Friday, July 23, 2021

A Nice Day


A shady spot for blunch with slow jazz

and spacious clarity; a Casablanca far 

from the maddened world, refuge from 

los gringos locos, including some family

and friends unfortunately caught up in

the world drama currently occurring.

Oh! For a time between wars that would

never end! You need enlightened 

leadership for that, which could be 

Trump, but the jury’s still out on that one.

Meanwhile, while we’re waiting for the

other shoe to land, I marvel at my good

fortune to be in surreal Mexico right now.

“When the great sadness comes, 

Tepoztlan will be protected.” (sixty year

old folk prophesy).

Free of concepts for a moment, a 

momentary free man basking in transient

beauty and joy, while the world whirls

in uncertain confusion, and the certainty

of a foregone conclusion.


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