Friday, March 31, 2017


Title says it all...evolved out 
of existence...too much sap,
not enough sapiens...give the
monkey a banana and send
him on his way.

Apotheosis Forty-Four (for Johnny Winter)

I am Jesus Christ...
I'm the Son of God...
Oh man! Oh man!

Got a forty-four,
gonna shoot some more...
Oh Lord! Oh Lord!

I am Donald Trump,
looking like a chump...

I am Hillary
on a pillory!
It's hot! It's hot!

I'm the Buddha, Joe,
ego's gotta go!
It's not! It's not!

Saw a UFO...
Oh, I wanna go!
Go-go! Go Go!

Tuesday, March 28, 2017

Pretty Soon!

Pretty soon, I won't have to worry 
about that anymore...
the past is just the future left behind.

Rainbow in the corner of my eye...
no one can tell me why...It must be
just one of those things.

Oh, I stopped making sense, yes siree!
Anything comes out of the closet!
Adorably adorned!

Since everyone's stopped talking to me,
I don't know what I should be worried about
anymore, but, let's not talk about that now.

Getting back to the soda fountain,
Betty in her poodle skirt is now living,
toothless, in a trailer by the railroad tracks.
Biff died at work, crushed by an
hydraulic press...but the kids are
doing fine. This is the sixth dog in 
a row they've had named Candy.

And so it goes.

Bikini Droppings

Bionic fuzzy puzzles
divine blushings
imprint elsewhere.

Fashionable goldbrickers,
plastic human flytraps
haywire on the fringe of

Dreamless cultureless children,
berserk, carnivorously searching
for existence's blurt adventure.

Popsicles, Icicles

The joy of the fifties and early sixties
when we thought life was simple
and went on forever. Drive in movies, 
sock hops, teen romance, protected
by daddy man, mowing the lawn, ice
cream while watching Jackie Gleason,
hot dogs at Dog-and-Suds, the blond
girl that walked past my house and 
drove me crazy.

People were dying in wars all over the 
world, but we had no idea. We felt 
special, protected, privileged, and we 
were....the USA had won the lottery
of who's on top and we thought it was

Look at it now...just another dream.

Saturday, March 25, 2017

Projectile Vomiting: A Memoir

Let's see...(of course, as the man said,
first you have to look...then you can see.)
...I can't be serious...not at this point...
after "who looked at whom first, anyhow, 
dancing" it's all just a somewhat pleasant
memory...distorted and edited to be sure...
and perhaps the whole thing wasn't just a
complete waste of one's about to
give me the "Presidential Medal of Freedom" that's a waste of time...

...and so it goes...even the mountains begin 
to disappear...a magic show...big mistake
being trying to capture it, edit it, market it,
manufacture it somehow which was never
successful...even Santa's elves don't give
a crap anymore...and the monkeys at the
zoo  don't throw their poo...they might need
it someday...a magic tamasha meghilla 
only predicted by...Everyone! 

...I remember hearing the train at night at
the house on Keystone Avenue...rain on the
window and lilac bushes in the spring...

...I remember going to Thomas's apartment...
absinthe and martinis...steak au poivre...the
video we made...the poem we wrote...trashing
his poor table lamp...his wall full of paintings
he did of his friends...watching his art videos...

...I remember my landlord is coming over 
today...maybe his whole family again...his
three year old boy likes me...I'll buy them 
beer...they didn't seem upset I broke that

...I remember a dream I had as a a front of a cage...a man in uniform...
a woman and child...the child had three
balloons; red, yellow, and blue...I said to them:
"When I raise my hand, I'm going to wake up
from this dream." ...and I did.

There's no way to get anything still
lives within anyway...the vibes we got from
everyone and experience still resonate like
pool balls on the cosmic table..."all options
are on the table"...even weird Uncle Harry...
even love we think lost.

It's never really had it...any of it...
you get older and it's like waking up from a
dream you had as a child...I was sitting at the
dock of the bay and now I'm in a museum...
take a look..."he did that"..."that's pretty 
incredible"...."so, what happened to him?"
"he died."

It's not a's a yoyo you know...
that's why we called them "straight people"...
linear thinkers..."Welcome to Blinderville"...
if they're not a Johnson, they are to be 
avoided as if they were wild animals...which
often they's natural selection and I
chose not to be friends with some fool to
put it mildly...let them have their baseball name it...they may 
be going up, but the string is still attached...

...a pretty endless subject, like, why
get started?  ...too late for that thought...good
luck with that...even the end is the middle
of another beginning.

Haiku Gesundheit

The paranormal
seems quite normal to me now.
Who needs Disneyland?

Haiku? What to do?
Is there a muse of haiku?
Muse is not amused.

When the parachute
doesn't open, in mid air,
beautiful freedom!

Freedom from on line
poker...the freaky feeling
the chips are still there.

Greta, sleek damsel,
her solo improv side show,
her mom died, her dog.

Now, the big ending...
boffo with sparkles and chintz...
let the curtain down.

Another ending,
Another beginning flowers...
mother nature knows.

Cut off the poem
like taffy, no end, no beginning...
just like one big note.

How To Be A Poet

 Give up on accomplishing 
anything in life...for starters.
Expose yourself to the world,
let the world get inside you.
You have to love language
because words are the 
doorway to the truth, and truth
in whatever form is the poet's

Drink, take drugs, enjoy ecstasy:
as Wallace Stevens wrote; "The
eccentric is the basis of design."
Besides, straight people are the
problem, their own and others 
worst enemy...they will always
be afraid of you. 

It's not your fault that you're a poet
if you can't help but write. It's like
being gay or something. 

Once it's written, it's no longer yours.
If you write something great, don't 
think it's because you're a great writer.
The writing only happens when you're
not there.

Poetry is the music of your mind...poetry
is like walking on water...poetry is proof
of life, written when there's nothing left
to lose....poetry made even Gregory Corso
seem beautiful. The Beats didn't write 
for fame or money...they just couldn't 
help themselves.

Poetry, music, art...the only things on this
planet worth saving. Humans need them 
like oxygen. What endeavor, what thought, 
could be more important than joy of life?

Monday, March 20, 2017

Midnight Blue

glittery flavoring of a gone world
gland swindler beefcake Arnold
a bellyful of creepcakes...crazy
dynasty finally freed, no more
marble logic! /anyways, junkyard
hogwash, pulse of a generation's
blistered carcass, bloodsport of
going to Target Sale...everybody
wants a piece of americana...Save
the Phantom!

Clairvoyant golden warrior! 
Bareknuckle Protean Diamondhead!
Primitive noir clubfoot! 
Brave agonizing Kachina!
Where art thou?

Civilization served as imitation!
Who can be the best 
at being the same?

Flinch with gladness, humanlike!
Life is trying to get to you!
You heart doesn't just mean meat!
It already has a reason!

Sunday, March 19, 2017

Repeating Infinity Eternally

Amoeba god energy
grunting ghetto swarm
ghoul blender episode

Ask a kid why they did
something and you get:
"I don't know', which, at
that age, is a correct

homicide...ghost extra
pig....optional mutation
swallow everyday aftermath

basking sharks paradox
fundamental pneumatic hangman
metaphysical coleslaw coda.

Friday, March 17, 2017


world of seeds
egotist's head

Vegetal copy of
the universe
laughing all the way
to compost

This poem was not 
supposed to be 
about you...
you see,
how your green
veil hides lush
red mouth slurping
wonder. No one,
having tasted your
freshness, can forget...

Oh, fruit of summer's shine!
How can we lose your simple
pleasure! Water shaman!
Ferocious glory fully carnal!
Deliciously obvious!
What jihad would it take
to declare you unholy?

"So what" to pompous, Pius
philosophy Machiavelli-ing
existence beyond recognition:
get your face wet.


I think, therefore,
I am too preoccupied 
with thoughts to be, 
therefore, I am not. 

Thursday, March 16, 2017

Last Paradise Battleground (random word poem)

perverted adorable crucifier
homemade connection promised
guaranteed immunity baboon
daylight genetic melt
national smile forgotten
chunky teen absentness
femur desire allowable
blond decadence torpedo
invisible glider feeling
rastled apocalypse hooves
ambush academic jerk

mindless carnal beat accessories
dirty cannon baster crucifix

Wouldn't You?

If you could save your life,
but then an hundred others die,
what would you do?

If your neighbor's 17 year old
daughter came over, and you knew
she was fucking Tommy anyway,
wouldn't you?

First time in America, in California,
fierce first time, Monterrey Pop,
wouldn't Who?

What happens when all the animals
are dead?
Wooden zoo?

Yeah, I might have killed Hitler, if I
was alive then, and I knew...
so many Hitlers now...I'd like to
frog walk them into the ocean.
Wouldn't you?


Very small, in spite of our generation...
all of us make up a made up nation...
living in a desecration
homo sap prancing mind dance
reeling with the oldies
same as it ever was
nothing new nothing new.

Nothing knew, but then forgot...
a double take confusion ever since
trying to figure it out in "no spin zone"
words melt into flapping lips flaming zip.

The Sixties were a warning last laugh...
if you'd paid attention, you'd be home by now.
Never mind the  lifetime lost; your heart is
somewhere, just not in the right place.

Friday, March 10, 2017

Dr Pinecraft

Dr, Pinecraft in his BMW riding in the
early evening, down slinky mountain
road, clouds and flashes of lightning
getting more frequent, no guardrail...

...his thoughts convoluted...he felt like
he was getting away with something,
and it felt good... down, half a quart of Southern
Comfort his passenger, but, oh, do
the Tuscan leather seats feel good
after that massage...and his foot slips
and hits the gas and his car goes 
quietly sailing into the mountain valley 
air...a bat made out of hell.

He woke up a spring day in April, scent
of flowers and birdsong...Gibraltar,  
He'd been taking some time off....
"from what?" 
He wondered. He remembered seeing a
billboard in India with the Dalai Lama on 
it, holding a Coca Cola, captioned:
"The Dalai Lama Takes A Break". 
"from what?"
He always was curious what the Dalai 
Lama  did, as leader of his people....
maybe he just needed to take a break 
and sit down, stop leading for a while.
He knew the feeling...he'd been leading
the "Lost Boys" for so long they had to
change their they all had 

...But he was getting distracted...he had 
focus...pull up his up...put
his moisture missile in it's holster and put
on a new set of spurs.... to speak.

He didn't like the birds so well...terns...he
knew they were gulls, but he liked to think 
of them as terns because he didn't like gulls.

The birds weren't that was 
more when he went went for a walk among
the cafes, the women at tables with friends
or alone, the way they presented them-
selves, their colors and perfumes, highly 
cultivated gestures and body language that
would make men sway like cobras to a flute.
At least, he recognized that he was alive.
His targets felt alive because most of them
realized they were probably going to die soon.
He liked to give them  notice because their 
behavior then became erratic and created 

But that was just his job. He spent a lot of 
time fishing...his last expedition off  California, 
he didn't catch anything. Gibraltar was near
enough to everything, every place he needed
to go. He had a pet monkey. He liked to knit.

Thursday, March 9, 2017


The MSM is the result of several
generations of inbreeding in the
media, engineered to refine the
ability of the media to lie to the
public according to the deep state's
interests. Stalwart types such as
Cronkite, Huntley and Brinkley, were
replaced by bobble-headed clones.
That people trusted what the MSM
said has been assumed until the
last few years, and the election, that
exposed the MSM as the propaganda
machine created by the CIA, among 
others, that it is. Newscasters today  
resemble the early Terminators that 
were made of plastic and easily 
detected. It's not uncommon to see 
them choke on their own words, 
unable to convey any conviction 
behind them. We see behind the 

The Last Waltz

Forget about whether Trump is successful...
forget about the neo-cons defeating him...
forget about radical Muslims taking 
over the world...forget about the third
World War... forget about pollution,
over population, dwindling resources...

only forget about nuclear war, because it
would be redundant to what's already

There are 450 nuclear plants worldwide,
60 are under construction.

Japan has 43. One of them has melted.
This melting of three reactors has destroyed
the pacific far.

Multiply that by 450 and what do you imagine?

"Oh, that won't happen.....humans won't allow
it." Yet, Fukushima happened.

Seven billion people, and yet, the birth rate 
is declining in most industrial countries. As the
quality of life declines, this trends continues. What 
happens if there aren't enough people to maintain 
these nuclear facilities? In the case of any large 
scale war, the possibility exists. In the case of 
nuclear war the probability is exacerbated. 

This is not crying wolf. Oppenheimer was correct
in equating the release of nuclear power to Kali, the
destroyer. Humanity is doomed on this planet in the
next few generations. No wonder NASA is looking
for habitable think they don't know?
And, do you imagine they would reveal what they
know and their plans to the mass of marching 

There's too much circumstantial evidence....
just as there was too much circumstantial evidence
to believe that Oswald was a lone assassin....too
much  circumstantial evidence to believe the
commission's lies about the World Trade Center...
and the list of lies goes on. 

What did one NASA official say publicly? "If you
knew  what we do, you'll never sleep again."

The clues to the truth are out there.

If time was linear, you could call this
doomsmanship. Since time is cyclical, you
could just consider this  another heads up....
don't be surprised, even though surprising
things are happening and that will intensify
in the near future.

Wake up while you have a human mind
and can  understand words. If you know
what's coming, it will, at least, be less of a
shock when it happens.  Ignorance is bliss
only until the light shines.

Thursday, March 2, 2017

Same Old Beginning

"Play it again, Sam."
(beginning in the middle)

When I act in the play anew,
I get the strange feeling of
deja vu. 

The perfect starter home.

The Grateful Dead never played
any song the same twice, but they
always started in the same place.

Square one, 
ground zero, 
first thought,
cosmic attractor,
center of the mandala,
all point to the incredible, potential, 
infinity of....

Yes, you got it.

Just got off the visualizer...

Mac Book Pro visualizer...
listening  to the Grateful Dead...
almost as good as acid...
especially if you took it before...

study the Sixties for real...
a mystery, a revelation, an unfolding
captured in film and words...
no social movement ever 
so preserved...

"500,000 halos outshined the mud and history
we washed and drank in God's tears of joy
and for once, and for everyone,
the truth was not still a mystery." 
Jimi Hendrix 

...unless you happened to not be there,
or someplace like it...`Millbrook, Mill Valley,
Stanford LSD tests, "The Bus"... Fourth
Ann Arbor...

...memories lost like tears in the rain...
even my sadness escapes me...
the only thing left is stupid joy.