Tuesday, July 30, 2024

July 30, 2024

 Days do go by.

Even during war, some days

just go by without much happening.

Even lives go by

without much happening.

My life is going by 

without much happening.

Since the industrial/information

evolution, hardly a day goes by

without something happening.

Change has picked up speed.

Change is becoming exponential.

You think the Mayan calendar 

was wrong?

“OK, frogs, it’s 2012. We’re 

turning up the heat now.”

Maybe it just took a while.

By now, we all know people

that are getting a little hot.

We are living in a time that,

one day, will be called a myth.

Old beliefs can only 

drag us down.

Saturday, July 27, 2024


 Cigar Store Indian.

Any surprise that that icon is gone?

It went the way of Aunt Jemima,

Uncle Ben, and other racist affronts.

Icons have moved to people’s bodies,

branded by tee shirts, monograms,

tattoos. They feel a certain way when

they wear them…now everyone is 

their own cliche.

People in uniforms demonstrate that

they have the same purpose. 

Clowns are made up that way.

A swastika is an extreme example.

These days, no one has to guess it’s 


“What you see is what you get” some say.

“Things are symbols of themselves” is

another way to say it.

People see through the filters

of their symbols, their brands,

their group, their team, the scars

they got becoming one of those.

My poetry is not philosophy,

it doesn’t care what you think.

It only cares what you see.

Friday, July 26, 2024


 “Everyone’s a winner!”

That’s what the carnies bark.

“Barking” is the term for

the words they say.

Plenty of carnies around these days.

Everyone’s a winner: believe that

and you might just as well believe 


It’s all for show for money.

The carnival exists because

of the rubes.

Without the gullible, the mysths 

would disappear.

Sounds like the politics today.

You could say

Trump glows like the sun, or,

Kamala looks like a clown.

Thursday, July 25, 2024


As humans, we are brainwashed in all

kinds of ways:

by culture,

national identity,



intellectual sidetracks,


the Mob.

It’s impossible to avoid,

but possible to overcome.

De-programming takes many forms.

It could be a conversation that presents

the truth.

“If the truth can be told so as to be understood,

it will be believed.”  William Blake

It could be a life changing event.

It could be clarifying the mind through meditation.

One side effect of de-programming is that, for a

time, one has doubts about one’s own judgement.

What is life, anyway?

Who looks into that question?

Certainly not the brainwashed

in the artificial certainty of the

rut they never find themselves in.

Brainwashing has been a standard 

tool of power and control forever.

It is based in language and concept…

just read Orwell.

William Burroughs said the word is

a virus. When words infect the mind,

the result is brainwash, a crust of

resistance to new information.

An example?

“Biden is sharp as a tack and able to

be President again.”

After the debate with Trump, the same

people say: “Biden is too damaged to

run for President.”

What changed?

Only the words.

Monday, July 22, 2024

Civil War: The Sequel

The American Civil War was not a war to eliminate

slavery. It was a war to maintain the United States 

as an entity. The South just happened to be where the

treasonous Democrats were. Now, they are everywhere

in the United States, determined to destroy the Union

the same as the Confederacy was. The Democrats have

always been the racists, and still are. 

Sunday, July 21, 2024

Life Is Art

“Take a masterpiece…burn it a little…

makes it even better. “ Chogyam Trungpa 

That’s what happened to Trump when he

lost a piece of his ear and raised his fist 

in the air. Many people saw him for the

first time. A change happened. Rich people,

like Musk, gave him more money…one

obvious result. People saw him in a new way.

Giving the credit to God is puerile, simplistic.

The event underlined his mind, brought it

into focus.

There have been incredible humans

throughout history…maybe the aliens

don’t agree…still see humans as

undifferentiated monkeys.

A man, Buddha, discovered 

enlightenment, the logical

culmination of evolution, which 

certainly is not nothing.

Meanwhile, the beat still goes on…

the play’s still the thing in which 

the truth is revealed, if one has 

eyes to see. And, right now,

Trump is standing center stage.

Saturday, July 20, 2024


Racist is a term used to insult people

when reasoned logic fails. It is used extensively 

by the Left to denounce it’s critics and stifle 

debate. The proper response to the slur of racist

is: “you’re brainwashed” because it’s true

empirically and not just an insult. The dramatic

reactiveness of people when you just say the word 

“Trump” or“MAGA” is an indicator that these 

people can’t  think or see clearly, that they are 


The real racism in the USA today is against white

people, because they are the biggest threat to the

Communist takeover of the USA. If one looks at

the history of totalitarian governments in the 

twentieth century, it’s clear that propaganda and

the resulting brainwashing were an essential 

engine that brought these governments to power.

This is what’s happening in the USA right now.

Obama overturned the law that made propaganda

illegal in the popular media. How many snakes does

it take to make you realize you’ve been bitten?

Thursday, July 18, 2024

2024, but, who’s counting?

An old woman walked past me…grey hair,

stoic expression, holding up a bunch of flowers

at shoulder height. The mauve flowers matched

her flower print dress. She looked like she was

walking to her grave, an apparition. She’s my 

image for the next year of world civilization.

The USA is the hot spot for the world’s changes.

“The temperature’s rising, it isn’t surprising,

it certainly can….can-can.”

If it was an asteroid, it would have hit you.

The next year…the next year…what other time

in history we’re we as aware that big changes

are imminent? 1914? 1941? 

The prophets on YouTube are pulling out their hair.

It’s no joke, but black humor is a thing.

We see which way this situation that has

reached its boiling point is going.

Some frogs will not survive.

“Hurry up, please, it’s time.”

My last twenty years went by in a

second, but then I live in Shangri-La,

where the only time is now.

This year is and will feel like the Truman

Show, glimpses of bare wires dangling 

from the sky.

Time itself will slow, like when you’re in

an accident, to be sure it doesn’t miss anything…

flashes of invisible realms. 

Who will survive to continue to evolve once

the truth is fully revealed?

We live in interesting times.

Sunday, July 14, 2024

Attempted Assassination of Trump

The shooter, a twenty year old, was two years out of high school.

He was a loner who had been bullied a lot. His father was a licensed 

therapist, from whom he may have acquired the gun. He hated Trump.

He gave money to Democrats. His mother was also a therapist.

Sounds to me like a CIA/MK ULTRA kind of guy.

People in the crowd alerted the police to the man with

a gun on the roof of a building, 150 meters from Trump.

FBI marksmen had him in their sights and were told to

stand down. They only killed him after he got off a number

of shots.

How did he get onto the roof of a building with an M16?

A ladder. Did he bring it? How, plus an M16? If not, how

did he know it was there? It was inside the building, so, 

he must have at least known that. You really think he

had no help? “Lone gunman”? Yeah, that theory has

been the number one excuse. We know now in JFK’s

case, and RFK’s case, that was not true. It’s the same 

puzzle with the usual lack of pieces, but the pattern 

is mostly the same.

There were differing reports about why the sniper, who 

had the person in his sights, didn’t take the shot. One was

that he needed confirmation to shoot, but was told to stand 

down. Another was that those anti terrorist snipers don’t 

need further orders to shoot. What is the truth? The coverup 

is happening right now!

Saturday, July 13, 2024


Samsara is the world we all

find ourselves in.

It includes all the pleasures 

and pains; every experience 

we have in life.

Ultimately, it’s results are

always unsatisfactory.

One might be Bruce Jenner,

the glorified athlete.

His fame faded, so he got it

back, for now, by becoming 

a sex change champion.

Annexing Czechoslovakia 

wasn’t enough for Hitler.

Even Alexander the Great 

wanted a little more time.

First, you have to see the

problem: desire, longing, 

grasping, clinging.

Then, you have to train your

mind to let go of those things.

Then you can be in the world,

but not of the world.

That’s why Jesus said:

“Unless you’re like one of these,


you cannot enter the Kingdom.”

(with all the bullshit in the Bible,

it’s amazing that, perhaps, some of

Jesus’s most profound teachings 


Children’s minds are uncluttered

with all those “adult” concerns 

until they come “of age”.

We do have to get back to the Garden.

Friday, July 12, 2024


Not a Utopia…

everyone walks around in a permanent shrug.

“Oh well,” is the common greeting, like Mexico,

only, here they really don’t care…lazy Samurai, 

they don’t do much but they’re ready to die at 

any moment.

“Where’s John? I haven’t seen him.”

“He died.”

“Oh well…” and so it goes.


It got corrupted


It’s over.


Taken over by A.I..

The human species?

Heading towards a cliff.

Oh well.

Thursday, July 11, 2024

How’s Life?

Greetings to all my friends I haven’t met yet!

Have you thought about life lately?

Have you looked into what life is?

Are you having too much fun to even think

about it?

Are you so burdened you don’t know what

to think?

Whatever the case, you’re not alone.

Most people are either too busy being born

or too busy dying to even ask the question.

What other question could be more fundamental?

Most people only look for the truth when 

they’re cornered; when their paradigm falls short,

like, when they walk away from an airplane crash

and wonder why they’re not dead…this happened 

to a friend of mine. Her life changed forever.

“Why me?” some people say.

“Why not?” is an appropriate response,

but maybe not that helpful.

If you don’t look into what life is, you

might be like Marlon Brando on his

deathbed when he asked the question:

“What was that?”

Sunday, July 7, 2024

Random Orts

 I Wouldn’t Put It Past Them

The Democrats have declared Biden has

entered a spiritual realm and his garbling 

is actually him saying mantras. He’s too

spiritual for you to judge him.

The pharmaceutical companies have issued a

statement that their improved vaccine will now

be effective for any pandemic they intend to spread.

The military has instituted a policy that soldiers will

no longer carry weapons. Instead, they will be armed

with wands.

(Sorry. I’ve wasted too much of your precious time on

this already.)

Grouchy Old Man Song

I’m a grouchy old man,


If you get too close I’ll grouch

at ye.

It don’t matter that you did nothing wrong…

you just got too close is why I sing my song.



I was just smoking a cigarette, and 

now it’s gone. 

Where did it go?

It was just here like

all those relationships, projects,

triumphs, failures, all those years.

Where did they go?

What did I expect?


Living in a dream.

“This paradise is so real.”

“What’s next?” I wonder.

Thursday, July 4, 2024


 A new word, maybe, meaning

what humanity is going through now,

Childhoods End, end of the road for 

the homosap, archaic revival, even, if

E.T. was our ancestor/engineer/God, it’s 

about time we knew maybe? So, we’re 

hearing cornucopias of chatter about 

every organized government, all the 

rumors we heard or believed for the 

last sixty years about the way things 

are being challenged, destroyed, and

the truth revealed.

“The future is already here. It’s just not

evenly distributed.”  William Gibson

Rainbow Simulacra

We are all beings made of light,

so hard, so hard to see, so stuck

on the earth, stuck in the mud are

we, concerned about the longevity 

of a mirage.

In magic, movements play tricks 

on sight, the ephemeral solidity

is revealed. Even the elephant in

the room can disappear.

There is a “mind’s eye”,

an artist’s eye,

seer’s eye,

quantum panoramic eye,

eye yi yi!


no words…

just performance.

Wednesday, July 3, 2024

The Simpleton Yogi Speaks

 You can go to the past,

but no one’s there anymore.

You can go to the future,

but no one’s there yet.

If you remain in the present,

you’ll always be right on time.