Sunday, March 30, 2014

When Jackie Gleason Drank Even More

Jackie Gleason was a comic icon of the
Fifties and Sixties.  He flourished in the
great age of  alcohol in The USA of that
period.  He and President at the time, Richard 
Nixon, were great pals. Gleason had a house 
built in the shape of a UFO.  Each floor had
a full bar. One night, Nixon showed up, 
driving his own car. He took Gleason to 
Andrews Air force base, and drove up to 
a back hangar. He showed him the UFO inside. 
For several weeks after that, Jackie Gleason
drank even more. *


Saturday, March 29, 2014

Surfer Dude Solitude: A Tiny Tulku Trope

The waves are yet to come.

I get the wind, in the car, on the porch...

the subtle wind when some one comes in...

I think I can do something with that, in fact,

I know I am. By the time the waves get here,

I'll be over them.

Thursday, March 27, 2014

To All The Poets Floating In My Mind

Is this how we get immortal?
Are we intelligent viruses,
or, viruses of intelligence
shooting our poetry spawn
into consciousness?

I don’t know.
What you are for me
is the primordial soup
of wisdom, that, somehow,
when you get to be human,
one can access.

Some other river of consciousness…
not Lethe.  It’s not a Club…because
the only way you can belong to it is to
not be there. You belong to it, it does
not belong to you is another clue.

So, yes, every time you nail my mind

to reality, I feel all of you.

Wednesday, March 26, 2014


There is no substitute for competence, confidence,
or grandma's apple pie.

Monday, March 24, 2014

I Can See Your Life From Here

We all can, especially the NSA….
at least, bodily functions are still
private….(I mean some of them)
but, how long will that last?

I live in Mexico, now, before drones
become ubiquitous here too…
Which came first, the Bore or the Drone?
I think it was the politicians…the mindless
suits whose lives are seen as nothing more
than the sum of their private parts.
I don’t think that’s just me.

I can see through your window.

There’s blood on the table.

Sunday, March 23, 2014

Message From A Bottle


Is this on?
Is this no?
Is this downward 
dog, or, was that God?

Am I here now?
Where I should be?
Where should I be?
Do I need an echo
to tell me if I am?
All the networks say so,
So that’s where we all go…

I’m Kidding…I’m Swift
pointing out you’re too
big and too small…
too what you think
disconnected from the
natural world, afraid of 
a blade of grass,
hoist on your own ignorance…

…a product of a process, not in
control of your own evolution,,,,

Hello….do you read me…
do you find a blade of grass
in a haystack of needles….

Well, if you can read this,
you are pretty damn close.

Back To Howdy Doody

Back to the concrescence of light
when, for a moment in the history
of the world, we could have got it right.

There was a moment, after the Second 
World War, when the world wasn’t sure
if it should continue to pull the trigger…

But the world (humanity) was scared of itself…
which is how the whole thing started from Eden,
but….let’s not talk about that now.

Well, that was a beautiful moment that I came 
of age in….and, a pig like that you never forget.

It’s time had not yet come.

Taylor Spike Blues

I’ve been nailed since I was born,
spiked to the earth I found myself on
where’er I go, the earth goes with me…
no matter where I travel,  I go nowhere.

I’m here right now, singing this song…
so many heres….heres are everywhere…
somehow I always find myself there…
somehow I always find myself somewhere.

I’m tailored for the earth….
the matrix got me….
I can’t escape this life,
I sing in my chains 
like the sea.

Friday, March 21, 2014

Good Day

Every day is a good day
when I get up…
when I finally get up.

I take a lot of time, hours,
before I decide to get up
because I don’t have to
get up.

I have no job, no schedule
to meet, so I luxuriate in the
free space of no obligation.
I drink thick coffee in the 
free space of Odessa.

Tuesday, March 18, 2014


The problem with robots is, they’re not programmed for change.

The problem with humans is they’re programmed for change, 
but they want to be robots.


The only people who know why
they do anything are the ones that
know how to do nothing.

Monday, March 17, 2014


Japan should be declared a rogue
criminal nation because of the
incompetence with which it
has dealt with the Fukushima
crisis, which threatens the
entire planet. Rather than ask for
an international, co-operative
effort to solve the problem,
Japan has relied on TEPCO
to handle the situation, which
has been criminally mismanaged.

Russia, China, and the USA
must immediately invade Japan
and take it over, take control of
the crisis from their hands...
otherwise Japanese xenophobia,
unending pride, and moral
blindness threatens to destroy

If Japan wants to commit suicide,
well, that's their culture.
But why should the rest of the world
let them take them with them?

Friday, March 14, 2014

Alien Agenda: A Science Fantasy

“The bigger the lie, the more people
will believe in it.”   Joseph Goebbels

“The best place to hide something
is in plain view.”  W.S. Burroughs

Let’s just say that everything I’m 
going to write is a lie. It will certainly 
sound crazy, so, why not suspend
disbelief a little, like when your 
parents read you a bedtime story,
and you knew it wasn’t true, but you
chose to believe it before you fell 

There is enough circumstantial 
evidence, as well as testimony from
the “Disclosure Project” as well as
other sources, to assume, at least,
that “aliens” not of the earth, have
been visiting the earth for many years,
if not for centuries. Coupled with this
knowledge is a lack of revealed
physical evidence of alien visitation…
at least, evidence exposed to the public.

This creates a cloud of uncertainty which
smokescreens what’s really going on. No
one can know what the aliens are up to 
until it is established that they really exist.
So, that uncertainty/lie, keeps the alien
agenda hidden.

Thesis:  Aliens needed human leadership
to develop atomic power and weaponry.
Now it has been disseminated through-
out the world. Now that it has, the opposite
is true: there needs to be disorder and chaos 
so that the agenda can be fulfilled.

Some people have espoused the theory that
human intelligence is the result of alien inter-
venation with our DNA.  If true, the aliens
made us smart enough to make atomic power
and weapons, but not smart enough to use it
without destroying ourselves. Why would 
they do that? The only answer is: terraforming.

Radiation has long been associated with UFOs.
Given the logic of this fantasy, it’s possible to
extrapolate that aliens live in a radioactive 
environment….it’s natural for them. If so,
Fukushima could be the linchpin…if Fukushima 
goes, Japan goes.  If Japan goes….if they no
longer have enough people to maintain the
nuclear reactors, the world goes. Fukushima 
could well be the beginning of the final phase 
of the terraforming process.

We are yeast making beer for the aliens and
then, conveniently, drowning in our own

Thursday, March 13, 2014

Great Things About Getting Old (For Carol)

You can't remember if you have
any regrets.

"Curmudgeon Cudgel"
...everyone expects you to hate everything.

...good excuse for
incontinence and

...people are more likely to help,
because they don't want to see you
die in front of them. don't have to move much
to have a good time. can look at women,
and they're not offended.

...women look at you,
and you're not aroused.

Monday, March 10, 2014

Late Night Paradigm

I shouldn't be awake, but, I am.
Is that what Buddha thought?

Tomorrow...The Other Day

When you can get things done….
when you can figure it out…

it’s just another day
when nothing happens.

I see no problem
either way….

but, that’s just me.

Philosophy As Language

(This is a transcription of part of a 
conversation between four old men:
Arn  (A),  John Z,  (JZ)  Me, (JT)   
and Dave (D).  This occurred the last
night of my recent trip to San Francisco. 
Arn and the two John's went to
college together. Dave, Arn's housemate, 
has known Arn since grade school. This
was transcribed from a video I took.

J Z    ….important….right?

D    …that’s hard to say….I don’t 
know what they think…

A    ….that is a difficult thing to know…

D   ….what do I know about what 
somebody does? I don’t know, and
I don’t give a shit unless they have 
something to tell me….

JZ   …have you ever been to a shopping 
mall? Have you ever interacted with 

JT   …that’s a good question….
(to Dave) have you ever interacted with 

D  ….I try not to…

JT   ….I know….

JZ    ….you try not to, but the point is, 
you have to.

D    ….yeah…ok..we’re just playing here…

JZ    …yeah, we’re playing, but we’re 
playing with some very important points…

JT   ….we’re playing with some very 
important marbles here…

You know, I see you two guys here 
(JZ and A) and, Arn, you’ve been a 
wonderful guide for me on this particular 
visit..and, you know, relating to lots of 
people, all over the place,  and I’m really 
impressed…and then, we come here, and 
(Laughs…something incoherent) …and 
if people piss him off, he doesn’t hate them, 
he loves them, in a way…

D  They wouldn’t make him crazy if he 
didn’t care….he wouldn’t care if he 
wouldn’t care….

A   Absolutely….you kidding? 
Legitimately…there’s no doubt…

JT  (pointing to JZ)  Oh oh….

D   scientist is good…

JT Scientists aren’t bad….I’m sorry, John, 
I don’t mean to be negative….

D  Condescending!   (laughter…
high fives)

JZ  …it’s…..problematic….

JT   what is?

JZ   the whole question…

JT    which one?

JZ    I don’t know…really….

D  No…no….but..I ….we  really 
digressed because John was about to 
say something, then Arn kind of asked 
him a question…and …

JT   well….I don’t know….lets see how 
far we can go and see who drops out first…

JZ    I was about to lead the conversation 
into why western philosophy or any 
philosophy has become linguistic….because 
it seems to me the question becomes what 
does  language mean? What are we talking 
about?  It seems sort of passé to talk about 
what’s real.  It’s sort of….

A    Well, that’s a very Wittgensteinian, 
Twentieth century point…and it’s a good 
point… it’s a great point….you and I have 
talked about  this…that’s why I was 
tempted by that $41 dollar  book, and 
now I’m almost talking myself into 
buying it tomorrow.

JZ   …..and Plato taught that the world of 
ideals was the “real world”….that beauty 
was outside of what was in a statue..etc…
etc…and Augustine changed Plato’s idea 
of ideals into God…and that lasted
for centuries….

JT     In the West!

JZ     …in the West…

JT      …thank you….

JZ     I don’t know much about the East….

JT    …I know.

JZ     I don’t know what happened in the 

JT      …well….uh….

D       ….they wandered around in the 
desert and had a lot of time to think 
about things  (laughter)

A       ….or in the mountains, or up on 
the plateaus…or,  wherever they were…

JT        ….we were talking about this a 
little earlier…uh…which is that…you 
know…. there’s, like a National Geographic 
magazine, recent one, recent issue,…..

JZ        ….National Geographic magazine?

JT         yes, with a Tibetan monk with these 
sensors all over his head, and what the 
             article is about is, that scientists 
are really taking seriously these meditation 
techniques  that these people have been 
doing for twenty five hundred years…..
and they’re studying the mind….they’re 
studying everyone’s mind, but they’re 
studying these minds too. And, one thing 
they’ve found, that these people that have 
been meditating for forty years or more,  
are like, they have this base of mental 
activity which is, like, stable….it doesn’t 
fluctuate because of emotional stimulation….
there’s a stability there……     

A    No, it’s interesting research, it really is.      
I’m going to put my own personal 
punctuation on this right now,  if you’ll 
just give me a minute….. I’ll come back 
with my punctuation . 
(Arn leaves the room. The discussion 
continues with John, John and Dave)

JZ           …….my question…              
JT            ….don’t come back with your 

D             …goddess’s eye….

JZ            …in spite of the advances of 
western philosophy….

JT            …yeah…

JZ            …you know, through…

JT             …sure…

JZ            ….Descartes, Kant and Hegel..

JT             …nyah….

JZ              …..Wittgenstein on up to the 

JT              ….wooo….

JZ              ….where the philosophy has 
become linguistic…

D    What? Philosophy has become 
linguistic? In other words, it all has to do 
with parsing the meaning of words…

JZ …..because of these controversies….
that we’ve gone over…no body can really 
say the difference between the phenomenal
 and the noumenal…it becomes linguistic.

JT              Ok I’ve got a great example from 
our experience….

JZ               I defer to your example…

JT  …you and me….when we went up to 
Chris Gilman’s house in Libertyville,

JZ               …years ago….

JT               …and we were just peaking on 
acid when we rang the doorbell…we just 
started to peak on acid….so…He  (Chris)  
opened the door, and looked at us and said:          

 “Oh No…”

   …but, you know, it was the same thing….
he didn’t know what to do with us…well, you 
know, he took us downstairs to the rec room, 
whatever, and we played poker….

JZ                Chris’s place?

JT                 Yeah,

JZ                When I had the Firebird before we 
got busted…on the highway?

JT                 we didn’t get busted…

JZ                 …I did…I went to jail…

JT   …yeah you did…it was your father…
anyway…ah, so, all night…what was he 
going to do  with us?  He decided we could 
play poker, or something….so, we had,like, 
one or two hands, and, you know, we were 
both hallucinating like madmen……so, this 
is where the philosophy became linguistic….
we didn’t care about the cards anymore…
we started just passing the money around.  

                   (At this moment, Arn returns , 
his entrance causing gails of laughter…
he is wearing a mask I brought from 
Tepoztlan .  It’s a skull head with hood 
and cowl.   

A                It is time to ask the mask.

JT                 ooo, yes, sit down

JZ                (to Arn)    this is the role you’ve 
always played in my life….let me tell you 

JT                can I have a mask please?

A                  I brought ‘em for everybody…

JT                 …if anyone wants to wear a 
mask…I’ll take the first one I think, I see

JZ                I refuse to wear a mask.

JT   …oh yeah?  Actually, this is 
my  own personal mask I’m giving…

A     …it is, yes it is, Tischer showed 
me that on Skype….

JT    (to JZ)   you refuse to wear a  

JZ    I so view it as a western 
rationalist position…..

JT   You’re so wearing a mask anyway 
it doesn’t matter

A   come on, John, you got two great 
masks here…

D   That looks like the right one!

JZ  do you know how contrary 
to my nature wearing this mask is?

A  yeah, my nature too, until Tischer 
brought these from Mexico…
these are Tepoztlan masks!  I mean, 
they’re not from nowhere!

JZ  These are Tepoztlan masks?

A   Yeah!  Tischer brought them with 
him! Come on, put it on!

D    Oh!  Oh! God yes, it’s so you!

A     with the tongue! 
  (convulsive laughter)

JZ   these masks don’t 
change my nature….

D     how could they not!!              
(convulsive laughter)



Sunday, March 9, 2014


I don't know if the moon
is half full or half empty...
it's over my head.

Saturday, March 8, 2014


It will come from somewhere….
he did when he came out of the womb...
they check first for the fingers and toes...
it’s the opposite of a slaughter house...

Friday, March 7, 2014

Burma Shave Poem

I must be slow....

or maybe I was

not no mo....

time quickly

makes fools

of us all

Buma Shave

Multiplication Of The Arcs #2

Yves Tanguy  closest to
showing what the digital
age looks like..the 
momentary order of chaos
before the steam engine kicks in…
to break down the two humped
bi-camel mind… just don’t
consider this to be a message…
everything is it’s own clue,
(when I hear blues, I write right
this way…)  I get the same kick
from words and music, especially
when they’re done real neat…that
the truth coming through the senses
makes rational mind a water boy.
The longer this goes on, the further
from the initial intent, but, as long
as the detail is clear, 

the tongue sticks out.

Thursday, March 6, 2014

“How I’m Supposed To Be.” by Everybody Else

My father taught me
the truth is the most important thing.
I grokked that.
The rest of his world view,
Social Darwinist, pragmatism,
the pyramid scheme view
of developing world, didn’t 
jibe with my experience, like,
I was born with different eyes.
I was confused by the cornucopia
of beliefs of the people around me…
none of them seemed helpful or sane.
They wore their beliefs like armor,
to get them from one situation 
to the next. Maybe I believed 
everything for a while…maybe
that’s why I was scared shitless.

Meditation cut through all of that…
it only took forty years…a bargain…
now that I can look back on it.

De Chirico’s steam engines showed
me what was going on…Dali’s 
melting watches..assassinations…
while the mainstream steamed along
into a bright future, I saw the glaze
that hung in the air, in the eyes,
in the hearts of hopeful people 
trusting in a dream…it’s still that way,
but not for me….would you take advice
from a sheeple? I would feel distain 
If I wasn’t born from the same womb.
Just don’t ask me to believe
a word you say.

Tuesday, March 4, 2014


I’ve been around the sun
sixty five  goddamned times…

I’m starting to feel a little dizzy.

Monday, March 3, 2014

Blood Tastes Like Iron

Lick your next wound.
Try it yourself.
We are all terminators….

intent on our mission.

Tepco's New Slogan

"Fukushima:  No Disaster Too Big We Can't Handle"

Sunday, March 2, 2014


I don’t care what you think
you think you are.