Sunday, October 13, 2024

Tool Man Mind

The whole Musk thing, 
making cars, going to Mars,
is just an extension of tool man mind.
Fantastic, science fiction, yes…watching 
the rocket booster captured was cool.
But it’s not evolution.
Buddha showed the path to self evolve mind.
A rocket ship is just extrapolation of the stick
homosap used to capture prey.
Although brilliant, that knowledge doesn’t 
make one more sane, in fact, that degree of
intelligence doesn’t mean that one is more evolved.
In fact, highly intelligent humans that run things;
corporations, governments, large parts of the world,
are often psychopaths that are known for being skilled.
What good does it do to expand the human race into
the universe if those humans are still controlled by
passions, aggression and ignorant instincts?
Maybe this is the reason the aliens don’t want us to
leave the earth. Maybe they’re afraid of human mind 

No, Mr. Musk, building a better mousetrap, or trap for
a rocket booster is no different than what came before.
Populating anywhere with unevolved humans you wind
with societies that still have the same problems.

Tool man mind is the modern religion that began with
the Industrial Revolution and became scientific
materialism, which simply is the hope that if we had
the right tools, all of man’s problems would be solved.
Haven’t we noticed by now that that is not the case?
Buddha showed mankind how to self evolve, and many
have done so since then.
So the unrealized world looks to daddy Musk to make
things better even as his lithium batteries continue to
make things worse. Even though his concepts are 
magnificent, he still has tool man mind, unevolved,
looking for a better stick, governed by the hope of
finding Heaven somewhere else, when, really, it’s 
right here, but his mind is not trained to see it.
That’s his tragic flaw.

Friday, October 11, 2024

You can’t lie your way into Heaven

Assuming that’s where you want to go.

Heaven, Paradise, Eden, a comfortable 

pair of shoes. You can’t even lie your way

into a pair of shoes. No money, no shoes…

that’s the way it goes, let alone Heaven.

How does one get to Heaven?

If you’re not there already, there is a problem.

What’s the problem?

You have to look into it, find out what it is,

no one can tell you.

Many say that they can; religions, politicians,

gurus, life coaches. None of their words matter

if you don’t take action.

Learn how to be.

You’d think that would be the easiest 

thing to learn, since you already are, but how’s 

that working out for you?

“To be without description of to be.”  

That constant thought disaster in your head

is the problem, takes up all your time, gets

in the way, keeps you from simply seeing.

Until you dissolve that mess into nothing

you never can just be.

I didn’t make the rules.

I just followed a path that’s been around

for thousands of years that thousands of

people have followed successfully.

My teacher complained to his students that

he had to say the same things over and over 

again, and he was a patient man.

That’s the truth for you.

It’s difficult to hear even a word of it,

let alone to understand.

Tuesday, October 8, 2024

Two For Tuesday #2

Stuff     (for George Carlin)

I did the usual stuff growing up,
then the usual stuff in an unusual way,
also then unusual stuff.

I accumulated some stuff, and gave most
of it away.
I got rid of all the stuff roiling in my mind.
All the stuff I have now I can stuff into a
couple of suitcases.
Advertising creates the need for stuff we
didn’t know we even wanted.
I don’t see stuff on the internet I really want,
though that was not always the case.
I knew an Italian guy, who told me that when
the first refrigerator came to their rural village,
everyone else in the village got depressed.
Thanks, Buddha, for showing the path to 

Tic Tok Tick Tock

What The…..??  WOW!
Did you see that??
That was amazing!!
I’ve never seen anything 
like that before!!
Are there any more potato chips?

Sunday, October 6, 2024

No More No Less

“It’s only love and that is all.
Why do I feel the way I do?”
We all go that way, as Issa said 
to the grasshopper. No more
no less. We’re only human, some
say. No more no less. 
All philosophy could end right there.
We wish we could figure it all out,
achieve certainty. It never seems to
go that way…except for the Buddhas,
which you know nothing about, or why
the sky is blue. It’s hard to grok what 
the seers see. They tell us, make 
analogies, write stanzas. If we’re lucky,
sometimes they show us miracles, which
are, simply, seeing what’s there with our
eyes finally open. Sometimes we don’t 
see things until we almost bump into them.
That’s what we’re up against, whether we
know it or like it or not. Just being realistic.
The music here now is dark jazz. Imagine
a room, dim light, old furniture, smells of 
oak, roses and death. Perfect at least for 
what I just wrote. Face it: it’s all right here;
in the three books on the desk you never 
open but always want to, the doors leading
to other rooms, a man cave, to be crass. But,
more than that why not? A miniature Xanadu,
a mini time warp to when, though there were
problems, you didn’t watch the world go crazy 
in front of you. Did I just bring you down? Or,
did I just bring you back to the present, because
you know, we’re all experiencing the same world.
No more, no less, always comes back around, so
my only advice is, for now, try to remain human.

Saturday, October 5, 2024

Charnel Ground

The world right now is a charnel ground.
Jackals and scavengers are everywhere 
revealing themselves. You may have thought
mass murder was a thing of the 20th century,
but right now it’s happening. 
This time the whole world is at stake.
Bill Gates, for example, works to depopulate 
the world. He’s an embodiment of evil, but
he’s not the only one.
Possessed with rabid appetites for wrongdoing,
hoping to achieve power and control, the
miscreants of self aggrandizement attack 
goodness and decency at every turn.
This is the Dark Age, the Kali Yuga, not a pretty
picture, but one predicted by all religions and
prophets. How long will it last? If Trump wins
and common sense is restored, there may be 
hope for the future. If not, brace yourself for
a thousand years of darkness, when good people
are eliminated until all that’s left will be monsters
eating each other until they destroy even 
If evil can be purged, it has to happen now.
If not, forget about humanity because the
homosap failed to evolve.

Wednesday, October 2, 2024

Ni Moto

In Mexico it means: “It’s nothing.”
They say that a lot around here.
One would think they’re Buddhists,
they say it so often. At least, they’ve 
got the right idea.
“Don’t sweat the small stuff” 
is what the sweaters say, the ones
that don’t know ni moto
look in their eyes…there’s nothing there,
not the same as no one’s home. They’re 
home but nothing’s there. It’s why some
places don’t change over hundreds of 
years, just life after life ni moto.
Sometimes much seems to be happening,
like now in the world. More people die
than is usual for a while. After the carnage,
it goes back to ni moto…
always has, always will.
That’s why it’s nice to be in a place that
doesn’t know what’s going on elsewhere.
That’s why I came here.
The mountains are always there ni moto.
People walk in the streets ni moto.
Some days the coffee’s made better ni moto.
Nothing to lose sleep over. 
Meanwhile, I write words few people read.
It’s all that I can say that I do. Ni moto.

Tuesday, October 1, 2024

Quantum Symmetry

A phrase that translates to “karma” in Buddhism.

Karma means cause and effect. 

One’s karma manifests over the course of one’s 

existence, more than one measly life.

As the plumber’s saying goes: pay me now or

pay me later. Nobody gets away with anything.