Tuesday, March 18, 2025

Ghost In The Shell

There’s a ghost in my shell…

“the next thing” always haunts me,

the fight for survival thing, part of

my body, my shell, my costume.

There’s still the fear of death,

not hidden, in front of me.

Suddenly, unexpectedly, a cookie comes my way,

feeding the hungry ghost.

Getting Away With Life

I pretty much got away with it.

I didn’t become what the slave owners wanted.

Twenty years in Mexico, drinking and writing poetry.

I’ll buy that for a dollar!

The end might not be pretty, 

but that’s true for billionaires.

I’m happily poor, unvaccinated, unbrainwashed,

dinking coffee, smoking, writing this.

There are still some of us left in the world.

Others walk by me in some sort of fog.

And so it goes.

Sunday, March 16, 2025

Risky Business

At the risk of being stupid, 

(but isn’t that life after all?)

I write some posts on X, 

for example,

and get a little feedback.

I don’t know what it means.

I tell people what I think,

which is why I have no friends…

not complaining…I don’t know

what it means.

Everybody knows that if you go

out that door, you might never 

come back. It’s a cliche.

You can get beyond survival

as a homosap, become rich,

have everything you want,

still, you never know.

Not to be a downer,

but it pays to stay on your toes.


Friday, March 14, 2025

Genocide Academy

The possibility of such a thing is anathema.

Moist hazy switchboard allows aberrations.

Making mincemeat of absurdities and stuffing

them into bikinis.

Crude miscommunication melts trust.

Caption this waterfront handgun in terms to study.

Acquire derivations classifications endpoint revelation.

(Backdrop flickers while comatose music roars)

Snowflake religion laments implant wreckage.

Envious prisoner of ambient intoxicant accelerant.

Pendulum appetizer fails crisis priority.

If tongues could taste themselves we’d be

right where we are.


A study with a rolled top desk, piles of

books on the floor, you get the picture.

A parallel universe to my own. Why not?

Whomever inhabits that room is more

successful than me, has appointments to

various societies and boards, is constantly 

in motion between engagements,  highly

visible and noticeable in social media.

We are not the same.

Sitting On A Street

Not in Ukraine,

not in Philadelphia,

not in New York City,

not in Juarez,

not in London,

not in Bejing…

so many places I’d rather not be.

The street is perfect with people

minding their own business, 

walking along, some smile.

I’m anonymous, not a target.

There it is, the life I ordered.

If I’m lucky, I come off as a

nice old man, harmless, to which

category I’m happy to belong,

forgotten, even by me.

Thursday, March 13, 2025


I had that thought that the jazz swept away

thankfully resting in music vibration ‘till 

captured by a pair of eyes? Maybe, or just

drifting in the ambience, a complete unknown,

part of a scene.

That’s not enough, I know, just a leaf adrift

on a turbulent stream.

Teacher’s Pet

“Easy, boy, easy!”

I talk to myself like an animal

when my instincts bristle, 

watching, not identifying.

I’m just another rube in the carnival.

No need to make something out of nothing,

besides, it’s already been done.

Just look around.

Aftermath Of A False Apprehension

Things could have gone quite differently.

I was braced for the worst, but the best happened.

Still a bit quivery from that other possibility,

but I just noticed the air,

how fresh it is today.

So, things are looking up.

Wednesday, March 12, 2025

Oh Yeah

Could be a playground dare…

could be a sigh of relief.

Everything is contextual.

Only the oral traditions 

spoke the truth.

They chiseled the truth

into monuments, in case

anyone was wondering,

which they used to do a lot

until internet/social media

vampired curiosity, which

makes me, a writer, no matter

good/bad, an endangered species.

Saved In The Nick Of Pan

On the edge of a crumbling cliff…

no cliff notes to refer to.

Everything could go wrong in so many ways…

but maybe it will wait until I’ve had breakfast.

Tuesday, March 11, 2025


Sitting there

observing, aware

of the flow of life,

of energy, me and

around me.

“Nothing personal.”

You don’t like to hear that

when a gun is pointing at your face.

You don’t think that’s your daily life,

thought that is in fact the case.

The most profound truth is right

in front of you.


Day of relaxation…I’m not going to worry,

nothing that can’t wait until tomorrow.

A lovely feeling, like being a child again

for a moment.

What should I do?

A leaf falls, kerplop!

I could just notice that.

I did, and my mind began to analyze.

Stop that, mind!

Haven’t you learned by now you don’t 

have to figure it all out?

Don’t waste the moment trying to do 


Funny, how I feel this residual need

to hurry.

Monday, March 10, 2025

Why Not?

Why can’t I write when I’m bothered,

frazzled, vibrating from intensity?

The waters are cloudy, roiled, lacking

clarity, foggy, at least that’s clear.

The pain of getting things done, having 

continually to be getting things done is more

tedious and draining.

Survival is more a question; I wonder if

it’s worth it, like Berryman.

It’s just the mood I’m in.

It’s just that I can see why people kill themselves.

It all just gets to them.

Everyone has a breaking point, but life seems

to go on..”they tell me that it will kill me

but they won’t say when.”

Sunday, March 9, 2025

No More Troys

No Eden, Utopia, Paradise…

Shangri-lha/Shambhala not included…

No more Great Halls to hang your sword.

No more Victory Feasts to celebrate certainty.

No more calendar dates to commemorate.

Everything starts new now when we don’t know

we know things are changing but not what to.

Personally I am in Paradise how long I don’t know.

You feel things are changing people dying sadly

all over the world that needs to be exposed and is.

Let the Great Eastern Sun of the truth shine on all.


When Teflon tape was invented,

plumbers rejoiced everywhere.

It mean you could take a pipe where

the threads were barely there, slap the

tape on and make a great connection.

You didn’t know that.

You never needed to know that.

But, my imagination being threadbare,

I slapped some Teflon on it, and it

still holds water!  Har Har!

I don’t think about death all the time

 …but when I do.

When young there is the occasional 

burst of feeling immortal because your

body is getting better all the time, the

opposite of watching it all fall apart.

What comfort in knowing it’s just a

natural display?

At least, 

it’s something I can’t be blamed for.

People give us elders leeway, knowing

it’s not our fault. That’s nice.

I feel like I’m stealing time since I quit


I always loved being an outlaw.


Poetry, a jazz riff,

transforms emotions,

evokes vision,

if you have an elastic, 

fantastic mind,

I want to run away from my cell phone.

It promises freedom, but is just another

link in the shackles.

It’s like a chained dog,

sleeping, that I have to pass

to get somewhere.


May the universe torture me

in a certain way that needs a poem

to express what we all know.

Saturday, March 8, 2025


They don’t have that in the West, except 

for a little motel in the Catskills called:

The Harmony Inn.

No, the West never looked for peace too

busy manufacturing Hegelian synthesis,

progress into the future whatever that 

was supposed to be.

“You may say that I ain’t free,

but it don’t worry me.”

In Media Res

Pleasure in the midst of pain

clinging to a dying animal

a man who was just blown up

gives the thumbs up even with

no legs, go figure.

A Samurai standing still in the

middle of battle.

“Would you like more tea?”

“No thanks, I’m fine.”

Hurry up, please, it’s time.


I try to look decent
in public decent
clothes it’s the decent
thing to do, the social
contract, circling each
other and sniffing, it’s 
the least we could do
let alone explaining the
meaning of life to the
masses, but let’s not get
ahead of ourselves.

Friday, March 7, 2025

If It Was A Snake

Try to remember…

nope…that one’s gone…

it seems like only yesterday 

how time flies

there’s always until there isn’t 

look behind you…too late…it’s gone

ice cream truck

red wheelbarrow

a chance for redemption.


Something in my mind, a concern, in

my whole being, the yoke’s on me,

blocks out, narrows perception, sensation,

retreating into reptilian brain.

That’s it, that’s what’s happening now,

all  I can describe,

poem diminished to an afterthought.

Wednesday, March 5, 2025

Tingly Tangly

Tingly tangly with the jingle jangle of guitar

tugging tangly with heavy mind machinery 

a monkey wrench in the works works for me.

Next question!

Hard to say…hardly worth mentioning…

everything, I mean, the world, poor thing.

Yes, what’s happening affects all our lives.


everything’s clear when you’re cornered.

Still Life

Still so much to say feeling time’s passing away

we all go this way, cricket, spit it out. What do you

say at the most important moment of your life?

“I regret I have only one life to give to my country.”

“Fuck you assholes!”  It’s a question I have.

What was it for you?

A college interview?

Proposing to your wife?

A Championship fight?

Acceptance speech?

Address to the world?

“No tramping through vast Arabies of hot

meaning, you just numbly don’t get there.”

The Transfiguration Of Blind Joe Schmidt

 On a too long night waiting for that tomorrow 

that never comes expecting liberation always

just out of reach like a brass ring realizing

suddenly one day out of the blue he’s free.

Wabi Sabi

Chaos is part of natural order.

What’s happening in the USA now

is remolecularization.

Everything is changing…all we see

is the changing, not the result.

So far, what we might have figured out,

is that everything we knew was wrong.

I mean, what else?

As We Go Along

Like it or not, things keep happening,

like flaming boxcars down and endless rail.

Quieter, more hidden before, now in your face.

I live where there’s lots of country, the trees, 

greenery and so on. We are part of nature.

Separation from that makes us unhappy and crazy. 

So, join me in nature.


I thought I knew what I was doing.

That’s not the same as pretending.

Now I know I don’t know, and I’m

making it up as I go along….changes

happening quickly feels like on a log

racing down a roiling river no control

everyone’s affected by what’s going on.

Maybe your piece of earth will be the

next to collapse….just say’n.

Those people in Maui and L.A. were rich.

“If you can keep your head when all about

are losing theirs and blaming it on you.”

Kipling’s recipe for a man.

Or, as Buddhist’s say as an insult:

“That’s very interesting.”

Tuesday, March 4, 2025

March Fourth


a tooth falls out

thank you

a friend surprises me with

exactly what I need

thank you

Trump speaks tonight

thank you

a trifecta

“What’s it all mean, Mr Natural?”

“Don’t mean shit.”

House Of Cards

House of charades,

Eugene O’Neal house of pancakes,

whatever you say, Sir,

make it up as you go along…I know

you will.

The best of intentions are paved with

fool’s gold.

Seeing is believing, but, why does that

need to be said?

Isn’t it obvious?

Obviously not,

and so it goes.

Carnival 2025

Party time…

always party time in Mexico,

might as well, the earth’s been explored…

what we don’t know is where we came from.

Theories and opinions are all the same…

might as well raise a toast,

give a cheer,

because we’re here

because we’re here

because we’re here.

Saturday, March 1, 2025

Listen With Eyes Still And Become Free

Or not, your choice, you blinked and you missed it.

Catch your impulse and stop. Wherever you are, stop.

Remember the phrase “wherever I am.” when you 

remember it, stop.

A big goldfish bowl full of water.

A bell rings, two fighters eye each other.

I drop to the ground on my hike and feel the earth.

It all comes back to me, as if I’d been here before.

Thursday, February 27, 2025

Kafe Kua

Amatlan where Quetzalcoatl was born they say,

Cafe over looking the shop I’m waiting for to open.

Beautiful, clear, sunny, cool day, table a little shaky,

like Mexico.

The environment here is magic,

miracles are commonplace,

everyone’s seen a UFO.

Shop’s open, I go

get my birthday present,

and flow.

Mexican Festival

Day, of some sort, people marching to

bands, in costumes, they get into it.

What else are they going to do?

Just flat, plain, simple, earthy lives,

spiced by salsas, tequila, cervesa, 

colorful clothes, dancing, fireworks.

Mexico third world with some first

world pretensions. Forget progress.

The Mexican Space Program (there

is one) is humorous. Nothing ever 

gets off the ground.

Sunday, February 23, 2025

Hot Sauce

I’m going to die happy.
We used to get Face Of The Sun
and Hector’s Revenge hot sauce…
to die for, really,
the Siren call…
I get the S&M thing now, although
the pain is not the pleasure,
it’s the price.

He Tried

Have a life, go ahead,

get a wife

have some kids

get some stuff

get more stuff

on disability now

junior got arrested

daughter went to Harvard

fifty years of marriage

at least there’s still someone

here I know…

junior made it though

he has two kids too

daughter won the Nobel Prize

then got cancer and died

junior outlives us all…

…and so it goes.

Saturday, February 22, 2025

Windmill Warrior

Joe Schmidt. This was the name

for Trungpa’s “Everyman”. R. Crumb

had several names: Norman, Flaky Foont,

Joe Blow. You get the idea, an average Joe

walking down the city street, whistling, 

hands in his pockets, casually looking around.

Suddenly, anything happens; a safe falling 

from a building narrowly misses him…he gets

tangled in the leashes of dog walkers…he watches

a fight across the street, the police come, a fire ignites,

fire engines come….but he only stops for a couple of

minutes. He’s the kind of guy you hardly notice. You

can never remember what you talked about. Well, 

evolution is a funny thing.

The Universe Has No Opinion

“Opinions are relics of fight-or-flight

ancient animal instincts, “what if?”

extrapolated by discursive mind.”


The safe that falls on your head isn’t sorry.

The pack of wild dogs that tears you to pieces

is just having fun.

Remember “Horton Hears A Who”?

Yes, that’s us on this planet.

Maybe Musk is right about Mars,

but on the universe’s scale, it’s not an inch.

If the earth is destroyed,  the universe

wouldn’t flinch….there’s plenty more

where that came from, including humans.

Thursday, February 20, 2025

Heroes And Villains

That’s the game that’s afoot.

The villains are losing power

and being replaced by heroes.

It’s the yin-yang thang, the

heaven and hell rondo. Even

if you get to Heaven, don’t expect

eternity, because Heaven is still 

part of the game. Sooner or later

you will recycle. No, the only way 

is to get off the bandwagon, dissolve 

into the quantum mind of the universe.

It’s a tall order, but many have done it.

Our problem is we think the bandwagon 

is going somewhere. When we see it 

properly, we see the bandwagon is actually 

a carousel going round and round.

The heroes and villains are merely costumed 

players, painted wooden horses that go

round and round, up and down.

It’s fascinating for children.

Tuesday, February 18, 2025

Wake Up!

Before it’s too late!

Before the fat lady sings!

What are you waiting for?

I’m giving you permission!

Strike while there’s still an iron!

(that’s the irony)

I’m tired of writing poems!

I want to shout like a mad man!

I’m manning up!

You could have listened to the Buddha, the Beatles,

Nietzsche, Whitehead, Stevens….the world has been

telling you constantly what’s going on, but you

haven’t listened!

Now the world is starting to scream like a madman!

Fuck your ego!

Whatever you think of yourself, good or bad, is ego,

so, fuck that. It’s not even what’s really happening, 

so why waste your time with it, except you can’t 

help it because, love or hate yourself, you’re strung

along like a little doggie. Die trying to make the

world your oyster.

I saw one talking to herself today walking down

the street, middle aged, well dressed, couldn’t tell

if she was on her cell phone until I looked, but she

wasn’t, just a steady stream of words, high as a kite

on something or other….herself maybe.

Human existence is fluid more than solid or gas, 

though there are many full of hot air, many seemingly

solid as rock, but they still move.

Monday, February 17, 2025

Open Your Eyes

You never know

until you find out,

which is why it’s preferable 

to keep your eyes open because

you never know.

Falling into an open manhole

while talking on the cell phone.

This principle permeates our lives.

We notice a stray dog or cat, alone

shivering, and we take it home.

It becomes our pet and gives love for 

many years….you see?

If you don’t look across the crowded room,

your eyes will never meet.

It’s all quite enchanting, really.

Sunday, February 16, 2025


It’s better to not be too in control,

meaning rigid, Kantian, always

purposeful, lacking spontaneity.

Wallace Stevens wrote: “ The eccentric 

is the basis of design.” meaning what

we’re not expecting at least makes life

interesting, at least we’re given a

million billion chances in life to wake

up and smell the roses, the most mundane

example I can give.

And another thing, (nice segue) if I hadn’t 

made myself a fool with so many ladies, I

never would have gotten laid. What better

testimonial do you need? As I wrote before:

My dad said: “If you don’t control yourself, 

people will think you’re crazy.”

“But, Dad, if I control myself, I’ll be like them

and think I’m sane.”

Saturday, February 15, 2025

Saturday Evening

Lying in bed…fan on…music next door
from a party, not loud, not like Mexico…
background beat and notes quite earful,
earrich sound to go with no pain of old
man…sweet like posts on X of people
with their animal friends even though 
I’m alone, in fact but not in spirit since
I feel the people at fiesta next door, the
people suffering in wars, the evil that
must be stopped for the world to remain;
I feel all of it, it’s my job as Buddhist/
bodhisattva/poet/prophet/Johnson just 
yer neighbor, glad to help. And I think 
we’ll get along a lot better once 
the change happens.

Start with a story…

The Hotel Bismarck in Chicago, when I was

coming of age, was a landmark establishment.

The. restaurant there was famous for its creamed

spinach, and it’s ancient, obstreperous waiters

that came with an attitude. It was all in good fun.

There was a male only bar that was part of the

hotel.  It was very cool, kinda like a club atmosphere.

The women’s movement happened in the Seventies,

and women started coming into the bar. 

Nothing happened.

Then, after a while, the women stopped coming into

the bar, and the bar went back to the way it was…

for a while.

And so it goes. My dad liked to take us to the restaurant 

there, because he liked the creamed spinach, the waiters,

and the sauerbraten. I realize precisely as I’m writing this,

that German food is the best food. English was my father’s

second language that he started to learn when he went to 

school. His neighborhood in Chicago was German. He 

never looked like he wanted to raise his arm in a Nazi 

salute. He trained American soldiers in WW2. He was,

believe it or not, an honest lawyer. But, it’s the creamed

spinach that’s got a hook in me. I bought some deserts…

brought them back….chocolate…should help me forget.

And so it goes….didn’t see that one coming, did ya!

“What….what do you mean?” 

Yeah…..that’s right. It’s what comes between…the

conjunction, but instead, read between the lines. 

I mean, does one thing lead to the next, or, are events

constantly arising randomly?


How rude….

Friday, February 14, 2025

Turning The Page

The next page is always empty

until it is filled with anything you could imagine.

Libraries filled with trees worth of pages,

in case what’s on them is needed.

Now, pages are anachronisms, forever filled with

forgotten information.

From my notebook, to computer, to internet where

my words will echo forever…..not the meaning of

life, that has been found, and lost, and found again


 but never comes up when you put in a key word.

A.I. may destroy us, but it will never have a 

quantum transcendent essence, soul for the straight


Native Americans knew that when you wrote 

something down, it would be forgotten.

There’s a lot we should know, should have 

been told, but weren’t. Those of us that know

had to find out for ourselves. 

Many people are like dogs, sniffing each 

other’s butts, looking for information, 

social media.

It’s easier than turning a page.


If there is anything to divination by the bowels

today should be a special day since my bowels

have expressed themselves so magnificently, 

as if saying: “Here’s shit looking for a fan.”

A spicy premonition if ever there was one.

Thursday, February 13, 2025

It Had To Be A Woman

No, it had to be a woman

to make me notice


anything at all, 


Then, everything around was filled

with her perfume, her presence,

and the whole space leaned forward.

A natural event that makes the world

go round.

I’m just beating a dead obviousness again,

like every comedian,


fool that ever was.

Some are better at it than others, but I affirm

none of us can help ourselves, like madmen

shouting loudly in the streets…

“as we sing in our chains like the sea.”


Silly Me Prophesy

I’m getting lots of hits on my blog today

from Austria and Germany.

My name is Tischer.

Maybe they’ll put me on a bumper sticker.

Sense Of Taste

German Eiswein is what I imagine nectar tastes like.

The taste of a pipe full of shit

exploding in my face: I’ll never forget that taste.

Made you taste! Made you taste!

Phantom taste! Phantom taste!

Tip Of The Day

Relax because everything is not going anywhere.

Tip Of The Day #2

Penis (just the tip).

John Tischer 75 years old.

Tuesday, February 11, 2025

Tip Of The Viceburg

Musk in Washington. 

Raiding the Waffle House

of pancakes with too much syrup 

on the taxpayer dime.

Act one scene one, getting to know 

the characters, the players, watching

reactions, events, counter moves,

The Greatest Show On Earth

will be remembered forever

as something or other.

Monday, February 10, 2025


Maybe something will come out

if I write maybe. (Yeah, one of those

I’m afraid) 

it all depends on how you look at it.

And Job said: “Lord, I’ve been suffering

for….let’s see…my whole life now, and

really, it’s all a cliche by now…

see what I mean?”

And the Lord said: “You have a point. OK,

no more suffering.”

And this could play several ways….Job could say:

“Oh, c’mmon! Just a little more?  Please?”

Or, Job could go “Wheeeeeeeww!  Wheeeeeeee!”

and suddenly drop dead.

Or, Job could reverse roles and God suddenly finds

Himself in an office in front of a computer 

working for DOGE.

Nowhere Man

Nowhere man sitting anywhere

everywhere in the markets, on the

streets, in factories, dancing in clubs,

or, was it all a dream, memories, scars,

photographs, same old stories, did it 

happen and does any of it matter?

Perhaps if we could grok the complexity 

of the quantum matrix we’d have 

an answer.

Karma is a real thing and manifests 

over lifetimes, not that I can prove that.

Maybe I’ll find a joint and forget about

the whole thing, be nowhere again.

But, just then, my amiga, my friend,

appeared with a joint as if by perfect magic,

starting the thinking all over again,

which is how I got nowhere in the first place.

Sunday, February 9, 2025

Race To The Stars!

Now what?

A race between Musk to Mars or bust,

and space alien race technologies already

know that make Musk’s rockets look silly.

Well? What have you heard lately?

Got any truer ideas?

I loved science fiction as a kid,

but reality now has it beat to shit.

Saturday, February 8, 2025


“One thing leads to another.”

That’s  a cliche.

Cliches point to something

that happens over and over,

over and over,

over and over.

That’s why Absurdist Theatre arose;

Existentialism with a sense of humor.

It came and went because things

come and they go.

“Don’t you people ever learn?”

“How many times do I have to tell you?”

The absurdity is endless really.

“You could have knocked me over with a feather.”

That’s why there are so many punchlines

in the first place.

“Why don’t you watch where you’re going?”

could be the overwhelming question.

Friday, February 7, 2025

World War Q

What would Jesus do?

Anyone who seriously asks that

question is already lost.

Trump appoints a televangelist.

It’s not out of character.

Trump has been messing with people’s 

minds since he came down the escalator.

What would Jesus do?

Christians argue amongst themselves.

It’s a long way from the resurrection.

Now it’s more like the Tower of Babel.

Chaos is ramping up, a good thing when

certainty becomes destructive.

Then, there are the aliens from space.

What would Jesus do?

Hide the truth like the Catholic Church?

Welcome them as children of God?

Who the fuck knows?

It’s the fallacy of belief.

It’s the fallacy of misplaced concreteness.

Even Job might cry: “No! This is just too much!”

We don’t know because humanity has never

been here before, in the final world war

for the control of the mind.

Thursday, February 6, 2025

Small World

It’s a small world,

a tiny itsy bitsy planet

somewhere in a universe

where intelligent beings

think every thought there is to think

like a supercomputer gone mad,

not that anything much happens.

Oh yes, the homosaplings manage

to get themselves in lots of trouble,

but the universe couldn’t care less.

OK, maybe they’re sending emissaries 

in strange crafts to boggle our minds…

maybe we are their reality show, for a 

good laugh.

Somebody should tell them it’s not funny.

Tuesday, February 4, 2025

And So It Goes Again

“Hurry up please, it’s time.”

Last call at the pub,

last call for humanity.

Too late for second thoughts.

“What’s it all about, Alfie?

Is it just for the moment we live?”

There is no other now than this now.

What part of now don’t you understand?

We are the quick and the dead.

“You don’t have to be quick to live here,

but, it’s over.”

The truth is always positive…we live

we die, that’s it.

Any questions?

I’m sure there are a few, but

that doesn’t change the fact.

That fact could be a wake up call,

an inspiration to look around and see,

instead of believing what you’ve been told.

It’s a choice we always have until we don’t.

             &&&&& Extra Credit &&&&&

Belaboring the obvious truth is what  Buddhist

teachings do.

It’s all they do.

They are the Terminator of ego,

if you’re into that sort of thing,

and why shouldn’t you be?

It’s the only path to freedom.

Just ask those that practiced it

over thousands of years.

It’s rare to even encounter the Buddhist

point of view,

let alone be attracted to it,

let alone resonate with it,

let alone Grok it,

let alone follow the path,

yada, yada, yada attain liberation.

It’s a shaggy dog story without a punchline

which is the punchline.

“No trudging through vast Arabies of hot meaning.”

Simply recognizing what’s true according to one’s 

own common sense wisdom, if you can make

heads or tails of that.

Jolly good luck, Frens!

Baby Jesus

Lots of people walking around with

Baby Jesus dolled up dolls in fancy dress

for some ritual celebration or other, so

many I can’t keep up, but yes, many dolls,

that have somewhere to go, a purpose, as if

they were alive in the maelstrom of mind

Homosap comes up with, with good or bad

intentions since his time began.

Saturday, February 1, 2025

The Purge Of Evil: Update (“The Purge Of Evil”, November, 2011)

People commenting on President Trump’s

first days in office have been using the word

“purge” lately to describe the process that’s taking 

place with Trump’s Executive Orders, DOGE’s

investigations, and other soon to be confirmed

Cabinet members agendas. The word evil hasn’t 

been used by the people that will be running the

government much, but, as they say: the night is

still young. The more the truth about how the

American people have been targets for lies, mass

brainwashing, and mass murder for decades,

the more the  word “evil” will be used. 

Six months to a year.

Friday, January 31, 2025


 I got nothing better to do than write,

and whomever reads this has nothing

better to do than do that. Almost 

existential, if you catch my Beckett.

Poetry is not necessarily revelatory,

or beautiful or even necessary….no

wait….it is necessary….something 

is necessary.



Stellar events, in the sky and on the ground…

outstanding like an Executive Order or a comet,

spectacular in display and effect, out of this world,

not to be ignored, this is your life too, smoke them  

if you got ‘em….one fore all, all for one, and every 

man for themselves….( The Three Stooges)…

Stellar like all the events that are happening and

continue to happen….for a long time nothing 

happens, and then, everything happens at once

Hi, how ya doing? I thought I’d take this 

opportunity to say hi, how ya doing? 

Any questions?

Thursday, January 30, 2025

Diminishing Returns

It’s a great day…I don’t have to do anything.
I don’t like to do anything anymore.
Those things are a drag, whatever they are.
When I was young I could do so much more,
plumbing buildings,
acting in plays,
teaching the dharma…I can’t even write poems
much anymore….
never that good, but better before.
It’s like I’m watching the credits for my own movie
scrolling down.
Who stays around in the theatre for those?
My writing now is mostly eulogy: “John Tischer: he tried.”
It never has reached many.
“Meditate, you fuckers!” is what I want to scream
to the world.
The pursuit of happiness is a waste of time.
“A snowflake on a burning stove.”
“No trudging through vast Arabies of hot meaning…
you just numbly don’t get there.” Kerouac
“All is vanity.” Ecclesiastics 
We Buddhists know this.
All we do is try to help the others.
But the others don’t care,
can’t listen,
are too busy,
don’t even want to know.
The only thing Buddhists have going
for themselves is eternity, like
the bumper sticker reads:

Monday, January 27, 2025


A baby smiled at me with a full set

of perfect teeth.

Beautiful day, perfect temperature.

Anther kid exclaimed “Pero!!” cutely 

at some dogs.

What more do you want?


Werner Von Braun, the Paper Clip

scientist, predicted an Elon would take

us to Mars.

And so it goes.

“No wonder the truth is stranger than fiction.

Fiction has to make sense,” Mark Twain

Sunday, January 26, 2025

March 4, 2025

My birthday, ‘76,
The day the American Republic
will re emerge, announcing the end
of the treasonous insurrection,
the slave state,
if you can believe that.
It could happen.
Who would have thought that four years ago?

Saturday, January 25, 2025


Abercrombie and Fitch



A list of names people wear that

makes them feel as if they were cool,

not hanging by a hook from their heel,

but it’s the same idea.

You don’t think so.

“Strange days have found us.”

Welcome to the slaughterhouse.

Tuesday, January 21, 2025

Never Do What The Government Tells You

I didn’t go to Vietnam, the war escalated by

treasonous L.B.J..

I didn’t take the bioweapon.

In between I tried to live my life, find out what

life was in the first place, tried to help others.

So far, so good.

I slaved away as a plumber for thirty years

so they couldn’t steal my soul…that worked.

How’s about you? How’s it going?

It’s too late to get on the pedophile Satanist

gravy train….those people are in for a rude

awakening….wouldn’t you agree?

Do you even see?

You might want to start opening your eyes

while that’s still optional.

Monday, January 20, 2025

January 20, 2025 Tepoztlan

Partly sunny, 68, streets lightly trafficked,
unassuming, unremarkable, just another day,
in the universe,
right here, with it’s routine, it’s momentum,
people with hopes and dreams, 
oh yeah! you bet! for sure!
how’s that working out for ya, 
before the “Big Ta Da!” ?
Even then, it continues, much ado about nothing,
always looking for something,
“the” something,
it’s something’s, all the way down.
Not bad, this day…as good a day to die as any.
That way, I appreciate it,
even if there is no punchline.

Now What?

OK, we went through all the criminality 
and attempts to overthrow the Constitution,
and Trump is back as President.
Biden’s pardons don’t work for treason.
Just waiting to see, Mr. President,
just waiting to see.

Friday, January 17, 2025

Wink Wink

A little girl looked at me today,

I waved, she waved, it made me happy.

It’s all about the waves,


we are in an ocean of waves of sense

perceptions, all ways, all waves, a big one,

and people scatter like seashells,

a barracuda, and waves of fear.


A man with a little ponytail,

gringo, wouldn’t look at me, Californian,


I survive because of the flow of electrons,

paper I exchange for food…

most of us do.

It’s the law now, meaning, how things work,

meaning necessary for survival,

the way teeth used to be.

Meanwhile, at the top of the rollercoaster,

At the edge of the slowly crumbling cliff,

trying to make heads or tails of a convulsive 

octopus, which side of the aquarium glass

are we on?

We always knew there was something we 

didn’t know, a reality hidden from us Eloi,

but the universe says no more.

All that glitters is not gold, and what appears 

on tic tok is not real.

I fall in love with a woman walking towards me,


an idiot living like the rest of us in the world.

Tuesday, January 14, 2025

I could look down…

I could look down on the world

of marching morons dancing to doom,

blissfully or not, unaware.

I can’t because I’m just one of them

with a different point of view.

I suffered and dealt with it through meditation,

to beat a horse.

No one can share my experience.

The best I can do is write some words,

hand someone a hit of LSD,

recommend a movie…”Blueberry” maybe.

Pointing…why pointing out instruction is

so powerful…pointing directly at experience 

through the senses is the whole point.

Tibetans have an oral culture and a visual one…

direct experience.

“The eyes are the windows to the soul.”

Who said that?

A koan is a monkey wrench in the works of

discursive mind, stymies the mechanism, then:


and there you are…

there really isn’t anything else,

and even that is in question.

Sunday, January 12, 2025

Interesting Time

Lying in bed


the week ahead

change afoot

brave new world?

we’ll see


not anything 

you could have imagined.

Like lambs to the slaughter,

these are the days of our lives.

(I just wanted to write that)

Wednesday, January 8, 2025


It’s a little late to start toeing the line.

I always tried to avoid, go around the line,

an outlaw at heart.

The line was always too two dimensional,

still is.

I saw America going two dimensional, so

I went somewhere else.

This is painfully, obviously, more true today,

not like before,

when the alleys smelled of earth,

and the shops where we bought and sold

like the anthem of an age.

Brief Interlude

A delightful little moment between

crushing concomitants.

Whoever thought I would feel joy for

a second yes I do not having a memory

helps I can finally be one of the numbed dumb

more or less most that I see.

Ignorance is bliss, loosing longing in Lethe

is almost as good as enlightenment not really,

but, there you go.

I’m just writing the usual something about

nothing, my audience is space itself, what

you have between your ears whether you

know it or not. Not spaced out: spaced in

to right now, ordinary experience, where

Buddha found enlightenment.

Tuesday, January 7, 2025

Raising Lungta


of joy, of goodness off the wall 

in front of me disbursing into shards

of light in every direction.


I’d say so if I was making it up.

I’m just reporting a quantum clear moment

apart from the momentum we call our lives.

Blink and you missed it



not being able to even turn around

and see a sunset.

C’mon! Bunkey!

You can do better than that!

You ain’t seen nothing yet!

Monday, January 6, 2025

Turquoise Dragon

Turquoise truck like the one in Colorado 

we called the “Turquoise Dragon” thunders

by me on the street. The first good omen today.

Like a snow globe that’s been shaken,

things be happenin’.

What’s shakin’?

A new false flag?

Another war?

More corruption?

Oh joy!

Maybe the Martians will come to save us.

Maybe we are the Martians.

We do live in interesting times, and the

algorithm is reaching it’s conclusion,

the calendar of Maya illusion.

Still, the Turquoise Dragon thunders in the sky,

really, not a drone, a sign from on high.

A quantum memory from the Akashic record?

A time quake some might conjecture?

The Matrix seen through perhaps?

Your guess is as good as mine.

Wouldn’t it be lovely to sit on the banks

of a bubbling stream, the constant waters

caressing cares away?

“It would be lovely, to wave a cut lilly and

panic a Notary, or, finish a nun with a left

to the ear…

it would be lovely just to walk around with

my green switchblade handy, whooping it up

‘til I die of the shivers.” Pablo Neruda

Sunday, January 5, 2025

War of the Words

The internet is a slurry of slurs,

A world of word wars, people 

that love their own voices, served

on a platform that encourages 

discursive mind, the bane of our


Sure, there are funny videos

of cats and dogs, the goofs of idiots

captured and recycled….videos of

accidents, tragedies, street fights,

whatever will capture the attention 

for a byte or two, a cacophony of chaos

where the occasional truth is swept 

under the tsunami of flotsam, wreckage 

of civilization.

Nothing civilized about it.

Luckily, it’s only words.

“Don’t let your insatiable appetite 

for bullshit run away with you!”


Saturday, January 4, 2025


It’s all happening now, just not the way
you could have imagined…
there’s fire in the skies, chaos on the planet,
machinations becoming visible.
All religions predicted this time,
not that anybody’s ready.
Age of Aquarius? Kali Yuga?
Hard to say…the jury’s still out,
karma is still unfolding.
The world will never be the same.
History will seem like a fantasy we
we’re led to believe. We’ve been
fooled by the mirage of duality.

Don’t take it from me.
Read the Bible.
Read the prophets;
Baba Venga,
Edgar Cayce,
Bob Lazar,
and realize that everything 
you thought you knew is wrong.

Thursday, January 2, 2025

Taking Stock

I gave my whole life to Buddhism,

not that my life was worth much,

but there’s that.

Better, I think, than having lived life

without a clue, if you know what I mean.

I live in a paradise, which is always uncertain,

even more for me, given my undisclosed 


So, I’m forced to live each day as if it was 

the last. There’s a parable in there somewhere.

Many to thank and no one to blame, even myself.

An epitaph on a tombstone I liked:

He tried.

Tuesday, December 31, 2024

Joy To The World

No particular reason.

Don’t scare the straight people.

Might be a golden age.

It certainly will be change.

Fog not of water, the Pope

worships Lucifer and UAP’s

are everywhere.

Could be a crescendo on the horizon.

“A moon swims from behind a cloud.

A clock strikes midnight.

A finger pulls a trigger.

A bird flies into a mirror.”  eecummings

Sunday, December 29, 2024

Serious Consequences

I dunno if I want to write a dark one

even if dark is the truth…just painful

to exist, you know? sometimes…

consequences that could happen to

anyone and have especially over the 

last five years are coming to fruition 

for me and perhaps the world we’ll

see meanwhile enjoy your temporary 



Hindi meaning “big mess” or “big to do”.

as in the United States right now, even

though we’re all waiting for the big shoe

to fall “nothing to see here keep moving” 

not on your life anymore, Big Guy,  we see

therefore we am, and the fat lady is singing

her lungs out, and, if we’re lucky, they’ll be

dancing in the streets.

Saturday, December 28, 2024

Elon Musk

You can be the greatest genius 

and have absolutely no wisdom.

Thursday, December 26, 2024

Do Not Trust

I didn’t trust the American government,
which is why I moved to Mexico.
Now, the world might be on the verge of
a new awakening.
We don’t have long to wait to see if it’s 
just another fantasy, another mythical 
Deus Ex Machina.
Will the Homosap get it straight this time?
If history has anything to say, no way.
But maybe a superior race has had enough
of our shenanigans and wants to set us straight,
or harvest us and call it a day.
Either way, my patience is running thin.
I’m old.
I’ve waited my whole life for the life I ordered
to begin.

Mars Or Bust

Going to Mars is like winning

the Superbowl. Once you get there,

there’s still “now what?” as the

next question for the grasping mind.

Even if we get to Mars, it doesn’t 

mean that the Homosap has evolved

any further. It only means he’s gotten

better at making tools.

Friday, December 20, 2024

Down Time

A matrix of quantum dimensions
a universe in a drop of water
mind is scaleable 
just ask anyone…
(did you see what I did there?)

Part of us can see the past and future,
at least, I knew a couple of Tibetans
that could. 
Western science has problems.

Meanwhile, by the start of the third
paragraph, he had already run out of
the store

“Should I be in politics?” Musk

Elon in politics,

yeah, necessary,

not a sidetrack, is it?

One direction, grasshopper.


 Here I write something important,

and it gets ignored. 

Don’t say I didn’t tell you.

Go back to your tic tok

tic tok….tick tok….tic tok.

The time is coming when you no

longer will be able to ignore.



Feeling cuspy, on the verge of something.

The news says Trump will arrest Fauci 

and Gates and send them to Gitmo.

That’s being reported.

That’s pretty cuspy.

Mr. Jones is about to find out

what’s happening.

He and I have been waiting 

our whole lives, knowing that 

something was happening, but

not knowing what it is, like

everyone else as well.

It’s the beginning of the purge of evil

that I wrote about in 2011.

Full disclosure.

This will freak out many, though many

are ready for the truth that everything

we thought we knew is wrong.

Thursday, December 19, 2024

No Second Guessing

First thought, best thought all the way.

That’s how Alexander became Great.

The ones with quick minds that see things

first become prophets and comedians.

It’s the way nature works, nothing personal,

genetics and environment like Elon Musk,

causes and conditions, not some master plan

that says we have to go to Mars.

Beliefs are there to fill in the gaps,

where we should actually be looking

instead of avoiding the uncertainty.

“Go towards the fear.”

That’s the Warrior’s way,

whether you like it or not.

Karma is self enforced 

like Newton’s momentum.

It’s the only game in town.

This Side Of Death

We all are, aren’t we, if we are reading this?

This brief moment of existence is all we know.

It seems so real.

It’s pains and pleasures so touching.

Wanting to hold on to the preciousness

that is so fleeting.

Carpe diem because there really is nothing else,

no legacy.

Even the ripples we make in the continuum 

become part of the continuum.

Nothing personal, no matter how 

much we’d like it to be,

the precious moments we’ll always

remember until memory itself is no longer.

No brass ring called God or heaven

or anything else.

“We just numbly don’t get there.”

a wise man once said.

Wednesday, December 18, 2024

Letting My Hair Down

I probably should have said this

a long time ago, or not at all.

The only message of all my poems

is simply this:

“Fuck you, and the horse you rode in on!”

What diddya think? 

Should I have kept this secret?

Frankly, I don’t think many care.

Another Brick In The Wall

A good title for any poem, although,

perhaps it deserves better. Who knows?

Now that the music has my ear….

any more words aren’t necessary

but may follow, like civilizations,

like our own…strange things happening,

the game is afoot, it won’t be long now,

whatever that means.

I measure time from the back to the front,

like, where I am now, to what I see coming

four weeks from now. That’s about as far as

I can see ahead, that I’ll probably be alive.

Nothing wrong with that.

The truth is always true,

no matter how it looks.

Don’t be mad at cancer,

besides, they have a cure.

This could be a song, in a

musical about Armageddon, 

or something.

No One Gets Out Of Here Alive

Jim Morrison, who coined the phrase,

proved the fact.

I may not be next, but I am in line.

So, figure out what’s important and do that,

because tomorrow never knows.

and we’ll always have the videos.


Evil politicians 

Perverse Hollywood stars

Medical fraudsters

There’s a laundry list of people responsible for 

troubles of the USA

as bad as any Nazis

being exposed

soon to be taken down

if everything goes as planned

we’re starting to see their panic

as what goes up comes down

I can’t say I’m sorry for them

if they get what they deserve 

I take no joy in their suffering 

well, maybe just a little.

Sunday, December 15, 2024


UFO/UAP Annunaki Gods Reptilians

Sumerian Egyptian Incan Aztec

Statues paintings carvings stories photos

are we alone in the universe we are not alone

what are we the result of evolution genetic

experiments panspermia colonization 

why do we believe in anything

is seeing believing do we trust our senses

do we believe in stories from books with

colorful pictures dogma we’ve learned

do we ever take a moment free of the 

momentum of our thoughts to actually look.

Friday, December 13, 2024

Another Now

Better now, bitter, no.

It comes and goes…

“The dust blows forward

and the dust blows back.”

…everywhere under the sun.

Even the ground you walk on 

is questionable.

Mr. Musk has drawn that conclusion.

The larger the scale, the more Buddhists

are like Mexicans:

“Ni moto.”

“It doesn’t matter.”

“It’s a small thing.”

“Ni pedo.”

“Just a fart.”

The universe, because 

the scale is so big,

like Shakespeare’s stage,

and we are merely players,


genetic mishaps, whether alien

contrived, or not,

but why did all the pyramids appear

all at once the same time?

What was the technology?

We haven’t even reached

the overwhelming question.

Defending The Indefensible


I won’t do it.

The truth is the truth

and the truth is always 

the best thing

whether you like it or not.

Buck up, Buckaroos.

(something poignant 

and revelatory here.)

Late For Everything

I can’t say that about myself…

but then, there are the others.

Ahem. Buddha and his teachings

are still around and available, at least,

not too late after 2,500 years. Ahem.

Having practiced for fifty years, not

much else interests me, you understand

like, if I had been building model train

railways for fifty years I’d feel the 

same way.

Do Not Trust

The other day, Trump said he

didn’t trust anybody.

That shows Trump has wisdom.

My Buddhist teacher said: Do not trust.

If you trust, you’re putting yourself 

in the hands of an other…never a good idea.

Many trusted the government about Covid,

about the vax. 

How’s that working out for them?

I never trusted the government.

I didn’t go to Vietnam.

Did I make the right decision?

A word to the wise is sufficient.

I’m sorry if you don’t like to hear

the truth. It makes me very sad.

On the other hand, if you can’t admit 

that you were wrong, 

Fuck you.


Thursday, December 12, 2024

Three For Thursday

There are two types of people;

those that want to know what life

actually is, and those that don’t.

There are two types of people that

don’t want to know what life is;

the stupid, who have all they can do

to just survive, and the intelligent,

who are too busy seeking pleasure

to be at all interested.

These two constitute 98% of humanity.

Sad, isn’t it? Our fellow creatures all

dolled up in all kinds of ways, totally 

missing the point? This shows how hard

it is to even hear the truth, let alone 

understand it.


I have a Buddhist perspective.

We are not the same.

All your hopes, ambitions, dreams

and ambitions, to me, are exercises 

in futility.

We can escape the demons of phenomenal 

existence. We can see through the veils of


Most of you don’t want to.

It’s incredibly sad to see you try to go to Mars,

as if that will get you anywhere.

We all like science fiction,

fantasizing about a perfect world;

we tend in that direction.

When we get there, we find

we’re still not here.

What part of the world is run by

Satanic pedophiles don’t you understand?

Connection (apologies to The Rolling Stones)

Everything is going in the wrong direction.

Media is screwing with my perceptions.

All I see is oblivion deceptions.

Give me a shot for a thousand bad conceptions.

And I don’t know

which way to go.

Connection, I just can’t make no

connection. All I want to do

is to find the truth.

Sunday, December 8, 2024

The Girl With The Toxic Waist

I mean, in a good way, swooningly delicious

Intoxicatingly suspiciously seductrously 

Sirenly hypnotisingly flabbergastingly

distractingly mesmerizingly captivating.

Jessica Rabbit bazoomingness fulfillingly

thankfully gratefully overwhelmingly yah.

Totally P.C. believe me yessiree you see

we aim to please you aim too please as 

the bell tolls for whom not me not yet.