

The Truth: An Editorial

The truth is always positive. If the truth
exposes something negative, that is a
positive effect of the truth.

Some people think Mr. Trump is the
same as Hitler. Certainly it's true they
didn't come up with this idea themselves...
it's been repeated in the MSM like a
broken record.

It's true that many Americans have been
brainwashed. Mind control to make
Americans good consumers, for example,
has been operative since just after the
First Word War. The prominence of Madison
Avenue is a testament to this reality.

If one objectively examines this election,
it's clear that the status quo selling of
Hillary is fully in motion. Popular T.V.
series, like the Simpsons, have 
propagandized against Mr. Trump. The MSM
treats Mr. Trumps words and distorts them
to create the impression he is a crypto Genghis
Khan, while, at the same time, they avoid
reporting the truths that Hillary is a lying, 
thieving criminal likely complicit in the murders
of people opposed to her.

But even the MSM has to look at the history 
of, and her current corruption. What happened 
with the Clinton Foundation is such a 
transparent example of pay-to-play that it
simply can't be ignored.

The corruption of the government, (is there any
major government institution that is not corrupt?)
absolved her of criminal charges, while, in the
same breath, demonstrated that she was guilty
as hell of those same charges.

Where is the truth in this election? Obviously,
Mr. Trump is telling the truth, tho he is brash 
and clumsy, hyperbolic in his rhetoric, and rubs
people the wrong way. If one uses their 
intelligence and looks past the slogans of the 
MSM and the entertainment cabal, one sees that
his positions make common sense.

America is a nation of addicts. Its people are
addicted to many things...i pods...twitter...their
sense of entitlement..."We're Number One!"
Any lie that feeds their craving is welcome and
embraced. Mr Trump represents an intervention
of the American Dream.

The American Dream seemed nice when America
was rescuing (read: subjugating) Japan and
Germany after the Second World War...helping
(read; undermining) Europe and Russia in that
moral conflict (read: establishing American 

Now, with all the problems of the world that 
threaten the human species, America, (read the 
1%), has taken off the kid gloves. Greed has 
become transparent.

Some of the ones supporting Mr. Trump do so 
because their lives are being ruined by the banks,
by the education system, by a criminal government.
Others back Mr. Trump because they see the truth
that if Clinton is elected, if the status quo is allowed
to survive, it could mean nuclear war and the end
of civilization. That's the worst case scenario. But 
what is certain is that the middle class will continue
to be erased, radical Muslims will pour into the
country and kill lots of people. And the rest of the
world will continue to see America for what it is:
a powerful, stupid bully, and they will form stronger
alliances against it. Japan and Europe will continue
to support their master. A New World Order, (read
dictatorship) is on its way.

I'm with Thomas Paine: "Give me liberty or give
me death" (not debt). I'll fight against a corrupt
American government as the Declaration of
Independence and the Constitution tell me I have
a right and a duty to do. If Mr. Trump is elected,
perhaps there is a chance that that won't be
necessary. If not, it may well be.

Monday, August 22, 2016

Desperado Goes To The Zocalo

I call it the "smokalo", 'cause I
can smoke there. Center of town,
school children, early teens,
in uniform, so cheerful and sweet,
hugging their friends, how delightful!
Ran into old gringo blues player from
Chicago. We did our elderly damn-it-all
dance, glad we live in a town that doesn't
know too much, where they still sing
loudly and carry on their nothing-better-
to-do traditions that used to be some 
previous experience of their ancestors, 
but now is just something that happens 
so they can feel a bit connected to some
continuity and don't have to think too much.

They don't seem girl shouts 
to her friend, notices me and says: "oh, 
pardon...". They really seem to love each 
other. People in American cities should
come here just to see this before it too is
gone. I've met some real humans here, 
the dying breed, who respect old people
which means they respect people in 
general...and my landlord's three year old
that look at me so happy as if I was the 
greatest thing he'd never seen before.

I've been desperado my whole life to try
and ascertain W-T-F was going on and why
everyone was telling me what I should do
as if they were happy. I can see what's 
going on here, and, much of it is lovely.
As a preserve, it's still game.

Sunday, August 21, 2016


Desperate, but not despairing...
Woulda beena Beat, but the times
don't allow the luxury of marginal
existence...just getting by trying
to make it in a real way...what the
Beats finally did. 

Desperate at the OK watering hole,
corralled by diminishing returns of
possibilities to make it before it all
falls apart; monolithic ponzi scheme
worship of status quo that ain't over
'til it's over can I get into this feeding
frenzy before the fat lady is 

Desperado expat in a nation that is
used to despair...not like El Norde
which isn't used to waking up from
its dream, pull the covers up tighter
and kill the alarm clock, shoot the
messenger, all he brings is bad news.

Even Kansas isn't in Kansas anymore,
and hope was for a time when things
actually could get better. Now, when
things get better, they are actually
getting worse: technology which was
supposed to give us more freedom is
doing the opposite; humans are 
automated out of existence by the 
facility of communication so they never
have to shut their mouths, still their
fingers, notice the dark noise bombs
going off in their heads, a flower is
merely a photo op for a tweet, in itself
it has no meaning..., yes Desperado to panic a notary,
Desperado to shatter artificial lives,
Desperado to wake the sleepwalkers,
Desperado, an outlaw to the unseen,
unfelt, invisible laws that have trained
the human clown into sad makeup, 
made us allergic to color, quirky jokey
spontaneous capering that will get you
shot on any Main Street where the meme
of mediocrity is mainlined, where 
correctness has erased us, life suspended
'til the next sequel of Star Wars, waiting
in line in pathetic costume for artificially
flavored popcorn and the hour to be 
elevated into suicide dream, Disney
Utopia of brave new world, don't forget
your prozac if it gets to be a bit too much,
oh, it will.

Steak And Eggs

restaurant surrounded by
gorgeous jungle.
Omar knows what I want.
It never comes out perfect,
like life, but close enough.

Sound of rainy season river.
Town filed on Sunday with
Mexican tourists.

The bus stops here.
The buck stops here.
Fear of death gone or away.

All you stock brokers 
with your money 
can't touch this.

This is your longing, your
craving that drives you
down endless treadmill.

"Oh, how tired we are of 
hearing it...leave us alone!
For one day we'll get to the
Hamptons, throw a big party
and everyone will see!"

Like Gatsby? The Golden Myth
of success and privilege?

Better hurry. The species with
all its big brains is self destructing...
don't say I didn't warn you. Sorry if
it's all I have to say, but, you

Right now under trees and 
bougainvillea, awaiting steak 
and eggs on what might as well 
could be the last day of earth.

Every  day is special, which only
old people tend to know, and the
ones that really know what's
going on...not you or me.

It's a small world.
It won't be missed.
The universe has better things
to do.

Ah, steak and eggs...
almost perfect.

Thursday, August 18, 2016

Jim Morrison

Poor Jim, Lizard King,
snake charmer
indestructible hedonist
in the twisted carnival
taking the ride
hall of smoky mirrors
forest of dark shadows
alleys euthanized in the vein
haunting anthems lost in glass tinkle
prophet Dionysus torn to shreds
defier of authority
enscripted warrior of a time
from Whiskey-A-Go-Go womb
to world stage of defiance.

He hung up on his mother, after
he was Washington
for a concert.

"How was the conversation?"
a friend asked.

"I never want to talk to her again."

His father was an Admiral.

They couldn't let him, Jimi and 
Janice live....or Michael  or Prince.

David Crosby at Monterrey Pop,
six months later, telling his audience:

"And they killed Kennedy, your president...
and this is your government!"

Meanwhile, in Flanders field,
the poppies still in bloom.
(that was a crop out.)

Resolution (for Johnny Depp)

You say you want a resolution...we-ell
you know...
we all want to pay the girl
you say it's an institution...we-ell
you know-ow-ow...
we'd all love to change the wor-orld...
but when you talk about sedu-uuction,
(the suction?)
don't you know that you can count me out.

You say you got a resolution...we-ell you know
we'd all love to see the plan.....
You ask me for a contribution....we-ell you know
we're all doing what we ca-aan.
But if you want money for people with minds
that hate, all I can tell you is, Amber,  you'll have to wait.

You know it's gonna


Poem For Keith Dowman

Poem For Keith

Old man
basking in time
like the blues
in a slow cocktail
bar...piano, maybe...
Sometimes a barely
discernable reaction
to a
the grunt of a rhino
trying to get it's 
audience to flinch.
Yeah, I can see you're not
all there, or should I say,
rather, you is not there,
poetry in un-motion, just
a dance in an improvised
a man who learned how to
be kind, a certain kind of man,
with the fortune of the dharma,
a touchstone for anyone wanting
to be human, sorry I can't be silly....
it's probably because I'm listening
to the blues.

Trope It Good

John Mayal
Glen Campbell
Jeff Beck

Mary Kay
Campbells Soup
Morton Salt
"When It rains, it pours."
Lady Gaga

Trust in the government...
Belief in institutions...
Confidence in the electoral
Faith in the media.

Jesus is the way...
Allah is the way...
Scientific Materialism...

When the great musicians 
played, when the great actors
acted, when the great men 
spoke; there was nothing that
could be given a name,
could be pigeonholed,
could be reproduced
by someone else.

They were symbols
of themselves:

Ram Dass
Hunter S. Thompson.
Brian Wilson

Baby shit Yellow
Black as a thirty
year old hooker 
junkie on the streets
of New York.

Wash your brain
with something else,
something new.

Thursday, August 11, 2016


I pretend to be a poet.
Impressions come in,
words come out
like meat from a grinder
fresh and raw forever.
Not super attenuated
pre packaged
copy ready
for critics who only appreciate
what they expect to see.

Real poetry can't be pigeonholed
like Creeley
Velveetas of cheesy word smithing.

Show me a Rimbeaud
or leave me alone.

I didn't have to write...I make no
claim other than I'm out of control,
everyone should aspire to that, IMHO.

Talk talk talk about what they want to do.
but don't because of the BIG BUT.

So much possibility...lost in Picadilly,
(pick a city) no money, just some clothes
on the skin....

...jumping a ship as a cook and crossing
the ocean...

..waking in a jungle of gardenias...

...getting lost is the only way you'll find yourself.

Even where you are is's name
is mere superstition.

I'm a serendipitous simulacrum,
a latah mimicking a human being
only acting
as if all this was real
so I don't scare the straight people.

Monday, August 8, 2016

Aside To My Audience

I'm going to manipulate you....
the only way you can avoid  it
is to stop reading.

Still there?  OK.

You like word play, twisting images
into new thought balloon animals. 

You don't want my opinions piercing
the balloons I think you're thinking.

"Write about birdies, don't pollute us
with polemic, we have enough already!"

So, yes,  birdies fly in the face of our
perceptions, nest in the trees of delight.
It's good to write about things you notice
once in a while....(oops! almost slipped 
up there into diatribe...but I can balance
on the airship of my lofty devices. If I fall,
"kersplat!" perhaps it's welcome.)

"So, words," as Quasimodo continued his
splendid word feast. Words, music, even
white noise is a useful slip slide around that
which will remain nameless for the duration 
of this poem.

The words I'm using are meant to entertain,
not serious enough for the unexpected post
card that reads: "I'm dying!!" leaving no 
return address.

I think it's safe to say life is a balancing act,
lean too much one side or the other and eat

I loved words my whole life, even as a grade-
schoolist since my first story: "Colonel Pop-nut
and the Scrummies", long lost, thrown out with
all the photos of my family by that bitch my
father called his second wife.

Weren't expecting that, were you?

So, yes, I'm having fun, steady stream from the 
invisible well, no axe to grind, pechuga de pollo
alambre a substantive feast, yada yada yada,
and then we'll have world peace?

I gave the world a piece of my mind, lost in the
jabbering multitudes of social media clowns
of (h)unt and pecker, finding meaning in their
own dirt.

I watched a good, bloody Tarantino last night,
"Hateful Eight"...he doesn't leave many standing
at the ends of his movies...bad childhood? 
Wishful thinking? Just good cinema? Same reason
we jump out of airplanes, run with the bulls, take
drugs, masturbate....

Did that come as a surprise?

Got to cut this off now, enough part of the one poem
all poets write...only one. If you can dig one poem,
you can dig them all...(just to leave this poem, nice
and tidy.)

Sunday, August 7, 2016

Wake Up

We never close,
but sometimes we have a hard time opening.
Too much serious, useless thinking amounting
to nothing. How many thoughts have you
actually acted upon? Each time you take a step
you don't think: "There's another one."
Somehow you manage to get from here to there.
In fact, walking and heavy thinking at the same 
time can be might fall into an
open manhole.

I'm not trying to be peckish, but, folks, how much
of your lives are you really there for?

Unless your job is fascinating and rewarding, that
cuts out about a third right there. Waiting for a two 
week vacation, coming back with snapshots and
memories of bad food is an absurd waste of time.

Is that the best we can do?

What is the American Dream, and has anyone
achieved it outside the Satanic cult of Hollywood

What is freedom? I suggest it might be the 
existential moment walking to the insurance job
writing poems like Wallace Stevens, for example.

For me, one thing was waking every day I knew I
didn't have to go to work. Now, that moment is
every day. I'm not saying any of this is profound.
It takes a lot of attention to see profundity in the
mere moments of unextraordinary life. But, it has
been done by thousands of people for thousands 
of years. To see this, just listen to the shakuhatchi,
read a poem by Basho or Issa, go to a tea 

Some old men that seem to just sit and stare aren't
always senile. Some have learned the art of doing 

Work can be a crutch, even an addiction. How many 
retirees find themselves lost?

It's so human to dance and sing, to paint on cave
walls and subway walls, to tell stories and joke
around, to bay at the moon.

The "lost generation", Pound, Hemingway, 
Fitzgerald, were happiest when they were broke 
and creating in Paris. Kerouac drank himself to
death after his splurge of joy. Reaching success 
was their ultimate failure. They only realized how
important the journey was when they felt they had
lost it.

Whatever happens with you, my friends, the journey
will continue...there is no time line...time is not
linear. You could say there is a deadline, but is
death merely a re-boot?

Be curious, be interested...that's why there is 
nature at all, seeking it's answer in the sun.

Saturday, August 6, 2016

No Big Deal If The World Ends

Shakespeare, Hemingway, Beethoven,
Bukowski and Huang Po all arise on another
planet to continue their beauty and sarcasm.
If humans disappear like dinosaurs, no one
left to weep, not even a memory, so no 
worries, no problems. Hunter Thompson will
appear, green, with antennae holding a gin 
and tonic under a blue sun...who knows?
We don't know how we got here in the first
place, God notwithstanding. Issa put it blunt
and beautiful: "Why cry, little cricket? We all
go this way."

If you were lucky in this life, you got your 
bearings and did something interesting, with
inquisitiveness to explore, look around,
understand a bit. If not, too bad...go believe
something in case that will make you feel a
little better.

How long does it take to grow up, and, are we
talking one life or many? Both, I think. Some are
mature beyond their years, which points to prior 
experience with living...others never manage to
get out of their own way.

I was driven mad with wonder, when I was young,
why I was alive in the first place. It took intense
reading of books to find the truth and begin to
absorb it. The truth is out there, folks, let me assure
you, in case you have any interest in finding it.

If you're sure about anything, you're lost. The 
purpose of the truth is to bring you to your senses
and the only time of now where you can find 
yourself. Yourself is not your "self"'s everything
but your ideas about's the trees and clouds
and furry creatures. The body is just a convenient 
mechanism to house and focus the sense tools so
you can be a full participant as part of the tamasha,
the shared illusion, the ongoing eternal play of the
whole enchilada.

The universe wouldn't blink if our earth explodes.
It's too small a deal. There's already another earth 
out there in whatever stage of awakening....another
cambrian explosion...other entities learning to use 
fire, tie their shoes, get enlightened. Only stupid
earth monkeys are sure they're the top banana. 
Any other view doesn't make sense. Do you best
and forget the rest.

America Is Dying

When Kennedy was shot,
America knew that something was wrong.
America tried to deny it....denial....the sixties,
civil rights, counterculture...America could
still make things right...there was a new hope,
things would get better...Vietnam was over....

then Nixon, Reagan, deregulation, as America
started to lose its cohesion...still in denial....Bush
and the wars started again...Clinton and more loss
of cohesion and deregulation of banks...then, Bush
2, and the lies started to take their toll and America 
started to get angry....anger...which culminated in
Obama and another promise of cure....more lies,
more anger 'til anger reached it's height, right now,
anger against Trump. anger against Hillary...
America angry! Polarizing anger and despair...
which is leading to the final stage...

resignation...acceptance...letting go...dying.

Thursday, August 4, 2016

The Zen Teachings of Huang Hung Low

" Never put off until tomorrow the eternity of now."

"A stich in time is timeless."

"A penny saved...who saved it?"

"Neither a borrower nor a lender exists."

"Love means never having to say anything."

"A bird in the hand is worthless."

"A circle is a square that doesn't take sides."

"Nostalgia isn't what it used to not be."

"A plate cracks.....kwatsi!"