Sunday, March 24, 2024

Second Cup, A Travelblog

A travelblog documents a journey.

It could be a short walk, an amount

of time sitting on a park bench.

It could happen completely in 

one’s mind.

I came back to the coffee house 

for a second cup…not my usual


I wondered, in my querulous mind,

if and how this change would ripple

through the cosmic quantum matrix

just enough to reveal mysteries in

mundane coincidences.

That was the prelude.

Now, I wait and see…

…Nostro knew…he called it 

“fishing” looking at the universe.


So far no cosmic coincidences that

I can attest….

(…as I wrote that, an airplane flew

above the Tepozteco pyramid 

and puffs of white smoke from rockets

appeared below the pyramid…

was that it? It happened this morning,

in real time.)

I must say, the second cup of coffee

tasted better than the first.

Post Script:

The appearance of the airplane over the pyramid

and the rockets exploding with white puffs of smoke

just below the pyramid and in front of the

mountain happened at the same time the words

we’re being written.

That I knew what was taking place, the coincidence

of it, felt, emotionally, like when I saw a UFO here

two years ago, 11A.M. at a bus stop in Tepozt.;

it felt more than “out of place”. It felt like a

reality that I had never experienced, slightly


And I’m writing too much because I guess

that’s what I’m doing…..I mean…we’re here

because we’re here because we’re here and all…

just crowd noise,

carnival barkers of all strata vying for our strings,

maybe we get lucky, find a quiet place somewhere

and just chill.


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