Thursday, February 29, 2024

Karma Chameleon

“I am what surrounds me”

A President knows this.

A skid row statistic knows this.

I always knew it was all made up,

so acting came naturally to me…

I could be anyone.

I see normal people playing roles.

They were being the roles they played.

I could be the role I was given.

I rarely met anyone not playing a role

I rarely met anyone who knew they were

playing a role.

The ones that were not playing a role were

all Buddhists.

Mama Miasma

 If this was a poem, it could mean

lost in      space…talk about a

sheep eating grin

an eternal flame

eternal unknowable void gap gash

from which everything that comes 

comes and goes back into the 

eternally cycling universe, that’s

what Robert Penrose says so I’m

not the only person 

making stuff up 

to sound the alarm.

Wednesday, February 28, 2024

I’ve Noticed Something

I’ve noticed that most of the Hollywood actors

that come out against the Democrat Communists

are quite old: James Woods, Clint Eastwood, and

Jon Voight are examples. They were too old to have

been brainwashed! Rosanne is another example,

except she admits to having been MKUTRA’d,

so, she’ll be in a separate category; the reconstituted 

brains, or something. Jim Carrey is another one who

flew over that cuckoo’s nest and seems to

have renounced his feathers. I noticed that years ago

he was on Oprah and announced a Buddhist book that 

my teacher, Chögyam Trungpa, Rinpoche, wrote. The title 

is: “Shambhala: The Sacred Path Of The Warrior.”

Something woke him up enough for him 

to give up Hollywood. Was it that book?

Hollywood actors have been the weapon to

inflate importance, attention and investment 

in, as one mechanism to distract/ brainwash

the public from events that affect their lives.

They are set out as material examples of values.

On them are painted whatever political slogans 

their controllers want to convey. It’s that blatant,

cheap and simple. It’s right in your faces…

in your faces every day.

Tuesday, February 27, 2024

Write Poems For Fun And Profit

 A crackerjack idea

never before considered

an unlimited future 

continued success 

the pick of the litter

titanic aspirations 

worldwide implications 

revealed in a tour de force

demonstration of demonstar technology

to capture the mind of humanity…

imagine affixing your name here:  ……….

as author.

Your Title Here

The problem is not that 

some people are right and

some people are wrong.

The problem is people don’t 

see things the same way.

They are on different pages,

their perceptions tinted by gels

of memories and habituated action.

Rashomon, the movie that showed 

three people describing a situation 

completely differently, and we all

do that because relative truth  is

flexible and always changing, so

good luck with counting on anything.

Monday, February 26, 2024

Rise Of The Machines

From the late 19th century, industrial materialism 

evolved as the hope, the religion, until presently the

dictatorship of, prosthetics to enhance and prolong 

natural life. With the advent of A.I., it is increasing

obvious that human beings involvement in the

process of evolution; how we will live and what

our futures will be, what humans will become, is

reduced to the question of whether or not we will 

be around for very much longer at all, or will

the interface between humans and machines

reduce humans role to merely maintenance 

monkeys? If brainwashing hasn’t zombified 

enough people yet, maybe A.I. will finish 

the job. Is A.I. Skynet already?

Switcheroo #1

 I claim victory over life, it’s limitations 

disappointments, ultimate failure. It’s not 

that I’m not subject to those aspects.

To oversimplify: I know I’ve put enough

of the right  pegs in the right quantum holes

because of the feedback I’m getting from space,

including future manifestations…..oh yes….

You didn’t think you were going to get away 

with murder, did you?

Sunday, February 25, 2024

Various Misogynies And Other Offenses

Toxic Masculinity…

ok…so, there’s that.

So, how come there is

no toxic femininity?

There is.

It smells like perfume.

A new (old) game show:

“Truth Or Unintended Consequences”

(it’s not just a game anymore).

The reason why intellectuals like

Socialism (Sowell) is the same reason 

ordinary people like religion: because

they’ve given up their common sense.

Once again, watching an older than me man

walking one half shoe length with each step,

rocking side to side, barely making progress 

forward. “It is by will alone I set my (legs)

in motion.”   Mentat Slogan.

In my mind popped the title of a song:

“By the time I get to Phoenix….”

Saturday, February 24, 2024

Is Satanism A Religion?

Norm MacDonald, the comedian, says, quite

seriously, it is not. 

He says it’s the only “religion” that is not a

religion by its own admission.

Discordians claim their religion is not true, or,

that is a new Discordian doctrine I just revealed,

because all we Discordians are recognized as

infallible Popes, so, it must be true.

One thing is certainly true:

both those religions are jokes, or,

all religions are jokes.


I need a computer to survive, or,

I have a symbiotic/mechanic bond

with a machine. Either way, I ‘m as

screwed as if I was in an iron lung.

Did we need the printing press?

I guess…so we could publish a 

bunch of words and make people 

more confused and angry? If you

extrapolate ‘til now, yes.

If that was not the purpose,

at least it’s the result.

So, I’m connected, like

Neuromancer, to an artificial 

world I need to exist 

in the real one.

‘67 Again

Listening to Ravi Shankar at
Monterrey Pop Festival, ‘67.
My generation was thirsty for
the freedom that was promised 
to be the USA. We grew up in
a materialistic Albee intellectual 
middle class prison of values and
designated aspirations. We weren’t 
going to wait for someone to free
us from social slavery. We blew 
our minds and discovered 
exhilarating and terrifying openness;
something real, for a change.
We went into life without a net.
You would be surprised about
what some of us found.

Friday, February 23, 2024

Karma Coma


walking around

wearing clothes

they heard about somewhere,

spending lots of time arguing 

on the internet because it’s an

adrenaline rush like watching 



Nazi slaughter 

a thrill like

shock treatment

to jolt them temporarily 

from their catatonia.

Burnt Ruben Sandwich Haiku

 Beginning and end

of my line cooking career;

griddle was too hot.

The New Luddites

Humans never liked machines taking

there work away from them…John

Henry one example. What about now?

Now, where machines are taking 

people’s identities? Who were the Gods,

and were/are they the same as the aliens? 

What caused the Cambrian explosion, the

evolution of humans fifty thousand 

years ago? There is so much of human 

history we haven’t started to know ‘til now.

Now that this phase is almost over.

Self Possession

I think that I possess

my own projections.

That means that what

I think of me I think

is real and mine.

Of course we know that

nothing we don’t experience

through the senses is real.

I put various repetitive aspects

of my experience together like

pieces of a puzzle so I can think

I know who I am, including the

Insignia on my underwear.

Wouldn’t you?

Thursday, February 22, 2024

Mexican Drunk

 I saw a Mexican drunk this morning

walking, like a Fremen in the sand, so

as not to attract the worms. I’m sure

that’s not what he was thinking. He was

not very big, but he certainly was a man,

and he was borracho….he just moved 

slower, like molasses, but not that slow.

He handled his drunken self like a horse

he’d ridden for many years. He was present 

and gentle. He looked like he was in his

element. He said “Buenos Dias” to me as

he oozed by where I was sitting. I could 

feel his dignity.


Wednesday, February 21, 2024

A Slapstick Embrace?

A little gap in the mind there, Honey?

You saw my rainbow socks from a block

off, turned and looked away. I saw your

mind glitch, thought train interrupted for 

a moment…then, snapped back on track.

That’s a natural reaction.

That’s how comedy works, how koans

work, how brainstorms arise suddenly.

All of it is what you least expected,

including enlightenment.

Going To Ground

 “Everywhere there is a sense of imminent danger.”

Going to ground; putting out the mattresses, cooking

the meat balls.

What happens when civilizations fall apart?

Dark ages?

Kali Yuga?

Suspension of rational behavior based on truth?


destruction of institutions, communities, 


Anyone think it’s irony that the survivalists 

have the best chance to survive?

We can see we’re going to hell in a hand basket,

in a bucket, on the highway to.

Whatever is happening is Biblical, is Epic…

where is Charlton Heston when we need him?

(He was a head of the NRA).

“The best lack all conviction while the worst

are full of passionate intensity.”  W.B.Yeats

Yes. This time was predicted for thousands

of years by all the religions and prophets.

My only question is this: 

why are we so surprised?

Saturday, February 17, 2024


 Golden bolt 

flash of light


     glory glom

like stammering in grandeur of





….and when it happens

no room for words.

Tuesday, February 13, 2024

Field Of Memes

 “If you write it, they will post .”

Everything sound bites in a feeding frenzy 

when clickbait roils the wavelengths.

Mad Ave. speaks:

“It’s the shorter the better, ‘cause

it’s all they can remember.”

“Raid kills bugs dead.”….

a slogan coined for an ad campaign 

by Beat poet Lew Welch. 

I remember it.

So, you see, I’ve written too much

already. Sometimes, like this poem,

all you really need is the title.

There’s no need for long stories like

before, when all we had was writing…

even Readers Digest wasn’t good enough.

Humanity is moving steadily towards

knowing everything instantaneously.

Would you call that God?

Or, a Gnostic meme come true?

Sunday, February 11, 2024

Leonora Carrington Musing

“Understand by your feelings (senses)

about things…

it’s a visual world 

it’s a visual world

which is different than an 

intellectual one.

The visual world is to do with

what we see as space,

which changes all the time.”

Saturday, February 10, 2024

Poem For Tomorrow

 I can’t see that far ahead.

My muse won’t go there because 

she doesn’t know, like the rest of us,

what is coming upon us so swiftly,

tailored for the times, transforming

in our minds to grasping for a straw,

a thread, who’s on first, who’s in charge.

So I won’t wake up tomorrow suddenly 

birthed into a new order of things that

makes sense. No, it will still be the stew

of events stirring the emotions, blinding

the mind with imaginary scenarios and

petty personal vanities blown up 

into blighters egos’ Bill of Rights 

until they are short circuited and are 

forced to come to their senses.

Thursday, February 8, 2024

What I Should Have Said To Harvard

 My junior year in high school, I had a college 

interview for Harvard. The interview was in an

alumni’s home in the next town over. The tweedy

looking gentleman asked me: “What do you want

to do with life?” I was seventeen and wasn’t even

sure what life was, so, I didn’t know what to say.

I should have said:

“I want to learn acting so I can go to Hollywood,

get raped by a few studio executives, join a Satanic 

Cult and get rich, carry on with evil activities and

give lots of money to Harvard, if they’ll let me in.”

Then, Tweedy would have repeated the line that the

interviewer wrote about Tom Cruise at the end of

Risky Business:

“I think Harvard could use a guy like John Tischer.”

But, I didn’t say that and then he didn’t say that in 

response and I didn’t get into Harvard.

If I had, looking at Harvard today,

I bet I would have.


You can always tell when someone is brainwashed

because they don’t believe they are brainwashed.

Actors sometimes brainwash themselves into their

character to the point that they can’t get out of it.

George C. Scott as Patton a prime example. Freud

coined the term “Jarry Syndrome” after Alfred Jarry,

a French playwright, who became the character he

created and wandered the streets of Paris as that. So,

the macrocosm of that is the brainwashing by media,

let’s say since television, that has driven ruts of 

opinions not based on fact into people’s minds.

These are triggers that block any seeing or 

reasoning. They are based on logic twisted to

justify an agenda, not based on facts. That’s

why people feel so threatened and get so angry

when their position is questioned. Just like little

Hitlers Hitlers Hitlers Maos Maos Pol Pots Stalins

Jim Jones….St. Peter slaughtered the Gnostics.

Tuesday, February 6, 2024

Muse Radio

My ambition is to become part of the environment.

This would be accomplished automatically anyway

eventually due to entropy….but, what I mean is I

want to be part of the tapestry, a fly on the wall.

This was accomplished by Chogyam Trungpa, who,

one day in his garden with guests, opened his 

mouth and a swarm of ladybugs flew into it. He closed

his mouth. A few moments later, he opened his mouth 

and the swarm of bugs flew out and away. A person who 

saw this remarked: “That’s when I knew that Chogyam 

Trungpa was part of the environment.” So, yeah, that’s it.


The Taming Of Authority?

Another good idea destroyed by authority…

that’s the opposite of Musk…

that’s Musk’s genius…

…the ones who want to make decisions,

I. E. seek power, are the least creative

individuals who are most always an obstacle

to creativity for its brilliance to achieve the

proper attention. All of you who believed what

you were told from birth (let’s take the managerial 

class for starters) need to go back to the “fact”ory

for re-grooving.

Monday, February 5, 2024

“Sometimes I just have to…”

Sometimes I just have to try to write

to see if 

the bug,,

the muse,

the quantum infestation of data 

dispensed by this cosmic automaton 

is still happening.

“There are more things in heaven and earth, Horatio,

than are dreamt of in your philosophy.”   Hamlet

Thursday, February 1, 2024

Enjoying The Hoax?

Or, are you starting to figure it out?

You know, the hoax….

about Covid pandemic

about the vaccine

about Ukraine


you know? 

You know, 

none of those lies are real.

Stockholm Syndrome, 

if you want a name for it. 

This year’s wake up call

will be quite a show. 

That’s not a prophecy…

it’s an understatement.

“When the great sadness comes,

Tepoztlan will be protected.” 

Tepoztlan prophesy. 

Why do you think I came here

twenty years ago?

Zippity Doo Dah

 Ain’t doin’ nothin’,

just sittin’ here watching’ the world,

me and my bay window, ( gosh, these

pants are tight!) simple minded ‘cause

I ain’t got no other…surprised I lasted

this long, ain’t lookin’ for fireworks at

the end. People walkin’, the occasional 

mumble or stumble on the way somewhere…

around many, a bubble, others are like

pieces of raw meat….that’s what you see 

and more, when you look…a circus is 

just a higher vibration of the street…

Burning Man is just a higher vibration 

of a circus…it’s all about vibrations.

You’ll understand once parallel dimensions 

are finally revealed. 

Do I have to ✍️ you a picture?