Friday, July 18, 2014

Free Home Delivery for Johnny Winters

Poems to your home free of charge
in this glorious morning you wouldn't
need to believe  if you once saw it...
clouds a curtain to the sun for sleepy
heads...air fresh, moving gently, clear...
power back on, so, music...all the
vicissitudes of civilized life...and the joy
of making music in the morning, ornate
in it's slattern simplicity.... as if painters
could improvise chaos, well, they do in
their dimensions...poem like taffy, sweet
and extruded to your satisfaction...this is
a commercial for your
coupon at the local fan fair..set your house
on fire..find a new place to go.

You say you can't get there from here, but,
you're already there, so, shut up, bitch, and
look around, for once, and keep doing that

We're very shy of improvising our lives,
because we feel like wall flowers on the
dance floor....give me the same furrow to
plow my whole life, and sweet sheets to
sleep in, oh yeah. What's your version of

I think freedom is free fall, like, you never
really land...I mean, for metaphor, Lindberg
took off after he landed...and Earhart flew

Can of peas.....Le Sueur,  Minnesota...driving
home to Northfield, after work,  heading east,
into the rising light, smell of fields omnipresent,
the summer before my senior year...couldn't go
home again...lived with some Carls...learned a
lot that summer, just being with them.

Got to cut this extrusion off at some
that a blues song?


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