Thursday, November 26, 2015

Don Juan de Tepoztlan

Yo soy Juan...aproximadamente Don.
I was a great lover 'till the equipment

Now, I sit sipping coffee, watching my
beard grow, among the gentle folk of
this peaceful town, far from the 
maddened crowd...

...of humans that didn't quite make the
grade, wallowing in slumber of not
wanting to wake up.

It's not that I don't know that feeling.
But, I had to wake up because of the
eternal alarm clock going off in my head:
"It's time!"

I never understood why people thought
they understood, and tried to tell me what
was going on, when it was obvious they
had no idea, simply spouting someone
else's thoughts.

Whether religion, philosophy, home spun 
lore, none of it made any sense to me.

When I was young, I thought everyone
must be right, which caused much 
confusion, because, it seemed, no one
could agree on anything.

When I met the truth, a man, he didn't say
a single word....just sat there, being true.
This was something I could understand.

I asked him: "Isn't there an easier way?"
He simply shook his head and giggled.

Yada, yada, yada. Forty plus many years
later, I sip my coffee simply and smile.

Monday, November 23, 2015

The State Of Humanity: Shards Of A Rant

Most folks, anymore, can't walk
and chew gum at the same time,
unless someone tells them to.

"Sheeple" is an honorific term for
those who could, possibly, wake 
up, though even that is becoming
an anachronism

In Japan, they have a word for those
that work themselves to death. That's
because there are so many of them.
USAmericans don't have such a word,
because they don't even notice it's

Many Americans, having worked a job
for forty years and more, find, when they
retire, they have no interests, or any clue
what to do, how to live. Is there a word for
that? "Coryism" might apply.

Seeing the presidential candidates on 
stage, both parties (except Trump),
to me, they look like meat hanging from
hooks in a locker, only, not as fresh. 

Tighten your blindfolds a bit more, and
wait to hear the order to fire.

Bush set the standards low. Obama is
even lower, though, he looked higher.
He was just better at the job: lying to
the American people. Now, we can smell 
the smoking gun.

There are still beautiful places on the 
earth...I live in one. But Moloch, as
Ginsberg said, has taken control and
looks unstoppable, (not that I'm trying
to make you lose your taste for GMO).

It seems few really want to see or hear
the truth, even as the truth closes in...
even as it becomes even more 
inescapable; so much for the myth of

Perry's Black Ships sailed from the land
of the Black Death, from the Dark Ages,
into the harbor of the land of the rising
sun. What did they bring to trade except
spiritual blackness?

Christianity, the first Scientology, Paul,
the first L.Ron Hubbard; an invented
religion, (though, Islam may have been
the first of those). Christianity, always
just a business, a voracious killing and
plundering machine, (as an institution,
I mean).

We shouldn't worry about "aliens" taking
over our planet. The aliens have to worry
about us getting off of it.

Then, in the Twentieth Century, religion
began to lose it's luster. It was replaced 
by empiricism, (scientific materialism)
which filled the void with more void...the
barbarism just changing masks.

That is all.....for now.

To My Audience (if there is one) An Explanation (if I need one)

The object of my writing has changed in
the last month. A causal factor might be
that I stopped drinking after fifty years, and
stopped smoking pot...both at the same
moment, overnight. How and why this 
happened aren't important here. What is
important is why my focus has changed.

For me now, it's no longer enough to write
abstract or romantic poetry about my 
experience in and of the world. To me, it 
feels like the Sixties all over again, only this
time the world is in an even greater state of
chaos and revolution. I feel the need to 
write about the world as clearly as I can see
it. If there is no one to listen, it goes into the
Akashic record, the universal consciousness,
so, at least, it's on record.

My generation was taught  to think for them-
selves. That's why we protested en masse,
why we were so hard to control. With 
succeeding generations, that has become 
no longer the case. And now, children are 
abused into stupefaction by such things as 
"Common Core", meaning there's not just 
one rotten apple in the barrel anymore.

Now, no one protests that their lives are 
being drained in oh so many ways. 
They watch people fall around them; the
latest mass shooting, (a form of protest?),
the latest suicide, the latest back flip into
the loony bin, and say to themselves:
"Thank God it's not me!"

But, it is "me", it is "you", it is "them" is
"us". We are afflicted with the engineered
insanity engulfing us at every turn. Eliot 
was right: this is the way the worked ends;
not with a bang, but with a whimper.

What can we do?

"Get up, stand up, stand up for your rights."
Intention is everything. Win or lose, 
intention carries forward, beyond the myth 
of linear time. If we don't lose our love, our
courage, our hearts, in spite of the odds, 
that energy, that intention, will never be lost,
but will find its time of fruition.

Art is fading, from beauty that informs as 
much as it uplifts and delights, to 
entertainment: just another drug meant to
stupefy and repress, dazzle and bewilder.
Even if I'm not such a great poet, I'm better
than whatever comes out of Hollywood.

me: "What do you think of Tom Cruise as an

Marian Seldes: "Oh, I don't think of him as an

I can't just sit back in Tepoztlan, my 
Casablanca, my protected (for how long?)
paradise, and write nothing about the 
processes taking place in the world today.

I can't not rage against the dying of the light,
even though I  am no Hamlet, nor was meant
to be.

The fewer that listen, the greater the need to
sing and shout, the greater the need to work
it on out. Seeing the problem is the first step
in doing something about it, or at least,
finding a way to escape it. Shake it up, Baby.

Saturday, November 21, 2015

Second Hand Brainwash

Just being among them in the malls,
Can't help taking in the stink of stale minds.

In the crowd of look alikes, Branded and
Moisturized, the sameness rubs off.

Lulled into dull comfort of belonging,
Intoxication of stupidity, Lotus eaters
Of ignorant conformity,


Friday, November 20, 2015

The Refugee Crisis: An Editorial

In buddhism there's a term :
"idiot compassion", which referes to
acting in a compassionate way in
a situation where by the action that is
performed actually causes harm 
to the person or group that performs 
that action. Such action should not be 
done, because not only does it defeat 
the intent of the compassion, but it does 
more harm than good. Since we know 
ISIS is using refugees as a Trojan 
Horse to bring terrorist to America,
the bringing should not be done. IMHO

World News Or Rant Of A Conspiracy Theorist

(subtitle:  Wake Up Or Be Put to Sleep)

Decepticon; great word for corrupt power robots,
more visceral than Neocon.

Sheen is more sheepish now that he knows
his tiger's blood is rife with HIV.

ISIS is not more than
another CIA plot.

Christianity was the first Scientology,
Paul of Tarsus the first L. Ron Hubbard:
"On this rock will I build my church."
Who said dat? Doesn't sound like Jesus.
"Love thy neighbor as thyself." Sounds
like Jesus...I guess The Church was too
busy making money to hear that one.
As Nietzsche said: "There was only one 
Christian, and they killed him."

John Lear, son of the creator of the Lear
jet, has said that the USA has been going 
to the moon and Mars since the early sixties,
and the space program was solely for public
consumption and diversion:

If true, it explains a number of things:

Why NASA has switched it's attention
from exploration of space by manned 
missions, to trying to find planets suitable
for human habitation.

Why the ruling elite doesn't care to preserve 
the earth's environment...and even, perhaps, 
the UFO phenomena; perhaps many of the 
observations are of space traveling machines
that humans have designed and built.

Why such "revelations" are coming out now;
because so many people have been 
brainwashed that you can plainly state the truth, 
or lie, and most won't know the difference or 
even pay attention, unless they themselves 
are affected directly and  viscerally.

The assassinations of the Sixties proved to your
owners they could get away with murder; that they
could get away with anything, so, now, they get
away with everything.

Conspiracy nut? When will you decide to pay
attention? After it's too late? I was 14 when
JFK was killed. We all felt then that something
was wrong with this picture.

"Everyone is alone in the heart of the earth,
pierced by a ray of sun:
and, suddenly, it's evening."

Salvadore Quasimodo

Wednesday, November 18, 2015

Running From The Cops In Colorado

When my dad died in 2002, I inherited some
money. The first thing I did was buy a new car.
I tested a Volvo convertible, a BMW, and a
Toyota Celica. I decided on a GTS Celica. 
I drove that car all over the place for a couple
of years, loving every minute. The fastest I ever
drove it, the fastest I ever drove a car, was 120
MPH, heading back to Rocky Mountain Dharma
Center, the Buddhist meditation center in 
Colorado, where  I was living. The closest 
town was Red  Feather Lakes, a small mountain  
community about a twenty minute drive from the 
center. The staff of the meditation center would 
go there on days off to the restaurant to eat 
hamburgers,  play pool, and have a few drinks. 
I usually had  more than a few. There was a side 
road that teed  off the main road that was about  
a mile and a half long that led to the town. 
Driving out from Red Feather lakes, on two 
different occasions, I passed a police car 
coming into town. On both occasions, I
looked in the rearview mirror and saw the 
cop turn on  his lights. On both occasions, I hit 
the time there was a car stopped at the 
tee intersection, and I blew past him, making a 
left turn, I sped, doing 90, down the curvy, well 
paved road, back to the dharma center. The cops, 
in their little pick ups, had no chance to catch me. 
There was a dirt road teeing off the main road 
that led to the dharma center....I did good time 
down that one too. 

One afternoon, I was driving back from Fort
Collins, having a nice drive. I was sober that 
afternoon.  I teed off the main road onto the 
dirt road. I had a habit  of doing good time on the 
dirt road, drunk or sober, because I was quite 
familiar with the road. So, I was doing about the 
twice the speed limit...maybe more, when a cop 
car passed me going the other way. I looked in 
the rearview mirror, and he had stopped, so, I 
knew he was coming after me, but, since I had 
not  been drinking, instead of running, I quickly 
pulled over, and waited by the side of the road for 
him to drive up  to me.  It wasn't just a regular cop, 
it turned out to be the sheriff!  He checked my 
license on his radio and  came back to the car. He 
asked me why I had been  going so fast. I told him 
that I knew I was going too fast, but that I traveled 
the road almost every day, and knew  it quite well. 
I told him I lived at the dharma center, and he told 
me he had just left a meeting there! He told me
that I could be in a lot of trouble, and I was duly 
humble. He let me off with a stern warning, and I 
drove off slowly.  He was an older man, and I think 
he appreciated that he didn't have to chase me 
down that curvy dirt road. Had he caught me, I'm 
certain he would have thrown the book at me. 
I beat  the cops, running and not running! I think
Sun Tzu would have been proud of me! I loved 
that damned car.

Even The F'ing F'ers Are F'ed By Their Own F'ing F'ing.

"Nobody gets out of here alive."  

Jim Morrison

We're all in the same boat.
Even if the rich survive,
underground, or on some
other planet, they take their
self destructiveness along. 
And, who would want to 
survive alongside them,
Bad mojo, Jojo.

Because of their karma,
when they die, they will 
be gone, purged from the
possibility of existence, 
so that the space of the
next Golden Age can arise. 

It's a long term view, time as
cyclical, not linear, which the 
West was never able to grok.

Oh, ye of little faith, knowledge,
awareness, cling to your garbage,
or, theirs, doesn't matter.
"Everything must go!!"

Life And Death

Most people worship life.
I see life as a temporary
interruption of death.

Story #333

I attended my daughter's graduation
from American University in 1990. After
the ceremony, my little family; my ex, my 
daughter and her cousin, went to lunch
with her boyfriend and his family, which 
was slightly more extended. They sat me
next to her boyfriend's aunt, my age, and
an old Zen Buddhist practitioner. Since I
had been a Buddhist for many years, I
presume it was because they though we
would have something to talk about. 
Neither of us spoke a single word during
lunch...nor did we look at each other.
For desert, they served a rich chocolate
cake. After a few bites, this lady turned to 
me and said, in a very energetic and delighted
way: " I just love this cake!  I could eat so
much of it!" with a beaming smile.

I turned to her and said: "Oh! You are a very
spiritual person!" And we burst into a gale
of laughter.

Tuesday, November 17, 2015

Hillary For President

Witch One?
I get confused because of the
multiples of her lack of personality.
She reminds me of all the characters
of Alice in Wonderland...except Alice;
the innocence she never had.

I don't have to explain. All I have to
do is list them, and, you get it:
The Mad Hatter
Cheshire Cat
Red Queen
Tweedle Dum and Tweedle Dee
(Bubba Bill and Hillary).

Not the doormouse, watching the 
crazy tea party....(Tea Party?)

Chasing her insatiable lust for power...
the white rabbit she just won't catch:
Hillary Cunton.....I mean Cliton.....(gosh,
I'm such a bad speller!)

To The ISIS Terrorists

You have no religion.
You believe in a fake God.
I'm sixty six, a Buddhist,
and even I would kill you...
not with joy, with sorrow....
but necessarily, like killing
germs that spread disease.
You are not even human, and
if you believe that when you
die, you will go to paradise,
I've got a bridge I want to sell
you....but, I guess the CIA
already did that.


I was a plumber for thirty years.
Threadbare means the threads
on screw-in pipe are worn out or
When it's threadbare, the pipe 
has no strength.
When it's threadbare, the pipe 
doesn't hold water. 
When it's threadbare, the pipe
can't stand the pressure.
When it's threadbare, you can't
stop the leaks.

The USA is threadbare.
The US Constitution is threadbare.
US politicians are threadbare.
US economy is threadbare.
American citizens' minds are threadbare.
Western Civilization is threadbare.

Time for a complete remodel

For Keith Dowman

Old man, basking in the sun....
dharma dog barking in mind's night
waking me from mindsleep
into dawn of simplicity.

Monday, November 16, 2015


"Anyone can be assassinated. All you have to do is  to be willing to die."

 Hasan-i Sabbah

Bodhisattva Entrepreneur

Sunday, November 15, 2015

I Got Through

My life, from one end to
the other,
bumps and bruises on the way,
indulged in pleasure,
found the truth and follow it

Buddhist Sermonette (about what's real)

There is a Buddhist teaching called:
"The Two Truths",
(Which is the perfect subject for me to
sermonize about, ((this is a joke to
warm up the audience)) because there 
are two types of people: those that divide 
things into two types, and those that don't.
I guess you know which one I am now. 
((end of joke))), which is about relative and 
unltimate reality (truth). Relative reality 
(truth) is what we can know, and what we 
can do, meaning, all knowables. 

You can't know ultimate reality, it can't be
described, but, you can experience it. If 
you haven't experienced it, you take what's
knowable (relative reality), to be solid and 
real...absolutely existing...that is why 
we're always looking for something we think
is missing, or, as Chogyam Trungpa said:

"Relative truth says a lot and means very little.
Absolute truth says nothing at all"

Wednesday, November 11, 2015

Donald Trump For President

Donald Trump would be the first American
president who is a real human being, meaning,
he has a visible heart and common sense,  since
John F. Kennedy. It's that simple.

Hillary Clinton, on the other hand, should be
fed to the dogs. She is, perhaps, the most
horrible person on planet earth. Next to her,
she makes Scientology look like a church
picnic. Don't let her win.

It's More Dangerous In The USA Now Than In The Sixties

Than when John and Bobby 
Kennedy, MLK, Fred Hampton 
and more were assasinated
by the secret government.

Than when the CIA and others infiltrated
the peace movement...and the blacks in 
California and elsewhere and turned them
into gangs and salesmen for drugs.

Than when the psychopath Johnson 
reversed the end of the war in Vietnam 
and  escalated it.

It's more dangerous now because my
generation was more awake, aware,
and tried to stop the criminal nonsense.

It's more dangerous now because 
American children are being abused
psychologically in schools by Common
Core brainwashing and stupifying.
What will they be like as adults?

Because the police are now the army,
and can kill you legally for no reason.
Because the media only lies to keep
people from seeing what's happening.
Because they got away with murder then,
and are getting away with everything now.

Because the real power doesn't care if
a few people find out what's going on,
because they know most Americans 
don't care what's going on.

Because the Bushes and the Clintons
are the Caligula Cartel....America is not
even an Oligarchy...It's a revolving door
Monarchy of insane sociopaths.

I could go on, and on, and
get the idea.   "Tell the truth and run."

(George Seldes)

Sunday, November 8, 2015

On The Anniversary Of Ten Years Living In Mexico: A Letter To The World

I am so fortunate to have spent the last
ten years of my life living in Tepoztlan,
Mexico. With all it's chaos and lack of a
strong central government, Mexico is really 
much more of a free society than the
United States has become. My Buddhist
teacher, Chogyam Trungpa, a Mahasiddha
of the Twentieth Century, encouraged his
students to leave the USA in the late 
Eighties, because he saw what was coming
to America, the insanity, and wanted them
to go to Nova Scotia, where he felt people
there still retained a sort of naive human
goodness by nature, by the way they just 
were. He decided against Mexico, because
the people here are less sophisticated than
Canadians and less similar to Americans, so,
the enculturation process would have been 
much more difficult. I chose to move to 
Mexico instead, because it was always warm,
and it was cheaper...I could afford to live on
social security here, which would not have
been the case had I moved to Canada. 

I haven't watched television, except on rare
occasions, for the ten years I've been here.
i have been on the internet constantly, both
to publish my poetry and to observe the 
continuously degrading spectacle which is
called "The United States", as well as the
worldwide disintegration of environment and
decent human values. This is an old, Spanish
conquered, Catholic town, but the values of
the indigenous ancestors never really 
disappeared from Mexico, as they did in the
USA. The Spanish weren't very efficient in
destroying culture the way the English and 
Germans were in the USA. In fact, many 
Mexicans are conflicted because many
Spanish married the local people. It's why
they don't like to lie, but also, don't like to tell
the truth. 

I live directly behind a church, in a house that
is down a private alley, about three hundred 
feet off a side street, and at the end of that 
alley, so, I don't see anyone if I don't want to.
What a luxury. My neighbors are incredibly 
decent and kind people. I sometimes watch
American football at the local tienda, run by
a family of four, and have become fond of the
owner....a sort of neighborhood go-to-guy. 
The family I was going to rent the house (I'm
now in) from took me to him so he could check
me out and make sure I was OK....which he
immediately did. I love living in the middle of
lush trees, bougainvillea, many flowers and
many colored birds. If I feel a little lonely, I walk
a short distance to the center of town, where
anyone will talk to you, and there is a feeling
of life as unpressured....which can be 
inconvenient, at times, but which I'll take any day
over the speed, aggression and general lack 
of awareness of the people of the big US cities. 
I've learned to relax here incredibly, because
any other approach just doesn't work. Things
get done...usually not perfectly, but good enough
and in their own time. 

When I became an adult in the USA, I learned
plumbing, because it seemed one of the last
refuges of an outlaw in America. And I drank,
to put distance from Americans that, already,
seemed branded and molded into their lives
like they were all produced in some weird
factory somewhere. They seemed like fish that
had grown up in polluted waters, but, since that's
all they knew, they accepted that as if it were 

The people of Tepoztlan cherish their 
independence and their way of life. There was
a documentary done about them not allowing
a golf course to be built here...the whole town
physically getting in the way of its construction.
Another time, they threw out a corrupt mayor of
the town (some versions say they killed him),
and bulldozed his house and got rid of all the 
police. For at least two years, there were no 
police in Tepoztlan. Even now, they are 
mistrusted. When someone I knew died from
an overdose, the ambulance drivers told the 
people around him not to call the police....that
they would take care of it...and they did. 

I'm sixty six, and I quit drinking and smoking 
pot two weeks ago. This came as a sort of
painful revelation during my Buddhist practice.
But, after it occurred, I realized that I didn't have 
to drink anymore to mitigate and counteract
the effects of the poisonous culture of the
United States that I had grown up in. I'm having
a great time in my newfound life, and it wouldn't
have happened if I had stayed in the USA. 

I read some articles in CNN today...mostly about
celebrities and their various problems. The one 
that grabbed me the most was the ongoing fiasco
of Tom Cruise and the "Church" of Scientology,
invented in whole cloth by a writer of science
fiction. That Church controls billions of dollars
they got based on a fairy tale. And I cannot express
strongly enough my contempt and sorrow for Tom
Cruise, whom, with all his success, is perhaps the
poster child for sociopathic brainwashing. All their
money and luxury lifestyle is only pushing them
further down the drain. They will not be happy
campers in the long, and maybe in the short run,

I have a great bed to sleep in, plenty of simple 
space,  locally grown non-Monsanto food, am
around people who have not lost their minds.
When someone who has comes to town, they
are made to leave. I can't think of a better paradise
on earth at this time. I am so lucky to have stuck
to the Buddhist path for over forty five years, and
followed the teachings of one of the most incredible
beings you'll never meet, if you hadn't. But his
Wisdom lives on clearly in his books and his
videos....Chogyam Trungpa, Rinpoche. If you want
the truth, try starting there. 

And, on this anniversary, I wish, specifically, for
my fellow US citizens the good fortune to begin
to break free from the bonds of mentally slavery
that have been developed and imposed on you,
seriously, since, at least, the 
beginning of the Twentieth century.

Put that in your i pod and tweet it.

Saturday, November 7, 2015

Religion And Philosophy

Religion and philosophy are garbage.
The study of them is called "garbage collection."

Threaten someone's garbage, (Islam, for
example), and the garbage collectors feel
threatened, angry, abused, and other reactions,
clinging to their garbage, whether it is stinky,
or sweet smelling....they solidify their reaction
into strong emotions.

Instead of looking at the unknown in the face,
the garbage collectors try to put a face on
the unknown, which is called worshiping garbage
to prop up their precarious existence,
or, as poet Ann Waldman put it: "Putting make up
on empty space."

You notice I don't say: "I believe all beliefs
are garbage".... that doesn't make sense,
is a joke. I say what I say as an affirmation,
a statement of fact in my own experience and
perception, in other words, what I perceive
to be true.  That's all anybody can do. 

Buddhism is neither religion, nor philosophy.
It is a path, (road map), that utilizes practical
and concrete means to awaken the natural,
organic wisdom inherent in all human beings. 

Tuesday, November 3, 2015

Pogo Zen

"We have met the addiction,
and it is us."

Sunday, November 1, 2015

I Do Not Advocate Revolution

"Common sense is painful"  (paraphrase of
Buddha's First Noble Truth)

I do not advocate revolution in the US of A.
because it will put my life at risk.
I do not advocate a national demonstration
of protest against a criminal government
because it will put my life at risk.
I do not advocate assassination of any CEO of
banks, oil companies, Monsanto, leaders
of the Republican and Democratic Parties,
DOW Chemical, heads of the CIA, NSA, 
the Fed., or any of the other criminal 
institutions and businesses of the USA,
because it will put my life at risk.
I do not advocate a boycott of all elections
by all Americans because it will put my life at risk.
I do not advocate that all intelligent Americans
that can see what's happening there with their
own eyes leave the country and let the bastards
that are left eat each other alive, because it
would put my life at risk. 

I advocate that individuals use their common
sense, and realize that there is no way those
planes could have brought down the Twin
Towers....common sense and the statements
of hundreds of expert engineers. Common
sense is Paine-ful.

I advocate that people start using their common
sense about what's happening with fracking,
domestic military use, Wall Street robbery,
media brainwashing, loss of Posse Comitatus,
and Habius Corpus, general erosion
of the Bill of Rights and begin to understand
what's happening in America.

I advocate that people start looking for themselves
and not listen to what they are being told....common
sense....which has been and is being as degraded
as much as the environment we live in.

The Declaration of Independence says people have
a right to overthrow a corrupt government. You
didn't  hear that from me....I don't want to put my
life at risk for a populace that cares only for
shopping, sports, cable T.V. and their I pods.
It's ok with me if you're content to stew  in your
own cesspool. Just realize that I won't bathe
in it with you.

"If your children ever find out how lame you are, they'll murder you in your sleep."

Frank Zappa  Whisky -A-Go-Go   1965