Alien Agenda: A Science Fantasy
“The bigger the lie, the more people
will believe in it.” Joseph Goebbels
“The best place to hide something
is in plain view.” W.S. Burroughs
Let’s just say that everything I’m
going to write is a lie. It will certainly
sound crazy, so, why not suspend
disbelief a little, like when your
parents read you a bedtime story,
and you knew it wasn’t true, but you
chose to believe it before you fell
There is enough circumstantial
evidence, as well as testimony from
the “Disclosure Project” as well as
other sources, to assume, at least,
that “aliens” not of the earth, have
been visiting the earth for many years,
if not for centuries. Coupled with this
knowledge is a lack of revealed
physical evidence of alien visitation…
at least, evidence exposed to the public.
This creates a cloud of uncertainty which
smokescreens what’s really going on. No
one can know what the aliens are up to
until it is established that they really exist.
So, that uncertainty/lie, keeps the alien
agenda hidden.
Thesis: Aliens needed human leadership
to develop atomic power and weaponry.
Now it has been disseminated through-
out the world. Now that it has, the opposite
is true: there needs to be disorder and chaos
so that the agenda can be fulfilled.
Some people have espoused the theory that
human intelligence is the result of alien inter-
venation with our DNA. If true, the aliens
made us smart enough to make atomic power
and weapons, but not smart enough to use it
without destroying ourselves. Why would
they do that? The only answer is: terraforming.
Radiation has long been associated with UFOs.
Given the logic of this fantasy, it’s possible to
extrapolate that aliens live in a radioactive
environment….it’s natural for them. If so,
Fukushima could be the linchpin…if Fukushima
goes, Japan goes. If Japan goes….if they no
longer have enough people to maintain the
nuclear reactors, the world goes. Fukushima
could well be the beginning of the final phase
of the terraforming process.
We are yeast making beer for the aliens and
then, conveniently, drowning in our own
We are yeast making beer for the aliens and
then, conveniently, drowning in our own
My Buddhist teacher, when asked if beings from other planets
really are visiting earth, said: "Oh yes, the've been coming here for
a long time." "How do they get here?" "They come in the bodies of animals."
Take us over? Why would they even consider that? They are
farmers and we are the crop.
It's possible, given this logic, that the ego was a function
implanted in humans to ensure that we would be continuously
at odds with each other, thus assuring the development of weaponry.
I mean, that makes the myth of "the Garden of Eden" and the Fall
make sense.
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