Tuesday, May 31, 2016

Lunch In The Market

The snowbirds have migrated
back to Snowville...just us true
defectors mingling amongst
Mexicans, that will let us live
if we don't smack our lips too

The ones 'been up all night,
clinging to doorways drunk...
children in the Zocallo, gleefully
safe, enjoying childhood....
Bob, the token gringo trailer trash,
hanging at the coffee house.

I don't put up much with people
anymore, if they get too close
and start saying what they think.

If I think they're wrong, trying to
correct them is a waste of hot air.

A lot of young ones don't know 
much, but they have that excuse.
The good news is if they're trying
to learn on their own, make mistakes, 
and won't be told what to do.

So, not much cause to speak; the
truth and lies out on the golden
internet screen...one can find the 
truth...you can find the truth there,
if you nave more than oatmeal
between your ears.

Writing differs from conversation
because no back talk and freedom
of choice...so, maybe it's better if
you read my words and don't get
too close.

Zen Moment

Oops! I missed it!
Missed another, thinking
I missed the first one!
I'll be ready for the next one...
nope, missed it too!
Wait, what's that over there?
There it is.

Sunday, May 29, 2016

Plaque On A Bench At The Vietnam War Memorial

This bench is for those
That didn't go to Vietnam,
For the conscientious objectors,
For the draft dodgers,
For the ones that fled to Canada,
For the ones that went to prison.
Let them sit here and contemplate
That grim wall of Johnson's war,
The man that killed the Kennedys 
And King, the man that instigated
The downfall of America, and let them
Know they are the heroes of that war,
That criminal, industrial war.

Saturday, May 28, 2016

Dark Age #2

Yes, It's getting worse...
family, community falling apart,
dog-eat-dog subhuman world.

Harvesting bodies to sell organs
to hospitals not just some horror

Hey! Rimbaud didn't have much
nice to say either!

Industrial war now endemic...
no profit in peace.

Yeah, we protested in the Sixties.
Lots of protests now, difference is
we knew what we protested for.

Hey! Lorca was murdered by Fascists!

If you work for a criminal company,
Monsanto, Lilly, on and on, you
are a criminal too, don't you think?

Fewer places in the world where
people consider the common good.

The USA exports evil Moloch greed.
Hey! Ginsberg wrote this sixty years
ago in Howl!

Inured to violence,
in the neighborhoods,
on the roads,
in the cinemas,
in the media,
the reality Americans breathe.

Hey! Jacques Prevert's poetry
wasn't always pretty!

The monks burning themselves
in Vietnam, trying to warn us,
today would just go viral.

Poets sing the truth,
even when it's bad,
better than the alternative:
to be a slave
to a lie.

Thursday, May 26, 2016


In Tepoztlan, before the
rainy season and before
the end,
white butterflies float in the
air like napkins, hence, 
their name.

Something had to,
so we'd know.

Tuesday, May 24, 2016

Koancidence #2


"It's either Zen,
or, it's not!"


"Is it Zen?"


"It is now."

Soap Box Rant #1A

They weren't human when
I was a child, all the adults,
my teachers, all robots
dreaming they were alive.

Orwell's future was already
there...it took my whole life,
years of drunkenness and
meditation to rid myself of
conditioning. Deprogramed,
I'm finally free! 

Not too many make that 
claim....I can't prove it, but,
I don't care! 
Sauve qui peut!
The means are everywhere!

Ayahuasca, Ibogaine,

Others, looking for the truth,
fall into cults; Scientology is
the poster child.

All looking for the truth, or,
brainwashed into thinking
they found it.

How do you know when 
you've found it?

If you rely on your thinking 
mind to tell you, you're lost:
"To know is to get lost."
Nanao Sakaki

"It's back to the senses...
back to the senses now...
now senses the to back."

Australian aboriginals
sang songs based on the
landscape so they always 
knew where they were.

"At the premier of my movie
I had no idea what I was doing 
or why, although, it must have 
had something to do with money."

George Clooney should be $#^%!
His mind is a danger to himself 
and others!
His money should be taken and
used to build orphanages!
And he is only one of them!
Robot monsters self satisfied at
the expense of others!
Who cares that his face looks good
in a magazine!

Yes, it is not for no reason that 
people stand on soap boxes and rant.
I'll bet the Bible prophets didn't whisper.

It was only after the Church took control
that they started to imprison and burn
geniuses...the Catholic Church, rivaling
Islam in the amount of blood they spilled,
now confining their aggression to raping
young boys. That there are still parishioners
is a monument to blind stupidity.

And that's just one of the mega-disaster-
mind-manifestations that keep humans
away from freedom!

Free your mind before the universe gives 
up on the failed experiment called humanity!
The only way to save the world is
to free your mind!

Monday, May 23, 2016

Improbable Paradise

It took a long time
to get here...
flowers on the table,
waiting for hamburger 
and fries...
waiting for the rain...
waiting to meet the
inevitable traveler...
inevitable sky bombs
of celebration, 
predictable yet 
accidental paradise
I never thought I'd find.

Maybe it was a planned 
accident...I'll never know
and no one can tell me...
my struggle just let go.

I let loose the rope, the fear
of death, long ago, only 
knowing holding on was
not the way to go.

Most of my life floating
between disasters and
revelations, not knowing
where the wind would 
take me, only sensing
the path in moments of 
now that led me here
ten years ago.

Now i'm here, wanting
no where else to go.

How long will I stay?
How long do I have at all
'til an invisible wind 
blows me to the next
unfathomable destination?

One thing is certain: 
everything changes
except the heart always
pointing in the right direction.

Sunday, May 22, 2016

Big Mythtake

I'm sorry,
it's all a big mythtake;
the Christian Church,
(with all the churchlets)
Islam, Hinduism, anything
you'd call religion. They
even mistake Buddhism
for a religion...it's not.

Fascism, Communism,
Democracy, any other ism,
trying to organize too many
humans into one group.

Mythos, mythtake, drawing
blind conclusions from part
of the elephant in the room.

Closer to the earth, less in
the head, peoples lasted
longer in places over time.

Now, humans all over the 
place, looking for, not
finding, the lost city of gold,
the Golden Age, before the
mythtake of progress drove
it all downhill.

Another mythtake; that knowing
more made us smarter, closer to 
reality, even while we cherish the
wisdom of the ancients.

Getting to the moon didn't help.
Is there life on Mars? Might as
well should have been. Science
even now trying to get over the
mythtake that earth is the center
of life....stupid geniuses...even
Einstein believed in God. So 
much for the predominance of
rational mind.

Still afraid of death,
still afraid of mystery,
looking for a clue in history.

We have a problem with time,
always have, not seeing the
present moment as the only
time there is we can know.

Mythtake builds on the first
double-take, double vision,
into an edifice of cards,
a monument of mental
masturbation, edited to delete

the only certainty there is.

Wednesday, May 18, 2016

Guest poet: Daniel Dragomirescu

                to Joe Bardy Tisch, a man whith a lot of destinies
Like with all of us,
I had apportioned a few destinies,
crammed one into the other
according to some arcane
previously approved decisions.
These days I vaguely remember them.

In one of them
I was selling happiness to some tourists,
as if it was fairy-floss
at a crowded country-fair – 
they would open their mouths wide,
take one bite,
and then throw it into the next rubbish bin.

Then, from time to time
I would suddenly transform into a 
chubby Father Christmas
- always rushing with a fed up attitude -
to distribute toys made in China
to all those puerile impertinent,
many of whom deserved
a backhand across their faces.
I was whacking them now and then,
when their parents were looking away.
They would scream that
Father Christmas has hit them,
but their parents would explain to them, 
patiently, that in fact, Father Christmas 
does not exist!

Often I would wake up as a customs officer
for thoughts and dreams,
charging duty
for all sorts of high volume subjective goods,
from prayers to palaver,
which were passing, planned or haphazardly,
through people's heads - mine, yours, 
everybody's. I would stack them in a folder
to be evaluated later,
at the Last Judgment.

In the happiest of these destinies
I was becoming a nocturnal clown
with long work experience
into the amusement of your body.

Finally, with the passing of time,
I was introducing myself
as a professor of calligraphy,
in a sordid world where no one
was using pens anymore.
They were all laughing at me,
pounding on keyboards -
monotonous and deadly keyboards.

But all of these destinies
would flicker faintly
like some lights on the edge of the 
horizon, on the edge of time,
which could not dim the brightness
of the stars in the mid-summer 
night sky. Because through 
all of these lives
I loved you!

Door Number Three

What's behind 
door number three?
You're already thinking:
"Ah!  A mystery!"

You really, really, really,
really want to know.
If I said I won't tell you,
you'd shout: "That's not fair!"

If I said there is no
door number three;
"Why did you say so?!"
you'd interrogate me.

Really, only to mess
with your mind...see?
How easy!

But wait, don't give up!
There's still something more!
What do you think is behind
door number four?

Tuesday, May 17, 2016

After Life

After Life

After the word, the beginning,
came life, after life, after life.
as if, if we just kept trying,
sooner or later, 
we'd get it right.

Don't you get it yet?
The ones that get it right
don't come back, or, do
for what seems an eternity,
only to help others get it.

That's why there are 
comedians, not that getting
it right is a punchline.
Most of the punchlines come
from getting it wrong...
and only in humor, it seems,
do we get much of anything.

What is after life?
The Zen comedian says:
"There is nothing next, this is it!
So, sit until you get it!"

How boring, so, most keep busy
totally frustrated by not getting
anywhere in this mystery.

"Time?" says the bodhisattva,
"I've got nothing but time."

Buddha says nothing.
He just holds up a flower
and smiles.

Monday, May 16, 2016

What's The Hurry?

You're not getting anywhere...
you might survive a while...
experience some pleasure...
a tropical beach long enough
for a few photos and back 
to the grind.

You may get to retirement
and not remember what
life was for.

You may get rich and famous,
its own kind of hell.

You may not succeed and
feel bad about that, or, succeed
and put a Richard Cory bullet
in your head.

So, tell me again...
where are you heading so fast,
will it still be there when you get there,
and will it look like what you imagined?

What I'm saying is the path is the goal:
to be where you are; the journey more
interesting than the destination.

We learn nothing crossing the finish line;
only if the journey has been worthwhile

Sunday, May 15, 2016

Birdies And Flowers

Flowers insinuate themselves
into the air.
I pick them, I pluck them,
I don't care.

Birdies twitter in trees
oh so colorfully.
In pies I will eat them,

All natural beauty
only for me. 
I'll only hate garbage
when it's all that I see.

My riches will keep me
away from that sight.
As for everyone else,
I don't give a shite.

Birdies and flowers
how marvelous!
I love them equally;
I'm omnivorous!

Don't worry...
you won't meet me.
When everything's gone,
you might want to eat me.

But I'll be OK
in my underground lair,
caviar and champaign
carefully stored there.

And when you're all through
with having it out,
it's then I'll decide
it's time to come out.

You'll be gone, the earth
once again will be free
for the "haves" to enjoy,
the Morlocks, like me.

Discriminating Americans

The dopes on U Tube,
the ones that don't agree with me,
are entitled to their
serentepidous stupidity.

I can tell, in a minute or less,
as the dialogues progress,
who is copacetic with me.

For example, in a debate 
between a serious pontificanter
and any comedian, the comedian
always wins; his victory 
not taking reality seriously.

The ones that fuss and fume 
and spout should all get out
more often.

Their earnestness is not to earn
respect, rather, looking for
justifications for misery,
preferring victimology,
apathetic identity.

Empower yerselves, 

Get two serioso-and-sos
on the same screen and
watch their idiotsyncracy
escalate to the nth degree.

I wish I could write about
birdies and flowers, but 
until the pathetic clowns
of punditry vanish into the
palookasphere, I feel I
have to smash their macho

...rewarded by serene
sensuous sirens
of silence.

Saturday, May 14, 2016

Apology To The Audience

Not that there even is one...
lots of political...stuff...well,
critical time in the history
of what's left...so, only
commentating on what's next,
the perfect storm of whatever
you can see and can't is 
happening so quickly we all
feel it and aren't really sure
which direction it's coming
from....so, sorry I'm a bit 
obsessed like everyone
else in the Kali Yuga
auditorium waiting for
the next game, band,
political buffoon; nothing 
else to be except part of
the audience with my
personal pompoms,
going out back for a smoke
during intermissions,
listening to Zappa who
laid now out, back in 1981.

Friday, May 13, 2016

Caitlyn Jenner

Bruce Jenner=>
Wheaties Box Cover
Caitlyn Jenner=>
"Sex Change Regrets"=>
Fruit Loops?


The only thing Bruce wanted to "change"
was not being famous and rich anymore.

The Huff Post article says Caitlyn is proud she has raised awareness of how transgender people have been discriminated against but still is attracted to females.  (She retains her male genitalia,)  She now believes a same-sex relationship would be sinful, says the Huff Post report.  Absurd.  Why is the world expected to follow this twisted drama?

Some Headlines

"See the New York subway fight
broken up by a man calmly
eating Pringles"

(Wall Street Journal)
"Consumer spending
doesn't excite dollar bills."

"Man performs Hemingway
maneuver on self: he never
has to worry about 
breathing again."

Reformed Drunk

I want to get fucked up...
I think now, all that drinking
was a lot because of anger.
I didn't want to be like others,
even way back. Even way back,
civilization was sliding into the dark.
Conformity...wasn't that a meme
of the Fifties? Stepford wives?
Of course it was...now it's become
accepting everyone fanatically
fragmented into whiny trivial
diversity, with the right to collect
whatever they can get from their
self flagellating victimization.
Is 'dis a civilization?
Of course it's not.

I conquered my vices, or, 
they fell off of me like 
snakeskin I was too big for. 

Only one emotion anymore:
hysteria; whether joy-like
hate-like, head-in-the-sand

Life is passing so fast in front
of our eyes there's no time to
digest what is really happening.

Yes, "America is Number One!"
in this way too. We are the bad
example for the rest of the world.
I'd like to say "Fuck America!"
like I did on my front porch
in Denver a decade ago
before I moved to Mexico.
It was already too late then.

I think I'll just get pizza.

Thursday, May 12, 2016

Political Correctness In Colleges, Safe Space And Feminism

These children will never grow up, 
a truly  "lost generation"...
put the FEMA camps to good use...
(call them FEMA campuses),
we can't expect the youth
to save anything,
let alone themselves.


Tuesday, May 10, 2016


I raise my hand.
I volunteer to frog-walk
myself into the ocean.
I've had a miracle life...
meeting great enlightened beings...
following the path to enlightenment...
the rest is unnecessary gravy.

I've helped a lot of beings...
written enough poems...
fixed enough toilets...
I'm old enough...that's it!

I'm tired of eating and pooping...
enough already with pleasure!
I'm finished with suffering...
I cede my place on earth to another.

Let all useless people follow me...
let all egomaniacs follow me...
let all psychotics, killers, rapists
follow me...
let the one percent follow me...
let the people in control of others
follow me...

Let the politicians follow me...
let the clergy follow me...
let the CEOs follow me...
let the generals follow me.

Together, arm in arm, we walk
into the ocean...knowing the world
will be better off without us.
It's the least we can do, and the most.
We had our chance and blew it, or not.
It's time for others to have a go.

You get the idea because 
you see the situation...
not a pretty picture.

As Bob Dylan sang: "You'll find out 
when you've reached the top, 
you're on the bottom."
So, let's try to  put things right...
let's wave goodbye together 
in the waves.
The ones that are left will thank us, 
respect us: that's the only way 
that will happen...
maybe the only way 
we can respect ourselves.

I'm old and ready.
If you're old and still want more...
if you're evil and still want more...
if you're crazy and still want more...
if you're powerful and still want more...
if you're selfish and still want more...
you'll never get enough, so, give up
before that last spark of goodness 
goes out...
and you find yourself in space