Saturday, March 30, 2024

It’s Coming

“There will be plenty of time to rest when you’re dead.”

Chogyam Trungpa, Rinpoche, to his students.

75, no complications right now, my daughter’s in a 

good place, no one says they need me, don’t think

that there’s anything left for me to do. I could die

now, and the tabula would be pretty rasa.

Hey! I’m like everyone else, a complex machine

that wears out like any other. If that’s true, the only

reason we can conceive of eternity 

is that part of us is.

The play of phenomena is communicating reality.

It’s naturally occurring audience groks what’s real

and what is not, because intelligence is the same 

quality in all beings…we all go towards the light.

It’s holographic, which is why it’s all connected,

and why A.I. will never duplicate it.

So, what’s coming?

My death, which I hope happens in an

auspicious manner…transformation of the

world, into Hell (now) for a shorter or longer

(1000 years) and then into a Golden Age for

a while….full disclosure of the facade we’ve 

believed for how many decades or millennia?

This aroma is in the air.

We’ve all had that feeling sometimes:

 “Something’s coming.”

A snap quiz in school…

an Amazon package….


Now, it’s the whole world

having a fantastic orgasm,





but, it’s not quite here yet.

Still, the horizon’s getting pretty dark.

Weather you like it or not.

Naturally Occurring Audience

Even small children and dogs know

when you don’t speak from the heart.

They were born like that…I’d like  to say:

“arose”, as in; “a rose is a rose is a rose.”

…because if intelligence wasn’t natural,

we wouldn’t have any.

Natural intelligence = natural morality.

You are  the snake that has been bitten.

More to come.


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