Friday, February 8, 2008

Sub Rosa

They don't even know they're monsters
emanating from subconscious desire.
They place one illusory foot in front of another
taking their dream one step at a time.

Taking their cues from obvious experience...
manifesting hardily in their purpose they go on.
As bacteria inflamed with intelligence, they assume
to be alive....don't laugh...they run America.

A biological conspiracy is difficult to see...especially
when you are part of it...unknowingly.
There's no difference between a jihadist blowing
themselves up,  and an American dead from
a roadside's all dead...just dead.

There is no way to see the truth, unless
one is not a part of the illusion. 
That's the real deal...
how not to be a part of the pervasiveness.

Derail your mind.
Practice meditation.
Go towards the fear.

You can understand these words, 
therefore,  you have to explore
the life that is there....there is
no other way...
survival is a con..

Two Step Shuffle

High tonight....
nice clouds on the mountains...
three downbursts last night....
getting hit by everything, impacted
by the living environment,
even the space is alive.

Love light on...
landship floating in air cloud...
wind every which way,
music slick as mucus
air shakes vegetation
here comes rain announced
by lightning...light and dark dancing...
dirty dark dancing.