Monday, April 29, 2013

Missing Frames

A sense of being is created by the
illusion of the continuity of sense
perceptions, just as our minds are
fooled into feeling that a movie is
really happening.

…but there are missing frames in
our movies…

…whole scenes on the cutting room
floor, as Clive tries to edit the docu-
mentary while talking to his sister on
the  i phone….

…even seeing the same thing, we each
have our Rashomon points of view…

...taking what we think to be real, we loose
our bearings and sense of perspective...

...believing in concepts and loosing
touch with what is real...

..relative reality says a lot and means
very little….absolute reality says
nothing at all*… takes courage just to be there.

*(Paraphrasing a quote from Chogyam Trungpa)

Un sens al existenţei este dat de
iluzia continuităţii perceperii
sensului, exact ca şi cum minţile noastre ar fi
păcălite de sentimentul că un film
se petrece chiar pe bune.
...dar sunt nişte cadre lipsă în
filmele noastre...
...toate scenele din cabina de montaj
sunt pe duşumea, ca şi cum Clive ar încerca
să editeze documentarul în timp ce vorbeşte cu soră-sa
la telefon...
...chiar şi văzând acelaşi lucru, fiecare din noi
are punctul lui de vedere rashomon...*
...luând ce credem drept realitate, am pierdut
noima şi simţul perspectivei...
...crezând în concepte şi pierzând
contactul cu realitatea...
...realitatea relativă spune mult şi înseamnă
foarte puţin... realitatea absolută nu spune
nimic în definitiv...** nevoie de curaj ca să fii acolo.
    *  Rashomon, film al regizorului japonez Akira Kurosawa (n. tr.)
     ** Parafrazarea unui citat din Chogyam Trungpa (n. aut.)
Traducere de Daniel Dragomirescu

Friday, April 19, 2013

NRA and Watertown


Pressure cookers and other objects that may be used
as weapons...practically anything, really, are covered
under the Second Amendment.

Thursday, April 18, 2013

The Killers

The killers came early
dressed in the rags of their reckoning...
they came
shivering with delight
at the action they perform:
the daylight, to them,
was another trigger.      (1970)

Wednesday, April 17, 2013

Kafka's Birthplace

Walking into the grey village
people you see all walk away
with a furtive look….the bread
in the shops is all day old…

The bar was empty, save for
an old man in overcoat, slumped
over his drink. The bartender
was wiping a glass.

“Where’s the party?” I said…
the bartender didn’t flinch…
kept wiping the glass…

“I’ll have a whisky.”
The bartender moved like
an automaton…without

The bartender poured the
whisky, left the bottle on
the bar…..walked to the
other end of the bar and
began wiping the same glass.

Finished my drink, put some
money on the bar…walked
outside…the sky was grey,
the street gave no hint of
comings or goings…the air
held it’s breath.

Thursday, April 4, 2013

Parinirvana Day of VCTR 2013

“Chaos is very good news”
…and you’ve given us such
good news lately, inscrutable
all pervasive being that watches
us like  a hawk with an eye as big
as the universe. The miracle of
you continually expands. 

Wednesday, April 3, 2013


The pump broke,
the water  heater broke,
my computer broke,
and I’m pissing blood.

Buddhists call this “the
pain of pain"…I call it
a great reminder.

Akong's Revenge

Akong's Revenge

Stealing the nest of loving kindness
with the false egg of resentment
that hatches the chick of envy and pride.