Wednesday, July 30, 2014

Buddhist Rant

Who ever got enlightened by studying philosophy? Naropa,
the great pandit of Nalanda, gave up everything to wander
around with Tilopa,, and his graduation was a slap in the face.
I just don’t see the point of all this speculating about which side
of the head of a pin should one part one’s hair?  I was a heavy
thinker when `i was in my 20′s….looking for answers in whatever
I read. When I found Buddhism and met my teacher, I felt I had
all that I needed. Sure, there was intellect involved in turning
the mind towards the dharma…but, as practice grew stronger,
reliance on concepts grew weaker…instead of parroting the
teachings, there was some real understanding based on
experience of the path. The problem with philosophy is that
it talks about perception theoretically, but really has a paucity
of tools to develop that perception….unlike Buddhism, which
does have them. Intellect is a tool….a sophisticated version 
of the basic split, that can manipulate phenomena, 
but, by it’s nature, is incapable of understanding it.


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