Tuesday, August 23, 2016

The Truth: An Editorial

The truth is always positive. If the truth
exposes something negative, that is a
positive effect of the truth.

Some people think Mr. Trump is the
same as Hitler. Certainly it's true they
didn't come up with this idea themselves...
it's been repeated in the MSM like a
broken record.

It's true that many Americans have been
brainwashed. Mind control to make
Americans good consumers, for example,
has been operative since just after the
First Word War. The prominence of Madison
Avenue is a testament to this reality.

If one objectively examines this election,
it's clear that the status quo selling of
Hillary is fully in motion. Popular T.V.
series, like the Simpsons, have 
propagandized against Mr. Trump. The MSM
treats Mr. Trumps words and distorts them
to create the impression he is a crypto Genghis
Khan, while, at the same time, they avoid
reporting the truths that Hillary is a lying, 
thieving criminal likely complicit in the murders
of people opposed to her.

But even the MSM has to look at the history 
of, and her current corruption. What happened 
with the Clinton Foundation is such a 
transparent example of pay-to-play that it
simply can't be ignored.

The corruption of the government, (is there any
major government institution that is not corrupt?)
absolved her of criminal charges, while, in the
same breath, demonstrated that she was guilty
as hell of those same charges.

Where is the truth in this election? Obviously,
Mr. Trump is telling the truth, tho he is brash 
and clumsy, hyperbolic in his rhetoric, and rubs
people the wrong way. If one uses their 
intelligence and looks past the slogans of the 
MSM and the entertainment cabal, one sees that
his positions make common sense.

America is a nation of addicts. Its people are
addicted to many things...i pods...twitter...their
sense of entitlement..."We're Number One!"
Any lie that feeds their craving is welcome and
embraced. Mr Trump represents an intervention
of the American Dream.

The American Dream seemed nice when America
was rescuing (read: subjugating) Japan and
Germany after the Second World War...helping
(read; undermining) Europe and Russia in that
moral conflict (read: establishing American 

Now, with all the problems of the world that 
threaten the human species, America, (read the 
1%), has taken off the kid gloves. Greed has 
become transparent.

Some of the ones supporting Mr. Trump do so 
because their lives are being ruined by the banks,
by the education system, by a criminal government.
Others back Mr. Trump because they see the truth
that if Clinton is elected, if the status quo is allowed
to survive, it could mean nuclear war and the end
of civilization. That's the worst case scenario. But 
what is certain is that the middle class will continue
to be erased, radical Muslims will pour into the
country and kill lots of people. And the rest of the
world will continue to see America for what it is:
a powerful, stupid bully, and they will form stronger
alliances against it. Japan and Europe will continue
to support their master. A New World Order, (read
dictatorship) is on its way.

I'm with Thomas Paine: "Give me liberty or give
me death" (not debt). I'll fight against a corrupt
American government as the Declaration of
Independence and the Constitution tell me I have
a right and a duty to do. If Mr. Trump is elected,
perhaps there is a chance that that won't be
necessary. If not, it may well be.


At August 23, 2016 at 3:55 PM , Blogger John Tischer said...

also published in:


At August 27, 2016 at 9:24 PM , Blogger John Tischer said...

the Dalai Lama on brainwashing:



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