Wednesday, October 22, 2014

Occupational Hazards

Discovered `I lost my visa today…
a car crashed in front of me while
I was sitting on the steps of the
coffee house…no driver…one
wheel on the side walk….
I destroyed a computer
by spilling a drink. That’s three.
Maybe I’m at the end of a rope…
I don’t envision much more slack.

It’s been a good run…nine years
in Tepoztlan without major trauma,
lots of writing done to the point I
could consider myself a writer…
just taking stock before the next
glitch in the Matrix.

Maybe the agents are after me…
agents of old age, agents of
decrepitude. My body was a corvette,
and, I drove it hard…I’m hard on 
machines. ’S’bout time for things
to start falling off.

I try to be more careful, watch every
step.  For good or ill, I can’t stem my
slapstick nature, even when it’s no joke.
I’ve been so lucky…fell out of trees like
ripe fruit when I was a kid…only once 
a concussion. Maybe now the joke’s 
on me. Not sure how to end this poem…
maybe circumstances will do it for me.


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