Thursday, July 31, 2014


All roads cross here
because that’s what I’ve
been doing.

Yes, this is a moment in
the Mandelbrot mix….yes,
this is a time in the timelessness
that stretches forever…yes, this
is a moment I won’t remember
because, I’m too much in it for that.

That’s hard for you because it’s
hard for me. Or, it’s easy for you
because you don’t have to read.

Everything comes down to something…
even if it’s only minor and just 
disappears. We cross roads or,
ourselves if we believe in that shit….
it’s still real, whether we believe it or not,
and, why did the chicken cross the road?
Because there was another side.

Wednesday, July 30, 2014

Buddhist Rant

Who ever got enlightened by studying philosophy? Naropa,
the great pandit of Nalanda, gave up everything to wander
around with Tilopa,, and his graduation was a slap in the face.
I just don’t see the point of all this speculating about which side
of the head of a pin should one part one’s hair?  I was a heavy
thinker when `i was in my 20′s….looking for answers in whatever
I read. When I found Buddhism and met my teacher, I felt I had
all that I needed. Sure, there was intellect involved in turning
the mind towards the dharma…but, as practice grew stronger,
reliance on concepts grew weaker…instead of parroting the
teachings, there was some real understanding based on
experience of the path. The problem with philosophy is that
it talks about perception theoretically, but really has a paucity
of tools to develop that perception….unlike Buddhism, which
does have them. Intellect is a tool….a sophisticated version 
of the basic split, that can manipulate phenomena, 
but, by it’s nature, is incapable of understanding it.

Monday, July 28, 2014

Coming Attraction

Hey, good title for a poem, but that’s not
what this one’s about….it’s about a three
day adventure into Mexico City to get my
passport renewed, which might not seem
that interesting, but, I bet it will be.

Coming into Mexico the last time, `i decided
to stay in a hotel because it was so late…the
hotels have kiosks in the terminal, and the one
I chose, the Geneve, had nice furniture, so, I
sprung for it. This was a serendipitous move,
because `i discovered later, when, I knew I 
would have to stay at a hotel for the passport,
that if I booked the room at the airport, it was
half price. And, the hotel happens to be a ten
minute walk to the embassy.

So, I get a Mexico City fix.  There’s a Chinese 
restaurant next door…first thing I noticed when
I got out of the cab….so, and this is plumber’s 
logic ± if you notice something good right away,
chances are, there’s more good stuff there. 
Same for bad, actually. This trip will cost me
a few bucks…..hopefully not much consternation.

I will document it….might as well get something 
out of it. I will go in next Tuesday, after `i get my
fresh laundry and pack my bag.

Saturday, July 26, 2014

My Dice Ain’t My Paradigm

They say don’t sweat the small stuff…
but I don’t sweat the large, because
Billy already got all the big pieces.

We all took a chance with this life,
didn’t we? Even if you got down some
place and stayed there forever.

Someone was stuck on the highway,
or, in the ditch. Your neighbors needed 
you to help bring in their crop, finish their

We want stability because we know life
isn’t…that’s why the high rollers go that way.

If you treat life as a game, you will win or lose.
If you see life as a mystery, the only koan to go
on is your own uncertainty.

Friday, July 25, 2014

Two Sinking Ships Passing In The Middle Of The Night

Not much more to say about that
glub glub…..or, we could have a conversation…




Which seems to be the way it goes with my 
beloved, soon to be dead in one way or another 
friends… even though in our final days or hours 
we’ll say some of the things we’ve been holding 
back all these years…yes… we will…even if only 
at the last minute, so, why wait? That’s what you 
think about when you know you’re going down.

Wednesday, July 23, 2014

Track Record

I’ve been on the right track so long
it looks like space to me.
You can record the journey,
but you can’t understand it that way.
Pictures may say a thousand words,
but they are no substitute for being 
there. That’s how Hunter Thompson
lost his muse.

My track was lost in the undergrowth
of my upbringing, but my wheels found
their bearings, like learning to dance 
again after the surgery called birth.

People leave their tracks in many ways
and forms…things they create, children
they sire, disasters they cause…hey, a
scar is just another kind of legacy.

What I can do is look back at my track,
backtrack, and know that I was in the
right groove all along

Media Creep

That’s when you start believing
in the things you’re reading, not
like UFOs that you knew were real,
no, the bias in the news that steers
you in a CERTAN direction, where
what appears on the page feeds
your hopes and fears….gives you
reason to believe.

No need to say much more about
that, it’s obvious to the unbrainwashed.

The problem power had with the masses
was that they had no efficient way to
deliver their infected propaganda….that
ain’t true no more.


In my house now
looking out the window.
I sat in meditation for years
watching the mind stream
‘till it emptied of itself.
It used to be called waiting,
because we always assume
there’s something else.
But old men, like me, aren’t
waiting for anything except
the inevitable….been there,
done that…yes, it all looks
about the same as it ever was.
And, now, it’s all captured in
media, so, no need to have new
experiences…we just reboot the
old ones….no need to have new
lives or explore the world…been 
there, done that…and soon virtual
reality will be so much more than
we could have ever even hoped 
for for our lives. Now the only goal
is to make enough dough so you
don’t have to experience reality
properly….like, just sitting there,
blood coursing through the veins,
breath going in and out, skin 
tingling with sensation, tastes 
and smells delicious and disgusting,
and all the rest of it. Nobody’s made
a better interface with phenomena.

Tuesday, July 22, 2014

I Fell Down For A Moment

I was right there, then I fell down.
Nobody was there to help me get up.
Luckily, I was in my home, talking on
the phone with someone whom should 
have been there….they weren’t, so I 
called them back.  If you call them back
enough times they become there.

It’s all about persistence, not what you
have to offer. That’s the way these people go.

That’s the way these people go…,
I called back and got all my answers….
they didn’t even know what`I was asking.

Saturday, July 19, 2014


I feel the wind blow in through the windows
on me, while I try to make sense of the
world’s inventions in front of me, which, I’m
too old for.  But, as a mammal, the ace predator,
I have to keep trying ‘till some one puts me on
an ice flow.  Bye then, and, thanks for all the blubber.

Marbles And `Mobiles

Caulder and the kids i played
marbles with when I was a kid
had one thing in common….they
weren’t me.

When I saw things that were’t me,
my parents, my family, I realized 
I couldn’t be me, because, what was
all the rest of it?

A hippie understanding…a lack of 
ground. But, only the strongest 
got up from that fall.

It’ s nothing personal…it’s lifetimes.
Did I ask you to believe me?

It's Too Late To Change Your Mind

6:58 PM (3 minutes ago)
well, that's a trope, but

shall I fart my fair behind? 

do I dare to snitch a Sneech?

I've been wearing white flannel trousers

longer than there's been a beach,

and, walking hand to hand, each to each...

which is not to say I'm not crazy, but,

where's the cool aid coming from anyway?

I already heard it sing to me.

I grow old, `I grow old...I will wear my clothing bold...

the mermaids will have to sing to me....

'till human voices remind me I am free.

Nods and apologies to The Love `song Of J. Alfred Prufrok  by T.S. Eliot

Friday, July 18, 2014

Free Home Delivery for Johnny Winters

Poems to your home free of charge
in this glorious morning you wouldn't
need to believe  if you once saw it...
clouds a curtain to the sun for sleepy
heads...air fresh, moving gently, clear...
power back on, so, music...all the
vicissitudes of civilized life...and the joy
of making music in the morning, ornate
in it's slattern simplicity.... as if painters
could improvise chaos, well, they do in
their dimensions...poem like taffy, sweet
and extruded to your satisfaction...this is
a commercial for your
coupon at the local fan fair..set your house
on fire..find a new place to go.

You say you can't get there from here, but,
you're already there, so, shut up, bitch, and
look around, for once, and keep doing that

We're very shy of improvising our lives,
because we feel like wall flowers on the
dance floor....give me the same furrow to
plow my whole life, and sweet sheets to
sleep in, oh yeah. What's your version of

I think freedom is free fall, like, you never
really land...I mean, for metaphor, Lindberg
took off after he landed...and Earhart flew

Can of peas.....Le Sueur,  Minnesota...driving
home to Northfield, after work,  heading east,
into the rising light, smell of fields omnipresent,
the summer before my senior year...couldn't go
home again...lived with some Carls...learned a
lot that summer, just being with them.

Got to cut this extrusion off at some
that a blues song?

Wednesday, July 16, 2014

Tomorrow Will Be Thursday

In the arbitrary designation of time.
Tomorrow will be Thursday….
I won’t have to get up for a job…
Tomorrow will be Thursday….
I won’t have to get up at all…
Tomorrow will be Thursday…
I remember how I longed for Friday,
I remember all the days of the week
as if they were yesterday.
But, now, tomorrow is Thursday,
and I taste it’s irrelevance with delight.

It Has To Seem Seamless To Believe In It.

The mind can only process, 
like, twenty four frames a 
second….enough for believability.
Beliefs only need one or two
ideas for the mind to make a mess
of itself. A good worker never blames
the tools… they utilize them for what
they’re worth…they know the
capabilities and limitations. The mind
is a tool, like a car…we give  it a name…
out of identity…out of affection,
like a car, but, we never really looked
into it. We never took it out of the
package it was  shipped in.

Why are we moved by music,
art at all? Because it speaks to the
heart, behind the  music, the real
curtain of OZ, Utopia, Eden,
Xanadu, what we feel we are lost
from, but, never really were separated…
the thread that runs through all
our lives like silk.

What Was Theatre?

But the first abstraction
of human behavior…well,
maybe the ancient rituals
were that…may have been
more true even…true to life…
but, the first plays…some
carried on carts through the
streets of England, were the
first attempts that led, ultimately,
to reality television…It took the
mysterious and made it palatable
and entertaining….because…
that’s the drug we all share now.

Tuesday, July 15, 2014

I Lost Myself

 I must be somewhere…
on my hard drive or i cloud…
luckily retrieval has become 
a science. Even “fetch” now
has become a command for 
us all.

Not In It For The Long Haul

The long haul is behind me…
it took it’s time. The long haul
is what happened before,
how I got here unloaded.
I’m empty. I just want to park
myself here, and throw away
the keys.

Killed Another Computer

Wrote a poem about it…
want to hear it?
goes like this……

Spilled a drink on my computer…
Lit up like a Christmas tree and then
went dead…instituting restraints now.

Life sucks…computers just make
the suckiness more complex.
When a bull charges me, I know
what to do…die, or, get out of the way.
a computer is not so simple…I die
while I’m trying to get out of it’s way.

Computers come up…the rise of the
machines. We’ll know when it’s over
if they develop a sense of humor.

Not yet…this looks and works the same
as the last one.I see no point in giving it 
a name, like some people give to their cars.
and ships and trains…at least, those 
machines actually take you somewhere…
they don’t tease you with everything….
all the things you’ll never really see….
computer is a vamp, not quite yet a vampire.
Let’s see how smart it gets.

Monday, July 14, 2014

Poem About Clouds And Light (for D.D)

The clouds in the Midwest, Illinois, were line storms…
you could see a line of delicious blackness growing east…
I used to lie on my lawn, watching the darkness come to me.

The clouds and light in Boulder, (Colorado, the whole state even),
and Tepoztlan, Mexico, where I live now
are similar…clouds and mountains quarreling over light, 
darkness and space….the storm directions and intensity 
dictated by the mountains' physical enormity….

Light plays, as we know, chiaroscuro….I go where the light plays
all the time because I identify with the light and the dark, and I
enjoy their conversations.

I can tell how long before it rains here now. 
It’s probably where the real shamans came from…
I’m certainly not claiming to be one of them.

Does a Bear Sit In The Woods?

Tiny Tulku a.k.a., "Camby Bear” found himself born in Maine, 
a beautiful state with many woods. The forest was a natural 
place for him, (or anyone) to be.  He  had spent many lifetimes 
in meditation, in solitude, taming his mind and opening his
perception, all in preparation for this life, when he would take
his training and be in the world fully, with people. He wanted to 
be the center of attention because he knew his attention was
centered, and that he could use it to help others who were not
so endowed. He’d seen glimpses of masses of people swarming
in environments, where there were no trees, on the television.
He knew instinctively that he would be in that maelstrom someday,
that that was where he was needed. He knew he would not have
as much opportunity in this life for training. He would have to wing 
the path. His life was truly to be meditation in action. He was ready.

Sunday, July 13, 2014


And the bleat goes on….
fleece the flock, it’s what
they’re there for….
Soylet Green is sheeple…
ask not what your country
can do for you…ask what
your country can do to you.

Saturday, July 12, 2014

After Reading Phil Lesh's Book

The Grateful Dead started their adult lives as musicians...
coming together and forming a band which was all 
their adult lives....and, they are settling it in the end of 
their lives in the sunset of that experience. Complete
lives at the right time to have and fulfill them. We were 
a little off in time, but we got the torch that was passed...
we were Zulus, dying in waves in the new/same direction....
trying to repel invaders of our lives, of our momentary 
realization of freedom. We were poets and musicians 
and realized that these were our natural 
paths towards being ourselves.

Nuclear Waste

I agree with George Carlin;
swimming in polluted waters 
when I was young gave me 
a strong immune system.

As a plumber, I inhaled lead 
fumes, solder smoke, glue and 
cleaner, acetone….smoked 
cigarettes for thirty five years,
drank since I was sixteen…how
glorious my German/Jewish  genes.

I should be glowing in the dark
by now, or maybe, huge anomalies
sprouting from my body….my 
generation was healthy and ate 
good food..drank pure water.

I don’t mean to beat a Fukushima
horse….I don’t mean to split
Gulf oil spills…it’s all waste at the
nuclear level…the brain, the mind…

Nobody intended these disasters
to happen…I didn’t intend to write 
this poem. I think I took the right
fork in the road.

Friday, July 11, 2014

“Bug” The Reality Poem

I look at a bug…crawling, inching along, towards me
across the floor…
“What the fuck do you think YOU’RE doing?!”
The bug stops in it’s tracks on a square white ceramic tile, 
that, to the bug must seem like an acre.
Still still there, hasn’t moved….I’ll sweep it carefully outside….
When I got close to the bug, it wasn’t facing me no more…
it was facing the door.

Thursday, July 10, 2014

When I'm.....

Baby, sometimes it’s simplified.
righteous,  I forgot the other word…
but it’s one of the only things I trust, 
since people let me down.

I’m not saying it’s their fault…I don’t 
know what choice they had, as we didn’t either,
to grow up in a paradise and see it dissolve 
in front of our eyes.

Really, I just go on like  a train, looking
to run out of track.

Spare Change

Can you spare some change,
do you mind changing a little, because
you hard currency is beginning to get
to be a little too much?

Vice Versa

I’m not really advice averse

I’m really into verse, never 

has it vized me in it’s 

 vain intensity…I need a visor,

the light so bright, no advisor

to guide me in the brilliance…..

no guarantee because, 

there’s no guarantor.

Wednesday, July 9, 2014

E Mail To My Editor

I love Breton poets...I love Breton, the poet...I love 
the surrealists and the Dadaists because they prove 
even the French can have a sense of humor....I love 
escargot, because only the French could have figured 
out how to eat those bastards... I love meals that 
take all day....I love hairy legs leading to wet pussy....
France is the land where art was the purest,
because, besides art and food, there was nothing.....
I love that they loved Josephine Baker and 
Jack Johnson...I love the Beat hotel and the filthy 
pissoirs......I love Genet, Rimbaud....Prevert, 
Apollinaire, Dumal, Artaud, the spirit that the Beats 
inherited....Dali and Picasso may have been 
Spaniards,  but they were French in fact. They didn't 
have internet then, so, it took .....a long get 
everything out of a poem, of a painting, of a symphony.  
The only re-play was through their senses.

Monday, July 7, 2014

Interesting Fact

Liszt's "Les Preludes" was the theme music for the
pop cereal, sorry serial,
of the Thirties: "Flash Gordon" daring Buster Crabbe,
Olympic swimming champion from Chicago...also,
the music Hitler listened to the night his armies
invaded Poland.

Jeff Bridges and Bill Murray (a short)

I’m not just fans of them…
they are part of my family, look, like,
those people you meet in the world,
in your life, that you feel just fit in.

Hey, Bill, I grew up in Winfield!

There but for the karmic boundaries
of public education of the times go I.

If only everyone could graduate 
into being Dudes…( you are Bill…
you know you are.)

Every time I see either of you again

I fall in love again with my life.

Sunday, July 6, 2014

Knock You Out

Go for it
Isn’t that what you do?

Do you realize how simple
your actions are?

Go for it
have you ever been told
anything else?

Wake up…
it’s only a TKO.

You can live your way
out of the concussion.

It’s not too late to wake up

before you die.

Saturday, July 5, 2014

Morning Dew (for Rick)

Morning dew happens anytime
a light crystal, evaporating 
when waking into a new day
which just happens forevertime
when the time is right.

“Is it today again?”
…sure is….past and future
just a memory, a fantasy….
those shards of crystal perforate
our hearts and let the joy in…
aerate with light the darkness of
the night before….hangovers
don’t stand a chance…we fumble 
with our baggage in the face of such light.
We realize we might be missing more
than we think we have.

Wednesday, July 2, 2014

Trauma (for K.)

We’re all in a bad situation.
We’re all traumatized into thinking
our lives are real.
Whether we think well or ill of
ourselves,  it’s all still ego…our
ideas of ourselves created by
the trauma of being alive.
Ego is trauma…
the scar that comes
from being born.

We can see through this paradise
nightmare…we can wake up from
this dream. 
We can see the world without laying
our scar trips on it. 

What would we do without ourselves?
Great things…great things. In fact, 
nothing was ever done with ego in the way.

Let go the rope you hang yourself on.