Tuesday, October 7, 2014

Early Spontaneous Out Of The Night

Off the cuff in the coffee house
bar home brew contentment in
the middle of the night, or, what
seems to be that, I find myself
once again at the key board that
splays it's provocative potential
at me so familiar, as if it was my
family. So, why not do this now?
What? The particular is not the
point...it's the course it takes...just
ask Wallace Stevens. So, of course,
a course is a course, of
course, and nobody can talk to a
course of course, unless that course
is the famous course, known as Mr.
Head.  So,  since there are only two
things, i.e. what's next and what's left,
I'm left with a particular course of
course. She left me a note...
"Mandelbrot"...that's all she wrote.
"Anyone for Dada?"
You can't get here from anywhere,
but, now that you got here, relax,
and take in the exposure. No, this is
not the end of this....even if it was,
it would just start over somewhere
else. Maybe I'm experiencing true
Mexican surrealism right now...I
think that because it seems to be true,
(sorry for the paltry explanation)
But, only in media res of the night
does the light go on in the toilet
window, as eecummings wrote.
I'm beginning to think of writing as
work, because I seem to do it a lot,
and...I dunno...it's all I got...there
was something more there, but, it's
gone.  No...not a good enough
punchline. I have to continue as if
I'm talking to myself everyone.
That comes with a drink.

Civilization is a yoyo...up and down.
If you have a human mind you can
figure out what and where you are.

(No...that was too clear)


How many documents have we signed
that made us feel that something was
finally real?

At this moment, no matter where I am,
I feel like I'm in an empty cafeteria.

You want a piece of me?


Chicago has a particular flavor which
could be either burnt almonds or
cyanide...it's all because of the El.

I saw a sawdust bar blind black blues
man beneath the El, up on a Northern
part of the line. I remember the music
like a scar.

This is all happening in the middle of
a night of an old man now....

Don't wait for your life to flash before
your eyes.

The truth hurts because it's necessary
like the sun.


At October 7, 2014 at 8:06 AM , Blogger John Tischer said...

Wallace Stevens "The Course Of A Particular"


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