Friday, November 29, 2019

Haunting Karma

What is it about family….

No wonder Buddha said
you had to leave the family
before the path could begin.

Which doesn’t mean
they ever go away, no,
they stay; 
haunting karma.

My brother and me,
Cain and Abel…
I still don’t know
who is which.

Wednesday, November 27, 2019

Step Dancing

The step dancing of Nova Scotia and
elsewhere derives from a local 
contraption called a “whirly-gig”, a wind
driven puppet whose legs are usually
the only things that move. Hence, the 
dancers dance with their arms to their
sides, as if made of wood, their faces
expressionless…life imitating art.

The music would be violin and usually
two other instruments; guitar and 
keyboard…bass and guitar…any other 
two. The music would be at three 
speeds; slow, medium and fast…
different speeds of the wind.

The people had been magically shaped 
by the place, by the nature there, to 
create this music and this dance. There
is natural alchemy. “Getting back to 
nature” is not just some threadbare 
boomer joke. The “Great Awakening” 
means dancing in the streets…..again.

Friday, November 22, 2019

What’s Next And What’s Left

The same few tunes
over and over

Up and down rollercoaster,
emotions, events, jokes,
an astrodome full of clowns,
’til the fat lady sings,
’til the last convulsive octopus,
’til it’s time to close the bar,
walk the plank, 
open the last present,
burn the files,
sell the house,
jump in the lake, eat some cake,
do a head fake and disappear
behind the curtain.

The Whore Of Ego

Why whore?
because you think you have 
to pay for love
and you always want more.

I could go on for a while, but,
you know, 
there ain’t no profit in it.

Hunchback Alchemist

Awash in the mists of time
buccaneer of space of mind
Cosmic Kamikaze Kachina
Conversationalarialist ballerina

Applause, if you like, 
no jazz hands…
there’s plenty more nothing
where this came from.

I’m just having fun with my mind
and maybe yours…
a dangerous thing…
objects in the mirror may be
more real than they appear.

A toast to all sentient beings,
in that we are all toast 
in the scheme of things!

So, put your big boy pants on
and man up, because ain’t no
snowflakes hereabouts…no time
for P.C. shenanigans. 

Just the straight skinny, the truth,
no chaser, whether you like it or not.
How’s about ‘dem apples?

"All we're looking for is a few good......lines."

Nobody loves me and I’m going to die…
…but, it’s........good.

Enjoying my life sentence.

As ye may be so, so shall ye reap…maybe.

Why do I look up automatically when I think:
“Help me!”….?

“Everybody’s got a big ‘But….’” Pee Wee Herman
And, everybody’s got a big “And….”

First, you have to touch. Then, you can feel.

(There are two types of people:
those that divide things into two types,
and those that don’t)

  1. It’s better to get a little bit of something good than nothing at all.
  2. It’s better to get  nothing at all than something bad.
There are only two things in life:
1. What’s next
2. What’s left.

Thursday, November 21, 2019


You want to control
your own little cocoon
which you’re welcome to.
But, don’t ever tell me 
what to do.
Moon in Virgo.

Wednesday, November 20, 2019

Jeffrey Peters: In Memoriam

Love First, Jeffrey…it goes before you
on your journey, and follows you in
loving memory.

I’m so delighted to have attended
your final party…I guess it meant

What was offered that afternoon,
from all your guests, was a 
fitting tribute…what a great host…
little did we know, but then,
who knows when the moment
will arrive?

I’m a crackpot philosopher myself,
so, our eccentric hearts resonate
in delight of the basis of design.
Row, row, row, now, your boat
gently down the stream.

Equal Opportunity Ignorer

I don’t pay attention to half
of what I see…
it’s not for me.

The other half, 
what makes me feel good, 
better, best,
whether real or a fantasy,
I think it’s all for me.

If I don’t see you, 
don’t feel bad, it’s just,
for me, you are not there.

They say ignorance is bliss, 
and I can tell you it is.
Just don’t get in the way
of what I want to see.

Saturday, November 16, 2019

Life, Leverage And The Push For Impeachment

They are trying to raise a lead balloon of
impeachment with their own hot air...
(if they only knew which end was up).

By the time this is over,
Congress will be Comedy Central...
Comey, Clapper, Brennan, Pelosi:
a Schiff sideshow sham scam, sleight
of hand, smoke and mirrors monkey
shines of primitive, ape-headed sub-
humans just smart enough to cause
themselves worlds of trouble, as they
sink into the void of their vacuous,
hopeless plans.

Friday, November 15, 2019

My Teacher’s Instructions

Over the course of studying with Chogyam 
Trungpa, he figured out how to communicate 
with me. Once I asked him a question when
I was with him. He gave me a long answer, by
the end of which, I was on another planet…
just by being with him, my mind was gone.
He knew I was a poet, so, he resorted to 
instructing me through that means of 
communication…one liners, usually. Over the
fifteen years I knew him when he was alive,
I had a meditation interview once or twice a 
year, where he would say something. I would
take what he said and try to do it. The last
sentence on this list was at the last interview
I had with him in 1978. It became a koan for 
me for the next thirty five years, until I finally
realized what he meant.

"You can't afford to be lazy

Don’t go too fast.

Don't get bogged down.

Forget about the past.

Cultivate a sense of humor.

Needs more practice.

Pain when you’re around me 
seems to be necessary.

No more questions

I don’t see any more problems.”


Entities that experience through the senses 
but have not yet realized Buddha-hood are
called sentient beings. These beings exist
in a state of apprehension, meaning their 
egos, (survival instinct in animals), get in the 
way of prehension, seeing things as they are,
in order that ego may survive and/or be 
augmented by the perceived phenomena.

The survival instinct, which develops naturally
into ego in humans, is a governor or limiting 
factor, whereby the ego struggles to fit 
experience into the dogma of it’s beliefs, and
learned assumptions. The ego fundamentally
suspects it doesn’t exist, from which 
apprehension springs, and also is the seed of
enlightenment, bodhicitta. From the desire to 
understand springs philosophy, dogmatic 
religion as well as scientific materialism, none
of which are helpful in knowing anything much.

Feeling separate, alienated from our lives is a
symptom generated by this apprehension that 
arises from the belief in a self. It is the seed of 
enlightenment because it is the inspiration of 
the beginning the Buddhist path, the path of the 
dissolution of the illusion of ego. 

Some people say: “What would I do without 
ego?” In Freudian terms, a healthy ego is the sign
of a healthy psyche. In reality, the illusion of self
is the only fundamental problem that human 
beings have. Without it, there is no time lag 
between prehension, intellect/intelligence, and
action. A dancer, a rap poet, and a professional 
basketball player don’t have to think before they 
act. In fact, they wouldn’t be able to perform 
those functions if they tried to think about them 
at the  same time. Actors cannot be in character 
and  refer back to themselves (“how am I doing?”) 
at the same time. Sometimes actors have the 
problem of not being able to get out of character.
Their character becomes their ego. A complex
recognized by Freud, called the “Jarry complex”,
was named after the actor who adopted his
character, Pere Ubu, and wandered the streets of
Paris as that character. George C, Scott had a 
nervous breakdown after playing Patton. Daniel 
Day Lewis had problems after “Gangs of New 

Unenlightened humans have personalities, 
characters, that they have developed over the 
course of their upbringing. It doesn’t matter if 
that character thinks they are the greatest 
person in the world, or the most miserable 
wretch. Whether positive or negative, any 
flavor of self reference is just ego delusion. 

Tuesday, November 12, 2019


“Atlan” is a suffix in Nahuatl meaning “place of”.
Shamhala is said to be a kingdom, secret and 
not so secret, existing yet hidden, in which all 
the inhabitants are enlightened. The pueblo I live in,
Tepoztlan, in Mexico, is as close as I’ve come to
such a place on earth where I have lived.

I was staying Oaxaca for a winter years ago, and 
I visited Tepoztlan where a Shambhala (Buddhist)
community had been established some years 
earlier. The first two mornings there, while I was 
eating breakfast alone in a restaurant, I found 
myself in tears. At first, I wondered why this was 
happening, until I realized it was because, for the
first time in my life, I felt I was home. 

Yada, yada, yada, I returned to the USA for a year,
then, the next year, moved to Tepoztlan to live, full
time. The process of living here for years has 
slowed me down from the intense days of my job
as a plumber. And it has been a nurturing environ-
ment for my meditation practice and my writing.

So, why do I use the term Shambhalatlan? I 
certainly wouldn’t avow that the inhabitants here
are all enlightened. On the other hand, there is a 
natural goodness, discrimination, and acceptance
of the people here that creates an atmosphere 
that pervades the place, and is, in fact, quite 
magical. An interesting phenomena that people 
have noticed here is that many people who visit 
have a strong reaction to the place, either falling in 
love with it, as what happened to me, or, finding
the energy not to their liking and having to leave;
a self selecting quality.

I heard of a prophesy about Tepoztlan. Perhaps 
thirty to forty years ago, a man asked a taxi driver,
at night, to take him to a certain place. This place
was in the middle of nowhere. The man asked the 
driver to stop, and then said to him something like:
“When the great sadness happens, Tepoztlan will
be protected.” Then, the man walked into the night,
like all these cool stories end.

Monday, November 11, 2019

Veteran's Day 2019 (and the new American Revolution)

Yeah, well, if you'd listened to the poets, 
you might not have needed the soldiers. 
The soldiers are needed because of a 
fundamentally compromised education 
system beginning around the turn of the 20th
century, when students studying American 
History were paid to go to school, in 
exchange for changing the way American 
History was taught in order to further 
power's agenda. The corruption of the 
education system today is the continuity 
of that effort. Without EDUCATION, what 
the Patriots are trying to (and will do) now, 
would not have been possible. There 
would have had to have been a military 
coup against Obama in his second term. 
The reason the Patriots are taking the 
path they have, is that they realized that 
the revolution, without an EDUCATED and 
awakened populace, would have resulted 
in mass hysteria and many, many deaths. 
Are soldiers heros and to be honored and 
respected? Absolutely. But, as Sun Tzu 
and other warriors that were trained not 
just to fight, but also to think, have said in 
the past; the greatest warriors are those 
that win the battle without a fight.

Sunday, November 10, 2019

Finish line

Enlightenment’s the finish line;
you can’t get there from here.
Once you know the race is done,
enlightenment is there.

“I can Write A Poem Anytime I Want”

Let’s see if this is true.
Let’s see if I’m lying to myself.
Of course, maybe nothing I’ve ever written
is actually a poem, maybe just
discursive gymnastics, 
verbal theatrics
goofy language,
sparks from the void,
monsters from the Id,
rants of an old man
with too much time 
on his hands.

I do love words the way some love
colors (I do love colors)
music (I do love music)
sports (……………nah).

I’m a comedian wanna be
transitioning from serious comedy
(an oxymoron! I love those!)

As the need to explain to others
grinds to a halt, over time,
because of diminishing returns,
and the hand becomes my mouthpiece,
the joy of bringing joy
seems more fun, and
better communication,
like fresh food instead of packaged,
like reality instead of entertainment,
(reality television, another oxymoron!)
and everything falls into place
spontaneously, with little effort,
“Frankly, my Dear, 
I’d rather be eating a hot dog”
becomes part of:
“Eat, shit, and sleep….
anything else is none of your business”,
Meaning: everything is perfect.
It all depends on how you look at it.

In conclusion,
something just happened between
computer keys, my mind, and a screen.

If this was a joke,
it would have a punchline now.
I guess it isn’t.

Friday, November 8, 2019

Quid Pro Woes

Dems projecting their quids
oh no
there’s something wrong here
can you feel it, Hal?
Short circuiting in public
emotionally skinned,
but you have to give them credit
for keeping their charade running
as long as they have, although,
their suffering the last three years, 
through the defeat of all their plans
is nothing to what’s coming: 
an endless stream of tears

Thursday, November 7, 2019

The Greatest Show On Earth

"Trump may be a carney, but he's not a con."
White Fang Lama

The Vietnam war was the first war that
was televised. Because of that, Americans
saw what the war was and what their 
government was up to. Because the public
saw that, protest against the war increased
exponentially. Seeing that, since then, the
American intelligence apparatus has used
television to try to control the narrative, what
viewers saw, in order to steer them to a
particular conclusion.

The show impeachment of Donald Trump
is a grand advertising scheme of the deep
state by the radical Left, to convince 
Americans to adopt their perennial failed
policies. But one thing stands in the way:
Trump himself. No one says Trump is perfect
or enlightened. What Trump is, is an 
intelligent, articulate, powerful human being 
with truly human values. He genuinely loves 
people more than power. He speaks to the 
common man direct truth, which is like 
poison to the mind control manipulators. 
Many Americans, myself included, have 
thought the political process in America was 
corrupted and not worth participating with 
for many years. To hear a leader speak the 
truth for a change is something Americans
have had to get used to for the past three
years. And more and more Americans have
woken to the fact that perhaps the USA can
restore the principles that the country was
founded upon.

This “Great Awakening” is taking. place in
real time and involves the entire Rothchilds
dominated (at his time) world. The USA is 
still the only superpower left in the world.
China, which has been vampire-ing the 
American economy for decades, was in line
to be the new one until Trump started putting
a stop to it. The American people are being
given back control of their own country, which
started when they elected Trump. No wonder
the dynastic cabal of the Clintons, Bushes, 
and Obama are freaking out in total panic.
They are losing control and their evil is being
exposed. The mask is being removed and the
horror that these people are is being seen by
all, which is something from which they will
never recover. The cat’s out of the bag.

Get some popcorn and a nice drink…sit back
and relax. The revolution is being
real time.

Wednesday, November 6, 2019

Wlll there be a second civil war In the USA?

If there is a civil war, which I doubt, it won't last long.
 Why? Because Trump has two things: 1. Control of 
and support by the military. 2. 60-70% of Americans, 
most of whom own guns and  support Trump. 
What? Soros is going to arm Antifa? They wouldn't 
even know which end of a gun to point!  Do they 
have an army of MKULTRA soldiers to throw at the 
military? NOT!  These people are stupid, and weak. 
They've only been in power by default, because 
much of America had given up on the political system.  
But when Trump came along, all that changed..

Tuesday, November 5, 2019

Three Ring Caucus

Democrat impeachment travesty
all show and no tell
the clowns are in charge
Patriots watching
not laughing.

Millennials Vs. The Children Of Trump

The generation growing up now and 
beginning to become aware of the war 
between the deep state and patriotic, 
sane America will be the opposite of 
Democrat produced lazy, worthless
Millennials. They will be so inspired by 
the battle against world evil that they 
will be energized into being part of this 
movement, this wave, this storm that 
will sweep away the powerful egos 
bent on destroying the world. They will 
know the difference between right and
wrong, discover their own power of
common sense. And the lesson learned 
from these times, no matter how long it 
takes and how painful it may be, will be
the memory, the insurance, that will 
inoculate the United States Of America
from such treachery ever arising again.