Saturday, February 14, 2015

“Will The Real Anybody Please Stand Up”

I do everythiing by the book, anymore…
of the book and for the book…even though
I’m off the books…invisible bookwise…
I have a certain look which is off the books…
halfway between Robby The Robot and
Malcom X, or something…I mean, if I’m not 
being too vague, while meaning the opposite.

“anyone lived in a pretty how town, with up so
floating many bells down”   (eecummings)

This is so fun, because I have no idea where
I’m going, and, it’s my mind. “If I had not made
myself perfectly clear, it would always, 
everywhere have been not my fault”  

BUT, NO! THERE’S MORE….(and the Moors 
that took over part of Spain for a 
time…but, we don’t have to get involved with 
that discussion now)

Will the real anybody stand up? Not a bad 
question really….happens a trillion 
times a day if you add up everybodys’ lives. 
It’s not the overwhelming question,
but…….(I think I just wrote myself into a corner 
here…having to come up with the final trope..and 
you are the only human that could understand that)

I just did.


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