Wednesday, November 27, 2019

Step Dancing

The step dancing of Nova Scotia and
elsewhere derives from a local 
contraption called a “whirly-gig”, a wind
driven puppet whose legs are usually
the only things that move. Hence, the 
dancers dance with their arms to their
sides, as if made of wood, their faces
expressionless…life imitating art.

The music would be violin and usually
two other instruments; guitar and 
keyboard…bass and guitar…any other 
two. The music would be at three 
speeds; slow, medium and fast…
different speeds of the wind.

The people had been magically shaped 
by the place, by the nature there, to 
create this music and this dance. There
is natural alchemy. “Getting back to 
nature” is not just some threadbare 
boomer joke. The “Great Awakening” 
means dancing in the streets…..again.


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