Thursday, May 31, 2018

It's Getting Old

Yeah, I’m old, and I’m writing
about getting old….
get over it.

Thing is, I see people my same age 
around me, and they’re a lot older 
than I am, not in body, no, rather
their minds are…pickled in the same
sour thoughts they gathered over a
lifetime of trial and error, until they 
don’t have a fresh thought anymore.
If you move a piece of furniture in
their house one inch, they go crazy.

They might be tenured professors,
Supreme Court Justices,
propped up by money and power.

Their obsolescence is neither planned
nor noticed, but is inevitable.

Some oldies still twinkle and sing;
My friend, 80, teaching at college….
uh…uh, he’s the only one I can think of,
except maybe the old Mexicans,
the drunk plumber gnome who worked
in the shop in South Carolina, the old
black man who played the spoons on
the sidewalk near my house there…
they were still alive; you could talk 
to them.


"Oh, I. got phlebitis, and it's fucking my arthritis,
and my cataracts are watching the show...
and the tintinitis is there to spite us,
and the bowels are starting to blow."

Wednesday, May 30, 2018

Art And Morality (with Michael White)

art is the preparation 

for a new morality

which is the old morality

which is art, eternally new...

basic morality transcends religion...

the ten commandments, (ignoring the God issue)

are good enough for any morality....

the view from the summit

is not the same as from the valley...

but, once you've been to the summit,

you can be in the valley

and know where you stand.

Tuesday, May 29, 2018

Razor's Edge

Sylvia Plath had her oblivioven
Poe, laudanum and wine.
I couldn’t get over myself for
fifty years…

I tried…

and then, 
one day, it all just fell away,
and the drinking stopped, dead
in it’s tracks due to miracle. 

Nice not to have died.

Professional Poet

I’m a professional writer.
You want words? I got words.
What kind of words do you want?
Sweet words to seduce you? 
Oh, Baby.
Words to move you or get you
What are you waiting for?
Time’s a wasting!
Words to make you feel better?
Sorry, next!
Words to show the meaning of life?
Those are hard to come by.
All kinds of words!
A world’s worth of words!
I don’t take words seriously…
I don’t take thoughts seriously…
Others do, and my words 
piss them off, 
which is my pleasure, fun and joy!
I’m the fool of words, kachina of words,
word clown, word goof, word whizzer!
If you take words too seriously
you’ll end up like the rest of them:
straightjacketed, paralyzed, and,
politically correct.
Sorry, no true ending.

Monday, May 28, 2018

Zombie Apocalypse

You don't want the truth.
You just want an explanation
you can defend.

Guest Poet: Daniel Dragomerescu


The old, empty rooms
have something to say.
They remember being dimly
aware that the villages and fields
surrounding them have changed,
and the windows have witnessed
scenes of snowstorms
coming in from the east.
The time-tied lyric,
images translated during
the silence of a winter's morning.
They'd sing for you
if they could,
all the melodies of a crystal minute.
They are left
with the historic dust of past
lives caught dancing
in the brittle sunlight.

Guest poet Richard Livermore

Making Sense Of Politics 
Even the stones are agreed
that it’s time for a break,
that a change is as good

as the best one can do
under the watch of the stars,
and were it not for the shark

Tyrannosaurus, The King,
would never be crowned. 
Even those in the know

are aware of the fact,
and those who are not
can always be brought

to the bidding of those
who’ve nothing to lose
but a life they do not deserve.

"Chaos Is Very Good News"

There is no
status quo
in chaos.

Don’t bother
to look around;
no one can save you.

Sharpen awareness
and let go your ego:
the only thing
that can bring you down.

A samurai under a tree,
picking flowers,
the moment before combat.

How Weird Is That?

That, is pretty weird,
let alone, this:
to accept slavery
like a frog
that doesn't realize
it's being boiled.
To not vote, the only means
of our control, because one thinks
one's vote is meaningless.
To know there's something happening,
but, not know what it is.

It was a snake, and it bit us.
Politicians, only professional
in thievery, 
smiling as your blood drains.

They have to go.
They all have to go.
They are going, going,

A home run by the people.

Sunday, May 27, 2018

After A Day Of Trying To Red Pill Friends.

Fuck ‘em.
They’ll find out soon enough.
Soon you won’t hear: “Is it true? 
could it be? It’s a conspiracy!”
Soon the show will be outside
the circus. And, who will be ready?


William Cooper

Complete 1994 interview.

Beach Boys

Friday, May 25, 2018

Trump Is Better Than Lincoln

Lincoln freed the slaves.
(not that he wanted to)
Trump freed America.

Wednesday, May 23, 2018


The American Medical `Association has discovered
a panacea, the philosophers stone of drugs, the
Fountain of Youth of medicines, the cure-all of 
cure-alls. the patent-medicine of eternity, the water
of life, elixir of the Gods, the halva of paradigms of
goodness, medicament of the moment, nostrum
of the Ages!!!

They’ve given it a name, and a grand name it is.


With the prescribed dosage of Ignorine, all your 
concerns are solved, such as; why is there a lump 
in my breast…why does it hurt when I pee…will
the deep state take us down…will Trump take us 
down…will the economy take us down…will 
(you see  where I’m going with this?)

and, especially..................…what just happened?

You just won’t give a shit, with…


*side effects may include, but not limited to:
falling into manholes, not knowing when your 
family has left you, thinking you have not been
abducted by aliens when you, in fact, have,
believing in God, believing in Krishna, believing
In Buddha, believing in Allah, believing in tele-
portation, believing in the two party system,
(you see where I’m going with this…)


                 (wait for it)


(Ignorine not to be confused with it’s 
drunken brother drug:  EFEMAL) 

Monday, May 21, 2018

CDC and AMA combined slogan;

“We give you the disease, and then, 
we kill you with the cure”

Sunday, May 20, 2018

Observations Of A Diminishing Return

My hair’s ok, but my timeline
is receding…..
I dress as a clown and all people 
notice are my clothes…
I remember I read a lot of good books…
I can’t remember how I did what I did;
how I survived childhood,
how I drove through Boston in a step van,
how I survived working with criminals,
how I went to new cities and started over,
how I helped build four buildings in ten weeks,
how I found my way to Mexico.

Not that it matters, really…as Issa said:
“We all go this way.”

The pressure’s off to be a certain way.
At present, a day is just another day.

“Oh, that fell off too!”
…slapstick deconstruction.

Is that the goal I see, or, just the finish line?
I guess I’m blessed not to worry about the time
I have now or have left.

What’s done is done, so stick a fork 
in me ‘cause I am.  The rest is gravy.

What Trump Is Fighting Against

It's NOT about politics!

Random Word Poem # 34

Amulet shotgun crossfire
Pragmatic elite whisper: “fight”
Democracy approximation failure
Foggy bottom wilderness
Mindless accommodation
Berserker accepting compliments
Exquisite confidential revolt
Fluent chaos
Drugstore fairytale
Groove of overt dishonesty
Hangdog threadbare vision 
Holiest fear time
Dynastic foundation sand
Gigantic metal greasy abduction
Birthday dismemberment show
Legion of gifted ghouls
Medusa glitch complication
Monochrome fading ending.

Saturday, May 19, 2018

The Great Awakening

What is the great awakening, and, is it real?
The great awakening is a process that 
is happening In the United Sates, and the
world as a whole, vis-a-vis  an international,
criminal/satanic conspiracy by people 
in the highest places of US government, 
other Western governments, the Vatican,
the English monarchy, to  create a “New
World Order”, meaning, a Nazi/Communist
world dictatorship, where most of the 
populace is  completely controlled and
manipulated by a small number 
of totalitarian leaders. 

Is this a fantasy?

The propaganda we’ve been living under, 
(let’s just take he USA as an example), has 
created a narrative that most Americans 
believe and trust, even though their  quality 
of life has been degraded steadily over the 
past  few decades. The MSM, for example, 
produces articles that are 90% Trump 
bashing.  They don’t report the progress 
he’s making:  North Korea, Syria, defeating 
ISIS, creating  jobs, cutting red tape,
reducing taxes, and  on  and on. This proves 
a bias in the media  toward the agenda of the 
cabal. The great  awakening is to the way 
Americans have  been manipulated and 
brainwashed. It will  be an awakening to
the ways individuals  and groups  have 
worked together to  undermine US society  
and the world as a  whole. It is awakening 
to the evil and  perversion  of the cabal, 
which has created it’s  minions 
in part by blackmail, putting them in 
compromising positions, just as the  senator in 
Godfather 2 became loyal as soon as he was 
discovered in bed with a dead hooker, and 
other compromising situations. It is awakening 
to Obama’s and H.Clinton’s plan to remove the 
power of the USA, which is the only power 
strong enough to expose and destroy this plot. 

What proof do I have that any of this is true? 
There are websites available that give the 
pertinent information. One is: 
Military intelligence fighting the cabal posts 
information about the ongoing efforts to take 
down the cabal; false flags and other distractions,
indictments of people in government that are part 
of it, actions of Trump and his team to rid 
government  agencies of traitors, and hints of the 
structure of  the cabal and how the battle is 
progressing.  Don’t believe me…read it for 
yourself,  because  soon the truth will begin 
to appear, and,  the truth  is so different than the 
official narrative,  that  many people are going to
freak out when  they  see the world in it’s true light. 

So, the great awakening’s beginning, but 
many people still…maybe even a majority….
believe in the false narrative of the mainstream 
media and the deep state. It’s necessary, for 
a Democracy, to have an informed public. 
The truth has been kept from the public 
from the time of Kennedy’s assassination 
to the present moment. That’s a long time to 
develop a plan, and the deep state has players 
in all areas of government and American 
society to complete their agenda, It behooves 
ALL Americans to inform themselves of the 
process that is now occurring, the war that 
is hidden yet raging, the reason for all the 
school shootings and other mass events.  
Electing Trump meant that the cabal was in 
trouble. Look at their actions since that time, 
and decide for yourself if what I have written 
has any merit. Prepare yourself through 
knowledge, so that when the truth is known 
it won’t be such a shock to the system.