Saturday, October 5, 2024

Charnel Ground

The world right now is a charnel ground.
Jackals and scavengers are everywhere 
revealing themselves. You may have thought
mass murder was a thing of the 20th century,
but right now it’s happening. 
This time the whole world is at stake.
Bill Gates, for example, works to depopulate 
the world. He’s an embodiment of evil, but
he’s not the only one.
Possessed with rabid appetites for wrongdoing,
hoping to achieve power and control, the
miscreants of self aggrandizement attack 
goodness and decency at every turn.
This is the Dark Age, the Kali Yuga, not a pretty
picture, but one predicted by all religions and
prophets. How long will it last? If Trump wins
and common sense is restored, there may be 
hope for the future. If not, brace yourself for
a thousand years of darkness, when good people
are eliminated until all that’s left will be monsters
eating each other until they destroy even 
If evil can be purged, it has to happen now.
If not, forget about humanity because the
homosap failed to evolve.


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