Thursday, June 29, 2017

Resisting Arrest

"They" want to put a stop to us...
to freedom
to free thinking
to love and joy
to creative self expression:
music and art and literature.
It appears it's becoming against
the law to be human.

Revolution is translated as "molting"
in the I Ching. 
That's what it's time for;
shedding too small a skin, 
outmoded ideas and ideals,
primitive beliefs about reality,
conflicting emotions that drive
us crazy.

Revolution happens, whether the
snake likes it or not...
resistance is futile.

On the other hand:
resisting arrest means staying alive
not frozen in fixed mind
open to uncertainty
alive in human body foible
getting the jokes.

Wednesday, June 28, 2017

"Continuously Morphing Quotes"

"What we have here is a failure to ex-communicate..."
Pope John Paul

"The only thing science has discovered conclusively that has 
been helpful is awareness of the limits of its ability
to know."

"Soylent Green is sheeple!!"

"All we're looking for is a few good memes"

Grow a life.

Don't get theoryous on me.

I'm gone to stay.

We do what we want,
whether we like it or not.

A poem is like taking a good crap:
the poem may take a little longer,
but the results are the same.

It's past my dead time.

A plate cracks:
certain peas roll off.

The Kardishans sure know how
to put their best tits forward.

Rubles are nothing but trubles.

Hand over the footage.

Forget what?

You gave me a  start...I wasn't finished.

A zipper is as close as a machine gets
to having an orgasm.

"Do you think God created everything 
in seven days, and these are the judgement 
days, and Nibiru is coming and Reptaliens
run the world government and population
control, nuclear war, Chelsea Clinton-
Handler-Manning, and, and..."


To an alcoholic
friendships and braincells are about the same....
of course some die....but only the weak ones.

Satanic pedophile child sacrifice leaders

individually rapaciously rapt, wrapped 

in the horror of their rickety revery.

Climactic Zipper

Hemlock useless in emergency
anywhere dense right here
heritage scream deaf ear
confidence beached and bloated
noble gasses pass the same
give anxious liver drink as present
caste members delicate believing
flophouse biological bleeding factory
random fragile clouds haze 
the junkyard...

(at this point, the computer had a 
cigarette and said: 
"is it good for you?")

equipment quips crunchy numbers,
adorable symbols, magnificent absurdities.

Tuesday, June 27, 2017

Virgo Moon

Rip tide born explosive emotions
out of the blue 
depths of soul pulse clot
horror equation
random organization
tornado heaving in dusk light
midnight horsefeathers
too late for regrets.


"Think that you know what to do:
Impossible, yes, but it's true"

Lost in a maze of conditioning.
It was the pressure of conformity
in the fifties that led to revolution.
Eisenhower represented a blunt
instrument of social engineering
refined later by CIA mind control
and pharmaceutical prison, yet,
it too has become too obvious
for many if not most people. The
program is to get most people so
hypnotized that moving from the
suburbs to a FEMA camp won't
seem much of a transition...not
there yet, but heading that way.
Maybe so much crime people will
want to be in camps protected is
another option. More ex-pats even
as buffaloes exit Yellowstone.
Land of the flee, home of the naive.

Hard To Handle

I tell the truth, or, In fairness, I should say
my version, which falls short as all of our
truths do, but, nevertheless no fear to show
myself as is as human. Who can object?
Yet, walking-on-eggs has become USA
national fad like the hoola-hoop only less
humorous. Pig Schumers oink loudly about
P.C. violations only to be laughed at by
reasonable people. The truth is hard to 
handle but inevitable eventually. Just think
of all the money and work in USA to maintain
the lies. Even if God didn't destroy humans
once in a flood, you know He would have
had a good reason. 

Thursday, June 22, 2017


You know, like,
that little bit that hangs down
at the back of your throat, or,
the button on the dashboard 
you never use, the bracelet 
with all the doodads; the button
on your coat that's loose and you
should mend it, but you don't, 
and one day it's gone. 

Domination Of The Arcs

Where do we start, and,
then what happens?
A plot arcs in a movie
or novel; the course of
events has a pattern.
Our lives arc the way a
milkweed blossom floats
on the wind and alights.
Civilizations rise and fall
like the landscape..

More realistic to see life as
process or pattern than a 
solid piece of furniture we
sit on all our days. "I am
a verb" as Fuller said.

Our lives ruled by patterns
predictable, sane, rational,
getting us through the day, 
our years....

or free spirited and spontaneous
we go, not sure ourselves what 
we'll do next; an acquired taste 
of freedom gained through 
shedding useless habitual 
masks behind which we hide 
from the world and our true nature.

We know what path we're on, what
direction we're heading if we're 
honest with ourselves. If not, the
Blob of unconscious tendencies
absorbs us, the Godzilla of self
destruction decimates, King Kong
of ego shakes his fist from the
skyscraper to no avail. 

Universe Outside My Window

Look out the window, and I see
stars! I'm looking at the stars! So
what if I can't see them very well
there they are! Maybe it's just that 
my eyes are bad ok all of ours!
Telescopes first step to being there
with all the senses, or, we could 
just send a monkey! Maybe...

I think life will be familiar wherever
in the universe no stranger than here
on earth have you ever seem a blob 

(The Blob...nightmare/worst fear/ a mass
of amorphous goo capable of digestion/
you won't find it listed as blue plate special/
little kids' fear that the unknown could just
eat you up)

Meanwhile outside my window everything
else in the universe was happening oh my
goodness what a caution!.

Yeah, most of it's going on out there, not to
belittle my contribution to humanity: 
a snowflake on a burning stove.

Tuesday, June 20, 2017

Lost And Found

Disconnected, wandering,
gripping at plasma,
even the forest scares us
at night.

Sure of everything, straight 
as an arrow, "if it don't compute,
you must refute", tracked by
the rut.

What have we lost?
How do we know we 
have lost anything?

Many people feel something is
lacking, they're missing something
in life. Is that the same?

Look at experience direct and you'll
see what there is to see much better
than speculation. 

Meditation: the lost and found sorts
itself out and we find ourselves.

Monday, June 19, 2017

For All The Marbles

Stealthily approaching crucifier
Calvary didn't end with Jesus
Nazis and Isis created by the West:
industrial war, population reduction,
extermination, euthanasia, social many words convey. 

I had not thought death 
had undone so many.

Playing for keeps. 

Hang on to your keepsakes, they'll
do you little good...even the world 
I grew up in seems ancient history.

Bigwig atrocities, friendless kings,
leaders that lead by power point,
not example.

I'm not complaining...I feel free
of shackles of mind control
of social media morass
of herd mentality, sheeple society,
that drive USA  folks like lemmings.

Take LSD, go for a walk, talk to a 
stranger, make love to your landlady, 
blow bubbles in a bus  station, dance
in the streets, finish a nun with a left
to the ear, get weird because you
actually are one too molded for your
own good. The sleeper must awaken,
the shell broken, sure, it's bright when
the lights turn on at first, but this really
is your world.

Sunday, June 18, 2017

Burma Shave Enlightenment


in cartoons

is not having

thought balloons

Burma Shave

Saturday, June 17, 2017

Saying Things As If They Were True

In writing, it's called fiction.

In politics it's called a platform.

In religion, it's called belief.

In history, it's called a lie.

Monday, June 12, 2017


Turn on, tune in, drop out
of the human race.
Mainlining NBA Finals,
Dancing With the Stars,
MSM, reality television,
and the bleat goes on.

I don't get it, but I do...
it's so much easier
just to believe...well,
simpler, at
covers all the non-
existent bases. The 
only purpose of public
debate is ratings, money,
smoke and mirrors...
the carnies are in charge
of the dialogue.

It's all a head trip.
What you hear depends
upon what you listen to,
and your willingness
to be deceived.

Sunday, June 11, 2017

Short Poem

Reality's not for everybody...
it's an acquired taste
like picked herring,
losing a friend.

Thursday, June 8, 2017


Who are the heroes?
The ones that are good 
at killing in battle?
Heroes because they're strong?
I guess the Greeks thought so.
Bob Marley a hero for standing
for freedom?
Assange, Chelsea, Ellsberg?
I'd say so.

Obama, Bushes, Clintons...
Nobel Prize? Medal of Freedom?
You can tell the evil people
by the awards they get...
the whole thing is psycho-payola.

My landlord is my hero because
his little boy is happy.

My Buddhist collaborators are my 
heroes because they are warriors
for the truth.

You're not my hero if you take a 
dangerous selfie to show how
stupid you are.

You're not my hero if you practice 
competitive posing.

It's possible you're my hero
if you win a hot dog eating
competition, I'm not sure.

You win the NBA championship...
I'm not impressed with self important
entertainment millionaires...let them 
build a house for the poor with their
own hands...that would work better. 

Fake sending your child up in the air
in a balloon? Win Olympic gold and
change your sex for attention and
money? Declare you're gay? Have
a job in government? Fight for your
right to be lazy and useless? Seem
important because of your breasts?

No heroes there...

Ali was a hero for being the worst 
bad ass and standing up for his 
beliefs...coming back to the ring 
and still beating the best that there 
were. Patton and Forrestal and
Kennedys and King were heroes
assassinated by their government.
Tupac, Morrison, Hendrix, same.

Don't talk to me about heroes.

Wednesday, June 7, 2017

To The MSM

I put the kibosh on it, 
slammed the door in it's face,
had enough 
had enough
had enough.

Just in time, it seemed, for another
wave of useless nonsense 
followed like a legacy.

It was all I could do not to move
to Mexico...(ha!).

Now I watch from a safe distance
and eat popcorn while the reality
show grows exponentially
in absurdity. 

The world has become so French!
Sauve qui peut!
Petarded by haughtiness!

No, not me...enough is enough.
Sometimes I laugh and 
sometimes I cry.

Moonlight Drive

We took a moonlight drive
down by the oceanside
parked and watched the tide.

A night between days, starry
sky full of wonder, seafood
salty ocean smell, silence of
vastness, wave song washing

We had a past, but it's over now,
the future a cloudy looking glass,
only this mirror here as we eat our
burgers with the top down...this
romantic friendly vision of a world.

A couple of other cars, lonely as 
de Chirico or Hopper, who knows
what universes go on in there?

Carnival music on the radio, a
shooting star...we walk on the sand
but don't stray too far...whispering
about ourselves to each other, and
all the people that have drowned...
we know some of them, still around.

Monday, June 5, 2017

Burma Shave Koans

You have your whiskers

you have your mind

what happens when 

you leave everything behind?

Burma Shave

Scenery is passing

passing like the time

like your life is passing

yours, not mine

Burma Shave

A good shave like a flower

so fresh and alive

wish you'd shaved this morning?

I did. I'm fine

Burma Shave

Break while watching "Sunshine Daydream"

Well, they had to, didn't they?
Somebodies had to be the epitome
of them: totally free spirited, drug
liberated, crazy open people so that 
others in the future at least could see
It was purest and realest before Whitey
caught on. It didn't take long for him
to get that this freedom was a threat
to his slavery agenda. And so it goes...
tiny sympathetic acid buzz nostalgia.

Raga For Arn

Ef' 'em all...
(yeah, start out nice and slow)
I see what's beautiful...
most of ugly comes from people
because they can do almost anything
and ugly is part of that.
Like, why does a dog lick it's balls?
Same for humans: they do everything 
only because they can. Not much
reasoning involved, really. The 
reasoning is more for justification.

"Well, we got to the moon, brought 
a few rocks back, didn't end starvation."

"And so it goes..." Vonnegut said. What
wisdom! It's all you have to say, unless
it's a question and you answer:  "Maybe."


Not much good for anything else...
what is he good for, what can he do?
Ask the ragged man trying to get a few
pesos selling newspapers on the sidewalk,
motionless like a human kiosk. He doesn't 

So much depends on causes and
conditions, where you were born and
in what shape, the time in history. It's
not random....more like fate: the Buddhists
call it karma; cause and effect, laws of 
nature that aren't affected by the seeming
discontinuity of time. Nobody gets away 
with anything.

This is why the meek shall inherit the earth:
because they'll be all that's left after the evil
beings have been reborn in hell.

Anything you can imagine has occurred or
will occur in the universe somewhere...that's
why they call it the universe. No matter what
paradise you inhabit, no matter what torments
you experience in the lowest depths of 
existence, it will change to something else
eventually, since we have forever.

So, why bother?

Wouldn't it be better if the continuous struggle
ended? You know, the struggle to make things 
the way you want, the struggle to avoid pain,
the struggle to achieve a perpetual motion 
machine whose only  function is to operate

Well, that's what Buddha did...(how many 
times do I have to tell you?)...he found the
end to the struggle and the cure for suffering,
and millions of people have been finding the
same for themselves for the last 2500 years.

It's that clear and simple.

So, as the bumper sticker reads:  

"Buddhism: Eventually."

Saturday, June 3, 2017

No Time For Sergeants (for Nagarjuna)

No time for sergeants
no flimsy guilt bonus
no freckled heroin provider
no end-of-the-world heroics
no perfect tin hat
no feather/leather costume excess 
no blush equipment drench optional
no in time savior thank God
no creative fracking
no family balloon fiasco
no parasitic robotic meme
no jigsaw dogtooth scar
no trembling quivering chowderhead
no chocolate Easter bunny
no birthday cake xmas bonus graduation
car free lifetime of no care...

...only random eponymous liberation
the latch that passeth through time.

Deus No Machina

"Sorry, God was late so He
couldn't perform your miracle 
in time. No refunds on prayers."

That ever happen to you?

Be sure that never happens again!

Atheism, agnosticism, no belief,
I don't care!  It's all good!
Never count on a stupid thought
to save you ever again!

Don't be a stiff! Look alive 
and be quick about it!

Your mind is the universe!
You don't need no stinking God!

Thursday, June 1, 2017

All Right Now

It's all right now...
been that way all along...
can't improve on perfection...
civilizations rise and crumble,
lives grow and fall apart,
anything than can happen will,
nothing new under the sun...

it's alright now,
you can come out;
the sun shines
dew glistens
people still 
think they're smart.