Monday, March 30, 2015

Vintage Stew

When you have the right
ingredients and time to prepare
and know what you are doing.

It’s not just about food.
It’s about teaching, fighting,
creating art or science…

Whatever humans are capable 
of. The Buddhists call it auspicious
coincidence when flour meets eggs
and milk in insight to create pancakes.

We even take flying into space for 
granted.  It’s all part of the bubbling
of the human stew.

Friday, March 27, 2015

When You Create The Mandelbrote

Meaning, essentially, when you’re born.
Infinite genes perform their esoteric
functions so you are you…stupid you
smart you. The processes involved
have no opinion.

Clitter Clutter

Twitter me and I quiver…
Clitter me and I flutter….
Brand me with a spoon.

Racism And The Brave New World

The way things are going, soon human
development will be handled in the lab
as in Huxley’s novel. It will be understood
that judging humans on superficial 
attributes such as the color of their skin is
superstion and unproductive. What replaces
it, which it did in the USA for a while, is the
measure of intelligence…and, humans will
be, (are already) graded on the basis of that,
but in the future…meaning now….It will is
the template for the future/now ordering of

Thursday, March 26, 2015

What Is The Nature Of Mind?

About five of us students asked
that question to our teacher, 
Chogyam Trungpa in an intimate 
setting. He said   “I’ll show you.”

“Now, pay close attention.” He
picked up a wooden kitchen match,
and said  “Now I’m going to light the
match.”  There was a moment of 
intense pause.  “That’s it.” he said,
as he put down the unlit match.

Wednesday, March 25, 2015

Let’s See What’s Happening In The Rest of Nowhere

Well, the rest of the universe is 
having a great giggle watching
humans grope for the obvious
conclusion that it’s teeming with
life. And after they realized that
the ape man had invented the 
Ape Bomb, they got more involved,
took samples for their zoos and
genetic research…what scientists
do as their experiments evolve.

In this part of nowhere, called earth,
the smart humans of yore, having
predicted this time, this age, look
pretty on the money…even to the
blindness of ignorance that has
ripened in humanity…well, just 
look around. if you still have some 
common sense you can see what’s
happening…but part of the meaning
of “dark age” is that it’s dark…
meaning, you don’t want to see…
life seems to be discouraging….
the Hopis said one sign of these times
was that people would lose the will 
to live. I’m not the bearer of bad news.
The first antidote to a trap is knowing
of its existence.

Tuesday, March 24, 2015

Sweet Spot

Anymore I’m awake, in the
having a body sense, as 
infrequently as possible…
I get up, go out, have coffee,
gather necessary concomitants,
go home, and get ready for bed
the rest of the day…part of this
entails a certain amount of self
because my body is surprsingly 
healthy, in spite of how I treat it.
So, there is a sweet spot, a Xanidu,
where I vision the pleasure dome
in maturity…but, it fades as all 
pleasure domes do. So, why do they
exist at all?  Because everything
you can imagine exists somewhere,
whether it be temporal, temporary,
or, terminal….you can’t take immediacy
of change out of the equasion…ever.
This was the sweet spot…if you’re

Plumbing Poem, The Last Sewer I Ever Unstopped

It was a house in Fort Collins, Colorado…a young 
couple lived there…the sewer went out the back,
the main in an alley about 150 feet back…close to
the limit of my machine. I got it unstopped. When I
pulled the cable out, it was infested with condoms 
and cotex. Philip Glass was a plumber before he
became a musician…a friend of mine was his
apprentice for a while. He told me that Philip Glass 
never wanted anyone to ever know he had been a 

Monday, March 23, 2015

The Point

Groove, they call it "sweet spot" in sports....
that's why we create....can't help ourselves,,
really, I mean, when you have to......
shit, piss, vomit, it's the same thing....
It's realizing the intuitive, and, letting it

Tooth (for Thomas)

I just have a missing cap...

you have a missing immune system....

I like my chances, feeling this out...

I remember your tooth problems...

It won't come to that....

you are the template

I put up against my death....

I can see now how it can happen...

I can see now the problems that will come up...

my tooth is just a test because, because of you

I know what I'm in for.

Sunday, March 22, 2015


 If the illusion fits, intuit.


Chickens in their coops
not ready to be harvested, 
but, on hold, still with their
Kentucky Fried in hand, game
on the tube, even the failures
imagine they can still get jobs.
It’s almost over…I mean, 
America is already gone.
We’re just waiting for a coke
machine to release a stick of


No one has discovered the ineffable
except those who were themselves

Seinfeld Rant (for R.A.B.)

What is this thing about Ice?
What? water gets hard and you can hit your head against it`?
not only that, but, it can warm us or cook our food as steam....

I want to know this....What does water want from us?
Al Capp, creator of Li'l Abner, (Whom I saw in Union
Oyster House in Boston, circa 1970, hitchhiking from Chicago to
Boston with a black woman I picked up. Al had a wooden leg,
and food all over his clothes.) Had a character called the Schmoo.
The Schmoo was there to serve man. It would die and instantly
become whatever food was desired....Its skin was fine leather...
its whiskers were toothpicks.  So I equate water with Schmoo....
not that water has intelligence...or, does it?

It's a rant, like a storm, not over until it's over...unlike a storm,
it can be deleted.  Kinda cute...I have a storm here now, in front
of me......I call it, really's a bit early, but, my rent
just went up.

In Tribute Tom Ryken

Tom Ryken

You and your brother, Willie,
American samurai
in the down home meaning
of common sense. It was a
pleasure to have known you,
though, not well, but some people
you can just be around and
their sanity orders the environment.

Just a real person, made in America,
but, that's why Rinpoche had such
faith in us.

Guest poet Eusebio Sandoval

Shape Poem
Like a Cocoon

Hoping, Fearing
Provoking Past and Future
Did I do my best? Will it be enough to…
Overlook an abyss, cliff to my back, a foothold?
Imagine vertigo eyes of a color unseen,
Unbearable sadness of unheard siren songs,
Seductive golden blossoms of an alien scent.
Relish cool juice of plump fruit never tasted,
Or satisfying opulence of untouched curves.
Think a thought no one ever thought before.
In solitary cinema we reminisce and project
Reflections of every becoming moment.
Mysterious faces mirrored on
Circular watch crystal;
Spinning hands

Red Light Traffic

Would it kill us if we laughed?
Kicked a pile of dead leaves, scattered ourselves
Flower petals to the wind from the demigods of rose.
On virgin snow field, under cloudless dusky skies,
Jump naked off a cliff into red light traffic,
Alone together exposed.

A Requiem

Memory is the echo
Of disappeared experience
The sweetness of truffles
When they’re gone, the feeling
Remember delicate shell crumpling soft
Inside, dark spiced aromas and liquor
Drowning trifles in silky dreams
You don’t want to end
And even if the mood doesn’t break
It’s easy to find takers, they won’t linger long
But for the echo, how sad, and yet
Melancholy can be a requiem
For beauty


Shedding defenses — transition between
Feeling revulsion and finding fruition.
Breathing the power to throw off the end —
Identity dying — the urge to begin.

Saturday, March 21, 2015


Vista, venue, point
of view…how do you 
tally that? What do you
see? Oh, no, we’re not
done here are 
still there, reading, blood
pumping through the veins,
like me, writing malarky,
because I never thought
you were for real. 

Thursday, March 19, 2015

Paperback Writer

It’s a Beatle’s song….
I was driving back from
Janice Clark’s home in
Wisconsin, where she
wanted me to be a man,
but, I was too young, so…
I just drove back from there
in my Dad’s Buick Electra
90 miles an hour testosteronized
listening to this song…passing
everyone there insane for a while,
but….and I know you won’t believe 
me, but I can look back at that
and realize now…

I nailed it.

Pathetic Old Man Poem

Shall I wipe my ass?
take myself to task before
what I hope is the last time
I will ever lay down?

I know…this is like looking
at something you don’t want
to see, which has been the
nature of truth, religion, art,
the voice in your head that
tells you to break on the

Sizable Butt

I left on a shelf 
in my kitchen
aware of my addiction.
I got it now, 
ready to smoke…
what could be the 
punchline for this joke?

It’s a scaleable, sizable butt…
any questions? Even Pee Wee
Herman said  “Everyone’s got 
a big 'But.'”

Late Poem

Ready for bed.
Ready for the world to end.
Ready for the dollar to collapse.
Ready for my kidneys to give out.

Ready to see the next flower
whenever I next get up.

Wednesday, March 18, 2015

How Much Of That Doggie Do You Want In The Window?

Almost a title that is the poem….
wait, let’s see…let me put the music on…

Did you ever look into a department store
window and contemplate your reflection
looking at merchandise?

Did you not realize, at that point, you were
nothing but?   I did…which is why I haven’t
watched T.V. for over ten years…(except for
the Broncos….gives a human touch….)

I should have applied to Stanford….the top
student in the class before me got in there…
I would have been dead thirty years earlier.

How much of your doggie do you want in the
window…in view…public….seen…I guess
not much 

“The leeche’s kiss, the squid’s embrace,
the prurient ape’s defiling touch….and do
you like the human race?  No, not much.” 
exactly, to quote Aldous Huxley…. do your
homework…get interested, children…time 
is not on your or our side….and, if you are
not an adult by now, you are still children…..

well, sorry, but, ( and I’m in I love you here
mode.)…..gotta start getting the jokes, and,
even Seinfeld is more powerful than Kant
right now. Because the comedians and the
politicians are the ones of people that at least
breathe that, (besides superficial illusionists
like Derren Brown, whom I adore) try to connect
to real people….like Paul Mcartney, whom I never
loved before, but after Father Death  Blues with
Ginsberg and Scrambled Eggs with Fallon,
just love for him. And, I’m in Mexico…this is 
gonna sound wierd…waiting for the present to
pass into the future…..It’s not a stock market thing
thorn thong……..well, why the fuck are you
reading this anyway?

Friday, March 13, 2015

Derren Brown Addendum

I was having a conversation with
my dear friend, a teacher, musician,
composer. He told me how he taught
young kids…interestingly. After many 
years of doing this, and, it  only worked
with about thirty percent of the students,
about the same percentage of people
susceptible to Mr Brown's techniques,
he found a switch that turned on, what
he calls “Knowledge soul.” so that the
child  could be able to absorb
the particular information. Finding the
switch depended in part on the empathy
he felt with the student.

I have an inkling of what my friend meant
based on my own experience. I was a
plumber for more than thirty years. Many a
Monday morning I would wake up with
the thought . "I don't know how to be a
plumber". But, invariably, when I got to
the job and looked at the work, I would
just start working if
the skill had become subconscious.

My friend had other information from
teaching and sales. You don’t go past
the third negative reaction. Up to twenty
five and  after sixty are the susceptible
years…those are the group you pick
from. You need to recognize a high I.Q.
that will react quickly in a situation.
Darren  Brown reads people very quickly.

Wednesday, March 11, 2015

Derren Brown Artful Dodger

Derren Brown Tricks Uncovered

In the scene where he is taken to a location 
unknown to him, and draws a picture of a 
building after  looking at it for 10 seconds, 
he is seeing the reflection of the building 
in eyes of  the person in front of him

In Seance, where the group of students 
pick a polaroid out of a large 
number of photos, the majority pick the 
one Derren wants, because
it is the only photo where the subject 
stares (rather intently) directly into 
the camera.

"The Great Art Heist" only stole the audience's
intelligence. Most of the program focusing
on the preparation of the pensioners was mis-
direction, so that when the  heist took
place, the audience would be paying attention
to the ruse as if it was the actual plan. But,
what about the caterers? They were Darren's
team, so, did they supplant the actual caterers,
or was someone on the Art Dealer's staff in on
the joke? And since when did you have to take
your watch off to go through security? (which
is when the time on it was changed) Sure, at
the airport when you go through the x ray
machine, but there was no such machine, and,
how did Derren plant his  fake guard there in
the first place without someone on the Dealer's
staff knowing it ? This show is so unbelievable if
you look at it closely, and the Art Dealer either
had to be in on it, or, some of his staff did, or, he's
a complete idiot.

I'm certain Mr. Brown doesn't care if his tricks are
exposed...he's rich enough by now, and he has
only contempt for his audience. To his favor, he
has never claimed to have psychic powers, and has
been involved in debunking psychics and tele-
vangelists. I've seen all his live shows and T.V.
series on U Tube for free...(I'd rather not contribute
to his purchase of another yacht). The few
examples I gave, I'm sure I could expand on with
further scrutiny of his material....but, why bother?
Mr. Brown is not so much a magician as he is a
master of the art of the pyme. He's an honest
charlatan, which may be an oxymoron, but
seems to be true. He is an artful dodger truly
in the Dickensian meaning of the phrase.

Saturday, March 7, 2015


Iron veins ran through
the heartland defining
the body America took
over the natural world
because somehow it
wasn’t good enough
we had to have T.V.s
and quick dinners to
eat in front of them like
a Pullman from New 
York to Boston we had
to have more of the power 
that the railroad represented
America became America’s
Team because it couldn’t
lose and because it was
powered by steam in Chicago
we lived next to the railroad
track I only woke up at night
when the Special didn’t pass by
on time and shake the earth.

Wednesday, March 4, 2015

My Father’s Office

Long story, or, poem?
I think, poem. He had
a statue of Uncle Sam
on his desk, rolling up 
his sleeves, defiant,
ready to take on anything.
That was my father.
That has always been me.

Tuesday, March 3, 2015


There once was a beauty named Banerjee,
poetess of quite marvelous energy....
she felt in her heart the red rose and the start
of her love with all of humanity.