Saturday, July 13, 2024


Samsara is the world we all

find ourselves in.

It includes all the pleasures 

and pains; every experience 

we have in life.

Ultimately, it’s results are

always unsatisfactory.

One might be Bruce Jenner,

the glorified athlete.

His fame faded, so he got it

back, for now, by becoming 

a sex change champion.

Annexing Czechoslovakia 

wasn’t enough for Hitler.

Even Alexander the Great 

wanted a little more time.

First, you have to see the

problem: desire, longing, 

grasping, clinging.

Then, you have to train your

mind to let go of those things.

Then you can be in the world,

but not of the world.

That’s why Jesus said:

“Unless you’re like one of these,


you cannot enter the Kingdom.”

(with all the bullshit in the Bible,

it’s amazing that, perhaps, some of

Jesus’s most profound teachings 


Children’s minds are uncluttered

with all those “adult” concerns 

until they come “of age”.

We do have to get back to the Garden.


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