Sunday, November 10, 2019

“I can Write A Poem Anytime I Want”

Let’s see if this is true.
Let’s see if I’m lying to myself.
Of course, maybe nothing I’ve ever written
is actually a poem, maybe just
discursive gymnastics, 
verbal theatrics
goofy language,
sparks from the void,
monsters from the Id,
rants of an old man
with too much time 
on his hands.

I do love words the way some love
colors (I do love colors)
music (I do love music)
sports (……………nah).

I’m a comedian wanna be
transitioning from serious comedy
(an oxymoron! I love those!)

As the need to explain to others
grinds to a halt, over time,
because of diminishing returns,
and the hand becomes my mouthpiece,
the joy of bringing joy
seems more fun, and
better communication,
like fresh food instead of packaged,
like reality instead of entertainment,
(reality television, another oxymoron!)
and everything falls into place
spontaneously, with little effort,
“Frankly, my Dear, 
I’d rather be eating a hot dog”
becomes part of:
“Eat, shit, and sleep….
anything else is none of your business”,
Meaning: everything is perfect.
It all depends on how you look at it.

In conclusion,
something just happened between
computer keys, my mind, and a screen.

If this was a joke,
it would have a punchline now.
I guess it isn’t.


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