Friday, April 27, 2012

A Word to the Wise

"The higher density positive entities are light beings. The
higher density negative entities are "light eaters".  Love
is light is knowledge. When they induce belief against
what is objectively true, they have eaten the light knowledge
of the person who has chosen blind belief over fact. When
you believe in a lie you have allowed the eating of the energy
of awareness,"    Michael Tupper

Tuesday, April 24, 2012

On The Beach

Listening to Beach Boys
endless sand
still civilization echoes
in my ears, in my head…
as the horizon surfs out

I’m changing my name
to John Toe Tag Tootsie…
(occurred to me dragging
my toe in the sand…the
whole world is then my

No one left to share…
(true for most oldsters
anyway)…no one else
knows. Of course, at
best, back then, there
were but one or two.

“My Stingray is light,
slicks starting to spin,
but the four thirteen’s
really digging in….”
“Oh, that magic feeling:
nowhere to go!”

It was all worth it, not lost,
it’s all so vast a magic carpet
rug burn ride through time
and space and matter…
the only punch line
possible is forever.

Over Reactive

Oh, I’m worried about Fukushima #4
Even more than I am Iraqi war…
People die there, I know it’s true,
But if  #4 collapses that’s the end of me  and you….

It’s an over reactive situation, can’t you see?
It ain’t me that’s over reacting, no sirree…
It’s #4, the “gourd of doom”, waiting to fall
Over reactive reaction…goodbye to us all.

Forget the sports page,  political process too…
if #4 goes there’ll be nothing left to talk about,
let alone lips to do the talking, when the world
becomes dead men and women walking.

Over reactive?
How can you tell?
Do you know the truth?
Can you tell me as well?

Tim Tebow, Hillary,  Kim Il Un….
put all the names in a hat….
stir them around….
pull one out…
doesn’t matter which one….
All’s One in One God State
Where God is Really One and
Life is Really Great….there is
nothing in a name….Ono….
(think "Help Me Rhonda" to a
Reggae beat)

And if #4 goes, the only good
your name will be will be for
your toe tag, Tootsie.

Wednesday, April 18, 2012

Slop Can

I remember being in Chicago, before we
moved out to Winfield…at the oldest, I
was three….but I remember the kitchen
table…chrome chairs...the faux marble
pattern of the table top popular in the Fifties.

And I would always knock over the glass
of milk, or, whatever it was, so, my mother
got to calling me “Slop-Can”. I got glasses
when I went to school a couple of years later,
which, now, leads me to believe I knocked all those
things over because I couldn’t see very well.

But my mother’s actions gave me a great
sense of humor and turned me to poetry...
just in time before she went crazy.

"Even my sadness perhaps has changed..."

“Even my sadness, perhaps, has changed…” *
dissolved in the crucible of practice**, or, I’m
kidding myself and it’s really dissolved in
alcohol and toxins gleaned from the plumbing
trade…the drain bamage…. and, believe me,
a Black Hole is nothing more than the Universe
going down the Drain…know what I’m saying?

So NO….I’m not sad no more in the usual way…
…the way I was in the usual way, gain and loss
the gauge I saw…only. I’m sad you all are not
here with me on this point on the journey…the
journey we all are on and realize eventually…
the journey to move….MOVE….past the self
to see bigger movement we’re all part of,
but no need to take it personally…”as if I were
not my own, forgotten, even by me.”

Meaning, what, exactly?

"Oh, Nicky, You’re such a tool!" ***

* Quotations are two lines of a poem by Savadore
Quasimodo, Sicilian poet,
winner of the Nobel Prize for poetry.

** “Practice” In my case, meditation practice,
meditation in action practice…
but it could be yoga, tai chi, Karate, Sufi dancing…
i.e., any training that causes the inhabi-tint to awaken
from the delusion of ego...."reification", if you like,
any notion that there is anything really existing
anywhere anytime it mate?

*** Firesign Theatre..."Nick Danger, Private Eye"

Gourd Of Ashes

At Fukushima
a gourd of ashes
sits atop building four….
the containment of
spent fuel rods (ashes)
in a pool of water (gourd)
which if spilled will be
the end of life on earth
(for now)….December
2012 is coming quickly….
Laugh at the Maya,
the Hopi, while you can,
Monkey Boy.

Friday, April 13, 2012

Poem to: A.

Did a temezcal, Mexican sweat lodge, with some sweet folks...
I'll sleep well tonight.....
which is all I care about now......really, believe me,
I mean, what would YOU do if success (fame, wealth, sensual attachment)
suddenly came to you now?
I think I would laugh....
like that guy sentenced today,
in Colorado, to 600 years....
but not for the same reason.

Wednesday, April 11, 2012

Unbiased Heart

Buddhists always talk about compassion…about cultivating
compassion. But compassionate feelings many times feel at
odds with our likes and dislikes. How to cultivate compassion
when it’s mixed up with conflicting emotions? Here’s a
possible contemplation.

We can love without liking…anyone. We can understand that
underneath the attributes that we dislike about a person, that
person has the same properties of life that we do…the same
issues, struggles, and fundamental disappointment.

The ability to love….to love other people, to love what we do…
is one of our greatest treasures. Love always projects outward
and is infinite in nature. Likes and dislikes hover around
the self-observing reference point called “me”….and are it’s

Unbiased love is the reason why there is art, music, culture at all…
unbiased love is why the soldier throws himself on the
hand grenade to save his friends…it’s how strangers treat each other
after an earthquake or other natural disaster…it is an intuitive and
natural function of human existence.

To cultivate unbiased love, we have to look at things differently
than we are used to. We can realize that we don’t have to like in
order to love….that we can be critical, yet have sympathy because
we all work in the same direction….that feeling superior, (or inferior),
or any self judgment, for that matter,is just the creative action
of likes and dislikes.

Jesus threw the money lenders out of the Temple….does that mean
He didn’t love them?

It’s unbiased love that paints stripes on the tigers and causes them
to nurture their cubs.

Unbiased love is natural selection…it’s “tough love”….
it’s even cosmically romantic:

“When our hands are alone,
they open like faces:
there is no shore to their opening.” Bill Knott

Unbiased love is opening of the heart. It’s going into experience
where the film of likes and dislikes is not strong enough to cloud
our vision….where our interest points outwards, to
look, and from that, to see what is really there…and to act

Saturday, April 7, 2012

Late Night Shiver

I was the Deus Ex Machina in the final scene
of “As You Like It’ By Shakespeare,
in college. I was wheeled out on stage in a cart…
a nod to the way many early plays were presented
to the public before theatres…but there was also the
notion of “heavenly machinery’ embedded in the
culture of the time…in alchemy.. the hermeticists…
that the Deus Ex Machina represented…..also there
were indications that celestial visitors were
known under a variety of guises throughout history
throughout the world that the Elizabethans
were supremely aware of.

Now I sit in my comfortable, secluded casita in
Tepoztlan having watched a video by a doctor…
Nobel Peace Prize winner, Dr. Helen Caldicot,
laying bare the disaster of Fukushima and that
there is a distinct possibility that, if there is
complete collapse of containment, that life will
end on earth for now. Well, that’s what I got out of it.

I’m listening to a radio show I was on called “Late
Night Musings.” I feel like I’m in the movie: ”On
The Beach.” That movie takes place in Australia,
about the last people living during a nuclear Holocaust.
Dr. Caldicot is from Ausralia…which is where she
says she’s going if containment at Fukushima collapses.
She’s in Boston now.

So, what about the Deus Ex Machina? Is there a brighter
race of intelligent beings that have been “out there” all
along…..guiding us? engineering us? And what about now?
Now that we’re on the verge of self destruction: how can they
let us waste a perfectly good planet? There must be a Cosmic
Orkin Factor that we can’t see the magnitude of….
….or, they’re waiting to tell us the big joke AGAIN, and
that’s why we got the Marx Brothers in the first place….
that humor is the real benefit of evolution…of intelligence….
where intuition meets reality. ….like when the detective puts
the clues together…only…it’s fumy, which dissolves the
whole thing.

Thursday, April 5, 2012


By Kottke. Although it's actually a medley.

So it's more like an omlette...

Tuesday, April 3, 2012

April 4, 25 years after parinirvana of VCTR

April Flower

I was one of your worst students….actually,
I was one of your best students…
actually, I was a bit of marmite on the edge
of the English muffin that was your mandala….
just a little smear, a slight taste in the feast…
the ginormous meal of every moment of your
life for the people around you. Even many that
met you didn’t understand you were and are
the Buddha.