Tuesday, December 31, 2019

Happy 2020

You can hear the music in town begin 
to build. 
You know the fireworks are coming.

I saw three new friends at the market…
portend of the new year.
What will be real, soon, that is fiction today?

Time changes here, but not the seasons;
not if you’ve lived in Minnesota.

The air is fresh and calm and clear. 
The moon a beautiful croissant.

If I could see the future, and you wanted 
to know about the coming year, I would say:
“For some, you’ll enjoy it more as a surprise...
for others, you don’t even want to know.” 

Triumph The Insult Comic President

I don’t think I have to say much more.
You make fun of your enemies in this 
psychological world war.

Friday, December 27, 2019

Triumph Of The Ordinary (for Donald J. Trump)

You are Everyman with a lot of money and power,
which seems like a contradiction,
any man who has not lost his bearings
lost his common touch
lost his common sense
lost his heart and soul in the process
is a true pilgrim; 
"a man who has come from afar
and is on his way to a holy place".

Thursday, December 26, 2019

Guest Poet: Norm Fischer

Take death out for a walk, folks
Not on a leash but at the end of a thin thread
Outsource yourself to your friends
Who will do a better job of loving you than you ever could
They say life is brief; that
Depends on where you’re standing
How you count from where you stand
When you fall
The most complicated things remain simple
When you don’t complicate them
And when language retains
Its linear tendency
Of subjects in control of verbs acting on nouns
With occasional modifiers
That you can take or leave
What’s the world outside your window
If not a spectacle colored by your tears
Produced by the years of torture
You’ve undergone pretending
Against the odds
To be yourself
What if that world and that sense
Too of your having lived this long
And no longer
On a timeframe that spans
Only so far and in one direction
Were a feat of sleight of hand
A party trick an unattainable brush
A handshake among stars
That died long ago
And become visible only now
When you sit at a table among tables of other eaters
Who’s to say what truly occurs
It’s an embarrassment to eat it public
To be bearably alive in this in-between condition

Alien Agenda

Aliens engineered primates long ago so that
they would develop into beings that could
self evolve. 2500 years ago, Buddha was the
first example of one who accomplished this 
feat. He showed thousands of people at that 
time the path of self evolution, and Buddhism
dominated human culture in the East for two 
thousand years. Unfortunately, the West 
didn’t hear about Buddhism for most of that 
time, so, the intelligence that humans had 
been endowed with led there to ego 
dominating the affairs of men for all that time.

So, aliens have realized their failure to seed the
planet with enlightenment fully. Since the Atomic
Age, the aliens realized that their failure had 
led to the possibility that humans could destroy 
the planet and its people, and have been trying to 
correct that mistake through direct contact with 
humans, as well as an alien/human hybrid 
breeding program. Waking humans up to what
they have been up to is also part of their agenda
at this time. Perhaps if humans can realize that
they are only part of something big, they will feel
less inclined to destroy themselves.

Is any of this true? What is true is the amount of 
information about the real nature of the universe
that has been hidden from most people due to
the various agendas of ego driven humans that
still want to have control of humanity. It's true that
much information is now being revealed. The truth
may be that aliens still have hope that humans 
can dig themselves out of a dark age, and begin 
to recognize their shared experience, and the path
to liberation. It’s certainly true that if the aliens 
wanted humans to be gone, they could accomplish
that in an instant. It’s true that the real truth is bound 
to be strange. As Mark Twain said, to paraphrase, of
course the truth is stranger than fiction, because
fiction has to make sense.

Sunday, December 22, 2019

Watermelon (for Richard Brautigan)

Sweet beefcake ballistics...
someone pull the file...
be careful out there...you never know...
could be a brave new world
could be a dark age
it all depends on how you look at it:
could be the start of something big...
could be we wasted our lives...
could be Plato's cave we're in...
could be a figment of our imagination...
could be just our luck...
could be a communist plot...
could be the rapture...
could be the Great Awakening...
could be the end times...
could be the new Golden Age...
could be we think too much...
I always wanted to end a poem
with the word mayonnaise.

Saturday, December 21, 2019

Cuddly Curmudgeon

Full of love and nowhere to go…
I can feel this way 
even though I’m old!

Just a sweet old guy, shuffling along…
let’s face it, it’s true, I’m high!

At my age? 
Should I know better?
What’s the meaning of life?
Get the picture?

Nothing more shocking to some
than an oldster having fun.

You think you’re smarter ‘cause you’re young?
You’re just learning what I already knew!
Here’s a big, ugly old man hug!

Now, get a job.


The big picture, a hologram
in four dimensions. not a binary,
logical situation.

If you want to see the past or future
look at the present, wherein the
momentum of the continuity is manifest.

Take a photo;
it will last longer
than any complication,
clearer than any exposition,
a better reference than an explanation.

Take time, sit down
and look at your life.
Everything you can find in books
is right there in front of you.

Where do you think books cane from?
No one thought the whole thing up.

Go back to the senses
back to the senses go
senses the go back to.

Sorry, folks, that is the punchline.

Friday, December 20, 2019

The Night Before

The town is too quiet for a Friday night…
even the dogs.
The day went too quickly, as if it knew
it’s time was up.
The moment before you strike a wooden
match with your finger, as you look at it,
tension, attention; nothing else.

How fresh, when the air is cleared,
when there’s nothing on the plate,
when the toys have been put away,
ready to slip back into eternity.

The new day will rise
with so much from yesterday 
not even a memory.

Sunday, December 15, 2019

Time Enough

The end of the road…
the end of life…
the end of the path…
looking back at the steps
I’ve taken…
hard decisions,
fruitions of actions, 
the unfolded patterns
like a clear overlay on a map
showing a journey through time.

The old men in India dwell
on the banks of the Ganges
doing exactly this.

Most of the big decisions 
were the right ones,
though I seldom saw that at the time.

The end of a life is like
the end of a chapter;
the pages keep turning.

Since you don’t know 
where you came from,
you have no idea 
where you’re going.

As long as there’s a crowd,
you think you’re going somewhere,
always back, in the end,
at square one.

If you know where you are,
how can you be lost?
Please be kind to your
fellow passengers.

Thursday, December 12, 2019

Sacred Space Program

Chogyam Trungpa developed a sacred 
space program. It was an open secret, in that,
anyone could take part in it and be transported,
magically, to the enlightened kingdom of
Shambhala, albeit for a modest period of time.
Anyone who has done Shambhala Training and 
experienced that ordinary magic understands
the experience I’m speaking of, just as anyone
who has taken LSD, jumped out of an airplane,
or had a near death experience can understand 
what a person who has had a similar experience 
has seen. 

The sacred space of Shambhala is inner space 
and outer space experienced simultaneously. As
Suzuki Roshi pointed out, “me’ is really,  merely, 
a thin veil that obscures, more or less, the inner 
from the outer space. We get hung up because 
we experience “me” so solidly, that we get cut 
off from the inner space, which is why the outer
space can feel so cold, makes us feel like such 
a lonely, solid little thing.

The sacred space program is to dissolve the 
veil between inner and outer space, so that we
can realize that we are really, ultimately, just
part of the environment. No reflecting our light
back into our own mirror. Rather, the sun of 
awareness shining out.

Monday, December 9, 2019

Evening Raga

Bees swarming in late afternoon
as the sun is going down.
Bring in the cows, then, the clowns,
prepare the feast
let’s have some fun
now the sun is done.

Poem For Reggie

My dear brother,
the path we’ve chosen is perilous!
All we have is devotion to the guru,
the dharma, and our fellow warriors!
No one said it would be pretty!

we can always get back to square one,
which may seem like defeat,
but, really,
it’s where we came from!
Rejoice in the stripping of fake illusion!
We have enough problems with the real one!

Saturday, December 7, 2019

Tobor The Great

Twinkling tingling tinkling tightrope
walking on an infinity of eggshells
so vast is the universe, so many lives
we’ve had in every realm, so precarious 
the outcome of our actions that echo
their karma down eons of fractal
possibilities, no wonder the Zen Master
said: “Keep it simple.”

Friday, December 6, 2019

Fractal Evening

Looking into the flowing stream
without thinking of jumping in.

Showy snow job of infinite variety
parsed into bits as small as a pixie
pixel perhaps distracted to swirl in
an eddy of momentary recognition

in the sea there’s nothing to hold
onto except the water better than
falling through air nothing to see 
here move along.

Even the wall in front of me is a
stationary, reliable hallucination,
texture of painted concrete a
snapshot of Pollock visualization.

“I’ll have the same again…”
…even though it’s never the same
because you’re never the same
or you don’t remember.

So, good luck with that…I have 
to go out into the dark night, and
when I return…

Thursday, December 5, 2019

Auto Da Fe

I let the world eat me up...
I gave myself out in coffee spoons.
I had some support for some time
of freedom, which, it turns out, 
was miraculous in spite of myself.

Now, world, I'm yours.
Let me live or let me die.
I ask for nothing else.

A Sign

Sometimes I sit outside the coffee house, smoking, with
a little sign on the ground next to me that says:

"Consejos gratis
de un budista."

Some people ask me:
"Why don't you charge for your advice?"

And I say: "Because when I give my advice, 
it doesn't make any cents."

Tuesday, December 3, 2019


Trosang: day of rest...give it a rest...
it's none of your business, and it will
probably turn out the same way 

Stop taking sides.
Be part of the environment
and you'll never feel lonely.

A billboard in India showing the Dalai Lama
drinking a Coke, captioned: "The Dali Lama
takes a break."
My teacher sees it and asks: "From what?"