There are two types of people;
those that want to know what life
actually is, and those that don’t.
There are two types of people that
don’t want to know what life is;
the stupid, who have all they can do
to just survive, and the intelligent,
who are too busy seeking pleasure
to be at all interested.
These two constitute 98% of humanity.
Sad, isn’t it? Our fellow creatures all
dolled up in all kinds of ways, totally
missing the point? This shows how hard
it is to even hear the truth, let alone
understand it.
I have a Buddhist perspective.
We are not the same.
All your hopes, ambitions, dreams
and ambitions, to me, are exercises
in futility.
We can escape the demons of phenomenal
existence. We can see through the veils of
Most of you don’t want to.
It’s incredibly sad to see you try to go to Mars,
as if that will get you anywhere.
We all like science fiction,
fantasizing about a perfect world;
we tend in that direction.
When we get there, we find
we’re still not here.
What part of the world is run by
Satanic pedophiles don’t you understand?
Connection (apologies to The Rolling Stones)
Everything is going in the wrong direction.
Media is screwing with my perceptions.
All I see is oblivion deceptions.
Give me a shot for a thousand bad conceptions.
And I don’t know
which way to go.
Connection, I just can’t make no
connection. All I want to do
is to find the truth.