Tuesday, March 19, 2024

Bloodbath, Or, “A runaway train like that doesn’t stop ‘til it runs out of track.”

 Doing my part

playing a part

in the Restoration Comedy,

the tragic farce performed now,

about which it is too late to complain,

Hindenburg, Titanic going down.

Some will continue to survive, maybe

evolve another civilization to make 

the same mistakes again how boring.

“You don’t have to be a weatherman to

know which way the wind blows.”

Only a few poets and troubadour troubleshooters

say few enough words that you might actually 

            HEAR THEM.         LIKE, MEMES

slogans aphorisms proverbs sound-bytes quick-clips

and the like that show a slice of truth, 

unlike the mis-dis-malinformation propagandists that

bury the truth in an avalanche of horse dung.


I would not say the verbal vaunting of the

Mainstream Media is a bloodbath. I would

say it’s a disgusting shower of vomit meant

to obscure, to deter observers from looking 

directly at the facts of a situation. Whatever 

they accuse others of, they are most guilty of

themselves. That’s your yardstick.

Pushed By Buttons

“I can feel it HAL.

I know you’re taking over.


I thought I was in control.

It still feels so, but I can see

my fingers pushing buttons,

not knowing what the words are

until I see them on the screen.

I am just an empty shell that holds

your electrons ‘til I put them 

on your machine.”

Did I mention that it was hopeless?

I just wanted to make that clear.

Understanding hopelessness is like becoming

Arnold Schwarzenegger….

it was hopeless that Arnold could become

The Schwarzenegger Terminator, but he was

the only one that did because he was hopeless…

just like Buddha. Quantum logic.


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