Friday, August 23, 2013

"Freedom" by Chogyam Trungpa

Freedom is not exactly the same as happiness. 
Happiness is a state Of mind, as I once read on 
a bottle of gin. It says, "Gin is a state of mind."
(Laughter.) Even supreme happiness is a state 
of mind. But freedom is independent of a state 
of mind, a mind that actually minds "yes's" 
and "no's.•" It is total experience. When freedom 
occurs, there is no reference point and there is no 
celebration. You have freedom already, so there's 
no point in beating a dead horse. Sometimes 
celebrating breakthroughs is a hang-up. There is 
still something very sad about that. Celebrating.
victory means that you are still in imprisonment, 
you're still struggling a lot. You haven't quite 
reached beyond this celebration of victory. So 
freedom, from the ultimate point of view, doesn't 
need celebration; it is a direct-and simple experience, 
all-pervasive. It is not a state of mind according to the 
emotionality or feeling level--the level of "for or against,"
 in other words. 


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