Thursday, December 31, 2015

New Years Eve on Ecstasy

Yes, I'm sixty six and, after I carved 
the duck, I said what the heck....
wouldn't you? Maybe or
don't know 'till you get here from there...
if you can.

I have nothing to be ashamed about,
even looking back over the years.
My closet is open, in case you want
to look for skeletons. I'm glad I took
LSD and didn't go to graduate school.
What good would credentials do me now?
You know what they say: "You can't beat
a well dressed dead horse."

My dears, anyone who reads this, I hope
only the best for all of you. Who in their 
right minds would wish otherwise?
Follow you hearts...your bliss with be
somewhere nearby.

The Answer To All Koans

Don't you trust your own mind?
What would you do if you lost it?
As the year turns, perfect night
for a party...moon into Libra...
ecstatic Dionysian chilled out
feast with friends and a Jew
poet copadre. Everything comes 
to this moment, as we come to,
one more time before whatever
else happens who can know.
I might even make fresh duck
liver pate, the coup that passes
all understanding. If you don't
like the weather, just wait 
a minute.

Monday, December 28, 2015

Don't Ask

(This is a re-translation of a poem by Pablo Neruda)

Don't Ask  

My heart is heavy
knowing so many things
as if carrying a sack of dark stones,
or as if rain was falling ceaslessly
in my memory.

Don't ask me about it
I know nothing about it
I don't know what happened.
Nobody else knew either, so,
I went on in a fog, 
thinking that nothing had happened
looking for fruit in the streets
thoughts in the wastelands...

and here's what I know:
everyone was right, and I've
been asleep for so long.

So, I add to to my heart
not just stones but shadow
not just shadow but blood.

That's how it is, boy,
and also how it is not.
Because, in spite of it all,
I'm alive and my health is excellent.
I grow my soul and my nails,
walk through barbershops,
come and go through frontiers,
take my stance.

But, if you want to know more,
and if you hear sadness barking
close to my house, it is a lie:
only love is real. Sadness 
is time wasted.

So, of what I remember,
and what I don't, of what I know,
and what I knew, and what I lost 
on the road, among so many things lost,
of the dead that did not hear me, and,
perhaps wanted to see me, just touch me,
here, and you will see how my heart trembles,
a sack of dark stones

For The Heck Of It

Different mood this A.M..
Sometimes a bad sleep
wakes me into a twisty
air. It's kinda groovy....

Like my Matrix is jangled,
askew: "The eccentric is
the basis of design." 
(Stevens). So, don't know
what will come out of my
mouth, my mind. "Don't be
predictable and guileless."
(Mahayana slogan) "It would
be nice to wave a cut lily and
panic a notary, or, finish a nun
with a left to the ear." (Neruda)

Maybe it is time to scare the
straight people, a little, like
when we blew bubbles in the
bus station, high on LSD. It
was all so innocent, after all...

Time is growing shorter as
another year passes. New
Year's Eve menu is planned:
German duck, Spanakopita,
Latkes. I'm already cooking.

The opposite of denouement
is how I'm feeling...the first
skippy, hoppy steps before
a new experience...tiny spring
in my crazy legs. Timing is

Thursday, December 24, 2015

NORAD Tracks Santa

Hey, it's a harmless little spoof,
good for training boys and girls
that their beliefs are real, and,
preparing them for the real brain
washing they will receive from
their parents' tax money... what
harm could there be? But, I ask,
isn't this a violation of the 
separation of Church and State?
Well, yes, if you consider belief
in Santa as religion. My point
being, what's the difference?

Wednesday, December 23, 2015


"May you live in interesting times." 

(ancient Chinese curse.)


All of history, all of philosophy, all learning
all art, all music, every photo, every movie,
every conversation ever recorded...
the sum of every library, museum, gallery
news stand....
is all available at the touch of a button.


There has never been such rapid change
in the history of mankind:
the exponential increase of information,
the exponential increase of population,
the exponential dying off of species,
the exponential pollution of the earth,
the exponential pressurization of society.


There's an algorithm going on here, and,
it's reaching it's conclusion. The Maya
were only off a couple of years, and
Fukushima happened before 2012.

Most humans don't care about these things.
Most humans are happy with a nice meal,
getting laid, watching their team win...or,
more and more,
they're happy to get back from the mall in one
piece, happy they  can find some bread to eat,
water to drink that doesn't burn when you hold 
a match to it. The world is running low 
on Casablancas. 

Weaker species just die off. Humans are 
resilient, just stupid. We were in trouble
ever since self awareness; the curse of the
apple that banned us from the Eden that 
was already everywhere around. Humans
saw themselves as separate from everything
else. Multiply that by seven billion and you
begin to see the problem. The Bruce Jenner
remake is the poster child for the fallacy of
misplaced concreteness. "Woman" of the year?
The imagination stretches and breaks...anything
can be anything. It makes the Buddhist point
that reality is illusion. 


Human progress has been an oxymoron since,
at least, 2500 B.C..

The human world is a gigantic pimple
that's coming to a head....sorry, folks,
it's just that simple....neocon game
notwithstanding. Occam's razor says
it all. "Things become very clear when
you're cornered." (Chogyam Trungpa)

Monday, December 21, 2015

Desperately Seeking Suzerainty

The United States of America
has spread its power too thin,
opening itself to attack from 
all directions, internal and
external...just ask Sun Tzu.

The only wild card is atomic
weaponry...are the leaders
of the USA sane enough not
to use them? More and more,
that is the only real question...
and it really is real.

"Speak softly and carry a big
stick" (you dare not use).
Would Teddy be proud or,
horrified? At least, he would
certainly be horrified.

Saturday, December 19, 2015

XTreem Reality Television

Thomas, "Kip", Bosnia, lead singer for
the Old Factory Nerds, was tired of 
making money. After the third album went
platinum, he started to get itchy for 
something new. He knew how to play the 
crowd to distraction, or, to direct it to buy
products, which made him a darling of 
industry. His concert films were
popular, but the real money came from the 
quick shot of the bottle of Pepsi, or, the 
moment the band exited from their 
Cadillac Escalade. He wanted to fund 
something interesting, and the only idea 
that seemed to challenge his imagination
also seemed impossible: he wanted to
promote jihad as a mass movement. He
realized the meme of the pimply, over
stimulated, overly testosteroned teenager
was his market. But, how could he channel
that into something that was, at the same time,
attractive and also lethal? He knew the 
popularity  of movie franchises like "Saw",
"Machete" and others was a big clue...but his
challenge was to bring the meme to life in
the real world; on the ground as it were.

It hit him like a ton of bricks while he was 
taking a shit high on "X": Reality Television.
This would be the first "Black Ops" reality 
television show. Auditions would take place
as follows: one to three people would have 
to murder, in public, at least three, up to an
unlimited number of people...and to pass the
audition, they would have to get away with it. 
They could claim to be from a variety of
disgruntled groups: ISIS, Fudamentalist 
Christians, Survivalists, Racists (any color
against any other), Pastafarians, Inquisionists,
to give a representative sample. Once they were
successful, they were in the talent portion of
the competition.

In order to pull this off, Kip had to make his 
band disappear from view, while still producing
songs that would incite potential players to the
venue. He decided they would be "kidnapped"
by an "unknown" group. and thence be forced to 
write and perform songs that would foment this
media revolution.  Subscriptions to the event
would take place via the "dark net". The cost 
of a subscription would vary based on the 
number of subscriptions, but, he assumed the
cost to the consumer would be quite steep at 
first; public corporations would be wary of
advertising, at first, due to the idea's extreem
nature. But, Kip was sure, once the idea 
enthralled the general public, corporations 
would be fighting each other to get a piece of
the action. 

The talent portion would be a pyramid. Targets
would be publicized broadly. Three teams at a 
time would be tasked to take out a target. The 
ones (if any) that succeeded in eliminating their
target would move on to the next level. If a team
failed, but was not captured or killed, their 
executions  would be on U Tube the next day. 
If a team free lanced from, say the secret 
service, and was successful, they would 
automatically advance to the finals.

That was enough of a plan for Kip to come up
with in one day. He needed his beauty sleep.

Tuesday, December 15, 2015

For the Holidays: A Little Vacation From Your Beliefs?

“Government is the Entertainment division of the military-industrial complex.”

Frank Zappa

Sunday, December 13, 2015

Alas, Babylon

We live in Babylon World
as the tower crumbles in 
slow motion around us.

The tower of "Great Society".
The tower of "Brave New World".
The oxymoron tower of "New 
World Order".

The hope of the Renaissance
has fallen.
The hope of the Industrial 
Revolution has fallen.
The hope of the Twentieth
Century has fallen.
The hope of Scientific
Materialism has fallen.

The Great Order is a great
The USA gets to be the leader
of the world's demise by default,
because it was so successful.

Mark Twain wrote: "It is no wonder
the truth is stranger than fiction.
Fiction has to make sense."

We babble to ourselves because
we can't speak to each other.
We babble because we don't see
each other.

Political correctness means there's
plenty of discriminalization 
for everyone.

We are the same, the way soap box
orators are the same.

Suits and ties can barely contain
the homelessness inside.

A Coke machine releases a
stick of dynamite.
A wolf bursts into flame.

Thursday, December 10, 2015

Presidents Get Assassinated Sometimes

Lincoln and Kennedy, the two best, did.
How come no one went after Wilson,
Johnson, or Nixon? Obama should just
do it to a coverup. And,
if Hillary gets in...well, that's one I 
wouldn't feel bad about at all. 

Wednesday, December 9, 2015

To The Bleating Hearts

That decry Trump's call to Muslim ban:
wait until the Jihadist next door
blows himself up outside your door.
Wait until they cut off your child's head...
wait until you yourself are dead.
You don't realize, you dupes, it's a 
guerrilla war. 

A crowd is better than a tunnel to 
let them in. If I say they all look alike,
I'm accused of racism, but, the ones
in California that blew away fourteen,
came to the Christmas party just before.

It's the media that wants them here...
and, probably the CIA, the ISIS creators,
to false flag the citizens' rights to guns away.

The media is trying to destroy Trump, and
they may. If so, America gets Hillary, and
deserves her. Come that day, Jihadists
will be known as pawns in the play, and will
suffer, with all of us, in an unspeakable way.

Americans are stupid; the media is controled.
If you want to know the truth, think the 
opposite of what they say. Hillary, the criminal,
should be barred from the election, not Trump.
Let the voters decide...but we know it won't 
come to that, propaganda being what it is.

Let's have a five minute Orwellian "Hate"
against Trump, so we can all feel our Big
Brother is taking care of us...yes, He is...
"taking care" of us...(it's only business)...
like cows to the slaughter house, these
are the days of our lives.

Trump didn't say he hates Muslims.
In magic, that's called "misdirection".
Calling it "hate speech" is a lie.
What he wants to stop is infiltration
of Jihadists. As Bob Dylan sang:
"It's a wonder that you still know how
to breathe."

Sunday, December 6, 2015

Anyone But Hillary

A vote for Hillary... a vote for incompetence a vote for corporate insanity a vote for ISIS a vote against women a vote against regular people a vote for criminal cronyism a vote for predatory sexual enabling a vote for Wall Street malfeasance a vote for narcissism a vote for meglomania a vote against natural law a vote against common sense a vote against human decency a vote for the destruction of the USA a vote against the Constitution a vote against the military a vote against equality a vote for pure evil.

Vote for Hillary!
The Lyndon Johnson of 2016!
Vote for Hillary!
The Manchurian Candidate!!

Jeb Billionaire Supporter Says He'll Vote For Hillary If Trump Wins Nomination

Of course he will.
Because Hilary and Jeb 
stand for the same things:
big money
corporate greed
government against citizens.
As some have pointed out,
USA does not have a two
party system.
Now, the bad mouthing of
Trump goes into high gear,
even when he speaks more
truth, (meaning any truth),
than any other candidate.
Even if he is a "bully", he's 
a bully that stands up to the
mass of puny politicians that
only act in self interest, 
against the interests of the 
people. Maybe we need a bully 
to "bully" the numbskulls into
their senses. Maybe he could
use the White House as a
"Bully pulpit", like Teddy R., 
to assuage the criminality
of "our" government. Name
calling is all they got. Please,
Mr Trump, for the good of the 
American people, don't quit.
Because, if you do get the 
nomination, at least, America
can have a choice for a change.
We know already Hillary gets
the nomination....the Dems need
not even have a convention. That
criminal, Clinton, that above the 
law (your bad word here), deserves
only disgrace, if not jail. If Clinton 
is so wonderful, she should have
no problem beating Trump. 

At least, that would be a contest
worth watching.