Sunday, July 14, 2024

Attempted Assassination of Trump

The shooter, a twenty year old, was two years out of high school.

He was a loner who had been bullied a lot. His father was a licensed 

therapist, from whom he may have acquired the gun. He hated Trump.

He gave money to Democrats. His mother was also a therapist.

Sounds to me like a CIA/MK ULTRA kind of guy.

People in the crowd alerted the police to the man with

a gun on the roof of a building, 150 meters from Trump.

FBI marksmen had him in their sights and were told to

stand down. They only killed him after he got off a number

of shots.

How did he get onto the roof of a building with an M16?

A ladder. Did he bring it? How, plus an M16? If not, how

did he know it was there? It was inside the building, so, 

he must have at least known that. You really think he

had no help? “Lone gunman”? Yeah, that theory has

been the number one excuse. We know now in JFK’s

case, and RFK’s case, that was not true. It’s the same 

puzzle with the usual lack of pieces, but the pattern 

is mostly the same.

There were differing reports about why the sniper, who 

had the person in his sights, didn’t take the shot. One was

that he needed confirmation to shoot, but was told to stand 

down. Another was that those anti terrorist snipers don’t 

need further orders to shoot. What is the truth? The coverup 

is happening right now!


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